Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/85/1 - July - August 1917 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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337 35 I saw lller - save him orders to go wt Fozeeres E to of junctor t Copse ave. Word to Sumonds. O.C.C. Coy to occupy Copse ave walt men be Co get. Br H.Q. to junction of Blact anken Rd 2 7w Commn trench to Pozieres There found to one plation of C. Con CBn had be taken & leenten. attack ws droin If by our arty. Ieas stayed in new HO & ordered coys after deliver
737 36 bombs to reorganise in Sunken Rd 2t (D Coy. as in O.G. 1 sogaged w svemy on lef of 5Bn) Reported to Les M. Abt Mam. 10.55. Wersage from 3 Bde to organice C. Co as carriers Neither of Coys in hand were to be used for remft. purposes witout written order from Bde At this stap 3 platoons Coy 6 Ba were only founed troop under yess. At 11.35 sent message to
93V 37 St Bn showing my dispositis & asking for situcte of 5 Bn HbG. Nooeph B medday. Oate Came out af Explained they had be resisting bo attacks allmonin thad dower ever back aft So ydr up O.G.1 towards Famway (He held mand back w revolver while they built the barricade behind him). There were argent appeals for officers &
See plan Clater n. this book. Commnn 73r 38 more troops - but trenches believ were full of troopsinde these were better withdrawn. Fight ws be this tie a bouib attack in Of1 82. St Horris ws senton to assist Oates H Saderson of D Bn caue ap several twes Oatex & Harris were then till I am. July 26 of within 25yds of trann Pashed back to starting st- advanced 60 yos And built barrisade. Servans were using Stick Combs (not pea bombe
37 39 tho these were in y in 1005 - thes our people took to be tear bombs & thought to they were not using them bec. they wanted to hotd t themselves & advance. Aermans were thrown stick bombs. We can out - throw these (sun cotton not shrapnel effect very local - 5ft away little effect 6 meral Effect). They were bryging up fresh bombery teams - reinforcey in fall marchi order Across Bapanie Rd
40 B3 Frown us hit near H.R. by a splinter abt. 9 am. July 25 The cox carryiy bombs all had 2 bouts in cach meand pockels. all time at last tay wert up ob C indelonate fom near wordmill Capt Oates got barrage across 051 &ap 092 (sent back map reading to F.0.0 in truch some hundred you behind) Barrage goton quicks Banagt The Effecto barrage ws to stop them getting accoss in most then ones & two. (Rob. abt. 7.30 am. When messages were recd. That enemy ws
Br 42 C. attacking to afternoon (abt 4pms) Harris ed See no germans at all. There as no C attack thea. Possibly Even were reiforcay trench N of Windwck but certainly not 5 of it. When we puhup our barricade we cut trench on sittn side of O.S.1 wh prevented us being surprised pm. Iess reported Sctuale vornal- Bn reorG. Exc. t coy wh still engages on fank of 5 Bn.
2 43 20. SBde ordn Tes & ady to report at H.D. 3Bde - to witnd saw &ear Coy + have rest ready to move when ordered- its to OCS Coys to Withdraw to Baerf wood. At H.D. told me Lwt adached to JBde-Report (St Bde H.O. Ordered to relieve 12Bns in Poyceres trench us too crowded by authees from betiens. our dritt is as good as theirs. It is no use having infy in r, but
Br want recfts of bomders woyds betien - outof boub range. We want men to strug lightly along Y as you advance This ws exact what as not done & reason why we had tocome back pome Framway But further back the ncrowdedt2 & men were too keen to be to Oates & pebents fight. Sha have be someny there hold new up & or ganise. (10 german bombe in any af once attenies
45 The ferman Supers are very good - they work w bombers. Some of our men got hit this jumping out of 2, running alon side of trench, & thrown hombs into trunch. This at getenemy on run & start him - but If course men got hit by suipers (morth thro head). Our Lewis gun were taking the germans hands off as they tarew Tess wenton to Poz. Saw Sent word to trickle men thio barray wh ws very heavy. Relievd


D32 35
I saw ^Capt Eller - gave him
orders to go into
Pozieres [trench symbol] L of junction
w Copse ave.
Word to Simonds,
O.C. C. Coy to occupy Copse
ave w all / men he
cd get. Bn H.Q. to
junction of Black
Sunken Rd [trench symbol] w 
Commn trench to Pozieres
[trench symbol].
There found tt one
platoon of C. Coy 6 Bn
had bn taken & sent in.
C. attack ws driven
off by our arty.
Jess stayed in new H.Q.
& ordered A.B.C. Coys after delivering



D32 36
bombs to reorganise in
Sunken Rd [trench symbol]x (D Coy
as in O. G. 1 engaged w
enemy on left of 5 Bn).
Reported to Les M. abt 11 a.m.
10.55. message from 3 Bde
to organise C. Coy 7
as carriers
Neither of Coys in hand
were to be used for reinft.
purposes witout written
order from Bde.
At this stage 3 platoons
of C Coy 6 Bn were
only formed troops
under Jess.
At 11.35 sent message to



D32 37
5 Bn showing my
dispositns & asking
for situatn of 5 Bn H.Q.
No reply.
12 midday. Oates Came
out & Explained they
had bn resisting bomb
attacks all morning
& had driven enemy
back abt 30 yds
up O. G. 1 towards
tramway (He held
germans back w
revolver while they
built the barricade
behind him).
There were urgent
appeals for officers &



See plan (later in
this book.

D32 38
more troops - but ^Commn trenches
behind were full of troops - Indeed
these were better withdrawn.
Fight ws by this time a
bomb attack in O G 1 & 2.
Lt Harris ws sent in to
resist assist Oates -
Lt Anderson of 5 Bn came
up several times.
Oates & Harris were there
till 5 a.m. July 26.
Got within 25yds of tramway
Pushed back to starting
pt - advanced 60 yds
And built barricade.
germans were using stick
bombs (not pea bombs



D32 39
tho these were in [trench symbol
in 100s - thees our people
took to be tear bombs
& thought tt they were
not using them bec.
they wanted to hold
[trench symbol]  themselves & advance.
Germans were throwing
stick bombs. We can
out-throw these (gun cotton
not shrapnel effect
very local - 6ft away
little effect lg moral
Effect). They were bringing
up fresh bombing
teams - reinforcing in
full marching order
across Bapaume Rd




Brown ws hit near H.Q. X
by a splinter abt. 9 a.m. July 25.

The corp carrying bombs all
had 2 bombs in each mans
pockets. all time.
Got lost they were
carrying up bombs
1 in detonater.

D32 41 

from near windmill.
Capt Oates got barrage
across O G 1 & up O G 2
(sent back map reading to
FO.O. in trench some
hundred yds behind).
Barrage got on quickly.
[hand drawn map]
The Effect o /
barrage ws
to stop them
getting across
in most than
ones & twos. (Prob. abt.
7.30 a.m.)
When messages were
recd. That enemy ws




C. attacking tt afternoon
(abt 4p.m.) Harris cd
see no germans at all.
There as no c. attack
then. Possibly enemy
were reinforcing trench
N of Windmill but
certainly not S of it.
When we put up our
barricade we cut
T trench on either side
of O. G. 1 wh prevented
us being surprised.

1 pm. Jess reported situation
normal- Bn reorg. exc.
D coy wh still engages
on flank of 5 Bn.



D32 43
2.20. 3 Bde ordered Jess
& adjt to report at H.Q.
3 Bde - to withdraw
rear coy & have rest
ready to move when
ordered - Instrns to
O Cs Coys to withdraw
to Bailey wood.
At H.Q. told me I ws
attached to 1 Bde - Report
1st Bde H.Q.
Ordered to relieve
1 & 2Bns in Pozieres

Trench ws too crowded
by anthies from behind.
Our drill is as good
as theirs. It is no use
having infy in [trench symbol] but



D32 44

want reinfts of bombers
100 yds behind - out of
bomb range. We want
men to string lightly along
[trench symbol]  as you advance.
This ws exactly what
ws not done & reason
why we had to come
back from tramway.
But further back the
Infy crowded the [trench symbol
& men were too keen to
be w Oates & get into
fight. Shd have be someone
there to clean  hold men
up & organise.
(10 german bombs in
air at once at times)



D32 45
The german snipers are
very good - they work w
bombers. Some of our
men got hit thro jumping
out of [trench symbol] , running along
side of trench, & throwing
bombs into trench.
This wd get enemy on
run & start him - but
of course men got hit
by snipers (mostly thro
head). Our Lewis guns
were taking the germans
hands off as they threw.
Jess went on to Poz. Saw
[trench symbol] Sent word to trickle
men thro barrage wh
ws very heavy. Relieved



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