Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/85/1 - July - August 1917 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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32 A wh followed had oppositi. germans bombed heavily from first ofhoot. Capt Lodge patler thim to gettieng & tho hit in shoulder secured these truches. some cleared into K truch, bub many killer. One of carrying plation hit a german to a shovel - German wanted & surrender. They were keeping pace & Bn bombers. Everythey went wellontine I ws in postt 50yd o of cemety by 5 am. had hard fihten but reached orchard shorll attS & da in
Affir 8Bn (Dcoy) had reached their objec. thei C.O.& Supl maji Goodin a terpt, corpl, & a bomber - wenton patrol. First they came back into K trech & actually got in it behind Gernous. The germans they speak of as att 1000 stron. They knew they hands up but ept Hurreytells are t 1 8By men sd - theres too many of them remark went round on all sides) & they were fires on of 100 only 30 reached Capt Hurrey. Those as I truch seem to have bother or streakes across country to alft sneabig from crate to crater. Hurrey thiks abt 500 were k or Captured & abl 500got away Robthese fjures are too targ 60 The patrol then turned. Some one in 4 Bn a son to gun wo firing on germans in a trench beyond Dey 4. Gun who toked like surrenting they too jot back into 2 3ofrs of C. were K. Germans were in trucks on village craters. Mostly bayonetfy We captured 7 m. gs. in this advance - we were and ag fire. 2 ofthenigs were used ond fermans D coy ws well abeed of Germans. 4Bn as driving german ap - F as they streamed Northwards D coys M.9 in Cemetery got them. some starth getting out but meeting fire got to aga & wormed outo away towards monguet. 937
t & got away. (We saw Britiats do exactly Isame at Ircourt) The patrol them went up K truc. Goodwi who wen first ws walking up it when he saw a ferman in port of him coming out of a deepont. Cdat say if I man saw him - but he urned to walk quietly up 1 trench. Goodwin droppe his revolver aton fired - I german droppe his pack & ran on - leavin blood warks abony 1 2 The patiol weat on past I trinch in poit of D Coy. From Further on they cd see to their right the ridge behind the OG.E & there in i open was a line of scattered men. At first they thought these men were c. attack -but they seemed too scattred the I key took them for arty observers. 937 14 Left coy sent forwd a Batrol - Sergt may. Goodwin Capt Hurrey (O.C.) & Sergt Schleon went up open to withi woyds of Mangret Farm & oul Saw one German whom they shot. They saw germans moveing a force down O91 & 092 towards windand This ws passed to Drvn arty got on to the jermans. (Patiof w8. out o. quickly CBn Ar 3 p connected up o lef &2t of
165 15 C or else 8 maie R34 5.6. tayes i Cable 1 They fird them at 18 7 att 1000ys of or more. They ten went I on past the 24 shoulterof hill 0 & their trunch 2131 here petere Patrol I got into O9 out a they ct see t5 mongnet Farm only By SB at 77,17802 1ooyds ahead. Thetienc pt N v shallow. Terman E told me this too). There seemed as one abt. The coaks of farm had be be ahad in troof had fallen -wore or leas Entire - to 1 ground The Lugher authorities question the accuracy of this patrol but it certainly was an accurets report SBr. (& day a new line in forb of 8Bn) Intense shelling by Em allday hamperd shalling degpy. Sir Posts R 34 665 had to R30d 23 be estab that night. Tuly A 3 am toth posts secure, ltter ston At former point we were bombed by Warwicks - 4men were enjared. Our ithdrew as ome key ednt fire. Officer apologised. came roumn 37
our A ballery of 18 pounders on left saw digging in Dr Coys -& c aovenw trench 6 shillcame- men withdrew from Y. An artillery observer came across +dpolopised. hatday Harrys men were fires at by Harwicks from abt B3 B28. Ourmen were at 34 Ccuntraf dwtn Pabrot sd to have foum O.G. trinchas fairly well North were Empti Wext day a patrol found or thought it found, movement in treches to N of wo twro wk goodwin had moved I day before. this day a Brilish officer came along commnly from left into 1 truch or bombs- & was astomahed when be saw our men. "What -Rustela B7 sll day beavy fire. 28 July 27. Sam. Bn relieved be 6Aust Bde ( totat cas. 4 off 4 16 25C OP. MISM 16. all wounder totat now 373. 4lt but still on duty in attack many were byt by rifle m.9. Houbs
19 V11 Ber. (From Col Jess) Co ly 23. By Cam. 3Bde E. Coys in Dunken Rd 2/1 d 501 2 Co7s in Black Watch Ave. C.D under 2Bde H.G. M. gunners Bailiff W00d. 1Barrage just believs is in part. in afernoon measaf 12.S from maclacum to say n was altolled to hm Arand from Din A collotment of CUDw ancellid. Juty 23/24 Ar B coys were carrying for 37d Bde.
73 Monday. 20 July 24 morning. fom gain tell 2. pM. Eveng deluged vally w acrying & as shells. Had o use belits & fogfles. This aght guns move up there opened Coverin 25 Bn operation 3.10 pm. Enessage from Bdl He13 loys were pleced ande. he waisie for operate to night. L2M. ws tsee Con Commanders & give them all custons re reconnainance 2 teams of regimented bombers were to be altectind protect (eft flank when to
pes they got in. 21 55 PM. Burrow in chayge of B coy got shell shock leaviy 2/4 Brown in charg of B Coy asked for H Hamilton replace, left in Albert). 45. Sent to S Bn. id you let me have e knooledgeo1 scheme tonight in ader to I might help Swift O.C. Acay) & new Comind of Bloy, who is libel to come ap very Cate. No reply 7pm. I went personal,
93V 22 to I Bu & fou L M. in midle of his order while there waiting for it to be fineshed a message from to Be saying to I had bu again attached to 3 Tde & wanting to see me LeM. promised to sen a copy of order to me. At Bde H.O. 14 situate ws explained to me. I wa told tt AxE were absoluted under Le.Ms orders &t divide Lewis guns betis.
337 to 23 the 2 assautte Coys. C&D coys were Bde reserve undis myself & were not t move witout orders in write fom J.O.C. 3Bde or myself & t Ba H.D. were to remain wherete were 9.15 Pm. Folly E Twiff A Coy. During operatis take instrus from either Col Le M. or Col 3Bde 2/4 H Brown to carry on with Ploy until arrivat Hamilton Lt

D32                             10

A wh followed had oppositn.

Germans bombed heavily

from first offshoot. Capt. 
Lodge pulled them together,

& tho' hit in shoulder

secured these trenches.

Some cleared into K

trench, but many killed.

One of carrying platoon hit a

German w a shovel - German

wanted to surrender.


They were keeping pace

w 4 Bn bombers. Everything

went well on time.


D ws in positn 50 yds

N of cemetery by 5 am.


C. had hard fighting

but reached orchard

shortly after 5 & dug in.


After 8 Bn (D Coy) had reached their

objve. their C.O. & Sergt. Maj. Goodwin

a Sergt, Corpl, & a bomber - went on

patrol. First they came back into

K trench & actually got in it behind I

Germans. The Germans they speak of

as abt 1000 strong. They threw their

hands up but Capt Hurrey tells me th I

8 Bn men sd -"There's too many of

them" (remark went round on 

all sides) & they were fired on. Of 100

only 30 reached Capt. Hurrey. Those

in I trench seem to have bolted

or streaked across country to left -

sneaking from crater to crater -

Hurrey thinks abt 500 were k or

captured & abt 500 got away

        (Prob these figures are too


                              The patrol then turned

Sketch map        someone in 4 Bn w

                                L. gun ws firing on Germans

                               in a trench beyond Derj

                               who looked like surrendering 

                               & they got back into trench


D32                                    12

3 offrs. of C. were k. Germans

were in trenches in village

& craters. Mostly bayonet fighting.

We captured 7 in this

advance - we were under 

m.g. fire. 2 of these mgs

were used on I Germans


D Coy ws well ahead

on I Germans. 4 Bn

ws driving Germans

up - & as they streamed

Northwards D Coys m.g.

in Cemetery got them.

Some started getting out,

but meeting fire got

into trenches agn & wormed

away towards Mouquet 3.



& got away. (We saw British do

exactly I same at Fricourt).


The patrol then went up

K trench. Goodwin who went

first ws walking up it when

he saw a German in front of 

him wit coming out of a dugout.

Cdnt say if I man saw him - but he

turned to walk quietly up I trench.

Goodwin dropped his revolver at once

& fired - I German dropped his pack 

& ran on - leaving blood marks

along I trench.


The patrol went on past 

I trench in front of D coy.

From Further on they cd see to their right

the ridge behind the O.G. trench -

& there in I open was a line

of scattered men. Either At first

they thought these men were ^a c. attack

-but they seemed too scattered

then they took them for arty observers.


D32                                14

Left ^D Coy sent forwd a 

patrol - Sergt Maj. Goodwin,

Capt Hurey Hurrey (O.C.)

& Sergt Schleon went up

xxxx open to within 100 yds

of Mouquet Farm & only

saw one German whom

they shot. They saw Germans

moving in force down OG 1

& OG 2 towards Windmill.

This ws passed to Divn

& Arty got on to the Germans. (Patrol ws

out v. quickly)


At 3pm. 6 Bn

connected up w left & rt of



or else                   (Shorthand)


laying cable.        R34.5.4

They fired

on them at           (Shorthand)

abt 1000 yds

or more.

They then went    (Shorthand)

on past the

shoulder o I hill

& their trench

here petered

out & they cd          Patrol got into OG

see Le Mouquet

Farm only

100 yds ahead.          By I posts at 77 & 78/2

(The trench got

v. shallow -                       (Shorthand)

German (shorthand)

told me this too). There seemed no one

abt. The walls o I Farm had bn backed in

& I roof had fallen - more or less

entire - to I ground.


The higher authorities questioned

the accuracy of this patrol but it

certainly was an accurate report.


D32                                   16

8 Bn. (& dug a new line

in front of 8Bn).


Intense shelling by evening

all day hampered shelling



Str Posts R34 C 66 had to

R 34 d23

be estab. that night.


July 26 At 3am both posts

secure, latter strong.

At former point

we were bombed by

Warwicks - 4 men

were injured. Our

men withdrew as 

they cdnt fire. Officer

came round & apologised.



A battery of ^our 18 powders on

left saw digging in D coys

advanced trench - & immediately

6 shell came - men withdrew

from trench. An artillery observer

came across & apologised.


That day Hurreys men were

fired at by Hurwicks from abt

X3 B 2.8. Our men were at ^R 34C Central.


[[?]] Patrol sd to have formed

O.G. trenches fairly well

North were empty. 


Next day a patrol found

or thought it found, movement

in trenches to N of us thro wh

Goodin had moved I day before.


This day a British officer came

along commn trench from left into K

trench w bombs. & was astonished

when he saw our men. "What - Australians."


D32                                  18

All day heavy fire.

July 27. 3 am, Bn relieved

by 6 Aust Bde (x Bns)

Totl cas.   46

Off        4               7

o.r.         77          259         16

Missing 16 all wounded

Total now  373

4[[x]] hit still on duty


In attack many were hit

by rifle m.g. & bombs.


D32                      19

VII Bn. (From Col. Jess CO.)

July 23.  By 6am.

Under 3rd Bn A & B 2 Coys in Sunken Rd trench ^3 Bde

                         2 Coys in Black Watch Ave.

                           C & D  under 2 Bde


H.Q. m. gunners Bailiff wood.

1 Barrage just behind

1    "             "       in front


12.5 in afternoon message

from Maclagan to say

Bn was allotted to him

3. Heard from Div th

allotment of C & D ws



July 23/24 At B Coys were

carrying for 3rd Bde.


D32                          20


July 24 morning: from 9am

till 2p.m. enemy

deluged valley w lacrymaty

& gas shells.


Had to use helmets

& goggles.


This night guns

moved up there & opened

covering 5 Bn operation.


3.10pm. Message from Bde.

A & B Coys were placed

under Le Maistre for

operation th night.


Lt M. ws to see Coy

Commanders & give

them all instns re



2 teams of regimental

bombers were to be attached

to protect left flank when


D32                                   21

they got in.

5.5p.m. Burrow in charge

of B Coy got shell shock

leaving 2/Lt Brown in

charge of B Coy.


Asked for Lt Hamilton

to replace (left in Albert).


5.45: sent to 5 Bn:

Cd you let me have

some knowledge o I

scheme tonight in order

th I might help Swift

(O.C. A Coy) & new commdr

of B Coy, who is likely

to come up very late.


No reply.


?Jess 7 p.m. I went personally


D34                             22

to 5 Bn & found Le M.

in I middle of his order.

While there waiting for

it to be finished I

got a message from

3 Bde saying th I had

bn again attached to

3 Bde ^ wanting to

see me. 


Le M. promised to send

a copy of order to me.


At Bde H.Q. the

situatn ws explained to

me. I ws told th A & B

were absolutely under

Le M's orders & to

divide Lewis guns betw


D32                        23

the 2 assaulting Coys.

th C & D coys were Bde

reserve under myself,

& were not to move

without orders in writing 

from G.O.C. 3 Bde

or myself & th Bn

H.Q. were to remain

where they were.


9.15pm. Folly & Swift

A Coy. During operatns

take instrns from either

Col Le M. or GOC 3 Bde.

2/Lt H Brown to carry

on with B Coy until

arrival of Lt Hamilton.



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