Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/85/1 - July - August 1917 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR160618517 Title: Diary, July - August 1977 includes references to the 7th and Sth Battalions at Pozieres. AWMISS-SDRLCO61SSH
62 Tos. + 2 6 2 E 23 2 5. 2 91
July 2 1916
37 VIIL Bn. 5 ad. Juby 23 4.45 moved from Sanag Vally to Ralk Pit Vally near old gun positis DCoy did all carrying water amum food et Several banaps in valley tt day. Other 3 coys in Diki ally under G.O.C At Bde. Abt 7p. asked to ohir Smythe to move 3was -Sin up to Posieies support Iin vellaye by 9.30 we were ordered. to advance (in platoons in fit up Chalk Pit Rd). to take up positin 300 yD
This in orders. Prob Shbe. X4B 1.0 & X4 a 8t 1 Nof Bapannne Rd. & Constr. Bapaune Rd. CCoy in rserve on Bapauid Rd This coyws. afterwor with drawn at daylight Cupporty. on 24th. C Coy while moor upsI beyond chalk it lost 17 men by one 5.9 shell & alt 25 in all. met no fermans going thro vellage Str pts X4 B 54 & X4a 6.5 of on le A Coy went loo far & got right up near Camete 7- No opposite. 338
4 A Coy. gounbit had gove too far & withdrew to stron point Wistern one). At daybrcak germans Iaw Ke & shelled them heavily. We lost sames (k) baill Campbell fermans were in Kay trech & in an offshoot south of 6530 Treaches in ver. of willage abo saw them Tey had day in faul wellen o shaped trench And igs ts them & dry all night & had sandbays. July 24 at 20.20 Coulle
Tust daybreak Do given hstoas th further operaton ws to take place at 3.30 on Tul. 25. At 5 to 12 His as cancelled by Bde (as Div orders so July 26 by mistake.) Bde rang up Divn & tried to get Attack postponed (when told this was a mistake. At 1 am. C.O. sent for to Bde H.Q. & lot attack as on & go operate orders. 2 Coys (C+D) moved from Dunkinn Alley 8 took up posite in stron 937
Ser 2 abt brat o pur Cale were to be starting y 2131 O.C. ws posts in Boziere able to give them full custons & asked them to insti DrB in their posts. Lefloy to reach civeter (8 Bn wsattacking for 15t Bele o to leize & occupy Poyeres 6o Camtey stron posts to beat FCemetery X43 0- (orchard) d were in support & did it have to be called up) Atock in 2 lines of or pontage of 2coy. Each Cog 4 waves Fontage abt 100gds Each con
30 Coys to form on two posts. S 4 Bn to bomb up K trunck M.9. on East side of 1 trench cooperated working ahead of bombers & Enemys head keepin down. Our men were along bank of walking 50 no diff trench in seeing where they were M. ganner as walking there too 4 then Coys only used & 4Bn bonbers. H.Q. moved ford before attack to X4C 7.2
At 3.30 attack wd launched. Peay told to so straight ahead without worrinig abbe intermediate off shoot. truches from k truch C loy was on their it A ws to take the internn cat E off K (to Eas) & B to go move towards Orchards. D. got thro a little oppositi - Along cemeter Rd. Germansin K& hoots were to b Combin attack on left. w

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.
Diaries and Notebooks
Item number: 3DRL606/85/1
Title: Diary, July - August 1917
Includes references to the 7th and 8th Battalions
at Pozieres.


ly 23    85
Original    DIARY NO. 85

3 DRL 606  ITEM 85 [1]
The use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the following circumstances and considerations to be brought  to the notice of every reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what was then in the writer’s mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep; also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein shall be read with this in mind. 

16 Sept., 1946.    C. E. W. BEAN







July 23


D32      1
July 23.  4.45 moved from Sausage
Vally to Chalk Pit Vally
near old gun positns.
D Coy did all carrying,
water ammn food etc.
Several barrages in 

Valley tt day. Other 3
Coys in “Dinkum Alley”
Under G.O.C 1st Bde.
Abt 7pm. asked by
Smythe to move 3 ^other Coys
up to Pozieres - 1 in
support 2 in village 

by 9.30.
We were ordered to 
Advance (in platoons in
file up Chalk Pit Rd).
to take up positn 300 yds


 This in orders. Prob
shd be X 4 B 1. 0.
& X 4 a 81/2. 1

D32    3
N. Of Bapaume Rd. & constr.
Bapaume Rd. C Coy in
reserve on Bapaume Rd.
[This Coy ws afterwds 
withdrawn at daylight
on 24th. C Coy^(support) while
moving up & beyond
Chalk Pit lost 17 men
by one 5.9 shell & abt 
25 in all.
Met no Germans going
thro village.
Str pts X 4 B 1/2 .4
& X 4 a 91/2 . 5 1/2
On left ^ part of A Coy went too
far & got right up near
Cemetery. No oppositn.


D32     4
A Coy. found it had gone
too far & withdrew to strong
Point (Western one)
At day break Germans
saw them & shelled them
heavily. We lost James, (K)
Traile, Campbell.
Germans were in Kay 
trench & in an off shoot
South of 6530.
Trenches in NW of
village also saw them.
They had dug in fairly
well in (horseshoe) shaped trench.
Had m.g.s w them & dug all 
night & had sand bags.
July 24 at 20.20 Coulter


Just day break

D 32    5
ws given instrns xx tt
further operatn ws to
take place at 3.30 on July
25. At 5 to 12 this
ws cancelled by Bde (as
Divl orders sd July “26”
by mistake.) Bde rang
up Divn  & tried to get
attack postponed (when told
this was a mistake).
At 1a.m. C.O. sent for
to Bde H.Q. & told
attack ws on & gn 
operatn orders.
2 Coys (C & D) moved
from Dinkum Alley &
took up positn in strong


July 25. 7.30 am.
Sergt Maj. Goodwin’s
patrol - saw
men abt
R34  central -
Either observers 
or on cable burying 
[shorthand] had got into
K trench at
abt cemetery & 
actually cut off
(abt 5 of them) all
retreating Germans.
Germans getting
out of trench
34C central
were shot down
by 4 Bn m.g.

D32   7
posts in Pozieres ^ wh were to be starting pts) O.C. ws
able to give them full instrns
& asked them to instr.
‘A’ & ‘B’ in their posts.
Left Coy to reach cemetery.
(8 Bn ws attacking for 1st Bde.
Obj. to seize & occupy Pozieres to cemetery
Strong post to beat
X 4  B 0 7 & cemetery 
3rd Bn were in support
(& didn’t have to be called
Attack in 2 lines of on 
frontage of 2 Coys
Each Coy 4 waves
Frontage abt 100 yds
each Coy.


D32    8
Coys to form on two posts.
4 Bn to bomb up K trench.
m.g. on East side of K
trench cooperated working
ahead of bombers &
keeping enemys heads 
down. Our men were
walking along bank of
trench so no diffy 
in seeing where they were;
M. gunner ws walking 
there too.
4 thin Coys ^of 8 only used
& 4 Bn bombers.
H.Q. moved forwd before
attack to X 4 C 7. 2.


D32    9
At 3.30 attack ws launched.
D Coy ws told to go

straight ahead without
worrying abt [shorthand] intermediate 
offshoot trenches from K 
C Coy was  on their rt.
A ws to take the intermediate 
trench off K (to East)
& B to go more towards
D got thro w little
oppositn - along cemetery
Rd. Germans in K. &
offshoots were to busy
w bombing attack on left.



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