Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/84/1 - August 1917 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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48 lines, next Iaerodsome at Baillent. The fermans shelled & bombed 1 place 6y 949. & Yough as ordered, o place his HAis further Cacte. That is one good point in him for a commander, anyur pined at N.E. Hars Steenwerck where Ross & Reid are getting out a N.E. Book for Christmas. Ther was heavy finng in 1 North. Yen. Russed to tdme that the Basie ville fight as on a very swall scale, but tough while it laster. Kaniends. Finer weather - not, sunny threateing Hug. 6. At home all day writing (Trneday 7Enfitts & House here- Settles to gallet shd cme over. Also 2n Photopapher suggested by gribitts Ang. ferardst book publishe in Daily Eelegraph The fire in Now augs was
49 we went on+ found to it wshinfen. F. E. Johnston of the Infanty not the Artiller Tohnston. who had bn kc. He had just returnd & fove to N.B. Bd ifl Bde &ws sho thro' I beart by a suiper while boking over 19 at Coy Hrs. on a mornin inspection 50 clearly german attack on Hodebele. They took it but were pashed out again. day meity & slightly damp- no rain so for (10 am.) tard Chernsede Mpas ye said at lunch to he heard gen. Tohnston of N.E are had be killed. This is the gallant little N. of Ireland man whom Jodley hands antaponised T has done splendis work, commdg the Wearty since begining O wars; but ly he has only got A D.S.D. - others - all our Aust. arty general - have C.By or C.M. gs, or bott. I puts it down to fodley - & I daresan ix 1 so. T. talks Do Sti auht. He says to godley told him he ws sorry to he had not obtained any Tohnston
51 decoration - "but in my estimation they count for very Cittle? he addn That can hardly be so, Siv to retorted - I dont uotice any generals refuse them - This for Jodley who has been getting Servian &Belgian decorations K.C Bs elc. yerards article about the kanser's telegam to Pres. Wilson is awfully illuminati It gives one a shock to think tt Iwas may have originated not in kawers coil will but in his vain muddleheadeness The way in wh he mistakes the purport of what the English King & Breyn Secy told him is appalting. One can see this vain self satisfed monarch
58 sitting down at his table, w telegraph forms around him to arrange place much as some vain old lady would arrange a meeting for the benefit of the indegent Patagonians. He bungles one telegram & hxts blunders another & tew sits down, reading them all to his own vain hasty way of thinking, satisfied that he & no one Else is all-happily arraning this road to peace. thought of it myself first though they thought of the same them later be says when he finds that someting has suddenly gone wrong & these perverse people say they have rcant something tha
53 & be insists on writing to Kings, not to their foots, bec. he thinks the kings mean sometiing different from their goots. 54 quite different from what he intended them to mean + so be beinto into was like a mismanaging old busy body; in this century? Bat one must as1- make the nistake of putting it all down to Raiser or C weak Behmann Holevex (who came to ferard privately to find out what –what kaisch had written a gonernment for a cvibie state.) An questionab behend I kaiser there were for cliverer men who knew how to use his weaknesses Melitar germany did not blunder into war by mistabe the militer cheefs clenched their opportunity for war thro' the Kaisers blunders.
55 Our 6 Dion. today or tomorrow goes to Doulien, The 2nd Angac Corps has bn dispossessed of this ground. Also we slad have a dion of aodany ac added to us; & the 4th Div. Arty ws brought today from 1 spoil bank St of yres (by end Di art) down to near Armen tieres. We saw them near tleenwerck some of the blies have had heavy looses at yores. Ste Drv. Arty is still up on port of Menin gate & has had an Easier time. this all means (1) eeter to G.H.O wants (are a where the Lst Dun were; or ro that
56 the Bulish goot has bu asked by Anstralia to but our 2 corps togethr. or (3) to they interd to use us in to part - we thought it wd be somewhere quite different - near Bixschooly The feastsalian fort, Howse & pepeths tell me, has wired asking gen. Birdwood to say what British offis in the 2 corps are indispensable as it is foots intentin to fill the positus on Diob & Coys staf w Aust alian ofis, though recognising gratefully the valuable ser of Butinl ofrs in 1past.
57 This means Buther, Taylor, Walker, Smyth, dessl + others will probly have to fo. one wd be sory to lose all these & also Carrathers - attay Carruthers & Walker possiblye ought to go through their powers being not what they were. It is hard on Walker & Lesslie. L. has at present best Bdo in 1 force. Hobkirk also ad be a great loss. Witham & Blaney & fellibrans & Footl dreplace Lesslie Hobkirk, Smykh & Carruken & Lotbiniere dreaditz be replaced. But white will miss Colome House is1 author of this mehad. & it is i sappose it ought to cowe; but Effective. I ratin hat this way of doing it
Messives 58 white tells one hewd have no hesitation in making (who ws bom in austalia Osborne citter a BSJ.S. or a cavalry Bdier, Why is be oaly a captain in British army Tohnston Says to 4. Hanna, a N. Zealander, in British Artiller, took out a telephon line & observed the were cutty in 1 difficult Steenbeck gully at messures from a shell tole 4oyds away in Nomanslan anada seems libel to pass conscription - they have appointed 6 more members o fSenate to give goot a neagority there & make bill sap. I cant bely & likely to reactbeang latters This is dougtous & the
Aug 9 59 does involuntarily, feel bither feabus of credit & 1 increased forces wh Canada will get out of here conscription although one feels certain to people there are no move in favour of it than in Anshalia, it is being passed by avoiding the putting of question to them. The feelling i wrong & it doesn't make for Peuting oI war- but I cannot help it - t 2 ad distite to see conscription passed in Canada after facling in Australia. And yet it wd be a set back- & one ad repet it to see it fail. Jug. 10. This morning I was waked by an autiour crafs guo bettirg away ento the sky. Overhead was

7 48
lines, next / aerodrome
at Bailleul. The Germans
shelled & bombed / place
& Gough as ordered, ^ by G.H.Q. to place
his HQs further back.
That is one good point
in him for a commander, anyway
Dined at N.Z. HQs Steenwerck
where Ross & Reid are getting out
a N.Z. Book for Christmas. Ther
was heavy firing in / North.
Gen. Russell told me that the Basse
Ville fight ws on a very small
scale, but tough while it lasted.
Rain ends. Finer weather - hot, sunny threatening
Aug. 6. At home all day writing
(fine day) Griffiths & House here. Settled
tt Gallett shd come over. Also 2nd
Photographer suggested by Griffiths.
Aug 7.
Gerards letter book published
in "Daily Telegraph".
The fire in N on Aug 5 was



x we went over &
found tt it ws Big Gen.
F. E. Johnston of the Infantry
- not the Artillery Johnston.
who had bn k. He had
just returned & gone to /
N.Z. 3rd (Rifle) Bde & ws shot
thro' / heart  by a sniper
while looking over / trench at
Coy HQs. on a morning

7  50
clearly German attack on
Hollebeke. They took it but
were pushed out again.
Day misty & slightly damp-
no rain so far (10 am.)
tard Chermside 
xxxxxx said at lunch tt
he heard Gen. Johnston x of N.Z
Arty had be killed. This is the
gallant little N. of Ireland man
whom Godley had so antagonised.
J has done splendid work,
commdg the NZ Arty since / beginning
O / war; but ly he has only got
a  D.S.O. - others - all our Aust.
arty generals - have C.Bs or
C.M. Gs, or both. J puts it
down to Godley - & I daresay
it is so. xx  J talks so
straight. He says tt Godley
told him he ws sorry tt he
had not obtained any
(Johnston) has not obtained any


7     51
decoration - "but in my estimation
they count for very little." he
"That can hardly be so, Sir,"
J retorted - "I dont notice ^tt any
generals refuse them" - This
for Godley who has been getting
Servian & Belgian decorations
K.C Bs etc.
Gerards article about
the Kaisers telegam to Pres.
Wilson is awfully illuminating.
It gives one a shock to think
tt / war may have originated
not in / Kaisers evil will but
in his vain muddleheadeness.
The way in wh he mistakes the
purport of what the English
King & Foreign Secy told him
is appalling. One can see
this vain self satisfied monarch


7     58
sitting down at his table, w
telegraph forms around him,
to arrange peace much as
some vain old lady would
arrange a meeting for the
benefit of the indigent
Patagonians. He bungles
one telegram & hxts
blunders another & then
sits down, xxx  reading
them all to his own vain
hasty way of thinking, &
satisfied that he & no one
Else is all-happily arranging
this xxx road to peace.
"Thought of it myself first
though they thought of the same
thing later," he says -
when he finds that
something has suddenly gone
wrong & these perverse people
say they have meant something that


x he insists on writing to
Kings, not to their Govts, bec. he
thinks the Kings mean something
different from their Govts.

7   54
quite different from
what he intended them to
mean x - & so he bungles
into war like a mismanaging
old busy body; in this century!
But one must not 
make the mistake of
putting it all down to /
Kaiser or /  weak Bethmann
Hollweg (who came to Gerard
privately to find out what /
Kaiser had written - what 
a government for a civilian
state.) Unquestionably
behind / kaiser there were
far cleverer men who knew
how to use his weaknesses.
Military Germany did not
blunder into war by mistake
- the military chiefs clinched
their opportunity for war thro' the
Kaisers blunders.


7  55
Our 1st Divn. today xxx
or tomorrow goes to Doulieu,
The 2nd Anzac Corps has bn
dispossessed of this ground. Also
we shall have a divn of
2nd anzac added to us; &
the 4th Div. Arty ws brought
today from / spoil bank SE
of Ypres (by 2nd Div Arty) down
to near Armentieres. We
saw them near Steenwerck
some of the bties have had
heavy losses at Ypres. 5th
Div. Arty is still up on front of
Menin gate & has had an
easier time.
This all means (1) either
tt G.H.O wants / area where
the 1st Divn were; or (2)that


the British Govt has bn
asked by Australia to
xx put our 2 corps together;
or (3) tt they intend to
use us in tt part- we
thought it wd be somewhere
quite different - near Bikschoote
The Australian Govt, Howse
& Griffiths tell me, has dexxx
wired asking Gen. Birdwood to
say what British offrs in
the 2 corps are indispensable
as it is / Govts intention to
fill the positions on Divl & Corps
staff w Australian offrs,
though recognising gratefully
the valuable services  help of
British offrs in / past.


7   57
This means Butler, Taylor,
Walker, Smyth, Lesslie &
others will probly have to go.
one wd be sorry to lose all
these & also Carruthers - although
Carruthers & Walker possibly
ought to go through their powers
being not what they were.
It is hard on Walker &
Lesslie. L. has at present
/ best Bde in / force.
Hobkirk also ad be a
great loss. Witham & Blamey
& Gellibrand & Foote cd replace
Lesslie, Hobkirk, Smyth & Carruthers,
& Lotbiniere cd readily be
replaced. But White will miss Osborne
Howse is / author of this method. & it is
Effective. I suppose it ought to come; but
I rather hate this way of doing it



 7    58
white tells one he wd have
no hesitation in making
Osborne ^(who ws born in Australia) either a B.G.G.S
or a cavalry Bdier, Why
is be only a captain in /
British army?
Johnston Says tt Lt.
Hanna, a N. Zealander, in /
British Artillery, took out a
telephone line & observed the wire cutting
in /  difficult Steenbeck
gully at Messines from
a shell hole 40yds
away in Nomansland.
Canada seems likely 
to pass conscription - they
have appointed 6 more
members o / Senate to give
/ govt a majority there & make
/ bill safe. I cant help thinking 
This is dangerous ^ & likely to react heavily later ; & the


?Aug 9

7  59
does involuntarily, feel bitterly 
jealous of / credit & /
increased forces wh Canada
will get out of her conscription
although one feels certain tt /
people there are no move in
favour of it than in Australia,
it is being passed by avoiding
the putting of / question to them.
The feeling is wrong & it doesn't
make for / winning o / war- but
I cannot help it - tt xx one wd
dislike to see conscription passed
in Canada after failing in
Australia. And yet it wd be
a set back- & one wd regret it to
see it fail.
Aug. 10. This morning I
was waked by an antiair
craft gun belting away
into the sky. Overhead was

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