Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/84/1 - August 1917 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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27 They had been in since abt July 18. They had t carryon till Ex24.10m. when they morw. Their teams had come from Cafe Belge - came to pa divergence wheredweyt to own Catteries. Then moved forward in columen along a reconnoitin track prepared by infy. Trenches binged. (It weather like now thy adnot have got there in time). Amna packes. 100 rounds per gun into forward positon came up, with transfort Dan Guns or 1ack Me Drop amm: durp trails. limbers back to wayow hurs, - pack horses to old bty posites to do a second trip and. They went all day ton.
22 Iresh horses were arrayn for Positus were to be W of Sanctuary wood, & Se of Conave wood -on level ground. Colon down valley to left With reunnants of woo on hileslope t ponts it pout task toform a Subsediary neeping barrage 3ooyds in pout of man attack tarige. Each by scmply 6 had a wok at barrage mag, t kin take time fom watches, & drop into work at point their plan had reached. crrangements also for smoke barripe shell regutrate on selecte
23 co tict acroptan cloud t they cont recogness one anoth & secned to be all tims wheeling to cvois Anderion com group of 2 bdes the 4 arried it out to to letter Fail the. 24 point at fixed time by battery Salvoes at I min intervals betweeen batteries. This ws Att 9.30 (& salooes fired at yr mm intervals Tese onot be observedon ofc of clouds at 300 feet. There ws not a round fired be ferm. on blies in of be positi They were seen as they came up. He mest have seen from Shrewsbury Forest & prom acroplane. Ovr 200 looking back saw the tlies coming ap & saw the barrap come down on them. They came out
25 X Kingsoill ws standing w Col. Stephenion - Stephenson boke sd. I hope they will be on time. K. Cooked up. Here tey are, be sd as leading blies come overridge. t l A2 57 6 came into column by turn 102 into rtat Gillebets 160f not in this tt - attoabed. 102 got 4 ap to to c.bly pous positn of 3rdBBl moved wdependenls later & didntt when one bogged in come or pr sand totin shewhote. Shell (5.9) fell among team of Gun waiting behind it & koow all horse + men wid. Sergt majr 26 over I crest abt wooys before pocitn -& there be get vnto them. The old inf. assembly t were before them Anderson had prolicted agst advancing by programunt & decided to wait for reporto objective on left (Shrewsbury Foreat as taken. The report came: all wellow lett advance began. absoluted on tome As they came over the shoulder they were been from Shrewsbury. (before then tryed be seen on approach from S of Stulm Castle). The fire at birst Ws 4.2 75.90 8u came later in akernoon.
jost she el 7 pee a mo mooghe to We pe 3 co file ou 5 10 o 10 ed st Blies O wo move time. Peams arrived on the second tast rou ws fired -Whistle went. Thats clockwork sd Kingsmell hower seor ost wend taken lill lates by 24 Din. 3 tanks waddled up towards it with cufly in col. of 4s. Oddig & kingimell were at this time (abt 645, looking for ty positas 27 28 As they were getting into posite the teams of 102 Bt were hit - one gun bogget in shellhol just on time of Sid Bt. & another tehm walt to fet over. 5.9 shell fell into cantre of waity o w team & K. every horse I K. or W. Every driver One gan had t be left heavily bogged in shell hobe. The other gun ws recovered before ind of battle by another team Bty posetus were now vis ible fom Shrewsburg forest & mg. fire. At 6.45 before 1suns were in posite ng fire ws on onfy near Kugsmill
29 Infy everywhen, Jerman prisoners coming back, whiste enf plas risi uppoi Shellholes - males laden w signboards for 2 tanks waddling up in distance tanks waddli near. Cantowin we one wh caud back) Lafy sticking near tanks got it hot. as guns came up, not fire wh had bu on fy slennd, some of it to be attracted to them Olding (2nd Btzy) while waition for end Ble COs to filush their selection in a treck, when Olding ws hit in the head
30 Cmpmill made 4 eine. C carry him. 6 & 4 took up posite first. I wissed place a little as 4 &6 were settle I sotints positi, they Ten 14 2 & 102 It ws 102 that struck trouble where endBde went down we amoss of shellholes. & drivers had allthis cd do -ap to necks & tails. to get tho. Down traits Lunders were clear. Fack avinals clear. Buzznn ws heard above - it as seen it ws a ferman - & alwost
31 overg 30 Devn. two fors from each Ble 3Bde. Staley & Friend 1st Bde Archer & Colman Laison w attacking Bn Roach of 2 Bde - all got to places they were sent to. Also Commn we estable t L. Walber. H.E. altactied to t Bde work for whole (C) group. He WI K. early (carriying out Brosown syste 30 Den System), I Commnnws 59.0. eventually by telepone grout He. Mamp 5 acted wth through Thi 32 at once he ws seen to drop bombs from under his bing. The bomrbs fell clear - near 1st Bt others left front front of 2Bde They ad terch round & off. Fe. Abb 6 times varcius planes came Duto them. The officers, batmen telephonists got rifles, salved & were fering at them They got at least 2 Lei 6.5 ago. (one ws seen by Riggall tyny in a hole 2 days before &reclomed; h other, with 3 Bty found in truck, ws usedalso. Te German Aerman cd be seen shd know him if I saw him in Kaeser Wilhelin Strasi"
33 on black line 4hes wait, + everythin alto the Bfantry battle w. over in little more tan hr 1230SS 12.55 -1.30 proper gunper mtibegnd sink live - then cease fere 34 He also employed his MJ. Abt 11 - 12 am. during the End phase, & k. one Sunner & ad one sengt. bullet latter in at top of hat + down of it side. Contind at duty tiell nixt day. They kept up the rate laid down in barrage programme to time table & kept it up to 130. There ws gas in barrage Inf. reacher blue tie & consolidated there He tfy reporte the barrage as simply wonderfut. (8 man cestero sd they simply got up & wolkn behind it. (They went across towds blackline butdidn't reach it. The pause on blul tine weng
35 Barrage went on to the End of Progranine – Solemuty Whe hours. to inf action we over after 4 br.) tatet oath aee. pied 50 al a fen. an e oe paey oth s to rit s four L bBoil at so wo De e 6 N - a 1 60 ped. At fort. a w ev 8 36 long sno - it cos onl t he. It shd have bee he to allow concolidate & leap from Barrop boked like some one towing tennis balls near Andersons H.O. M.. of acroplave; 3 471 they thought it us a fight in Cacr. It we a ferman shooting at them along t 21 He gunorers were in ap t6Sopm. By then the situate as knowa & the detachments were too adod for it. Qwente put to Go Dron wos – core the puns to be tere for next opercatu or are they to be removed. 20 offis. now bu K.rwd Cich both medica

7   21
They had been in since abt
July 18.
They had to carry on till
Z+2h.10m. when they moved.
Their teams had come from
Cafe Belge - came to pt of
divergence where diverged
to own batteries. Then
moved forward in column
along a reconnoitered track
prepared by infy. Trenches
bridged. (If weather like now
they cd not have got there
in time). Ammn packed -
108 rounds per gun into
forward position
Plan for ammn: Guns ^came up with pack transport - then Drop
trails - ∧dump ammn - limbers back
to waggon lines, - pack
horses to old bty positions
to do a second trip imd.
They went all day long.


7      22
Fresh horses were arranged
Positions were to be
W of Sanctuary Wood, &
S of Zouave Wood
- on level ground looking
down valley to left
with remnants of wood
on hillslope to front &
rt front.
Task to form a
subsidiary creeping barrage
300 yds in front of main
attack barrage. Each bty
had ∧simply to look at barrage map, then
take time from ∧its watches, & then drop into
work at point their plan
had reached.

Arrangements also
for smoke barrage shell
registration on selected



[Sketch of aeroplanes]
aeroplanes so thick under
& shorthand symbols]
cloud tt they cdnt recognise one another
& seemed to be all time wheeling to avoid each other.
Anderson commandn

Group of 2 bdes They
carried it out to [[?]]
& to letter.
7        24
point at fixed time by
battery salvoes at
2 min intervals between
batteries. This ws
abt 9.30 (4 salvoes fired
at ½ min intervals).
These cd not be
observed on a/c of clouds
at 300 feet.
There ws not a
round fired by Germ. on
bties in old [[bgr?]] position.
They were seen as they
came up. He must have
seen from Shrewsbury Forest
& from aeroplane. Our
men 700 looking back
saw the bties coming up &
saw the barrage come down
on them. They came out


xKingsmill ws standing w Col.
Stephenson - Stephenson took
sd. "I hope they will be on time."
K. looked up. "Here they are," he
sd as leading bties
came over the ridge.x







(101 not in this

lot - attached 

to C. bty group)

Moved independently

later & did not

come in for 
same hotting

2 Bds


5 & 6 came 

into column
by turning rt at
102 got 4 up to
positn of 3rd Bty

when one bogged in

shellhole. Shell
(5.9) fell among

team of gun waiting
behind it & k or w
all horses & men
incl. Sergt Majr.


7       26
over / crest abt 400 yds
before position - & there
he got onto them. The
Old inf. assembly [symbol = trenches] were
before them.
Anderson had protested
agst advancing by programme, 
& decided to wait for
report tt xxx objective
on left (Shrewsbury Forest)
ws taken. The report
came: all well on left.
The advance then began.
absolutely on time.x
As they came over the
shoulder they were seen
from Shrewsbury. (before
then they cd be seen on
approach from N of Stirling
The fire at first ws 4.2
 & 77; 5.9 & 8in came later
in afternoon.



At old positn just when

move ws due teams arrived.

The teams were drawn up

behind hedges - & batteries

were ready to move 

within 10 mins. The

leading bty came over top

imd. & filed past - 

others joining


Bties walk cd.

6 ws move time.

Teams arrived on the second

as last round ws fired. Whistle

went. "That's clockwork" sd Kingsmill.
Lower Star Post ws not

taken till later by 24

3 tanks waddled up
towards it with infty in col.
of 4s. Olding & Kingsmill
were at this time (abt 6.45)
looking for bty positions →

7      28
As they were getting
into position the teams of
102 Bty were hit - one
gun bogged in shellhole
just in line of 3rd Bty,
& another team waiting
to get over. 5.9 shell
fell into centre of waiting
team & k. or w. every horse -
k. or w. every driver -
One gun had to be left
heavily bogged in shell
hole. The other gun
ws recovered before end
of battle by another team.
Bty positions were
now visible from Shrewsbury
forest & m.g. fire.
At 6.45 before the guns 

⇡ were in position m.g fire

ws on infy near Kingsmill,


7       29
Infy everywhere, German
prisoners coming back, whistle
- inf. plus rising up from
shellholes - mules laden
w signboards for [symbol = trenches]
- tanks waddling up in
distance - tanks waddling
near. ("Autowin" ws one wh
came back).
Infy sticking near
tanks got it hot.
As guns came up,
m.g. fire wh had bn on
infy seemed, some of it,
to be attracted to them.
Olding (2nd Bty) while
waiting for 2nd Bde COs
to finish their selection,
in a trench, when Olding
ws hit in the head.


7        30

Kingsmill made 4
Germ. [symbol = ?prisoners] carry him.
6 & 4 took up position first.
5 missed place a little.
As 4 & 6 were settled
3 got into positn, then
5. Then 1 & 2 & 102.
It ws 102 that struck trouble
where 2nd Bde went down
ws a mass of shell holes -
& drivers had all they
cd do - in up to necks & tails -
to get thro.
Down trails
Limbers were clear.
Pack animals clear.
Buzzing ws heard
above - it ws seen it ws
a German - & almost


Covering 30 Divn.
Two f.o.os from each Bde
2 Bde. Staley & Friend
1st Bde Archer & Colman
Liaison w ∧rt attacking Bn Roach
of 2 Bde - all got to
places they were sent to.
Also Commn ws established by
Lt. Walker, A.E. attached to
2nd Bde working
for whole (C)
group. He
ws  k. early (carrying out
30 Divn System). ^groups own system of Commn ws

eventually by telephone
7       32
at once he ws seen to
drop bombs from under
his wing. The bombs
fell clear - near 1st Bty,
others left front & in front
of 2 Bde.
They wd circle round
& off.  The abt 6 times
various ^German planes came onto
them. The officers, batmen,
telephonists got rifles, salved
& were firing at them
They got at least 2 Lewis (one L.G. ws seen by Riggall
lying in a hole 2 days before
& reclaimed; the other,
which 3 Bty found in
trench, ws used also. The
German airman cd be seen
"Shd know him if I saw him
in Kaiser Wilhelm Strasse".


4 hrs wait ^on black line & everything
altho' the infantry battle ws
over in little more than
1 hr.
12.30 - 12.55.
12.55 -1.30  ½ rd per 

gun per

minute beyond pink 

line - then cease fire.

7                  34
He also employed his
m.g.  abt 11 - during
the 2nd phase, & k. one
gunner & wd one sergt.
- latter ∧bullet in at top of hat & down
at side of it. Continued at duty till
next day.
They kept up the rate
laid down in barrage
programme to time table
& kept it up to 1.30.x
There ws gas in /
Inf. reached blue line
& consolidated there.
The Infy reported the barrage
as simply wonderful.
1 B man chester sd they
simply got up & walked
behind it. (They went
across towds blackline
but didnt reach it. The
pause on blue line ws no


[Barrage went on to the
End of Programme – solemnly

4½ hours - tho' inf. action
ws over after 1 hr.
Fired 500 rds a gun -

a very great
waste & 


the Germans

cd see by it

our barrage

plan. A fine

performance but

xx wasted.]
Perfect battle scene -

Horses w legs turned

up - guns to right

guns to left firing -

Caton Woodville picture.

Tanks moved up thro bty

position to 2nd phase.


At Zillebeke two or 3 days before

the fight a British aero marked

as British ws using tracer bullets

from m.g. all round borders

of Zillebeke lake.x

(White thinks this ws

probably English - see later).


7         36
long eno - it ws only
½ hr. It shd have bn
1 hr to allow consolidation
& leap frog.
Barrage looked like
some one throwing tennis
[Infy ∧near Andersons H.Q & m.g. of aeroplane;
they thought it ws a fight
in / air. It ws a German
shooting at them along the [symbol = trench] ].
The gunners were in
up to 6.30pm. By then
the situation ws known & the
detachments were too
advd for it. Question put to
30 Divn ws – are the guns to
be there for next operation or
are they to be removed.
20 offrs. now bn k. & wd
(incl both medica

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