Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/84/1 - August 1917 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of CE W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR160618417 Title: Diary, August 1977 includes references to third battle of Vpres, Hazebrouck and the Australian artillery. AWMISS-SDRLCOGISAH
MiM. 3 55 5 25 2 08 2 33 5-0 302 3 33 3 22 5. 5. it 222 DIAE 84 A09.2 197 & Hoty on July, 31 3 45 25 2.E SE CD.E 508. 3o 30 G 0 6 B.E D 82 333 "35
34 DIARY 84 A09.2 191 & Aoty on July, 31
2 Aug 2. Raining stell - all day. Some of the roads on the flats are under water I sent a weasap today to Hustialia, of which I have thought a lot of late. The allies are tending towards WNo annexation terms - they didn't st nake was for annexation & they are ready to repudiate &restore allannecalus to have be made. Ressia & America have made none, so they are only giving back what Britiin hastalur; + tho I Trench gaot stands for I annex ate of fesace Lorrane, wh is no docbt right as Iprovinces are move than half French, still the French arig i so
3 sick of war to it 15 inclined to say - Let alsag honane so to hell, & so long as we can get back from Gernans I rest of France -give as pead Eveat Britain has taken many colonies pom Jermany but I dont think 1 Bulish goob wd hesitate to give them back if fermaiy were a republie or a democracy. It is better for as to come out of this war poorer rather than richer. But they feel themselves bounden to give India, Australia, N.EF J. Aprica what those documious ask for seemg to they have fought so well for 1Empire. Hughes did not come to
4 Imperial Conference; & now be doesn't say what Australia wants on (matter of annixata he only says that hedoe must not be taken as agreeing to what the British Prime Minister says abt conquered countries being free to choose what goot tey wish. That is to say he docent take (responsibilit of choosi what he wants but assumes I liberty of criticising anytiig tt is done for him in defantt of his own decision. Austolie as a whole first ad probably shrick at the idea colonies being given back because it is given to quigk shallow judgments but it certaing w0 not assume I responsibility
of urginy to more Australian attacks shd be made & say, Bustale 10,000 casualties in currid, in order to get New Juinia. as a matter of fact, if it thought over I believe honestly bmatter, it wo pt prefer to hand back N. Guinea; provided it were quite safe agt bein N. Guinea being given to Japan, or germany allying herself w. Japan Andlending it as a base for sea attack. One wants to think this over & Aust abadt make up her mind on ths for herself & then say what she wants & take I responsibility ofit. I sent a very sbort telegram to tis effect tought, I know thy may all it political: & may move to recall me. But it is a
contribution I can make to peace. And I am quite satisfied A it is right to make it whatever resule. I I had just finished it wher I had a request from Sen. Birdwood come up to his AOrs next the town Hall (he still sleeps at hd Motte hand to a messy calef the st a teSydney Sunday Times after the first 3 years a wrote someting scrapp (war. moniin Sppi whin had also be asked to provide a suggestion for 1messap & be wrote a plended one a most elevating & inspiring nessage, I thought. Berdwood hade a few atterations, for the better, – the little man hes a keen enough mind - then I condensed it. By Jave. white to an able chap. I could no have
composed his message used though I am to fob. I had a look withde Crespyng at the 15inch shell hole on gir. Birdwoods back garden - the shellfed there two tinat ago when they were I Hazebrouck - A smasted I garden wall & blew down neylibours a Section of &Farden wall also As I came back tonight thro the drizzle & most a byg picgeet passed marchy up I street - first division; I believe. They had a row last night at a canteen where two of our men blacked the Butish canteen sergeants eye because cyarittes he repsed to sell to them
after I canteen ws closed. The canleen Sergt. went home to bed & made no complants but some other employel did. It makes one rather suspect to 1 canteen Sergt may have Il something to them wh they would not stand. No sooner do our birds negr an Army Headynartys wan isio they are sure to choose to sacred spot to have a row in. They preserved - by some mirach - a wonderfel name in the 2nd Army. But it to bound to come to an end some day. The first thing the 9th & 9th Bus do in coming back here from


Official History,

1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,

Official Historian.

Diaries and Notebooks


Item number: 3DRL606/84/1

Title:  Diary, August 1917

Incudes references to third battle of Ypres,

Hazebrouck and the Australian artillery.



Original    DIARY NO. 84.

AWM38    3DDRL 606 ITEM 84 [1]

DIARY    84




& Arty on July 31



The use of these diaries and notes is subject of conditions laid down in the terms

of gift to the Australian War Memorial.  but, apart from these terms, I wish the

following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every

reader and writer who may use them.

These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be

true.  The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what

was then in the writer's mind.  Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep;

also not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not

follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when

discovered.  Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.

These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what

their author, at the time of writing, believed.  further, he cannot of course, vouch

for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded.  But he

did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had

seen or otherwise taken part in the events.  The contest falsity of second-hand

evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed

upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that 

those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All

second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.

16 Sept, 1946  C. E. W. BEAN






[Hand drawn sketch, please see original]



7    1     84


Aug. 2



& Arty on July 31


7    2

Aug 2.  Raining still - all day.

Some of the roads on the

flats are under water.

I sent a message today

to Australia, of which I have thought

a lot of later.  The Allies are

tending towards "No annexation"

terms - they didn't start make

war for annexation & they

are ready to repudiate & restore

all annexatns tt have bn

made.  Russia & America

have made none, so they

are only giving back what 

Britain has taken;  &

tho' / French Govt stands

for / annexatn of Alsace

Lorraine, wh is no doubt

right as / provinces are

more than half French,

still the French army is so


7    3

sick o / war tt it is

inclined to say - let Alsace

& Lorraine go to hell, & - so long

as we can get back from /

Germans / rest of France - give

us peace.

Great Britain has taken 

many colonies from Germany

but I dont think / British

Govt wd hesitate to give

them back if Germany were

a republic or a democracy.

It is better for us to come out

of this war poorer rather

than richer.  But they feel

themselves bounden to give

India, Australia, N.Z. &

S. Africa what those dominions

ask for seeing tt they have

fought so well for / Empire.

Hughes did not come to /


7    4

Imperial Conference;  & now

he doesnt say what Australia

wants in / matter of annexatn,

he only says that he does

must not be taken as

agreeing to what the British

Prime Minister says abt

conquered countries being free

to choose what Govt they 

wish.  That is to say he

doesnt take / responsibility

of choosing what he wants;

but assumes / liberty of

criticising anything tt is

done for him in default of

his own decision.

Australia as a whole

wd probably shriek at the ^first idea

of colonies being given back,

because it is given to quick shallow judgments;

but it certainly wd not

assume / responsibility


7    5

of urging tt more Australian

attacks shd be made &, say,

10,000 ^Australian casualties incurred,

in order to get New Guinea.  As

a matter of fact, if it thought over

/ matter, it wd XXXXX ^I believe honestly prefer

to hand back N. Guinea;  provided

it were quite safe agst being

N. Guinea being given to Japan,

or Germany allying herself

w. Japan and lending it as

a base for sea attack.  One wants

Australia duty and ^to think this over & make up

her mind on it this for herself

& then say what she wants &

take / responsibility of it.

I sent a very short

telegram to this effect tonight.

I know they may call it

"political" & may move

to recall me.  But it is a 


7    6

contribution I can make to

peace.  And I am quite satisfied

tt it is right to make it whatever

/ result.

As I had just finished

it when I had a request from

Gen. Birdwood to come up to his

H.Qrs next the Town Hall (he still sleeps at La Motte)

& give a hand w a message

to the Aust all: cabled for by the Sydney "Sunday

Times" after the first 3 years o

/ war.  I wrote something scrappy

on / spur o / moment.

White had also bn asked to

provide a suggestion for / message

& he wrote a splendid one -

a most elevating & inspiring

message, I thought.  Birdwood

made a few alterations, for

the better, - the little man has

a keen enough mind - &

then I condensed it.

By jove, White is an

able chap.  I couldnt have


7    7

composed his message,

used though I am to / job.

I had a look with de

^Crespyigny at the 15 inch shell hole in Gen.

Birdwoods back garden - the

shell fell there two days

ago when they were shelling firing at

Hazebrouck - It smashed

/ garden wall & blew down

a section o / next neighbours' garden

wall also.

As I came back tonight

thro' the drizzle & mist

a big picquet passed marching

up / street - first division,

I believe.  They had a

row last night at a

canteen where two of our

men blacked the British

canteen Sergeants eye because

he refused to sell ^cigarettes to them


7    8

after / canteen ws

closed.  The canteen Sergt.

went home to bed & made

no complaints but some

other employee did.  It

makes one rather suspect

tt / canteen Sergt may

have sd something to them

wh they would not stand.

No sooner do our birds

get with a new area near our Army Headquarters than

tempers were they are sure

to choose tt sacred spot

to have a row in.  They

preserved - by some

miracle - a wonderful name

in the 2nd Army.  But

it ws bound to come to an

end some day.  The first

thing the 7th & 9th Bns do

in coming back here from



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