Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/83/1 - July - August 1917 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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29 some photos of presumes & to my greet delight did so a just as I wanted the Sitleus& Don hed had saw in worning. -taten (6 hind outfests, I favcy, sbe countracked af once. On getting back we heard & we hal taken all1 objectoes. gran o line lostl black line - bubntd line. to I have writlin a tetegon to Cdodi ax There have been two half squadious past (endors as I write. and a lob of torries
30 filled to brushwed looks good - as if quick rook a were necessary keep on drop to sleep somust Stop About 5.30 I went to sleep on my bed after patting of mymaddy fielt service boots & washing my feel which have in Cate wonts been bearng almost too sore to permit of walking At I was waked up be a heavy bong like that of a big gun firing A boub, I thought at first
there. 31 Then I sceepely conjectined it went be a shell People were dattering in the street. They seeme to me to be taughing. A few minute tate was a second bang- tressa I looked out. People were on their there anchalias soldiers yorning with them was turning doorways [ in out he bed again when I heard Madame calling we. I was just at the door when she knocked at it. The asked of monsien did not wish to come down to the cave. I went saw them in it - an excelis
32 little cellas with steel girdered roof. Nothing but a direct hit could hurt them there, o the Jerman would not get to if he trut for a year The chances are to even a shell better Ihouse wod be exploded by the wal or roof, & ad only br house down as a roof outo I cellar - as so gten happens in places like His & contaluaiion, (In Pozceris such places were too hot they were certain of other direct hils wh ad go thro them t. Then another shall
33 fell & another & another. Madimoiselle wanter to start for Morbecque atonce. a nicle down I road, where Madame has a brother. The proceedure was as follows; a group of our men - with Dyson, Davil Lindsay. old martin, & 2or3 Tranch batmen of wtrpreters mess wh is downstais room odenen in room,w was chatteng in I street &f open door way watching I burst of one shell in particular, south of the church, of1 road, & the cloud of burning woodwisk
34 wh followed. Madomoisele ad be out into Street hir hands clasped over her oallhey friends breast asking what had happened, when another bang wd come from backgound somewhere as soon as I shell had well busst e would run in Sobber & The & berry nother moties down wto cellar. They wd stay there for about one minate & then come out a g cnto the road mademonede or the kitchen, taking exceledty, until another shell burst - when they would run down wnto cellar for another minute
35 & then repeatl process. By this time population Hazebiouak was streaving past tlong main street towards Iherbecque. Old men, women, little girl sometim crying wI hurryof beistle of it more tran fright, an Andtialian soldier carrying a youngslis & leading oters with their wrother. Another antialion ppterso house opposite for told las in it, to save the wendows from breakery i an Aushalian picket in cts
36 brimoed an wide fett hats with waterproof cloaks, walking up in other direction, abt 12 men a double file, smoken pipes o cigaredes. Anstali tishsoldies standi about or going upodown street loughing on their ordinary business into town or out of it, a poor old chap, w a bandape over hiseyes - ove of those blunded in yesterdays gas attack at Armenture whenI germans putover their new Jas shells &
37 caught abt 300 civitions the soldeers, knowing how to nse their helieets, wd not be affected.) One stout lady, with acheiry god natured tyse of face, came half weeking dhur little girl of three by Iar into our passage to see madame. I advien them to go to I celar stay there. They went of to a cellar of their own, or to Morbecque. Prenth long came a nece wole comvercedt man in black & a straw hat & aubreda - ber
38 husband. Sadame called to him to his wife had gone on - but Iim not sure it it was dlear wheter she had gove to worbeque or where. The three children from Dyson's lodging came down Iroad amont rest - the little sty baby girl between two little brothers of abt 425 who were takin send of in her to Mhosbecque. The were all smcles. Dyson kissed the kindy & sent Sor People were them on-

6 29
some photos of Messines
& to my great delight
did so - without any just
as I wanted
The 3rd bns & Divn had
had to show in / morning. I
heard - [[later?]] 16
outposts, I fancy, & bn
countracked at once.
On getting back
we heard & we had taken
all xxx / objectives.
- green xx line, & lastly
black line - but not red
Lor I have written a
letergram to Australia x
There have been two
half squadrons - xxx w past
window as I write.
And a lot of lorries



filled w brushwood [[?]]
looks good - as if
quick roads xxx were
I keep on dropping
to sleep so must stop.
About 5.30 I went to sleep
on my bed after pulling off
my muddy field service
boots & washing my feet
which have in late months
been becoming almost too
sore to permit of walking.
At 7 I was waked up
be a heavy bang like
that of a big gun firing.
A bomb, I thought at first.



6 31
Then I sleepily conjectured
it must be a shell. People
were clattering in the street.
They seemed to me to be
laughing. A few minutes
later was a second bang -
& I heard I looked out -
People were on their
doorways ^here &there Australian soldiers yarning with them. I was was turning
in onto the bed again
when I heard Madame
calling we. I was just
at the door when she knocked
at it. The asked of Monsieur
did not wish to come down
to the "Cave", I went &
saw them in it - an excellent



6 32 

little cellar with steel
vaulted girdered roof.
Nothing but a direct hit
could hurt them there, &
the German would not get
tt if he tried for a year.
The chances are tt even a
shell belting / house wd be
exploded by the walls or
roof, & wd only bring /
house down as a roof
onto / cellar - as so often
happens in places like Fleis
& Coutalmaison, [In Poziers
such places were too hot -
they were certain of other
direct hits wh wd go thro'
them]. Then another shell



6 33
fell & another & another.
Mademoiselle wanted to
start for Morbecque at once -
a mile down / road, where
Madame has a brother. The
procedure was as follows; a
group of our men - with
Dyson, Basil Lindsay,
old Martin, & 2 or 3
batmen o / ^French intrpreters
mess wh is downstairs
in / loun sitting room & dining
room, would was chatting
in / street & / open door way
watching / burst of one
shell in particular, south
of the church, of / road, &
the cloud of burning woodwork



6 34
wh followed. Mademoiselle
wd be out into / street her
hands clasped over her
breast asking what had
happened, when another
bang wd come from
backgound somewhere.
As soon as / shell had well burst
She would run in sobbing,
& she & hurry ^her mother mother
down into / cellar. They
wd stay there for about
one minute & then come
out & go into the road
or the kitchen, ^Mademoiselle talking
excitedly, until another
shell burst - when they
would run down into
/ cellar for another minute



6 35
& then repeat / process.
By this time / population
Hazebrouck was
streaming past along /
main street towards
Morbecque. Old men,
women, little girl sometimes
crying w / hurry &
bustle of it more than /
fright; an Australian
soldier carrying a youngster
& leading others with their
mother; Another Australian
putting up / shutters o /
house opposite for / old lady
in it, to save the windows
from breaking; an
Australian picket in its



6 36

wide ^brimmed felt hats with and waterproof
cloaks, walking up in /
other direction, abt 12
men in double file, smoking
pipes & cigarettes. Australians
& British soldiers standing
about or going up & down
/ street laughing on their
ordinary business into /
town or out of it; a
poor old chap, w a bandage
over his eyes - one of
those blinded in yesterdays
gas attack at Armentiers
(when / Germans put over
their new gas shells &



6 37
caught abt 300 civilians
as they
& very few soldiers].
(the soldiers, knowing how
to use their helmets, wd
not be affected.).
One stout lady, with
a cheery good natured type
of face, came half weeping
dragging with her little girl of three by / arm
into our passage to see
Madame. I advised
them to go to l cellar &
stay there. They went off to
a cellar of their own, or
to Morbecque. Presently
along came a nice looking
^commercial man in black & a straw
hat & umbrella - her



6 38
husband. Madame called
to him tt his wife had
gone on - but I'm not sure
tt it was clear whether
she had gone to Morbecque
or where. The three children
from Dyson's lodging came
down / road amongst
/ rest - the little shy
baby girl between / two
little brothers of abt 4 & 5
who were taking sent off
w her to Morbecque. They
were all smiles. Dyson
kissed the kiddy & sent
them on - ^Some People were




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