Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/83/1 - July - August 1917 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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At I moment all seems going well cof Germans They are driven. Kussious back on a 130 wil front, thoI Russo-Runaman arm is advancing. But Everyone knows to there 1s in Iair this great tow oh we are to deliver an a few Lous time. G.H.D. & army are intensely optinitic about this fight. They think war wil end this year. I believe 1 ston ws originatly to attack alory I whole line to sea; but the ferman attack at Nieuport
10 disorganised this. Our tunnetters mines up there were bath captured anyhow- & we areout undertaken a little offenseve there tomorrow to get a better jampin ground But there. is a toemendous. offensive to of that sector, aroun ypres. It ws to have been on July 1800 19. then ws sut off, bec. he Trench had not teen cirty up, until July 127 & 28th & finally at French request again until July 3157. (It has just gone 12 now) Gea. Rosenthal Lame
11 down to Qverien (he ws after the 4th Dion, aclucelly at one time!) and he told thernside the plans as he knew them. The 5th army had gone in next to the 2nd i then the French. then the Belgeans; then the 4th Army; & they were going to puch in echelon pow the right. The fermans expected us at the Sant Dunes (4th Army) but we were going to pash an front of ypres where they did not expect it. We - PAnz ac Corps- came up to Hagebroack on Tly 26h the Sdions following; & here we
12 Carnt (or rather. I gradually gleaned from very few who knew anything real] That the attack ws to be made by our 5th Army 8 a French armg of 8 Divisions (. Corp) who were movin through Belgians. The End army wd do something on Tryl of 5t aren but not very much - there ws a good deal of enter - any fealouse between the end & the a army stafs - the to havin come from the Somme. It is sarcely
13 good form" tomention the Somme in the end Army (of course this is guall exaggeratis - the sedof the feeling is thereof but I don't thank it counts for anything The Fench had it 1s true, been in a pretty difficult templr. White told me to their artillery o had refused to dig thewselves in & the NE Divin had been sendup in bets to do work for them. The Germans, White sd. had acc to certain inforation considered whether thes ad make
14 an offensive on a by scale & had deliberality turned it down owing to Enormous expenditeite fammn. Envolveds & decided to remain on deffensive. In feity we began battering them upon the sea coast - we cd hear it in England. And on July 170r 18 the beg around boubt. I gpres ws to have began. Ih Sector had be getting increasing hot, of latev Serman's
15 had just broached a new sort of musland gas shell, wh causes I stee to blister & eyes to become swotten & temporarily blink. The stuff is a liguid & the troops in Isalient abt $1500 of them in because affected thro sitting in shellholes where the steef had burst. We too had bh veing a new brand of as. Only last night Germans gasset Loaw hundreds of avitious in armeatieres, tlife in our trenches (So Arthen
16 manweltels me. has becom leas tolerable The shelling is worse these days. Abt July 29th I went up to Dyson to Me Kemarel &we saw oneof our boubls - a proctice one as at messines.- right round & satient Nex day 29th we heard &1 gervous had retired opposite oue corps of the army & I corps had be ordered to follow them. It crossed the Steenbeck we all thought 1 gerans had wade an extraordan
17 arel clever move just in time (I allack ws to have been or the 292). Then a wereless messag ws intercepted ordering this division, with a brigade adde to attack its trenches & retake them + wife outI stain on its honour. It had left its year Pilken? trenches without orders. That shows what this boube must be like The fermans have had trouble w troops leaven their support
18 on I plea of seekness, They have relieved all Theis divisions in last 3 days - those in I front tive are now brand new, w I tered oves in reserve live. And ty have be ordered to stand at all cost. But gous have gove back We are usig 300 tanks - it 1s1 great tank Experiment. Now or never If they succeed this time we will build them at full speed. I not, we will cease


6  9
At / moment all seems
going well w / Germans.
They are driving /
Russians back on a
130 mile front, tho /
Russo-Rumanian army
is advancing. But
Everyone knows tt there
is in / air this great
blow wh we are to
deliver in a few hours
G.H.Q. & army are
intensely optimistic about
this fight. They think /
war will end this year.
I believe / plan ws
originally to attack
along / whole line to /
sea; but the German
attack at Nieuport



6  10
disorganised this. Our
tunnellers mines up there
were both captured
anyhow - & we are only
undertaking a little
offensive there tomorrow
to get a better jumping
off ground.
But there is a
tremendous offensive
E of that sector, around
Ypres. It ws to have
been on July 18 or 19;
then ws put off, bec. the
French had not their
arty up, until
July 27 & 28th; & finally
at / French request again
until July 31st. (It has
just gone 12 now)
Gen. Rosenthal came



6  11
down to Querrien (he ws
after the 4th Divn, actually,
at one time!) and he
told Chermside the plans
as he knew them. The
5th army had gone in next
to the 2nd; then the French;
then the Belgians; then
the 4th Army; & they were
going to push in echelon
from the right. The Germans
expected us at the Sand
Dunes (4th Army) but we
were going to push in
front of Ypres where they
did not expect it.
We - 1st Anzac Corps -
came up to Hazebrouck
on July 26, the 3 divns
following; & here we



6  12
learnt [or rather I
gradually gleaned from /
very few who knew
anything real] That
the attack ws to be made
by our 5th Army & a
French army of 6 Divisions
(? Corps) who were moving
through / Belgians. The 2nd
army wd do something
on / right of  5th army
but not very much - &
there ws a good deal of
inter-army jealousy
between the 2nd & the
5th army staffs - the
5th having come from
the Somme. It is scarcely



6  13
"good form" to mention
the Somme in the 2nd Army
(of course this is greatly
exaggerated - but the seed of
the feeling is there ) but I don't
think it counts for anything).
The French had, it is
true, been in a pretty
difficult temper. White
told me tt their artillery troops
had refused to dig themselves
in & the NZ Divn had been
sent up in bits to do /
work for them.
The Germans, White sd,
had acc to certain
information, considered
whether they cd make



6  14
an offensive on a
big scale & had
deliberately turned it
down owing to /
enormous expenditure
of ammn. involved,
& decided to remain on
/ defensive.
In July we began
battering them upon the
sea coast - we cd hear
it in England. And
on July 17 or 18 the big
bomb t. at around Ypres ws to
have begun. The sector
had bn getting increasingly
hot, of late; "v / Germans



6  15
had just broached a
new sort of "mustard
gas" shell, wh causes
/ skin to blister & /
eyes to become swollen
& temporarily blind. The
stuff is a liquid & the
troops in / salient
abt 1500 of them- became
affected thro sitting in
shell holes where the stuff
had burst. We too had
bn using a new brand
of gas. Only last night
/ Germans gassed some
hundreds of civilians
in Armentieres; & life in
our trenches (so Arthur



6  16
Maxwell tells me,
has become less tolerable
The shelling is worse
these days.
Abt July 28th I went up
w Dyson to Mt Kemmel
& we saw one of our
bombts - a practice
one as at Messines -
right round / salient.
Next day 29th we heard
tt / Germans had retired
opposite our Corps of the
5th army & / corps had
bn ordered to follow them.
It crossed the Steenbeck -
we all thought / Germans
had made an extraordinarily



6  17
clever move
just in time (/ attack
ws to have been on the
29th). Then a wireless
message ws intercepted
ordering this division,
with a brigade added,
to attack its trenches &
retake them & wipe
out / stain on its
honour. It had left its
trenches ^near Pilkein(?) without orders.
That shows what this
bombt must be like
The Germans have
had trouble w troops
leaving their support [trenches symbol]



6  18
on / plea of sickness,
They have relieved all
their divisions in / last
3 days - those in / front
line are now brand new,
w / tired ones in /
reserve line. And they
have bn ordered to stand
at all costs. But /
guns have gone back.
We are using 300
tanks - it is / great
tank experiment. Now
or never. If they succeed
this time we will build
them at full speed. If
not, we will cease



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