Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/82/1 - July 1917 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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Nom Duncan Maxwell (Holuce (ADC) Diary Contd.) Te tanks. Russian on July 25 show 1616 or vyw C10 296r.s. 1Plum Duffrd. white galeoff 4 (whoes staying at Cors) Mr Holman came to kt Div. to dinner on Faly Bt in Steenwerck. She car ao sent for him next wg at Gam. He wanted to see the messures battlefield, & gen. Holues intended to take him upto Hill 53.5 have a look from there at battlefield, walk near Irist, Sawit r 56
July 2nd 57 pick up ar on cordaroy track in vally, motor rount to atacombs, where H.wd see a NsW Bn - thince to BdittA. in Ploegsteert, & the 2 craters on it. A propaming wS typed- Left Steenwerck abt 9.40. wend too Le Seale & Homarin saw the big chart at Romarin 1594 beforearrivin by road; + at turn offed to Shrine they passed an AAc. batter strafiry some Huns. The gen. stopped the car and they got out & had a look. An H.E. fell abt 50 yds away. Cohearbits lough Holoes s comdon we mustet in a risk t this pricious toe will ron on past te String where it will be quite safe. They drove to White Jales (speciel as the back of 63 had bu strape
58 & stoppe. All got out. They were waiting by I port of car while driver read instrus where to Jo. Holmes. WI standey just in fonts I car. The ot thn swoh well get on now, when the shell burst right on I road. The heard nothing till the explasion It looked afterroos like an bit H.E. 77 - tho' a 42 6S found there later Allthree went down to it . The S.O.C.D lying there - when turnet overly APsobe ws wod in the side & ws not quite unconscious tho he didn't speak. He ws liftel into the ear. This tS at 10.20 am. He w driven straght down Ed tows Nenve Eglise. The Hun ws at this time stroping to 59 road round Red. Lodge with S.9-. one had tobbed on road. just behing car. They came to camp of an Otago Bn - JoC ws dressed in on the way ewnotb ca Before they got to this bor- he spoke where are you taking me maxwell? the Rno otap atonce came out o Scl- nothng edbe done, but fob ts car & told him to drive straight 6 ambee. at Kandahar Iarm a 3rd Dion. D. Ambee -?11t). Cnd there at abt 10.32. S.O.C.WS at once lifter out onto a stretchin but died as he ws being carried into the dressing room. There ws a big hole of Extrance under left ribo in back wh went right thio to neck. He did not seem to suffer any pai didn't know shell Ws coming & didn't know, probg, to hewshit His body ws taken to 2nd 5
aud cas clearl. St at Tois Arbres- Funeral took place at 3 next day (Tuly. Gen Bindwoad i Gen. white Maj. Basit Holues, gen. Wisdom Col. Watson, Gen. Hobbert Col. Fravers, gen. Godley, Gen. Rusil. Jen Monash? the 3 Brigadiers. The lecarers were Col. Walson, Col. Dowse, Way. Faser, fen. wisdom, Col. Heritage, M Lyons (SDiv. I) He wo buried at trois Arbres 6
to w0 83 2 his great frice which is full o hrave men he had no peer for fearlessness Added to w ofalantey of which I personedly have toso a very hear and toge fiend Yours CS. Wile
Yen. Holmes. not only has the APF suffered but the Austr. Mily foice have Instaned a loss of which only time Can assess the majuituy to cean man, an honest and shaight man he wa pssentially a leader of men and one in whom men had confidence. By theer Good Malities he had endeared hunsey to every body and n

From Duncan Maxwell
(Holmes' ADC)


5                                         56
(Diary Contd.)
The tanks. Russian [[?]] on July 25.
Show [[?]]
[[?]] 296 [[?]]

White Gates                 Plum Duff Road

Shrine +

Mr Holman (who ws staying at Corps) came to 4th Div. to
dinner on July 1st in Steewerck.
The car ws sent for him next
mg at 9am. He wanted to see the Messines battlefield, & Gen.
Holmes intended to take him up to
Hill 63 to have a look from
there at battlefield, walk
round near Irish [[?]]


July 2nd



5                                          57
pick up car on corduroy
track in valley, motor round
to catacombs, where H wd see
a NSW Bn - thence to Bde H.Q.
in Ploegsteert, & the 2
craters on rt. A programme ws
typed. Left Steenwerck abt 9.40.
went thro Le Seule & Romarin,
saw the big chart at Romarin
by road; & 150 yards before arriving
at turn off rd to shrine they
passed an A.A.C battery
strafing some Huns. The Gen.
stopped the car and they got
out  had a look. An H.E. fell
abt 50 away. Cd hear bits.
Holmes sd laughing "Come on we mustn't
run a risk w this precious Premier
- we'll run on past the Shrine
where it will be quite safe."
They drove to White Gates (specially
as the back of 63 had bn strafed


& stopped. All got out.

They were waiting by I front of
car while driver read instrns
where to go. Holmes was
standing just in front o I car.
The G.O.C then sd: "Oh we'll
get on now," when the shell
burst right on I road. They
heard nothing till the explosion.
It looked afterwds like an
H.E. 77 - tho' a bit of 4.2 ws found
there later. All three went
down to it. The G.O.C ws
lying there - when turned over by
A.D.C. he ws wd in the side & ws
not quite unconscious tho'
he didn't speak. He ws
lifted into the car. This ws
at 10.20am. He ws
driven straight down rd towds
Neuve Eglise. The Hun
was at this time strafing


5                                              59
road round Red Lodge with
[[?]] - one had lobbed on road
just behind car.

They came to camp of an
Otago Bn. GOC ws dressed in I
car on the way - he was not bleeding.
Before they got to this bn - he spoke -
"Where are you taking me Maxwell?"
The RMO Otago at once came out &
sd. nothing cd be done, but got into
car & told them to drive straight
to Ambce. at Kandahar Farm
(a 3rd Divn. F. Ambce - ? 11th). Arrd
there at abt 10.32. G.O.C. ws at
once lifted out onto a stretcher
but died as he ws being carried
into the dressing room. There
ws a big hole of entrance
under left ribs in back wh
went right thro' to neck. He
did not seem to suffer and pain,
didn't know shell ws coming &
didn't know, probly, tt he was hit.
His body was taken to 2nd


60                                               5
Aust Cas. Clearg. Stn at
Trois Arbres. Funeral
took place at 3 next day (July 3)
Gen Birdwood, Gen White, 
Maj. Basil Holmes, Gen Wisdom,
Col. Watson, Gen. Hobbes,(?)
Col. Travers, Gen. Godley, Gen. Russell?
Gen Monash?, the 3 Brigadiers.
The bearers were Col. Watson,

Col Dowse, Maj. Fraser, Gen.
Wisdom, Col. Heritage, Maj. Lyons (3 Div. [[?]].)
He was buried at Trois Arbres.


A clean man, an honest
and straight man he was
essentially a leader of men
and one in whom men had
confidence. By their good
[[?]] he had endeared
himself to everybody and he


the great [[?]] which is
full of brave men he
had no peer for fearlessness

& gallantry. Added to wh
of which I personally have
loss a very dear and loyal


of Gen. Holmes. Not only has
the A.17 suffered but the
Austn. Mily Forces have
sustained a loss of which only
time can assess the magnitude.
A clean man, an honest
and straight man he was
essentially a leader of men
and one in whom men had
confidence. By their good
[[?]] he had endeared
himself to everybody and he


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