Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/82/1 - July 1917 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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durry Bombt 46 blue sand without tubbing (circular steel). Thafts. But these were put down with tember & inclives & the water was sumped. This we all for the stant men were there all time (50 at Pluffin Anadian System where I men had to be put on their honour not to get a hit back for once by going over to 1 first wave - they had actual began to fix up w 10 battalion in 1 line to go The 47 Dion & there). 10 lorps were in solient at this time ]. There were also men in men all other work to make epairsduring boubt. After
47 forward stant they were on roads, Cross p & one section at White Chatean repaire deouts & Enemey inveatligating ferman men System wh the ) joined up with ours, geving undergoound comma for cables. they were then special selects by SH8 to lest chance of mining in sand (for I will betw. Sea & Niewport.) They left the pres area in June 17 & began at Coxyde & Menport Bain (cveny side of caual as soon as Brtish took over. They reported
urches 48 to 29 Fend Dion before Bribih arrd. When ht Div and the started work. experiments were made at Coayde Bans on Sea beach. The French used to ixavate + put in timber & thm put sand over agn 5or 6f cover outy The 2aust. Coy put in an inclineat case sets & then haneded out just a few above water level. The gave safe duyouts They put out 2 Sfensive systems to 2 If his strong pts wh
49 -was were wellor to completion when the 10 Joly ared. F firms tok them. We also had accdate for BrH.C. prac. completed & an infanty twanel from anal Bank to pont line well on way to completion. Htlso I wella in back areas On July 15 Jenns starte Comb& at 5 am It became whuse at to am till P.m. Then his Coll & it WS. 14 onl when he started after that toct we clear what we a to happen. He had a barrage on bridfes but
50 agarta them in y the aftroon & at topo one as still Swentin & way across the Arcaln He kept his bar ap on steeam till 9pmF on town till 1 am. It wI clear he had atache at 5.30 Practinll whole arrison as k? or taken presones Left Br C.O made his Bn HErs in the tanelled subway aheo m of Canal. E part who werein thw were + at also in his, top.m. they made thei way to Cualwhile ferans were digging
51 in - Swan Canal in spite of acr of laves fyn low & ferry m. g8, & made them way back to billets in town. 5o the officers of End KRRs (Capt Smith & 4 offis) 10t back but C.O. never seen again-- he went out to scrap. men on front tie him System & Bn t Crs were sitn taken Co or bitter by Jermans baonets whe they took the place. Probt afew made a break & Ik bzshells. slae the were bomber or bayonethed un them. When Genms came over thy bombed dejouts
52 To one ws am Custr tunneller. Spr. O'Counell The germs trow, about -K. one infantry man & badly tore Sappers Another Hun hands. ommenwerfo Squirte burning him at him The Hun ws badl. K. alt other entrance to dijout on canal bank be a fragment of ferm. Whezbany was put on 5 stretcher by Brtish in andt. dugont s tame not many [ to this system. Shorth after a pty of fer were seen comm round from beach. I
53 as every man for himself, fews had bee there 4 hours & no C. aback in sight. The sctuate ws explained to To surprise of 2ofis who were present, he gob up of stretcher, walke over part of poutoons & Iwan rest of causl. No sooner on other side than be saw a Torm strugling an water. He Swam back; brought him ashort. ws pulledou a coual in a fainty condition.
54 I wam Spt. T. T. Burke over wet a near rope from me tannel exit on EAside of canal so to some of mates who id not swen cd help themsalve across. The Rope ws too slack for some 3 So Spr. J. Coade stayed& held out tope keeping it taut & wo last man over. These last 2 got in rd pr. McGlinchy & in some ways took charge in tunnel went out to see where Hun were, bombed tm etc. but did not get back. Capt Swite KRR Wr in C. in tumnel
55 We lost all our work. & all now making in inf. subway thro Neuport Dains to our new port tie, on t side wewed of tanal, & deponts for iof. - also O.P.S. Strengt of Tun, Coy; 566 Rein fort. at present, att 50 Attached Juf. at Present 200 Before 10 Jal there were 500 att Inf. & 160 Reinfh Tolat 1200. Losses on Jul10; 106 vid. Atld. Inf. 47of these sappers. 2ft Mortensen messing 4 wodioffs.

during Bombt
5      46
blue sand without tubbing
(circular steel) shafts. But
these were kept put down
with timber & inclines -
& the water was pumped.
This ws all for the stunt,
men were there all / time
(50 at Bluff x in Canadian System,
where / men had to be put
on their honour not to
get a hit back for once
by going over to / first
wave - they had actually
began to fix up w /
battalion in / line to go
There). [The 47 Divn &
10 Corps were in / solient
at this time].
There were also men in
all / other ^mining work to make
repairs during bombt. After


5  47
stunt they were on ^foward roads,
cross [shorthand], & one section
at White Chateau repairing
Enemy dugouts &
investigating german
mining system wh they
joined up with ours,
giving underground
commn for cables.
They were then special
selectd by GHQ to test
chance of mining in /
sand (for I mile betw.
Sea & Niewport.) They
left the Ypres area in
June 17 & began at
Coxyde & Nieuport [[Bain?]]
(enemy side of canal)
as soon as British
took over. They reported


5   48
to 29 French Divn before
British arrd. When 1st Div
arrd they started work.
Experiments were made
at Coxyde Bains on
sea beach. The French
used to excavate &
put in timber & then
put sand over agn -
5 or 6ft cover only
The 2 aust. Coy put in
an incline at box caving
case sets & then
tunnelled out just a few
inches ^above water level. This
gave safe dugouts.
They put out 2
offensive systems to 2
If his strong pts wh


5  49
were wellor
to completion when the
10 Joly ared. F firms
tok them. We also had
accdate for BrH.C.
prac. completed & an
infanty twanel from
anal Bank to pont
line well on way
to completion. Htlso
I wella in back areas
On July 15 Jenns
starte Comb& at 5 am
It became whuse at
to am till P.m. Then
his Coll & it WS.
onl when he started
after that toct we
clear what we a
to happen. He had a
barrage on bridfes but


them in y the aftroon &
at topo one as still
Swentin & way across
the Arcaln
He kept his bar ap
on steeam till 9pmF
on town till 1 am. It
wI clear he had atache
Practinll whole
arrison as k? or taken
presones Left Br C.O
made his Bn HErs in
the tanelled subway aheo
of Canal. E
who werein thw were
+ at
also in his,
top.m. they made thei
way to Cualwhile
ferans were digging


in - Swan Canal in
spite of acr of laves fyn
low & ferry m. g8, &
made them way back
to billets in town. 5o
the officers of End KRRs
(Capt Smith & 4 offis) 10t
back but C.O. never
seen again-- he went
out to scrap.
men on front tie
him System & Bn
t Crs were sitn
taken Co or bitter by
Jermans baonets whe
they took the place. Probt
afew made a break & Ik
slae the were bomber
or bayonethed un them.
When Genms came
over thy bombed dejouts


To one ws am Custr
tunneller. Spr. O'Counell
The germs trow, about
-K. one infantry man

& badly tore Sappers
Another Hun
burning him
at him
The Hun ws
K. alt other entrance
to dijout on canal
bank be a fragment of
ferm. Whezbany
was put on
stretcher by Brtish
in andt. dugont
s tame
not many [
to this system. Shorth
after a pty of fer
were seen comm
round from beach. I


as every man for
himself, fews had bee
there 4 hours & no
C. aback in sight. The
sctuate ws explained to
To surprise of
2ofis who were
present, he gob up of
stretcher, walke over
part of poutoons & Iwan
rest of causl. No
sooner on other side than
be saw a Torm
strugling an water. He
Swam back; brought him
ashort. ws pulledou
a coual in a fainty


I wam
Spt. T. T. Burke
over wet a
rope from me tannel
exit on EAside of canal
so to some of mates
who id not swen
cd help themsalve
across. The Rope ws
too slack for some 3 So
Spr. J. Coade stayed&
held out tope keeping
it taut & wo last
man over. These
last 2 got in rd
pr. McGlinchy & in some
ways took charge in tunnel
went out to see where Hun
were, bombed tm etc. but
did not get back. Capt Swite
KRR Wr in C. in tumnel


We lost all our work.
& are now making
an inf. subway thro'
Nieuport Bains to our
new front line mined on W side
of Canal; & duponts for
inf. - also O.P.s.
Strength of Tun, Coy; 566
Reinforts. at present, abt 50
Attached Inf. at Present 200
Before 10 July there were
500 att Inf. & 160 Reinfts.
Total 1200.
Losses on Jul 10;
106 incl. attd. Inf.
47 of these sappers.
2/Lt Mortensen missing
4 wd & offrs.


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