Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/82/1 - July 1917 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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34 heard from Baslen hedadgita afterwards that o who sd, that 12t arty Bde ws in is & t they had been firm over their sights at yer advancing in thick masses; & that heir Lorses had bor brought up &f guns got away at a gollop just in time. It may or way not be true. It gave people a Shock in England but probable ws hess important than they thought I took a run to Oxford to get away from I war - to read in Union quietl really; but it as too cld So I took a walking tour for a couple of days visteed,
35 Starting from Woodstock, the O Blenheim Park, & pecking up the old Roman Akeman St. to near Charlbury, then to Moreton on hearsh 6 train; & next day over the cotswolds on foot past Broadway Hill & Roman Camp, o foot, to Everham. This is in snother article The Nieuport reverse ade one anxious to fet back to Fance. I found came over t Dyson & his botvan (& brother in Caws) Dan Londsay. Ileft Bayley in the warkeaords Section, in London, where the kid will get promotion as
36 he deserves. It is a really great wrench because we have become very close friends, I I also rely on him move than I ever have on any assutane. We found 15a7ac Still at Dverrien. The corps had had a wonderful holiday. All divesions, Especialy the 5th, tookry magrificent. The Gth Dion While I was away had last gen. Holics. I have never done Hoties justice. Gellibran points out to me to be is I first successful Auxhialion leader. Bidges as not a leader but a Commanw
37 White las never had I chance to be a leadn. He is casily our leading soldier, but a saff sothier & scholar, not a commander yet . Holmes is I first custialion commandi. He had power of command wh Hobbs & Fonash have not. He saw Monach get a Divin to wh he himself ws move entitled (having abread commandedI second Deva) but he bore no malice He had a bod time abuott every day to Legge whoas fealous; but Holnes did not complain. He stieck to his work. Hows able to keep
38 his Bde aptoit at loures in a way no other man I have done - Through t attacks and for 12 contin. 1 lous days. He set examph to his bryadiers as at hicesines.H had driving force & att raction & & ws as straight &onselfish as duy man ever was He had stood all sort of Lander after vew Ciiea & come out soperbl The fermans wdl have shot him for having ferans whepper who had whiped missionaries. Te Antialian opni party attached him for being too levient to
39 germans, & another for looting firman curios. I fell off his back harmless & be emerget one of an pest leaders; & the first. I had always discount Holwes as being no great strategist nor Especial tactician. When Gell came & sd "I dont like to criticise oves friends but have you done Holwes justice- wasn't your paragraph weagre ed see a I hadnot done Holuss justice - I was ery remorseful. His courage us all to I had grasped. old felly never said
July 29th CiA Rabett 40 a word to me of his own troubles, which are heavy, of his grievances wh are really great not one breath of them; tho probably people who saw him take me aside thought to ws 1 subject.]. went up & saw the 12SFAESdew Wulpen Rexs. Bde arrived Shyvelde on July 14th regport &moved in by toupon on15th. Heaveis were abready there. Wigh of 1715 &18 th the germans attacked & they were ferry febrs S.0.S. again on 215t July germans tried to get ground between Lombartzyde & Weenport for 2 hrs. The batteris
find out this Bty 41 are in w. adod positus t of Wienport. The shetter is only camanflage. One of our Seep Btees ws in Triangs wood during the german attack & one after anothw the guns were blown out of action - 3 out of the 4 were actually blown out of action. The never stopped fir all through the day, and whee gorms, firet an I1 in did they cheered it. Laust. Ton. Gy. Arrd in May 1916 & went to Sailly (1003 at Laventie & Noorat Proegstieit (Baillin No 2 were w t dayac a
42 Jerves Nlew as a lot here but nly men killed. Ro. Collock is wt 7 Cor R2. Proven (c. Pox. O.C. end arny. estering C 43 then Lanzac. There ront tine many system Todonnerie. Put up mine in Uo on ful 19 - McCay thought it sae00e It were active minig there but attods went ferm back there & held front tire only io outgoots Hlo had a minnn system atomentires (275 &80 terman not iiny tere We eatered his gallery tunneller wnto it - at 3ft. & found an stectric geophone (or mining sounds) & cocoan atting on floor Put in Deap Dujonts at V.c. ave, Cellar [Ave Wye HFarm, & started another at Cromwell dve. These were sconcer work, wh the Coy sdws possible & 2 Anz ac hushed two in the teet of arms.
44 We listened also at Cenistrn mines at Ravine: 1 45 In yon. Went 65 to Buoseboom salient. cook over defensive ing at Bluff man we fought him there he wlew twice & we blew twice. We a none killed Here the dujonts were wost impt work. They were at Hluff & Spoil Bank Calso O.Po there for sabmarine perseopes). Duyouts at Verbran Lenawten, Larch Wood (behind 50); the Ramparts, at pres, where they put 1500 men underground in 6 weeks in April; at Swan Chatean they pat in dejouts meant for 1Bn, bubanfisher, in the bue cay. (They reckoned it impossible to get thro the

5                               34

heard from Bazley

afterwards that our ^he had met a

gunner who sd that

12th Arty Bde ws in this,

& th they had been firing

over their sights at Germans

advancing in thick masses;

& that their horses had

bn brought up & I guns

got away at a gallop

just in time. It may or

may not be true.


It gave people a 

shock in England but

probably ws less important

than they thought.


I took a run to Oxford

to get away from I war - to

read in I Union quietly,

really; but it ws too cold.

So I took a walking tour

for a couple of days instead,


5                               35

starting from Woodstock,

thro' Blenheim Park, &

picking up the old Roman

Akeman St. to near

Charlbury; then to

Moreton in I Marsh by 

train; & next day over

the Cotswolds on foot,

past Broadway Hill &

Roman Camp, on foot, to

Evesham. This is in another article.


The Nieuport reverse

made one anxious to get

back to France. I found

came over w Dyson & his

batman (& brother in law)

Dan Lindsay. I left Bazley

in the War Records Section,

in London, where the kid

will get promotion one


5                          36

he deserves. It is a

really great wrench

because we have become

very close friends, & 

I also rely on him more

than I ever have on any 



We found 1st Anzac I found

still at Querrien. The

Corps had had a wonderful

holiday. All divisions,

especially the 5th, looking



The 4th Divn while

I was away had lost Gen.

Holmes. I have never done

Holmes justice. Gellibrand

points out to me th he is I

first successful Australian

leader. Bridges ws not

a leader but a Commander;


5                                37

White has never had

I chance to be a leader.

He is easily our leading

soldier, but a staff soldier

& scholar, not a commander

yet. Holmes is I first

Australian commander.

He had I power of

command wh Hobbs

& Monash have not. He

saw Monash get a Division

to wh he himself ws more

entitled (having already

commanded I second

Divn) but he bore no malice.

He had a bad time almost

every day w Legge who ws

jealous; but Holmes did

not complain. He stuck to

his work. He ws able to keep


  5                              38

his Bde up to it at Pozieres 

in a way no other man

cd have done - through

4 attacks and for 12 continuous

days. He set I

example to his brigadiers

as at Messines - He 

had driving force &

attraction -& was as 

straight & unselfish as

any man ever was.

He had stood all sort of

slander after New Guinea

& come out superbly.

The Germans wd have

shot him for having Germans

whipped who had whipped

I missionaries. One

Australian opinion ws

party attacked him for 

being too lenient w I


5                                39

Germans, & another

for "looting" German

curios. It fell off his

back harmless & he

emerged one of our

great leaders; & the first.


I had always discounted

Holmes as being no great

strategist nor especial

tactician. When Gelly

came & sd "I dont like

to criticise ones friends

-but have you done

Holmes justice - wasn't 

your paragraph meagre"

I cd see th I had not

done Holmes justice - I was

very remorseful. His 

courage ws all th I had



[Old Gelly never said


5                              40

a word to me of his

own troubles, which are

heavy, or his grievances,

wh are really greater not

one breath of them, tho'

probably people wh saw

him take me aside thought

th was I subject].


[July 29th

RIAR Robelt

went up & saw the

12 AFA Bde at Wulpen.

Rex's Bde arrived in 

Ghyvelde on July 14th

& moved in by Wulpen ^Nieuport

on 15th. Heavies were 

already there. Night of

17th & 18th the Germans

attacked & they were firing

1 1/4 hrs s.o.s. Again on

21st July Germans tried to

get ground between

Lombartzyde & Nieuport

for 2 hrs. The batteries


Find out this Bty.


5                        41

are in v. advd positns.

E of Nieuport. The shelter

is only camouflage. One

of our Siege Btns ws

in Triangle Wood during

the German attack-

& one after another the

guns were blown out

of action - 3 out of the

4 were actually blown

out of action. They 

never stopped firing

-all through the day, and

when Germs. fired an 11

in. dud they cheered it.


Lanst. Tun. Coy. Arrd in 

May 1916 & went to

Sailly (No 3 at Laventie

& No 4 at Ploegsteert (Bailleul).

No 2 w to Anzac &


Germs blew us a lot here 

but only 2 men killed.


Prof Pollock is w 177 Coy

R2. Proven (c Pop)

O.C. 2nd army. listening C.


5                               43

then trench Anzac.

There : front line moving system

at Cordonneritx. Put up

a mine in (shorthand) on July

19 - McCoy thought it

served 300 men.

Germans ^were active mining there but aftwds went

back there & held front

line only w outposts.

Also had a mining system

at Armentieres (shorthand 75 & 88)

German not mining there.

We entered his gallery-

tunnelled into it - at 3 ft -

& found an electric geophone

(for mining sounds) & cocoa nut

malting on floor.


Put in Deep Dugouts

at V.C. ave, Cellar (shorthand) Ave,

Wye Y Farm, & started another

at Cromwell Ave. These were

pioneer work wh the Coy sd ws possible,

& 2 Anzac pushed thro" in the teeth of army.


XWe listened also at I existing

mines at I Ravine.


5                         45

In Jan. went to

salient, (H.Q. to Busselboom)

Took over defensive

mining at Bluff; x

we fought him there-

he blew twice & we blew

twice. We had none killed.


Here the dugouts were

I most impt work. They

were at Bluff, & Spoil Bank;

(also O.Ps there for submarine

periscopes). Dugouts at

Verbrandennolen, Larch Wood

(behind 60); the Ramparts

at Ypres, where they put

1500 men underground in

6 weeks in April; at

Swan Chateau they put

in dugouts meant for 

1 Bn, but unfinished, in the

blue clay. (They reckoned it

impossible to get thro' the



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Marj MoodieMarj Moodie
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