Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/81/1 - June 1917 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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26 intre it 481 Bn are worth N.E.3 had dute Aft. pink arm ds. Everyher 6 leaving over t like a tor of Schoolboy in (the galle delight a teatie with Everythey. 10 Bde officer says that crossingo ne Secevy as. every where then. Ine whole 10Bde stuff Exc. McNicholl were law out byI gas i we can seemy valley 8 an porwarer. tanks crawle 140 vall cavody alon road to let Sightceer stod by mine. Hun brug in viky+behind reeosines
18 19 sti 68 0 S Sam AM 18 th at er Dou 58 sgdnorearky Right. Thig quickend up n he san
25 3.1 3 83 3.50 4 2 tanks. tea t 30 6 leason bor tas 21 wiate Iuf going avr in of i age 3 over with taiks. the Past white house. no Mearn 42Dis also some one tole. ote couse Soma bad kt cor a White house Apereatly i bec wen going bot ways. 16. Tanks comy back. Den Barrag in por cestres Barrize quite Cac Jermans solg have be seen by places makig for attack when we alre dee to attack
4 werein posited 45 w fert camatters. Attack ws delayed as faras can be cean we have Hos walk se up shand for 48 Bn to ceves 425 or tanks one Com back fir at Abole five 29 stil 4. try on Stil moon Ca how t n o shellish wallocon prisss cming 25 ferman Drawn ax cndedtries 0 1 bloods servians lust soon. will be out of a pol by maoris condupt 6ouy in poit of Mraan 0. G.E.S Ferm Barrag ow ag essines. Not white lights
32 by the & The barrage of the art ao blame De for this retermet 47B 33 right from over Messs Hear toat B 47 was dowen back poobl spellet back b guns in Warneton District t wh it is expose 13 Bdestill Bn holdin came back in conformity en. woncsh is jeoly cer anor Brr 44 to attac with at once tonight. y mwa i drran for bare to lift from green line at once 10 supposet rickon sm of his Ed they we done
IC HoeC 34 man Bn attack 16 or Bdi. rit will X 8 be bo a has There of havy ver ferm worse for an Lour now since there about Copin or Im apant c attacks wore Hlery 100 dead what fatyve with gas & this mornigs work ca kup sense write Scarcely leep dropp or
wen SimeI as I write Juns avevery notice that at 6.20 activet i Prob. Balleries whe are to be Combs 6a5 sunov. heavy again fom after a shor interas 4th A4H b asjust 7.60 passed along the street with gos masks at ready going towards S.F. theyin it be moving back, I think. 30 foriy still heave t 4 o7 frvn la Sm Seems to have got heaving. After Gom. very heave barrage - Cl Jacksob says it is an attack allalory. Later. Reports from NE. Situater nomet 12 attrcco T c ha taken 31offr 10280r. prisoneas. The attack ordered for 3 am (Gwynn wanted it earlied) did not come off. Holmes, waiting up, at 3.50 heard this. He cied ordered car & went up to Robertson o Glasgow ave at Calgary. He found by knew Ixnothing. He said well now it seems Fonly way is for as to go ap & see. & get your hats & come along? They notooed to Nomansland - ten I went ap it of rcosives I found Id Imlay (67Bi) He sd order had only arrived at 2.53, & second coy of GT.B didat arrive till after $3200. Howevr 47Bn & 160748 had gone (on at 3.8 reached Oxygen Y, & near owtt He disut know, where 45 was. Holuies went on & found Herring at Sunctor of IBlack line & undulating es. Herriy to had not recd order till too lase. He do his me were close to our within 100 ydo. Bok promises give o morning t report (once & 5 on to ratrolal 3.3 i possible Tuncto 4 Drosuncertain - we have not Oct 7or Uncanny E or septerms Barn. Plave dropped Hares at 4.30 am from 04 A10to v4A32 good continuousting. Flares showat wite spot attage, Despayne Fr Black Dotten line well day in No movement seen on mran line. 6.30 our report Ho actwvity no every visit as green line. Black & Black dotendline well consolitatio. Lat linked with o coms.
8th June (3 Dev) 0 Reports Partof green tine was abandoned by 478n 814 Jane 48 4 yesty & Frcan out also. soranged to rectifyt at 3alb atcam Situate was touch w 37 not with a9 4d attack not yet land NE reports 812. 12.30 am Bnach conversate w Gwyna wh seens andgoue for further att acks beyoud I am not going to take on a green ton lter 2 ATOde in am order. conjuncte w 3od aus Dis well attack green we at 3am. today Barrage with thicken up at th hour but will not move from its present line. 1212 & 1012 Aust Irf Bdes will arrang attacking Bus to joi up befor attack starts. Patrols will be seatout at once towards coeen line to attempt to clear, ap Situation. 10th Bde told simitarly remforced by 44 Bn it is first to get I touch with 48.05. oits of C7Bn in post of black line -o then advance under quiekened barrage (not by arty demonston for fear of retatiate - this proved souncyashask MN. The has any t. AT hars of meen line. Te 8room. 47 En patrold report 81 Out yuuscagin 47 woved to occupy if at 640am ferms as Contact plane brought down be 6.45 am 62 trees in Jewns had ings. andallyy when we grent down Coult. owe for 3 am. advance evemy put dow heavy barrgo 2 le 10t Bde ws held up on lett this advance o didnt think 2 4815 had sons soned 44 Br starte late from black ling 9.20. am. 12Bde reports it is in Owl Support in touch with Frd Div there, Le.O34ant N. Ham. Plane sees men on peens wal t dypi. in 6.15 Mesage from 4pBn. We are sullen green sooid line, & provided our barrage toinne are can hold it. Col. Mansbridge at 8.20 pm came back & informed Cannan to 37.38.49 hadbe dtown back off green tine to blackling. Bde major. 10 Bde docsnt believe it (atter speaking to adjt & 4Bn). 2 weare 3in Message poo 48 wergall cut driven ould our 2 At 46.2.3.
This disterbet 5.0.C. Rang ap4 Dio to know if in actual contact & do we still hold Septeem Barn? Observen reports of white lights at minute intervals are folld by heavy Germ. varrage on Alcer Ralerve Difficulty of monash to know what baorage to puldan Decided (o put down SOS well east of greenline 1430. Ateparapet, 3 climbed out, sxpambled bagk when namy seen in U22C138. Pat heads over 3.15 44B repons very Leavy shell per in progress for some hours Still continue 4.100 Dorwd left Bde sti says thle Boult has easee of. Don't know what we grounds for pigion wery Lst Bde report Enemy massin 55 4 for a attack on 4813 Nof Huns walk - on lep o bl t Bn. 3 Drlins badly damagd by sbellpre. (18. Black line? 5.42 gug Farm to Alstes 2s,s old front lene & only bay to Abrica sap - 10t of Shrapnels 5.55 gas shell on 9th Bde. C am ax Die 200 went foued & as informed at 5.45 at small eneu cattack had bu made & repulied. 33 He got this fom 3rd Div. Major in as unbearable + Ancanny Fench hard weth une. 81 4. am. 40 028 cenl Send Bn. H to toops on left not con our up till 5 p 1he 52 Bn extended to left now holds O22 D 2.2. Farm, 028 B61 028977 O/28C7.31 b Coach with 49Bn onit 4.0.027D00 494 Bn not on touch with 45 on rylt t The positie of coy is obscue fired at byL4 52Bn in touch with himlas who spread, along whole porton sexs tevens 5D Enemy Ceainly ren frany pout at 6.5. ITEPON 6.30.34 Bn-treavy barrag behind its new suppet len 38 Bu reported it had on At 628 645 attack apper NE cau te to be sineral. he attackw. geo over shillb o se o allalory front. ot ow. reports repelled c att. 7.17 taken some prisoners 4 Dis. Report Enemy c. attack 3 5 beaten of &eneny reveri 10Bde reports no news por 120 Green time? 38Ba reports we ecattact on it of 10Bde in eve. beferevce - greek bns black wat there
A27.45 P.m. contact plane reporte flares at Long Rein treytarm NE Bridl over Douve, 4C.88 Undaleting & Ancanny Septiem Barn, owl, odd, Odious E. Turkes l Avidalation 7 abt 4C 8.8. 3c that 28 D being atacked 39 suffered beaver (378aso 51 night of 9r tbe 101 Bele pulled out reldby 11Bd Douve. 14o 9010 Bdes askedarty to N2 8.30 Htacke. 38. Bn. report enemy dis not reach black line. Evering used I in 11in all catibres agst centry of 3De Front & support 48 pm. Cre in Heat t reports 9. gemans put down heag barrage from BCKtehen Northwd behin messing. 2 Re 2 green rockets at once went up pom beynd ridge. our arty put down I heavy barrage (in less than minate). Put down at 9.4) 9.3 Haviist banage of day on whole front. 10.12 wips reports parts of 4 Dir driven in from Green tie 10.57 p H4 Ba & reliev of 37 Bn holder Barragi bn stacke 90 12.5 annt. tank in morning tanks. with 10Bde left but wvent 10



48th Bn are in trenches

N.Z.s had left. Then with

pink arm bands everywhere

leaning over [?] like a lot

of school boys in the gallery

of a theatre - delighted with



76      27


10 Bde Officer says that crossing

xxx [?] ws [shorthand characters?]

Heavy gas. everywhere there. The

whole 10 Bde staff exc. 2IC Nicholl

were laid out by gas.

1.30 Heavy We can see valley-

Guns say forward.

Tanks crawling thro' valley

Cavalry along road to [?]

Sightseers around big mine.

Hun barrage in valley & behind






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