Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/81/1 - June 1917 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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m June 6/7. Aldemed with for Monash be but saw nothing Wrealandrs in is were have timed otome definitely toattackas to be at brcakfast so we had tums over: Ga Taged mensd. The bistard- got one in our bas 5.10. am tomorrow. ne two green a two yellow. 252. I went over after dinned to Ross. arranged to meet him & start at medingly flaris - (finot time any coloured 6 fom NE. H.D. ao w went back at 10.30 Hare has sone up). They were we passed company after Coy of N. Zealan on Other side of Messins is marchey periell on the dark along Redflare other side of Rit 2.53 the rodds - nothere least conjestion Yous and stop. or hitch. At 12 at N.E.H.G. Lights in the This s app ypoes (that the Mess. Ros cup of tea with Roas & then flaresare giin up) startes with N.E. photographer & Ross 3. as he seen no 10crps -all in my car in order to make tes 315 of a procession. We found roads quite is this a scunty - some clear of wnfy - alwost clear of Corries, raid of ours farther lef? sas ferng dormally. Abt 1 wele from 2to 3 gas ainon Hill 53 on flats we ranento gos. pretty stron we sut our belonet nogzles Rosimbun in months. It lightened but presently Mew have had their breakfast tickme again. At Reed cotlage cot out & sent Boddy back. As we went up & began thro wood toward Rosumberg gas shells Bat But of fers to fall fast - pat nat pt all aron still andiocobend other we stoppe & put on hermets - sholop moon tore his of presentl - we were going origal? afew too faot. I made him put it on shell towards by again. We tried them off presently but front tine Ross as sick at once. We got up without accident - trenches were frell y Red of dawn over and and well steened in gas & som Messines mystes up them several times, sassed Thins must be all right now anythintle normal. At2.10 seen
One feels as if it were a won battle brood o ask wheres these combs 1 2x on the others side of Fos 8 messure Lots of gas shell 3:6 I cuble creen in pont of mesmes. M 9. 2or3 78 one crun flare one by shell mean 57 3.7 ove flast of rifle 3185 one G1 Flare . silent 39 our boubt Agis. menes up by resure mme afer nine 4
ins ll ba 3-18 German lan yes down 57 Red bleres S.20. still on right Curle o rockets my . whick Dust So 3.25 cant see 18p0 our barrage M9. still fou Dr with i e to chatte ini an blares still goin red up But notin see in to to ( b be must it 13 not one
WE infartry su Corder cn of one of Catis waves trech besice us) Cruncl Retoons f0 our 1C 2 difficult follow a 6o Carrag this E te ot Ftares stitl when the mines wenbe there ars an uproar of my but not much in since 31.45 of o ou ple so wheet 4 a while ligh p right. on Six bayouits 48 50 constant white flare high on right. N.E. Should be just en Tessires by now white flare still in 4. medde right Plations move H
4 4 in arty columin down tilt. You cant see more than words into this for my hand on right all him 4.5 Nothing to see at all. a tlie of breakefast wce pass ap 4.18. 2 grant retitn flare while high. to left of Messines on te blue Cine 80 can't see valle yet two res lights over messines Tust begine to see troon opp. scope on his Ferman nomnal arrage. 36. Shrap only oft Measures where N.J. are pustng Sitienty ws fixe ont
te weces this out past messmes at 17 4.40 Sun just reciey germans shelling conteet aay places. German balloon a hel of a way back right in the sunrise (watehed sunvies) 4.45 e 4.50. Plane goos over. ag. fire tail slot as ocover?. 455 23 plane up G. Stvax men on top of ridge. 5.8. by tank left of measures moning man soes to tapt dsppeers an the wes to tank. comin back 5.12 line of bys Posably eus oubd messn measucs Weonst of alio beyond in. While light
18 415 Bn had 75 camaltus in the line. 30 in coming and are mensing fermans never save the Dnd Devir such a assoy as, last night o then taking it very easy Jus? 3N,2s Talln W of messure together Nof messiet. Men N.O party of o gain southwards Messies in off letts me 7.20 p dianly 3rd Dis coy well. 25 see men at Ken walk Heles going in part of Bethl. Farm. men on et of Het Donoe also. Youg case Fillets kicking to st them. 25 Dir lepof we line moving over bill case & Suvity 8.20 8 an shelleng our night 8.20 a pink cloud from a very hight went up. The youn observer, I am
20 of our pont parts are got the tant Se to objectves t neps G.0C 30 trse 58 t Bdes in support massing Woes of Ploestret igs 2y to held up Severat Tanks from Dey. eneig c. attacken 18 8. from 4 Cottere ryet Reserve N l sent for ToS. Message ruenng attackin from Vic and v16 a out our block tint bd front. 21 with say I that thl red Very light C oa2 barrage Dlignal s putdown swa of our me by two Jermans ele D ent to the Claconbo Caman S0 Te did it seems where know Black but were was Carray et & stoppingtei own short of troops from getting tro. Now the big wait Reports. 4.5 ABn GBde takin port line of moved on 4.7 Rt Coy R. Bn got and obyve - Found smok has shell in duponts 4.36. Assembly 41Bn not yet complete.
22 0 Own & ifters Bde have grens & sn yer nos. One gan sently Cru goind toals back flew at Contait planes. 23 4.15 am. Infanti response to White light not visible 4.58 Waves 10Bde at Ulst Aven. 4 mineaw posct Captai prisoners. no Fer 9 Mitchaell capto fnt Angortly 15 Fro D We have captand Schallzel Fm, HUlcer Reserve ata and Black hime on ryl of attack atso Centie still goin qunter hads 5.21. Situate good heart camattis stylt. sbewvition 5.25 First of trons it on Messiner
24 6.15 alt Parties alach 20 Support. 25 52 out 5.60 Abt prsoners w touch tw bdes in packs as 1 Coy came across tho movi 51. plandsl composidali 100yds Fin Cape by 39. Visler a port S Bottelion in cortletwit W2 at lap w 10.20. Meny C. attack So repulsed 0 Men reporte directo of The G.O.C. says to every the has proow succesful To FMS& Sas ESans

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