Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/246/1 - 1916 - 1929 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Probably the most interesting was that of the 55 &7 Field Companies who by working at night gradually carried forward the line from Markinpinc to almost the fit pruces facig the Warlencourt Butle at the rate of to bo yous each night. It was fouced that by shaddling the 18 for fines over the low trucks the track would carry then and several bulleres were pasted prsosed in this way. The Road to Bapaince was in bad condeing but not destrorped from the Mackinpech - Conscellete ciors Roads to Deshemont farce and from these through Le Sars entirely wiped ach, the original pave bring smashed nete a cerces of shell hiles and covered with debres from shelled build ugs. A recomsansance beyind Ielars showed a large crated blown by the formans nead the Railway depot Br General Johy de Lothbemere was anxious to have this road made passable as eary as possible and for a fortnight pesor to the returniced of the fermans regular reconstruction manely by the Proneer Bn. repaired the road to Dishemont Fav and cleased a passable track thuugh LePers most of the work bring die at ruight despite considerable intereption by shill fre causing casuale
On the 28ty) Febmary when the fermans fell back from the Warlencourt luse construction was well advanced and clearing could be undeatlen to La Cape Qucle, from Le Lars Crates to the Wailencourt brook the rosed was an very bad condition, frquent shell hoks and a nmber of railway vihicles having to be filled up or seceived but the srincipal dofficulty was a number of springs which made tempmargly filled in spots haps for heavy motis lones. The decdlition of the culver our watlencourt brook an made a nure difficult IBtacle than the crater d further reconnansance towards the Grivellers cross roal slowed the road to be less despoyed than was espected theie bung two large craters and a series of dug outs below the road which undeeed it precarious but not many shell hokes. On the 17 Maid the posetuse of the road was that it was passable as far as La Cuipe Guele but blocked bryend for field astillery and no where east of LePars fit for regular traffic. arrangements had been made ho rsed wnk unmediately an advance thurgh Bipannie was requised, The 5 &6 Field Companies, and secued Proneers and an English Tunnelling
Company with some Aushalian Infanky each saking a cection. The first work was the get frast the craters blon in by ferman decidetions, this was the easiest of all the work, a road was cut round the lifs of ead crater, sleepers taken from the dld railway line placed in the oot earth work and in your houro it was possible to get field jines through Throughout the remainder of the 17 maid and the night regular seliep in wriking partess took place and by 8 oclock in the 18 March the road was clear for reasonable traffic from Le Pars Bapainne. At this stage an amazing spectacle presented stself, a laie of transport estimated at severe nub almost ling comprising (every velucle used in the arsig except tants consueuced to pond through, it was The only passable roadway fr some miles Mith & South to reach the Bapainice lase, probably the ti most exaspensting sight to the men slaving Keep the road open was moter after motor filled with officers from vanious staffs palpably bent on pure oight seciief. Moor lornes loaded with huge telegrape poles beyond their carrying capacity for ordincary will made roads, ohrs with pipes for water supplies equall
ovir weight and wise a large caravan contanceed an aualiftical laboratory caue up, while the driver in majority of cases appeared to have no conception of the necessity for slow careful driving. The one consequence was [mSt lovy after another would be bogged in a soft clace necessitating, the stoppage of the construction parties to thnow off the load and haul the vehicle out, all othes traffic being blocked To ald to these consperating blocks the sight of a complete F.A. Brigade belonging to an English Division Shick had apparently rushed up without orders, and solicicrly resurning over the crowded sosite was sufficianly annoying. The work duie by St. Col. W. Smith apM. of the Aust Corps controlling this traffic after the first morning and for a full week was oplecded and facilitatel the construction wish greably. In five days the road was fit for cepilas traffic The Decanvelle line had been extended from Le Pars to the Grwellers Cross Roads and the work ready r the permanent Road construdtion parties. During That time no less then seven Butes divisings used it as a mane communiction and it is possible to suggest that the raped advance made possible previcited the occupation of the Bengnatie line previomt prepased by the fermans and necessitated retirnment to the Bulleconst line
4 Beenete W Bapannve Road Feb Flaa 1917 bu taking our pase the 15 181 Devsion the 2 Es. De poused that more good work in tinching, road maken and hamways had here done ton was nually experiencd The Gordon Hghlasdes Proners were a first acte bettellon very will officered and the Engineess of te Deviser a blee scd The thaw after the severe winter of 1916 hove mide the almost impossible qucke as, bad are piny montsucten the preceding October a Bovimbes approacting dongieile To get even field guies forward was difficult and the sscten fym Bainte to maghetpind bey particular bad ficially it was found that, by plaany thes eshede trucks in the decanvelle sailway they could be sent along the valley from Markufench pwards te Buble of Waslencourt. The whole decauvelle septam in this arca wes good and the res unde Lo Pageon CField C who was afterwards killed at Mencelly living the atlack in Baillecoush was will carried int The beard artellary caused much uncesary work emplocing theirfirees in cutlings through which the roads passed espendy bfween Markifand and courcellette- shortly before the returncut of the Geomans the Chieef Engineer Curst. Corps Brg. Gen. Johy de Loth buscere had ordered the construction of a trench Decanvlle from Martinpush towards Warloy crossing the man Bapannie Road wish of Lesars, this a carred out manily by the 6th Field Co. The fropies made decded the recostruction the man road from Pozieres to LSars
a fair supply of metal was provided and aso difficulty expereenced in reconstruction as far as the crossw from martinpech to Comcelletle. from these on the rood was sdes observation and work could only be done at night Te mann effosh was given to the 1st Proniead Be why quickly made I good to the auskerts of te Pars. At this posict these was very little cemblance of the original paor left, what did wish was fouiad Earth about 2 feet below an accumnalation of thnwn up by the continunrs shilling of the village the whole bessg covered by the debies of buildings which had collapsed at the road. The work was plansly observed by the fermans and who at night distusbed the working parties and caused a fairly regulad miber of casuallies lad neight Io spide of these obstacles a passable road was cleased shrougl the town nearly as far as the big geoman depot a recomansance showed shat st ou in to botten of the gally an immense crates had ben blows across the road and later these sicular ones were forced to be blocking the way with the reternonent of the geomans the rccinstructinn of the road followed, the idea of bridging the cocters was discasded and two road ways firmed coued the lip, old sleepers from the cailway bring used as a snface. On March 17 when Bapannie was taken the position was that the road had been cleased as fas as Le Coupe quele, one way track formed coused the LePres crater and a grade cut through the crates formed SRIA
by blowing up the culvest over the stag nead La lape quele but the suface between the Butte and La conpe quele was too much troken by shell hobs to pernit taffic. from La Cope Quele to the top of the hell was in fair order except for German Dugonts udes the sood and one lange crates and from these snt Bapannne the only obstacle was some very coth ground nead the function of the Grwellers Road and auchs large ciater in the reverse clope to Bapainie. The psection from the Le Sers Ceater to La Corp quele was distinctly the most difficielt. as in addition Byrday heak all availabler to the almost continuds siell holes filled with water a miber of sailway wajom were had hen capaged of the lince on to the road and had to be resuined, Capt. Englan of the 5th Field ae do or wisk. in By day beak the road was occupied by sections by Enginees Companie Proners Bo. and an English Tennellay Coy, and by mid-day a tack had been made practicable for Col Johnsm to neoer his peld artillery fmoad several batteries buy carried from thenr positions on the Decauvelle to beyod le Par. By day treak in the 18th probably one of the most expecden sights of the was was seec. One unending lac of motes a other whecles prossing from Poyers to Lefars among which were numbers of cars containing surely curious visitors from every staff in the army. Moor loads of Aelegraph poles, pipes, and even one motes caravan cntanng an encliffical chernists seft t continuous colucie of troops entermsed with the treffic and to complete the trials of the road construction unts a complete buigade o Butis: Ertillery was returning having apparently gine forward without orders.
to those unacquaisted with reconstruction of such a road the filling in of shell hoks may cean sicuple agros but over the Le Pars - La Coupe Guele Secture p the Warloy valley the whole groused was octurcted with wates. Succply filling in a hole with sibes and earth left a spongy spot whid no find his lorry could cerss and cinstantly the whole traffic was held up by injordicions drivers becomeng bogged. A catlerillar tractor sent forward was of put rdue in hanling many out but the laber modoig in the construction parties was monns No less than five divisions concentaated is this one means of communication to Bapannie asd from within sex hours of the occupation of tat Your haffic was continouly manitained afer the fod second days weld orgic of haffic the work duce by Major W. Smith in cnsholling Faffic and checking tourests enabled to work to go on uniterepled certain hours a day being set apart for the Enpusss a moneers and on the thind day the road enabled a 6 mark 7 gise to be taken forard At the same since as the road was bring vsside The 6th FielaC. laid a decanville railway to within hs meles of Bapanne and the 7t Field CT mond iaud if so in advance of sxpanine clirig roads and i anangig a water cupply she whole of the wills having been potiled by the fermans, while the 2nd Proncersucnstructed a cross road twars Major aftenoaies Kelged at Ypres doing good work when it is considered that seven miles of road had been the centre of the whole of the Souce sattlefield for two years, had been deliberately destroyed by the fermins to hunder the advance and subed to mot severe wrather conditions the work of the Aushchan Engineess and Prones in getting it fet for traffec. inprecedented volune in a few hours frund a record apparently usapproadable but was afterwards
somted smpossed overshalowed by penslar work surey the Passche daele operations. It was an Med lisson to show that a comparctially small mumber of men will organized can carry out a task saniy impossible, could out have ben done bt for the expandenary inteative of bith officers and mew. Treee was no opportunety for preparations of places, and naterial required had to be taken from the delies of distorged buildings along the rarke and brought by vihales returning from Bapannie
Dedg woant. 2pt alax 16 C. H. Mor 18 M Feb 1920 Diansins this is Cart of a litter & have onty pust necesed from ofe te. from Mr. Edgar Payore, a ddrews I have gren on enclosed Paper Kindly see him if it is possibl. he can emplain about mmy clear son, as they were side by side in yo maus Land: he writes me as a trmue friend of my boy He says be was a Goaston, at Exhensheital faron with my bity they eulisted together at the ages of 14 years when they went into lands sailed together in the same. sertion in the Batt & stuck together be remarks that my boy was as strugst as a die, & ins word wes hisbond he says my dear Hubert, took Mrs Lewis Machine Guin & Cree out dulv o Mans Land, to protect a party of men who were trying to advance our lie by dignig a brunch at righ but in frint of the prent uud the Germans spotted them and attacke them with Denvery Machint gun firt, Hatert stuck to his pos until the Plast man had reached our lines Papily far erery shot the Gonmanis pare i bos paid thetu back with interest& then &e got shot through the th0 stomach & was carried off the field to the 38th C.C.S. be says he was a true Me20

Probably the most interesting was that of the

5th 6th & 7th Field Companies who by working at

night gradually carried forward the line from

Martinpuich to almost the front trenches facing

the Warlencourt Butte at the rate of 50 to 60

yards each night.  It was found that by

straddling the 18 pr guns over the low trucks the

track would carry these and several batteries

were pushed forward in this way.

The Road to Bapaume was in bad condition 

but not destroyed from the Martinpuich-Courcelette

cross Roads to Deshemont Farm and from there

through Le Sars entirely wiped out, the original pave

being smashed into a series of shell holes and

covered with debris from shelled buildings.

A reconnaissance beyond Le Sars showed a

large crater blown by the Germans near the Railway


Br General Joly de Lothbiniere was anxious to have

this road made passable as early as possible

and for a fortnight prior to the [retirement?] of the

Germans regular reconstruction mainly by the 1st

Pioneer Bn. repaired the road to [[Deskemont?]] Farm

and cleared a passable track through Le Sars

most of the work being done at night despite

considerable interuption by shell fire causing casualties. 




On the 28 (27) February when the Germans fell back

from the Warlencourt line construction was well

advanced and clearing could be undertaken

to La Coupe Guele, from Le Sars Gates to the

Warlencourt brook the road was in very bad

condition, frequent shell holes and a number 

of railway vehicles having to be filled up or secured

but the principal difficulty was a number of

springs which made temporarily filled in

spots traps for heavy motor lorries.

The demolition of the culvert and Warlencourt

brook was made a more difficult obstacle than

the crater.

A further reconnaissance towards the Grevillers

cross road slowed the road to [be] less destroyed than

was expected there being two large craters and

a series of dug outs below the road which rendered

it precarious but not many shell holes.

On the 17th March the position of the road was

that it was passable as far as La Coupe Guele

but blocked beyond for field artillery used no

where east of Le Sars fir for regular traffic.

Arrangements had been made for rushed

work immediately an advance through Bapaume

was required, the 5" & 6" Field companies 1st

and second Pioneers, and an English Tunnelling



company with some Australian Infantry each

taking a section.

The first work was to get past the craters blown

in by German [[deciedlitanes?]], this was the easiest

of all the work, a road was cut round the lip

of each crater, sleepers taken from the old railway

line placed in the soft earth work and in four

hours it was possible to get field guns through.

Throughout the remainder of the 17th March and

the night regular 'relief' in working parties took

place and by 8 o'clock on the 18th March the road

was clear for reasonable traffic from Le Sars to


At this stage an amazing spectacle presented

itself, a line of transport estimated at seven miles

long comprising almost every vehicle used in the army

except tanks commenced to pour through, it was

the only passable roadway for some miles north

& South to reach the Bapaume line, probably the

most exasperating sight to the men slaving to

keep the road open was motor after motor filled

with officers from various staffs palpably bent

on pure sight seeing.

Motor lorries loaded with large telegraph poles

beyond their carrying capacity  for ordinary  well made

roads, others with pipes for water supplies equally 




over weight and even a large caravan containing

an analytical laboratory came up, while the drivers

in majority of cases appeared to have no conception

of the necessity for slow careful driving .  The

consequence was ∧one motor lorry after another would be

bogged in a soft place necessitating the stoppage

of the custodian parties to throw off the load and

haul the vehicle out, all other traffic being blocked.

To add to these exasperating blocks the sight of a 

complete F.A. Brigade belonging to an English

Division which had apparently rushed up without

orders, and solemnly  returning over the crowded

route was sufficiently annoying.

The work done by Lt. Col. W. Smith APM. of the

Aust. Corps controlling this traffic after the first morning

and for a full week was applauded and facilitated

the construction work greatly.

In four days the road was fit for regular traffic

the Decauville line had been extended from Le Sars

to the Grevillers Cross Roads and the work ready for

the permanent road construction parties.  During

that time no less than seven British divisions

used it as a main communication and it is

possible to suggest that the rapid advance made

possible provided the occupation of the Beugnatre

line previously prepared by the Germans and

necessitated retirement to the Bullecourt line.


H.N. Work of Pioneers on Bapaume Road  1 Feb-Mar 1917

On taking over from the 15 [[?]] Division 16 2nd Gun. Div
found that morn good work in [[?]], road making

and [[?]] [[?]] had been done. [[?]] was really expensive. [[?]]

The [[Gordon?]] Highlander Pioneers were a first rate battalion

very well officered and the engineers of 1st Division a

keen unit.

The thaw after the severe winter of 1916 however made

the roads almost impossible quite as bad as in

the [[?]] [[?]] October & November approaching [[?]] [[?]] [[?]]
the [[?]] from [[?]] in to [[?]] being [[?]] bad &

to get over field guns forward was difficult and

finally it was found that by placing them while

trucks in the [[?]] railway they could be sent

along the valley from [[?]] towards the
Battle of [[?]]

The whole [[?]] [[?]] in the area was

good and the running water Lt.  Pigeon 6th Field [[?]]

who was afterwards killed at [[?]] turning the

attack in [[?]] was well carried out.

The heavy artillery caused much unnecessary work

[[?]] their [[guns?]] in cuttings through while the

roads passed especially between [[?]] & 


Shortly before the [[?]] of the Germans The Chief

Engineer Aust. Corps Bn Gen John [[?]] had

advised the construction of a trench [[?]] from

[[?]] towards Wasley crossing the main

Bapaume Road west  of Le Sans, this was carried 

out manually by the 6th Field Coy.

The progress made [[?]] the construction of

the main road from Paziers to Le Sans -



a fair supply of metal was provided and no

difficulty experienced in recess traction as far as

the cross roads from Martinpuich to Courcelette.

From there on the road was under observation and

work could only be done at night.

The main effort was given to the 1st Pioneer Bn when

quickly made it good to the outskirts of Le Sars.

At this point there was very little semblance of the

original pour left, what did exist was found

about 2 feet below an accumulation of earth

thrown up by the continuous shelling of the village,

the whole being covered by the debris of buildings

which had collapsed in to the road.

The work was plainly observed by the Germans and

who at night disturbed the working parties and

caused a fairly regular number of casualties each


In spite of these obstacles a passable road was cleared

through the town nearly as far as the big German depot.

A reconnaissance showed that xxxxx in the bottom

of the gully an immense crater had been blown

across the road - and later these similar ones were

formed to be blocking the way.

With the retirement of the Germans the reconstruction 

of the road followed, the idea of bridging the craters

was discarded and two road ways formed round

the lip, old sleepers from the railway being used

as a surface.

On March 17' when Bapaume was taken the position

was that the road had been cleared as far as La Corpe

Guele, one way track formed round the Le Sars

crater and a grade cut through the crater formed



by blowing up the culvert over the stream near La Corpe

Guele but the surface between the Butte and La

Corpe Guele was too much broken by shell holes to 

permit traffic.

From La Corpe Guele to the top of the hill was in fair

order except for German Dugouts under the road

and one large crater and from there into Bapaume

the only obstacle was some very soft ground near 

the junction of the Greviillers Road and another large

crater on the reverse slope to Bapaume.

The section from the Le Sars crater to La Corpe Guele

was distinctly the most difficult- as in addition 

xxx day back all available 

to the almost continual shell holes filled with water

a number of railway wagons were had been capsized

off the line on to the road and had to be removed.  Capt.

Coylan of the 5th Field C doing good work.

By day break the road was occupied in sections by

Engineer Companies 1st Pioneers Bn and an English 

Tunnelling Cmy. and by mid day a track had been

made practicable for Col Johnson to move his field

artillery forward several batteries being carried

from their positions on the Decauville to beyond

Le Sars.

By day break on the 18th probably one of the most extraordinary

sights of the war was seen.  One unending line of

motor and other vehicles pressing from Pozieres to Le Sars

among which numbers of cars containing only

curious visitors from every staff in the Army.

Motor loads of telegraph poles, pipes, and even one

motor caravan containing an analytical chemist outfit.

A continuous column of troops intermixed with the

traffic and to complete the trails of the road construction 

visits a complete brigade of British Artillery was

returning having apparently gone forward without




To those unacquainted with road reconstruction of and

a road the filling in of shell holes may seem simple

but over the La Sars- Le Compe Guele section across the

Warloy valley the whole ground was saturated with water.

Simply filling in a hole with timber and earth left a

spongy spot which no fast [[?]] lorry could cross and

constantly the whole traffic was held up by injudicious

drivers becoming bogged.  A catterpillar tractor sent

forward was of great value in hauling many out but

the labor involving in the construction parties was enormous.

No less than five divisions contracted in this one

means of communication  to Bapaume and from

within six hours of the xxxxx occupation of that

town traffic was continuously maintained.

After the first second days wild [orgie?] of traffic the

work done by Major W. Smith in controlling traffic and

checking tourist enabled the work to go on uninterruptedly

certain hours a day being set apart for the expenses 

& Pioneers and on the third day the road enabled a

6" mark 7 gun to be taken forward.

At the same time as the road was being remade

the 6th Field Co laid a decauville railway to

within two miles of Bapaume and the 7th Field Coy

moved xxxxxxxxxxxxxx in advance Bapaume

clearing roads and xxxxx arranging a water supply

the whole of the wells having been protected by the

Germans, while the 2nd Pioneers  reconstructed a cross road towards

-Major afterwards killed at Ypres doing good work.

when it is considered that seven miles of road had

been the centre of the whole of the Somme battlefields for

two years, had been deliberately destroyed by the

German to hinder the advance and subject to most

severe weather conditions the work of the Australian

Engineers and Pioneers in getting it fit for traffic of

unprecedented volume in a few hours found a 

record apparently unapproachable but was afterwards



surprised somewhat by [Lennel?] work during the Passchendaele


It was an abject lesson to show that a comparatively small

number of men well organized can carry out a task simply

impossible, and∧It could not have been done but for the

extraordinary initiative of both officers and men.  There

was no opportunity for preparations of plans, and

material required had to be taken from the debris of

destroyed building along the route and bought by vehicles

returning from Bapaume.




Pte H.C. Moor  18Bn             Died of wounds 21/11/16   at age 18


Feb 1920


Part of a letter I have only just received from N.S.W.

from Mr. Edgar Payne, address I have given on enclosed

paper, kindly see him if it is possible.

He can explain about by dear son, as they were

side by side in No Mans Land:

He writes me as a true friend of my boy

He says he was a [Goaffer?], at Experimental Farm with

my boy & they enlisted together at the ages of 17 years

when they went into Camp sailed together in the same

section in the boat & struck together he remarks that

my boy was as straight as a die, & his word was his bond

he says my dear Hubert, took his Lewis machine gun & crawl

out into No Mans Land, to protect a party of men

who were trying to advance our line, by digging a

trench at night, but in front of the front line

The Germans spotted them and attacked them with

heavy machine gun fire, Hubert stuck to his post until

the last man had reached out lines safely, far

enemy shot. The Germans gave my boy paid them back

with interest & then he got shot through the

stomach & was carried off the field to the 38th C.C.S.

he says he was a true hero.




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