Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/232/1 - Folder - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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739 Stach and Serub Hea Leanes Tr (where onerked) el s the grave of heut Hassan Ta Effend: aa" Red 444 Toorb Teveree por 2ee Sattn 3cay Killed 19 May 1915 A -Rachravat Memeggute Tree rie Bomnb 8ays hse where tens- e h Torsprers tet Dsed a) o Manr CT a Tonne! LowerI. a Tlerk. Tr et foot of SPuP SKSKH BIF She om the panrches Sitt Bbur oy lone Ene CTmadebyprks - euso F Gur Rüdse .Ir tese 54. 73.7 a ege r-Sgge s o. 3 edge of Feld Nev Horth from Porthi end SKII(HAIG of Leanes Trench.
3 9 VGabo Vepe Chts (Path Vie G 89859 3 eieeii Dunchon of Treoches Southof RSTT S4ITH Leones Tocoyth Chothas o Echelor? Gahe Tpa ? au Steoor Giita ar 33. 5 F Bard das e BraR0 83 Aer A g SLIIH Ao Satere c kers Pot Tea Oursach (rrost 3) -npeled posstoos (aite Fa Tuck(e tediCT (T Our octherss loit troms urke poathon. SI A
AneSut. ABae 971 r AaPr Soud) Me Aüs Jmars (Ra Re Holg Bage Poe Ridge kehelggllFrenshss 5 3/ . Cnage from the Prench SKITCH A hich shetas off .Ra Angle Burag 2 s Trans Trergtr st Sge O i Kengete Jtdterch tded ope ar Abitt. dusre 8. Pia erag urc 726 7.. å- SlITCH AI
2612119. a Februery 27th. 24. Silt Spur - Leane's - Chathan's - Echelon Trenches. See F.B. - sketched notes at each point. Bones in washaway which I thought were in front of Leane's trench are clearly 19 May, being much N of Leane's trench. The Lcane's looks over several steep washaways. forked C.T.'s enclosing the bay held by Turks is a washaway - or leads from one. Chathams: The position where Turks put up a sandbag redoubt about Nov. 2 had been abandoned and wire put in their half-dug C.T. by us. Balkan Gun Pits were 4 (or 6) pits, grassed, apparently pointing towards Gaba Tepe or Olive Grove. The remains They are on the inland side of the crest. of an old camp (ledge and old trench) of one or two tents, grassed over, is there. Turks have made a new trench along thw shole length of the Ridge Top facing the sea - and some deep dugouts with a deep pit on Bolton's Ridge (S end of it. axx LorePrort ggtte On Pine Ridge on the way back saw what looked like remains of a battery - skulls of dead horses and men. The reverse slope of Pine Ridge is very gentle. The pines have been cut down on all sides. Well down the slope towards Legge Valley were the bones and tunic of an Australian. February 26: Sketohes AA to AL. Visited Gaba Tepe with Zeki Bey, Buchanan, Lambert, Wilkins, Balfour and James. Found in general 2 lines of wire - one up the hillside below the trenches; one at the bottom of the The wire on the beach I didn't see - but Rogers hill. says that it is still there buried in the sand. There is a new trench all along the hilltop There probably where the old one was - but deepened. are two short lengths of trench below this on knuckles near the end of the promontory. There were no other old trenches on the fore (N) side. The only real ravine is near the eastern end. There is a deep washaway almost like a quarry - and by description this (X) is no doubt the place where a gun fired from. (See sketch next page).
Landirg about here Trerches hatwat ( deno Siobe hre tohere y d Caba Auo bel Vae Chfffrom 06 a H Hen Battenf Poschong S a ie f a oty 9 adomb Cc 3/ITCH AM RIA
Tek Agboraht Rosthest Southr Caualg (orner Pne Pidge MSKSRN Shrggrel Gulg aster Greguds sog kagg a Bukorgur RESR Ly i 114 et. i 3 22 2 S e et een son OOU ERST OFPONNT OF GRBR TEPE a e E 8
2112119. axx 25. sbadle 9i Poasta S There is the felloe of an old whell lying there - and two skulls which ssmed to he those of horses. It looks as if the gun was hit on the occasion when thehit was claimed. We could find no old gun emplacements on Gaba Tepe The deep diggings in the centre of the promontory are later; and there are two battery positions on the neck: Iton baderg perders -Dvselyrogs ak Possibly these cover some of the old emplacements. There were two diggings at (?) and (?), but they were not, I think, battery positions Very little sign on Gaba Tepe of all the shelling. The landing of our men was at the west end of the beach - almost opposite the main cleft in the hill. You could still see the pozzies they had dug. (A 0). There were a couple of messtins there but I don't know if these were not brought there later. One of them was very close to the landing place and another right by it. The wire here ran within a few yards of the edge of the bank. A messtin and a few traces of kit were found about 10 yards up the hill - but it is uncertain if they were left there at the landing. One messtin was found almost on the spot The O.P. for Beachy Bill was of course at Gaba Tepe I got a sketch of the parts of Anzae which could be seen from there (AN y left). The contours of Caba Tepe are shown in AM. We made over the lower end of Gun Ridge, which sweeps round just behind Gaba Tepe in several low easy folds - no gun positions there. The ground (Wilkins photographed it to show the nature of the place we should have operated in) was something like low desert scrub with shingly patches in between thelow shrubs (much like salt-bush country Zeki Bey was impressed by the fact that if disciplined regular troops (as he saidt had landed there, without the great difficulties of the Anzac country they might have got far enough ahead, and quick enough, to get across the Turkish communications to Chunuk Bair. But even so - to carry the whole of the day's plans would have been most difficult for a division even in peace time, - he said. The Asmak Dere has a surprisingly deep bed. From there a gentle slope leads up to a crest-line which runs about 700 yards (I should say) south of Asmak Dere. The top of it is trenched; an from the top of this again you look across a gentle wide valley about 2 miles (I should say) to he foot of Kilid Bahr plateau. Immediately behind the crestline (averaging about 200 yards down it), near the Maidos road, are the positions of 8 big guns, as shown in A Q (1 & 2). 939
--- a Sen ngng e VEA VES 804 a 94IH.AO 2e Wew fror Beachus O. P. P SKIIH: A for 15 cmm guns ORI Nose of ofd bagge 133 goso beach- Snt Spur Lore PineSit e t- eur R00
e lrl Z Do ia Soonguns 34/ (7. Li d aogr øøst Rasg. 2 Trench Vawe Roce e Tree e Crove (970) Housse with hoff rouf Tarste af red thes Frtgerber me Posit OrS ca SKIIH: AG ORIA
2712119. xxx axx February 28th. 26. The grave marked with an asterisk in A92 is that of a corporal in a 15 c.m. howitzer battery, killed in 1915. (Rogers considers that 4 of the gun emplacements are since the campaign and 4 earlier) There is an O.P. or two on the top of the ridge. The view from that on the right-front of the battery (100 yards from the guns) is given in A P. There were very few shellholes near these guns; but the Turks had apparently collected the bases of some 12-in. shell, and nose caps also. The epaulments were made up very high with sandbags. I noticed no direct hits on emplacements oodugouts as far as one could see. We were inclined to take these as being the whole of the Beachy emplacements. However, as there were two old 6-in, guns certainly in addition to these, I rode off to- wards Kilid Bahr plateau to find them. I found none there. There was a sunken waggon road going round the NW corner of the hill towards Helles. On coming back I noticed a number of old trenches and diggings further west than those we had seen. These proved to be batteries. Some had been built since. took the bearings of these but these were very loose and Rogers is to go off to place them tomorrow. The battery on the extreme left had had a few shells near it. There were no trees around it. There was brushwood on the epaulments and 4 ft. of the left epaulment of the 2nd gun from the left, and 2 ft. of the right epaulment could be seen from the position of Burgess's guns. They would look like this: 8 Riding home, between this and the other battery, I found about 1ó emplacements. RCTT. 2 In a gully something like this, on the way home, I sudéenly ran into a regular shell crater area - almost like an area in France - quite dangerous to canter through. Zeki Bey returned to-day. In the afternoon Balfour and I took out about half a dozen men to go over the hills which Balfour had searched in the morning, viz., the slope leading up from behind our camp to Scrubby Knoll; and the slopes back from Scrubby Knoll between the ridge and Mortar Ridge. Balfour had found an Australian tunic complete and a fired cartridge on the slope (in a gully) about 68 d.2. previously found a puttee at 68 d. intersection of 2 - 6 n and 5 - 3 (just on the shoulder of the hill). ORI


Diagram - see original 

Near Leanes Tr. (where marked)
is the grave of 2/Lieut Hassan
Taxin Effendi 48th Regt
2nd Battn 3 Coy Killed 19 May 1915
Diagram - see original 

Diagram - see original 

View North from North end

of Leanes Trench.


Diagram - see original 


Junction of Trenches South of

Leanes Tr. with Chathams Post.
Diagram - see original 
Diagram - see original

Our southern limit 

from Turk position


Diagram - see original 


Anzac from the trench

which shut us off.
Diagram - see original 



26/2/19. Silt Spur - Leane's - ChathaM's - Echelon Trenches.
See F.B. - sketched notes at each point.
Bones in washaway which I thought were in front of
Leane's trench are clearly 19 May, being much N of
Leane's trench.
Leane's looks over several steep washaways. The
forked C.T.'s enclosing the bay held by Turks is a
washaway - or leads from one.
Chathams: The position where Turks put up a
sandbag redoubt about Nov. 2 had been abandoned and wire
put in their half-dug C.T. by us.
xxx  Diagram - see original

Balkan Gun Pits were 4 (or 6) pits, grassed, 
apparently pointing towards Gaba Tepe or Olive Grove.
They are on the inland side of the crest. The remains
of an old camp (ledge and old trench) of one or two
tents, grassed over, is there.
Turks have made a new trench along thw whole length
of the Ridge Top facing the sea - and some deep dugouts
with a deep pit on Bolton's Ridge (S end of it).
xxx Diagram- see original

On Pine Ridge on the way back saw what looked like
remains of a battery - skulls of dead horses and men.
The reverse slope of Pine Ridge is very gentle. The
pines have been cut down on all sides.
Well down the slope towards Legge Valley were the
bones and tunic of an Australian.
February 26: Sketches AA to AL.
February 27th.
Visited Gaba Tepe with Zeki Bey, Buchanan, Lambert,
Wilkins, Balfour and James.
Found in general 2 lines of wire - one up the
hillside below the trenches; one at the bottom of the
hill. The wire on the beach I didn't see - but Rogers
says that it is still there buried in the sand.
There is a new trench all along the hilltop,
probably where the old one was - but deepened. There
are two short lengths of trench below this on knuckles
near the end of the promontory. There were no other
old trenches on the fore (N) side.
The only real ravine is near the eastern end. There
is a deep washaway almost like a quarry - and by
description this (X) is no doubt the place where a gun
fired from.
(See sketch next page).


Diagram - see original



Diagram - see original


xxx Diagram - see original
There is the felloe of an old whell lying there - and
two skulls which seemed to be those of horses. It looks
as if the gun was hit on the occasion when thehit was
We could find no old gun emplacements on Gaba Tepe.
The deep diggings in the centre of the promontory are
later; and there are two battery positions on the neck:
xxx Diagram - see original
Possibly these cover some of the old emplacements. There
were two diggings at (?) and (?), but they were not, I
think, battery positions.
Very little sign on Gaba Tepe of all the shelling.
The landing of our men was at the west end of the
beach - almost opposite the main cleft in the hill. You
could still see the pozzies they had dug. (A O). There
were a couple of messtins there but I don't thin know if
these were not brought there later. One of them was very
close to the landing place xxxxxx and another right by it.
The wire here ran within a few yards of the edge of
the bank. A messtin and a few traces of kit were found
about 10 yards up the hill - but it is uncertain if they
were left there at the landing. One messtin was found
almost on the spot.
The O.P. for Beachy Bill was of course at Gaba Tepe.
I got a sketch of the parts of Anzac which could be
seen from there ( A N - left). The contours of Gaba
Tepe are shown in A M.
We made over the lower end of Gun Ridge, which
sweeps round just behind Gaba Tepe in several low easy
folds - no gun positions there. The ground (Wilkins
photographed it to show the nature of the place we
should have operated in) was something like low desert
scrub with shingly patches in between thelow shrubs
(much like salt-bush country.
Zeki Bey was impressed by the fact that if
disciplined regular troops (as he said) had landed there,
without the great difficulties of the Anzac country,
they might have got far enough ahead, and quick enough,
to get across the Turkish communications to Chunuk Bair.
But even so - to carry the whole of the day's plans
would have been most difficult for a division even in
peace time, - he said.
The Asmak Dere has a surprisingly deep bed. From
there a gentle slope leads up to a xxxxxxxxxx crest-line
which runs about 700 yards (I should say) south of Asmak
Dere. The top of it is trenched; an from the top of
this again you look across a gentle wide valley about
2 miles (I should say) to the foot of Kilid Bahr plateau.
Immediately behind the crestline (averaging about
200 yards down it), near the Maidos road, are the
positions of 8 big guns, as shown in A Q (1 & 2). 


Diagram - see original 
Diagram - see original 

View from Bachy's O.P.

for 15 cm guns 


Diagram - see original 

Right flank Beachy Bill.
Diagram - see original 


27/2/19. The grave marked with an asterisk in AQ2 is that of a
corporal in a 15 c.m. howitzer battery, killed in 1915.
(Rogers considers that 4 of the gun emplacements are
since the campaign and 4 earlier). There is an O.P.
or two on the top of the ridge. The view from that on
the right-front of the battery (100 yards from the guns)
is given in A P.
There were very few shellholes near these guns; but
the Turks had apparently collected the bases of some 12-in.
shell, and nose caps also. The epaulments were made up
very high with sandbags. I noticed no direct hits on
emplacements oodugouts as far as one could see.
We were inclined to take these as being the whole of
the Beachy emplacements. However, as there were two old
6-in. guns certainly in addition to these, I rode off to-
wards Kilid Bahr plateau to find them. I found none
there. There was a sunken xxxx waggon road going round
the NW corner of the hill towards Helles.
On coming back I noticed a number of old trenches
and diggings further west than those we had seen. These
proved to be batteries. Some had been built since. I
took the bearings of these but these were very loose and
Rogers is to go off to place them tomorrow. The
battery on the extreme left had had a few shells near it.
There were no trees around it. There was brushwood on
the epaulments and 4 ft. of the left epaulment of the 2nd
gun from the left, and 2 ft. of the right epaulment
could be seen from the position of Burgess's guns. They
would look like this:
xxx Diagram - see original 

Riding home, between this and the other battery, I
found about 16 emplacements.
xxx Diagram - see original 
In a gully something like this, on the way home, I
suddenly ran into a regular shell crater area - almost
like an area in France - quite dangerous to canter through.
February 28th. Zeki Bey returned to-day.
In the afternoon Balfour and I took out about half a
dozen men to go over the hills which Balfour had searched
in the morning, viz., the slope leading up from behind
our camp to Scrubby Knoll; and the slopes back from
Scrubby Knoll between the ridge and Mortar Ridge. Balf our
had found an Australian tunic complete and a fired
cartridge on the slope (in a gully) about 68 d.2.  I
previously found a puttee at 68 d. intersection of 2 - 6 xx
and 5 - 3 (just on the shoulder of the hill). 



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