Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/231/1 - March 1919 - Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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05 32 Jus No rds lack mendle Ti 20, Combys & I. dole bhead. Ettectg shravel 0 in 23 pe 24 Ket of auth fait 25 austor Buy 703 stoplis 75 C. Stochap to w5 ter 15 Ba in gar potcl
outhreak is repettalle. Yo, tho Me hrowny one the Arm neceeded alas n that upon thes latter I had 28 Att. trons pelin ois indusion was a matter frs Yoorrs rde Eather 1 aonce 1a Muns do he 4 ne 1 4 M 8
Etell fo a touth hs the lossy Epe atta X I Neth 1 9 others howe Murd An N D aae yue is 1 or ng h cake as to M 21/5
Australian Histerical Masion, 52. 1919. Transcription of anorthand notes in Mary re 231, p-104. accrent Pertar Fid rrowtrors 22. left Jachinegim att 70 pis s. of 1t. Plarge ((7) firing line in gutter down top of Mertar Ridge. 60-200 rounds each. Pen close togethers Firing at C.C.T., Courtney's ard Johnston's Jolly. 5 dead. Pattleship shrapnel. 25. Put in 10 yis west of above on parapet. This firing Line contines o to beyond back of Munn’'s.Here saller ridge cans in running off base of Portar R. Thin 24.Kit of Australian farthest down on Mortar R. One clear patch near ...- ins) 25. Just on Paby 760(rt 693 D150 7ds Mr of sign (bine) Fod X near this there 26. Shocting from ....c. lst day, on path 200 pis N. of sign. Cartridges roach from there to W side of cenetory 27.Grave of lst Br man front line on Baby 700. Line runs S.from hore, near S. corner of Mig ar. 7Cant. here (unform)) 28. N. of 2nd Line, Baby 700. N.LTajanoar here. 12 A.H.R.2). Furthest man on seesard alope of Daby 790. Tubers just behind in- cluling MoL. A.H.M.DO.Furthest mn on 3'ship Hill. (Page Lacing pors) Chmnck Bair. started early night before Chailak Dore camped there land Istarted morning 7of 8 Ithen anfilad Turk attack Wellingten auchland on left Eight. o
81 Peadck O. Iamid 1.50p Hop 4.20 BileSck 8. 10p Karakeny 10. Eski cheher Dam Alayuad 6. 10 (1275) Af KHissar 16.53 am An Chehis 3.81 1ighin Konia 11407 170
or C Es iht oheais Bayheld by t aperict ad inle bednes (4) Extreme S Point of Crust trudes Anzac ( Position where haves Pli, landed at Gaba74 6) Positee of gun wicldged to fire from Galat (I) mans cost found t undespeatin e in the wes lif Fram o 1 Col. Hobson for Auot. mas Rusbrigge burt terio

truth to tell for Auld Lang Syne I
kept the loss of his friendship. His

method of attacking me through

others however is despicable -

and makes "Murder in my heart".



22 Left Gun Emplacement Mortar R. Facing Courtneys
mg abt 70 yards s of it
Firing line in gutter down top of Mortar
Raid.  60 to 200 rds each.  Men close -
Firing at GOT, Courtneys & J. Jolly
6 dead.  Battleship shrapnel.
23  Put in 10 yds W. on parapet
This firing line continues on to back
of Quinns.  Here smaller ridge comes
running off base of Mortar.
24  Kit of Austln farthest down on Mortar R
One clear patch
25  Aust on Baby 700 (rt of line)
Diagram - see original document
150 yds NNE of sign (blue)
Red X near this
26.  Shooting which was the
1st day on path 200 yds N or sign
Cartridges reach from there to W side of cemetery
27  Grave of 1st Bn man front line on Baby
700.  Line runs S from here
near S corner of big gun
Cant here


Yes, the Elliott outbreak is regrettable. It
succeeded alas in throwing out the Army

Act. Not that upon the latter I had

strong feelings. Its inclusion was a matter

rather of form & made upon legal


I do not mind greatly Elliott's

personal attacks upon me altho'


truth to tell for Auld Lang Syne I
kept the loss of his friendship. His

method of attacking me through

others however is despicable -

and makes "Murder in my heart".




Australian Historical Mission, Feb. 2 Mar. 1919.

Transcription of shorthand notes in diary No 231, p.104.
22. Left gun emplacement Mortar Ridge.Facing Courtney's

Machinegun abt 70 yds S. of it.

?Large / (?) firing line in gutter down top of Mortar Ridge. 60-200 rounds each.
Men close together. Firing at G.O.T., Courtney's and Johnston's Jolly.
6 dead. Battleship shrapnel.

23. Put in 10 yds west of above on parapet.

This firing line continues on to beyond back of Quinn's.Here smaller ridge
comes in running off base of Mortar R.
Diagram - see original document

24.Kit of Australian farthest down on Mortar R. One clear patch near ..... ?him
25. Aust on Baby 700 (rt of 2nd line)

Diagram - see original document
150 yds NNE of sign *(blue)

Red  X near this

26. Shooting from ...... ?here 1st day, on path 200 yds N. of sign.

Cartridges reach from there to W side of cemetery

27.Grave of 1st Bn man front line on Baby 700. Line runs S.from here, near S.
corner of big gun

?Cant. here (uniform)?

28. N. of 2nd line, Baby 700.

N.Z. maj.near here.

Diagram - see original document

A.H.M.29. Furthest man on seaward slope of Baby 700. Numbers just behind including
A.H.M.30. Furthest man on B'ship Hill.

(Page facing p.95.)

Chunuk Bair.

Started early night before Chailak Dere camped there ?and ?started

morning ?of 8



Diagram - see original document

Turk attack


on right, Auckland on left

Diagram - see original document


H.P. Sat. 8.40am.
Pendik 9.45
Ismid 1.50pm
Arifir 4.20pm
Bilesick 8.10pm.
Karakeuy 10.52pm
Eske Chehir 1.30am Sund. (1170)
Alayunt 6.15am (1270)
Af K Hissar 10.53am   2pm
Ak Chehir 3.8pm    7pm
Ilghin 5.37pm     9.30
Konia 9pm Sunday
11.40pm   3.30 - 4am


(1) [[?]]

(2) Crater at extreme right of Leanes

(3) Bay held by Ts after we had entered Leanes Trench
(4) Extreme S Point of Aust trenches
at Anzac.
(5) Position where Leanes Pty landed at
Gaba Tepe

(6) Positn of Germ which used to fire from Gaba [[?]]

(7) Man's coat found beyon area under feature of
[[Germ?]] R.
([[?]] in [[?]] Tepe

No. 3.

Col. Hobson }

or Maj. Rusbrigger  } for Aust. war material
(17735)  Wt. 2205-SK550.  100000.  1/18.  [[Sir?]] J. C. & S.



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