Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/231/1 - March 1919 - Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Aldel Rahmars Jesma in d acct this BA. New of Bodel Rahman Bais from positn on Hill 100 where Eth A.O. came under fire of Turhish 11t Regto mego on Auy 8t. 1915. The ings were in the oreat in front of Aodel Kalman Bais, where marked
Church Bair startes carynight before, morning of8 5 2 Wellingto Night Ruck left. mern 331oas len AX C. Kig 1 heore. Maucs Hants. will 2 Chailck Dere Carped tere starts For this state (St in Bk. 230 p.45 HS. EnB. 917E seef 20 at (Chinnk Bair 7 Pnodo R
Howes cacmanians mant have be saying from wc. onto Brony/ 4o of sagers West Hump The men becdoning wol be on the little nose wh proity in the too end of malone gully ors L AW
e 67 See t Bongan Hi. theeson To 1ot. W. 8
Jather 1 From Smipers Wess n1 Rthsy A0 No1
The Tug Maroden askort 26 9/7 persn Fuchemen £0 s A Tcena Dedtren n 2 om Fr side f malose falley
A7 lef A7. centre left ous tracheng 1
noti Beby 700 We may neay hers. Att 429. Furteet m slope of Baty Ninders Ary. 30 Futer on Scaird 700 bele shyt


Hand drawn diagram - see original document


View of Abdel Rahman Bair from positn on Hill 100 where 4th A.I. Bde

came under fire of Turkish 11th Regts mgs on Aug 8. 1915. The were

on the crest in front of Abdel Rahman Bair, where marked





Chunuk Bair.

Started early night before, Chailek Dere.

Hand drawn diagram - see original document


Howes Tasmanians must have bn sniping from Nth

onto Prong 4 of snipers Nest Hump

The men beckoning wd be on the little nose wh projects

in the top end of Malone Gully.

Hand drawn diagram - see original document



Hand drawn diagram - see original document

The 4 Prospect Hill

from No 1 Post. W Hump.



Hand drawn diagram - see original document

From Sniper's Nest.  AU



xThe Tug "Marsden" 




Hand drawn diagram - see original document

From T. side of 

Malone Gully



Hand drawn diagram - see original document

A T centre rt



Hand drawn diagram - see original document

AT. left


Hand drawn diagram - see original document

A T. centre left


N of

2nd Line Baby 700

NZ Maj. near here

Hand drawn diagram - see original document

AHM 29. Furthest man on seawd 

slope of Baby 700

Members just behind

[[shorthand]]. NZ

AHM. 30.

Furthest man on B'ship to




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