Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/231/1 - March 1919 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Aug 7th 1955 Awzac. Iadian lngs who reached far on night of 6/ bothd duiing monay of 7a from Farm back into valley. old (Beg wekw saw this from No 3 Rutpor] where anch 17e were till tei attact tonight.
29hy pic w pait Gn 5 t I place possibly reached by t Rlants party. e3 places reached by Bn L. Rnc. 3) shd be over hill it 1 foot of fi R. (Hmlenstly BF.
40. Point where 2 closestwang ac. a Brih reachd byanths 0 on C wif t Pont reached by Anoths who ot furthers at Cing mear terk tha te 20 at head of Owens velly we orgginally had a few half bep feleed in at armistes w ourder o tiels Pe 2ty 43. Wher Gen Brdfe was snot 4 Gea Bitps first Ht Cos. 45 Gen. Birdwoods s oe) 45Bidgewalkers &eo may-ply 47. Gen. Horde Any as Coops son at Evanster setlis 48 ye whiles as evacuation 49. Ge. Walkers lites Hgis where is ws sterp when a acl atered t,
10 Nown iis 87
furters. chlan ta B e 62 Plion Back Puint sheetis omcssid 2 th 24 B3D. L4 K.P. and Core Pine from Gunk. sletin annd grS Jaby 10 Runells to 4 23 S T 29 M om w Ny 1 mr enow Gant. Right.
m t his g aagle 31 Mea of 6Ba Pie R nar foot of Leggevel 32. Supers R. There 9B got R, a -royds nd net w Liefe edg Danoram of Cheltams R.5 pou foot 33 Wine glass ge Pine Eon Wside-abtO Gh may have crossed line Siring on Bottins & but 319 Eracty opposite to Roceublely gus Panoran of 4 pom here. Some cart anos Bty P. of hrs vea it Of close o y. T. Ralo hstop. abbly onl bingg. Th decled un & tall Bottns &. 134 her) 13.34
Bay when tiead heldout Ey nd 2 e 209 Th S B.C Leaves truch from Suyees Redge E £ Chatin
Dm S 6 w ell to B.B. Laha Bal Act 100 from positin of T. Moss. in Aug8 fight.




Aug 7th 1915 Anzac.
Indian troops who reached Farm for night of 6/7
bolted during morning of 7th from Farm back into valley.
(Bigg Wether saw this from ^ old No 3 outpost where Auck MR
were till their attack tt night.


Hand drawn diagram - see original document
X place possibly reached by Lt Plants party.
∅ 1 2 & 3 places reached by 6 Bn
∅ (3) shd be over / hill at / foot o Pine R.  L. Pine. (Hunters Pty)
B F.


40. Point where trenches were

closest at Anzac.
41 Positn reached by Austlns at LD
most imp point. on CT driven back 10 yds further
42 Point reached by Austlns who
got furthest at Pine.
near Turk Bn HQ  3 [[shorthand]]

At head of Owens Valley & we
originally had a few half begun trenches
- filled in at Armistice w our dead
& Turks
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
43. Where Gen Bridges was shot
44 Gen. Bridges first HQrs.
45  Gen. Birdwoods first Hqrs (till October)
46. Gen Bridges & Walkers HQs May - July.
47. Gen. Birdw Anzac Corps HQrs at

48 Gen Whites dugout shelter at evacuation
49. Gen. Walkers later Hqrs where he ws
sleeping when a shell entered it.


35 Essad Pashas Hqrs.
37. Positn possibly reached by
Lt Loutit's party
36. Positn certainly   "           "
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
38. Positn reached by Tulloch
39 Guiding Post to 38
29 is on top of ridge leading to Snipers N
on N side of it
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
The attack must
have gone as
shown &
bn enfiladed from
Bship H
on there as shown



Old gun positions
at. S. end of
Pine Ridge
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
[* Bivvies
?Tunnel *] 


Hand drawn diagram - see original document
B D. Left     
Back of L. P. and Lone Pine
from Gun R.


Hand drawn diagram - see original document
from Gun R.



31  Men of 6 Bn ^ on Knoll at end of knuckle of Pine R near post of Legge Valley.
32.  Snipers R. where 9 Bn got to, abt
[20yds N of Nek w Knife Edge.
[Panorama of Chathams R. 5 [[shorthand]] from foot of
Pine R. on W side – abt where

9 Bn may have crossed Pine R.
33. Wine Glass? guns
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
Firing on Bolton's A but
exactly opposite to
Rosenthal guns.

Panorama of 4 [[shorthand]] from


Hand drawn diagram - see original document
Leanes trench

from Snipers Ridge



Hand drawn diagram - see original document


Hand drawn diagram - see original document
Hill 100 from positn
of T. in Aug 8. fight.



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