Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/230/1 - February - March 1919 - Part 7
X or better,
"The fact that the
losses were muchxxxxxxxxxxx
greater than the remainsxxxxxxxxxxx wouldxxxxxxx indicate.
can only be accounted
for . . . . . . . " C.ew.B.
bn buried by / Turks & dug up later by someone.
we cd find no Bn badges. There Xxx were odd men
scattered about all thro the scrub. Not eno' to
account for / days losses. These Xcan only be
accounted for by / Turk having buried them.
From between the left & right of the line we identified I
made sketch BA, We can showing the position from wh the fired on them. The left o / attack had
passed a big cornfield, on / slope exposed to /
enemy. Beyond it were one or two smaller open
spaces. On the reverse (N) slope o / hill were
several dead Turks, whether k. in this c/attack I
dont know.
We went back by the Turkish M.g. positn
from which I made sketch BB. The attack had been
evidently made up / slope between Kaiajib Agha Dere
& Asma Dere.
We went back by 971 in order to see if we
cd find any further traces o / Ghurkas. Pretty well
every question wh we came here to solve has bn
settled exc. this one. Most o / ^few traces of British kit
wh exist have been found ^just S. of Q. North. We went
X Shorthand
for trench
to this pt. & descended into / valley from there. The scrub ws
very thick. It ws scrub all / way down. Buchanan went
pretty well to / bottom & I went a good way down
– further to / left – & neither found / least trace of any British
kit. I worked to / left abt ½ way down the hill; & on
rounding the shoulder of Q. found a ledge on /
lower end of wh ws a trench. Part of this trench
ws old & seemed to have bn used by us as it
had ^little dugouts on / Turkish side. On / right of it
ws a shoulder up wh / xtrench ran. The Turks had
built several. trenches on his ledge also. I went up /
XMajor Allanson
6th Gurkha Rifles
C.E.W.B. 6.2.47
hill from there - found one bit of British kit near /
trench. The slope ws by no means impossible. The Summit
had bn heavily shelled. The
gully led you up to the S. shoulder
of Q South, next to Chunuk
Bair. The Tommies must
have bn on the next under feature
to this – somewhere about A.
The shelf & / trench ^there correspond somewhat,
if I remember right, to a point in AllisonsX acct of this
fight - The Gully wh Buchanan went down, below
Q North has no such shelf. Also, the Turks
have only a tradition of our having got onto Jonk
Bair (as Zeki Bey called it). On the whole I think
Q South fits Allisons description better than Q. North.
Diagram - see original document
& I think the
Gurkhas probably
got on top at 1, &
not at 2. Allisons
account, now tt we have this knowledge, ought
to settle it.
March 4 5.
Went out with Rogers to see some old gun
positns on / extrem Pine R. wh may be those
mentioned by Hunter of 5th Bn. in the first days fighting.
We found 3 old gun emplacements by an old trench in /
last valley on / right in Pine Ridge as you go S. down
Legge Valley. They were undoubtedly old – part of the old
Gaba Tepe defences, connected with 2 trenches wh ran across
Legge Valley there
Diagram - see original document
One of these old trenches wandered
across Legge Valley & then up the W. Side thro a sort of shelter – probly
Sk, B.F apparently
made on this
C.E.W.B. 10/2/47
not a gun pit ^& stopped there; & in the valley W. of it on / side o / hill were
/ trenches shown in sketch B E. In the Gun Pit lowest down /
hill / gunpit did communicate by sort of ears (tunnelled)
w / trenches on both sides
Diagram - see original document
but / gun pits were all really
outside / trench.
The cap wh we found / other day (marked 19)
on Pine R. ws by / upper end of this same trench, 300 yds
nearer / sea.
We also found a group of 4 or 5 men, dead, on
a knob at / end(X) of the second or third knuckle of Pine R.
S. of L. Pine - just above Legge Valley. The Ts. (or a Turk) had been
firing from / edge o / knob, 7 or 8 yds away.
Diagram - see original document
Sk. BC.
They were 6 Bn men.
On my way back I made a sketch of Leanes trench
from the Sniper's Ridge - to show the washaways. They are
not so precipitous as one had expected. N. of the wheatfield
there is a tremendous collection of bones in a similar
washaway - probly men k. by Rosenthals guns in / wheatfield
in / first few days. The washaway is white with them.
I found the men, probably, of 9 Bn who were k.
on June 28 just outside the trenches on Snipers Ridge north
of the Knife Edge, abt 20 yds N. of the nek between / two.
(Peg 32 here).
In / afternoon I went S. along Gun R. from
Andersons Knoll, to see if I cd find traces of Plants party. Plant
of 9 Bn says tt he went till they were looking over open
country - "a hell of a distance" - but cdnt be sure tt there
ws any part o / Dardanelles seen from there. Balfour found one
of our ^fired cartridges on Gun R. opposite the foot of Pine R. & a little
beyond (S x of) it, / other day.
Anywhere from abt 50 yds S. of Anderson Knoll
for 500 or 600 yds a man not quite getting over / skyline
wd have this view ^(i.e. open country but not Dardanelles water); & on / S. shoulder o / Knoll he cannot
see / Dardanelles even when he is on the crest. You
cannot see ^over green fields anywhere exc. from this section
of Gun. R. I think Plant sd he ws looking towds Kilid
As Gun R. ^(See sketch BD) there is only 700 yds from / point wh
Hunter (who landed much later)^probly reached, it is probable
tt Plant & a party of 9. Bn did reach this part of
Gun R. before being pushed back. Several clips of cartridges
had bn fired by Turks near / top o / ridge (on / Maidos or SE
Side of it) near / guns S. of Anderson Knoll. They may have bn
fired at someone either a little S. of / Knoll, or 600 or 700 yds S. of it.
I found two lots of gun positns – one at /
head o / valley S. of Andersons Knoll; (the firing ws near
there); the other at / head o / next valley further S.
near point 87. These had bn built to fire towds Gaba
Tepe, apparently I fancy & aftwds swung round towds Boltons Hill.
Both were near / Gaba Tepe rd on / Hill Top.
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