Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/23/1 - December 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of CE W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR1606/2317 Title: Diary, December 191 Also covers the evacuation. AWMISS-3DRI606/2311 1
Nd flar DeT 25 830 r HIE 0 7 7 5 583 3. 5 53 2 47 2 2 2 S5
Kuss. 20 Pope 9. £ Court. 18 4 Steele wire fully. Old 3oen 2 4L4 22 E21. Deary Decy. ie 221,28. 24
6 Patent gon to fire after men teave & by PE Scarry moon3 7B Renplet feet- 4Bn 60-46 67 60- 4 6 9. 1i9. 60. Ala 270 30749 wryt t t Csap Q741- 6 40 men & ads 941 Sr Ten 25 men 2c S e Live atpresent. 20. 19. 17.18. B3v4 2212, 27P. 2 S. L. 4, L. 17 6 Cto Brighton V221 14 Patent gun. Down Wictona Sally.
taube yeste came over Gaba Ceps fleging very high. Our battleplane we below & the taubl as headed from S be a wBrit-plane. A sod plane headed from North a when last scente was llying on 1direct of Imbros. Hbdul is putting out tims in pout of his were here. SBl ms to soin 2ED. 450.82 3.3.2 sobe from Brghton Shanghar dy S. We blew up othis day on sigh 47 gent 715 1896 47 3850 1 End . 5000 n1 gve Div Cou Casbon 1SFi Bde 32 Bn Comms C1 now Dton (25 Br Bde. Lamrock SBLi. warson (Ex Do)8 Bct
Ev. 150s287 Carties C to hem only y coals packs- 15t to take Tome7 2 Bnsynallers a parties C3 Ford line right to ead. Sigs VSF. to B.GSix A Russell Kllg 75100 Len Carty Andey Cplon from Maclagan's Koo ery Plugps, walkers, N01. Re 75 1 Div Phips 90 of Bh. to Sings. on Pagyes & No p & Patonon 27 76 bood for 150 men 150,000£ 166 wills grinades & Reserve
7o on Plus. Col. ?. on Pl.s walkers. Col Palons ofice ot tt gxos office Eo. o t enemy ol an Rear gd I (Rossell) will direct M Paton) minesS after & X etern Doefor12 12-664 Bu 520 rendervosen gally 13LH in Los Between Tambo & Love Pine Ma Bridzis Ro + Rest suky. 165015M 6.20
1850 15t4 Thre E Pe 17.420 beginning 13. 160 of Tuly. 19.400 20.250 W. Beach Epi 13 LH. 310 R. Vons Restgally Andnighte 1Bn 120 2350 Kendy 18175 Res. Gel Dis Fan 51 9 100 ad oc 50 5.20 20 So0 Di H0.4 6 N Beash 50 21 1000 700 2ndt 215t 180, 22 190, 23n 180 24. 150 Watsons Rey. Spm. 7.15 ad R. vons. (1t We Rif A) 1 21. 350 315 am Renng Camp. 22 250. 23 300 4am Walsone 24 165 Piei Dec J. 75 wed. To DHHC. 10 1200 131 21. 100 Rv. 15 Dis Riscang 22 110 23 100 10.15 24 200 11 Walsons as. 30 ted. 20 600
Walson at Kif Cp no gunners 3t (or DHO. 7C600 7.27 18. 100 19.57 20. 8 21.42 22.114 12-12.20. 23. 186 Watsons Dio 3 34 1 a.m. ened. to S Bole CrOSY 1S. 6 14 DHR. 17.50 18. 146 (50 on Plagges 40 walk o 19 30 20. 100 Cm.S.son Rassellslop Poot P 21.20 22.50 24 100 DSig. Ct, Eu. 15, 5 Bele Sig. 11 6do11 132
arrisons on Pis &Post P.4by order O.C.N 1if capt. 1KE sab0 1RE other raik 2 segnallers for Bu HGle C.1. 17.2. 18. 2.30 19. 2 20 2.45 2172 2.11 24 2.18 & all aygs. C.2. 17 2.35 357 18. 19 2.35 20 3. 5. 2122 2.45 24 2.45 3.20 3135 17 C. 3. 18 3.15 3.40 3.37 19 3.20 3.45 20 3.23 21.273.15 3.4S 3.45 3.15 24 Coms Pier. 2.35 T.37 2.33 3.5 2. 45. 2.45 3.10 3.20 310 3.25 3.15 3.15

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.

Diaries and Notebooks

Item number: 3DRL606/23/1
Title: Diary, December 1915
Also covers the evacuation.



Diary 23
Dec 13 ' 15
Original DIARY No. 23

3 DRL 606 ITEM 23 [1]

THE use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every reader and writer who may use them.

These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what was then in the writer's mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep; also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.

These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that those who passed on such stories, usually themselves believed them to be true. All second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.

16 Sept., 1946             OPEN             C.E.W. Bean

 Diary 23

Diary 23
Dec. 13. 15

[Sketch map - see original scan]


[Sketch - see original scan]

Patent gun to fire after men leave
invented by Pte Scarry Moonee Ponds 7 Bn
Muffled feet-
4Bn 60-4  officers 6-7
         60-4  officers  9. 1 mg
         60.4   officers 2 7Q 3 or 4 OCG
         Very last 5 of these  - 5 active men

This puts the colonel in sap Q7 & 1st Px
40 men & adjt the [[?]]. 10 minutes before the end. Then 25
men 2 officers and colonel
Anz. Line at Present                  L.H, 23, ½ 21, 23, ∧24 ∧comb. 7, 2,8,1,4,LH 7.5.6
½ 21 1st division C to Brighton
Patent gun. Down Victoria Gully.


Taube yesty came over Gaba Tepe
flying very high. Our battleplane ws
below & the Taube ws headed from S.
by a ∧2nd Brit-plane. A 3rd plane headed
here from / North & when last seen he
was flying in the direction of Imbros.
Abdul is putting out tins in front of his
wire here.
2 LH Bde  :  450.8 mgs to go in 3.3.2
least shd from brighton Leaflet from Brighton
Shanghai are ∧to go 2nd [[?]]
We blew up other day on right
4.7 gun T 715. 1896 destroy long time
2nd division 3650 15 M
                        3000 2nd 1
Div Commndt ∧to leave last on 1st [[?]]
Bde ∧Comms B2
Bn Comms C1 now
Paton (25 Bn) 5th Bde. Lamrock 5 Bde.
Watson (24 Bn) 5th Bde


150 ask which is their rations
Parties on last need to have only gt coats
& packs- 1st to take some of these
2 Bn signallers w parties C3
Forwd line right to end.
Sigs bring shell instruments
Last night B.G Sir A Russell Klmg
Ev men but shell [[?]] from head with a 
Rear Party under Col Paton
from Maclagan's Knoll CS Knoll
Plugges, Walkers, No1.
Rt 75 1 Div
Plugges 90 of the 13th. to 8 mgs. on
& report as outside by Paton on [?] ridge
76 food for 150 men 150,000 rd
166 Mills grenades & Reserve water


on Plugges. Col. P. may arrange their [[?]]
on Pl.s Walkers.
Col Patons office will be in communication with

MLOs office [shorthand]
No missions unless you did the enemy as attacking
in [shorthand] .
Rear gd under (Russell) will
direct our party commune (Paton) if
mines be blown after [shorthand]
retired [shorthand]
No effort to remove a large number of casualties.
17 Bn 520 rendezvous in reserve
13LH in Lone Pine Between
Tambo & Lone Pine
via Bridges Rd + Rest
1650 1st party (5.20)


1st party         Blue [shorthand]
17.  420            in canal beginning
18. 160              of July.
19. 460
20. 250
13 LH. 310       N. Beach 6pm
R. vous Rest Gully

2nd night  A
17 Bn 120 23.50                Rendezv.
18       175  Div Train 51    Res. Gully
19       100 Med Ors 50    5.20
20      300 Div HQ.4        6 N Beach
21        50   1000

700 2nd Pty.
21st. 180, 22w 190, 23 w 180
24.  150   Watsons Pier. 8pm.
7.15 at R. vous. (1st Div Rif Camp)

3 Party
21.     350
22.     250      3.15 am Reinf. Camp.
23.     300
24      165       4am Watsons Pier
Div J.  75
Med.   50
DHQ.  10

21.              100      
22              150      R.v. 1st Div Rif. camp
23              100          10.15
24             200      11 Walsons
Engs.        30
Med.         20


Watson at Rif Cmp

nr gunners 35 (for our party)
DHQ. 7 (600)

13 2      17.            27 )
             18.         100 )
             19.           57 )
             20.          81 )
             21.           42.)
             22.          114 )             12 - 12.20
             23.         186 )             Watsons
            Div Sig   34 )              1 am
            Med       40 )
            5 Bde
        (& Q Sig)     13 )
           6 ....           14 )
          DHQ           9 )

C 17.     50
    18.   140 (50 on Plugges 40 walk real)
    19.     30
    20.   100 (m.g.s on Russells Top
    21.      20                   & Post P.
    22.     60
    24     100
D Sig. 21, Eng. 15, 5 Bde Sig. 11 Gdo 11


Garrisons on Plugges
& Post P. [shorthand] by order
O.C. [shorthand

1 inf capt. 1 RE sub or NCO
1 RE other rank 2 signallers
                            for Bn HQ

                             Como Pier
C. 1.          17.           2.       2.35
                 18.          2.30   2.55
                 19.          2.        2.35
                 20         2.45    3.5
                 21&22   2.15     2.45
                 24         2.15     2.45
& all mgs.

C.2.          17.         2.35    3.10
                 18.        2.55    3.20
                 19.        2.35     3.10
                 20        3.5       3.25
                 21&22  2.45     3.15
                 24        2.45     3.15

C.3.          17         3.20     3.55
                18         3.15       3.40
                19         3.20      3.55
                20        3.25      3.45
                21&22  3.15       3.45
                24        3.15       3.45.


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Helen MartinHelen Martin
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