Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/211/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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ws done in 2 Stuats. Special patrols teat out frgght of July 7 to recomoitive find how ground ws held both of Some On S. they fount one post - but E of this it seemed to be strongly held; on N Of Sonene by Struck ferman Coyds E of our own, strough wired. Leane decided as soon as it ws dark to send out a covery pty & dig an on 1 ye live. The post ws not occupied the flares wint up in port apparently this oght three hours later on N.side a barrage ws put down; 45Bn took all Objoes, K. anumber of Jerms, & took 35 prisoners including sone offcers. They then had touch w3
t Divn at the XEds on I left N. f the Sonc By doing (effeir an two belves in leave or ille t fet all his gand concentrated out the Nside. of the Somme the uns were coverin te bregide rent were thus made more usepl. The barrige this Extended from Abbert in pont of WB (Abl). The men on 1stgwere dug in before retibation came; but there were a number of casuallies on Nof ISomne After Ang S. te 12 Bde. went down to Libors & relieved 15t Bde. 5
cayeor night of 13/14? & went on some nights tater. (15/16) Ther in time over a week. Mrey came out on, night 9. 23/24 ps. There w constant boubfighting. Te Jermen Alpine Cors ar on it, ca ponto! Canadians & they affectes our pont too. 4 Bde ws on left, then 12 Bde, her rly, then Canadians on et. Te fermans bed tin blocks close to us. On the life, just ½ 91 centre of Lihons, on lif of Chaulaes - Lebous Rd, between there &wood, there s a bend in French Systens. here I ferm shellig ws heavy; so 46 Bn bomber along a brench s0 to insteed of holding A7 AB they held 3e ACB The 48 Bn Snepers befoth Lchous
worked out into the thistles ? staged there all day on patch between 1 port& support line trenches. The fervans one day put down a beey berrege on part & suppt live offermand got up to in their trenches to have a look at it. These two boys stayed out there in open & suips through this barrage. (he ed not get back any day till clark). Their names were Ptis Alemeptilla (Dase, an Old Front) & Fraser. (M.M. for this). yeats. Dn. both 8 Aug. & Sept B. Lot meals sere fot forward to 1 men On I righo after I fiftt; on Sept 18 ty St Kei meal at 11Pm. before I second advance.
The selliny at Lehoas w8 &. heery. A lot seemed to be drawn by Americans who were to heve relieved the Bde & were abt I back county like (his & booet downof sheling. The Bde lost pretty biisly in this pseti from this condant shellin de th waitb to Longpre I stayed there till it vent up for Sept 18. See next Pape
12 Bde Sept 18. Te 12Bde took over 1 tiue from 13 Bde (4th also took ½ from 13Bde) on night 7 16/17. Wes of Cambrierarettiy?) Wood. A sleep valley ran from Leverguer right across (ports & on I high fround on 1 far side of it ws t main Ob British live ( The ferman main posite). In valley nearer t us & up over high ground to LEverguier Ws a continuous series of outpost positus- with deep short lints of narrow new trench So in this part then
of ereo distinct sosit ahead. out post time Highest Butish i 0ld man bu aeV. erm. £ out post tire &wood lave took over from Arrol of 196n on night of 18/17 in Rly line on gied line between 2C & 8A. The 48 Bn ws in 1 line, A5 in Rly line; 45 in rear Wess y ven delles. +
The atteck ws at P.20? of Sept 18. Duray 1 night 48 Bn which had b holdi 4 got into posite to make attack to first objective. The T.O. line as practicall the trunch live. They formed up in truches just in rear of thm. The took (whole Bde post 6t 5 Objie 45 Bn folld as support att 600 yds in rear 46Bn remained Wo Vendelles where they were. Bds. GOC instructed 45Bn to it mast not be drawn wito fight unless 4810s definited held up - as job of 45 was
to take Red tine. 48 Bn ran pretty soon bets ferman outpost line. The ferms did no put up a by fight in Coulpost line but at Cooker Quary ooher trench be fought well. The British 1St Dion on I right wenot up & 48 Bn C. Coy worked round the banks on sanken roads + hillside, u banks, & got cound tho British area & turned I flank of this opposite They got the posite (Brit on main line) & wenton I just over 1 spir came on a bettalion of Termans
formin up for a gattach captd the lot. There we only a company comin for fermus - but we had our ups. on them. ILeave afterdr asked the Ba Comads how w sach Excellent positis and So many men - how was it to so few of ours capte more then their numbers of fermans. od The firman Bn Comndo a professional soldier of 20 yeus service hed b f at pout since war started ws captd leter near Collins Quarry on left. He sd the Australians are so brave & so quick to it impossible to stop them. at

ws done in 2 stunts.  Special
patrols went out / night of
July 7 to reconnoitre & find
how / ground ws held both
N & S of Somme.  On S. they found
one post – but E of this it
seemed to be strongly held; on N
of Somme they struck German trenches
60 yds E of our own, strongly 
wired.  Leane decided as soon
as it ws dark to send out
a covering pty & dig in on /
line. The ^Germ. post ws not occupied
apparently this night ^ the flares went up in front. Three hours
later on / N. side a barrage ws
put down;  46 Bn took all
objves, k. a number of Germs,
& took 35 prisoners including some
officers.  They then had touch w /




5th Divn at the X Rds on /
left, N. of the Somme.
By doing / affair in two halves
Gen. Leane ws able to get all his
gunsfire concentrated onto the N side
of the Somme – the guns were not
too plentif  covering the brigade
front were thus made more
useful. As to  The barrage this
night extended from Albert to
in front of V/B (abt). The men
on / rt ^o / Somme were dug in before /
retaliation came; but there were
a number of casualties on /
N of / Somme.
After Aug 8. the 12 Bde. went down
to Lihons & relieved 1st Bde.




Went in on Came up on night of 13/14? &
went in some nights later: (15/16) There in line
over a week.  They came out on / night of 23/24.
26/27 or 22/23/  There ws
constant bombfighting. The
German Alpine Corps ws on /

rt, in front o / Canadians & 
they affected our front too.
4 Bde ws on left, then 12 Bde,
then rly, then Canadians on
rt.  The Germans had their
blocks close to us. On the
left, Just E of /  centre of Lihons, 
on / left o / Chaulnes- Lihons
Rd, between there & / wood. there
ws a bend in / old French system.
There / Germ shelling ws heavy; so
46 Bn bombed along a trench so

[diagram - see original]
tt instead of holding

AB  they held
A C B.
The 48 Bn snipers before Lihons




worked out into the thistles &
stayed there all day betwe on
/ patch between / front &
support line trenches.  The
Germans one day put down a 
heavy barrage on front & support
line & / Germans got up to  in
their trenches to have a look
at it.  These two Coys stayed
out there in / open & sniped
through this barrage.  (They
cd not get back any day till 
dark).  Their names were

Ptes Klementilla  ( Dave,   an old scout) &
Fraser. ( M.Ms for this).
[ Meals.  On both 8 Aug. & Sept 18. hot meals
were got forward to / men on . night

after / fight; on Sept 18 they got their
meal at 11 p.m. before / second




The shelling at Lihons ws v.
heavy.  A lot seemed to be drawn by
/ Americans who were to have
relieved the Bde & were abt
/ back country like/ lies. & brought
down a lot of shelling.  The Bde
lost pretty heavily in this positn
from this constant shelling.
12 Bde then went back
to Longpré & stayed there till
it went up for Sept 18.

See next Page.





12 Bde Sept 18.
The 12 Bde took over / line
from 13 Bde ( 4th also took ½ from
13 Bde) on night of 16/17.  West
of Cambrièresai (spelling?) Wood.
A steep valley ran from
Le Verguier right across / front;
& on / high ground on / far
side of it ws / flor  Main
Old British line .(  The Germans
main positn).  In / valley
ahead  nearer to us  & 
up over / high ground to 
Le Verquier ws a continuous
series of outpost positns –
with deep short lengths of narrow
new trench.
So in this part there




were 4 distinct positns

[Diagram-see original]

Leane took over from Arrol of 49 Bn
on night of 16/17. in / Rly line
on / grid line between 2 c & 8 A.
The Bde 38 Bn ws in / line;
45 in Rly line; 45 in rear

West & S. of Vendelles..



The attack ws at 5.20 ? of
Sep 18. During / night
48 Bn which has bn holding
/ trenches, got into positn to
make / attack to / first
objective.  The J. O. line
ws practically the trench
line. They formed up in / trenches
& just in rear of them.  They
took / whole BDe front to /
1st objve.
45 Bn folld as support
abt 600 yds in rear.
46 Bn remained W of
Vendelles where they were.
G. O. C. Bde instructed 45 Bn tt

it must not be drawn into
/ fight unless 48 ws definitely
held up – as job of 45 was



to take Red line.
48 Bn ran pretty soon
into / German outpost line.
The Germs did not put up a
big fight in / outpost line,

But at Cooker Quarry &

Cooker trench he fought 
well.  The British 1st Divn
on / right ws not up
& 48 Bn worked C. Coy
worked round the banks on
/ hillside, using ^ sunken roads & 
banks, & got round thro
/ British area & turned
S flank of this oppositn.
They got the positn ( Brit.
old main line) & went on
& just over / spur came
on a battalion of Germans




 forming up for a c/attack
& captd the lot.  There ws
only a company coming for
/ Germs – but we had our mgs.
on them.  [Leane afterwds asked
the Bn Commandr how w such
excellent positns and so
many men –  how was it tt
so few of ours captd more 
than their numbers of Germans.

on Aug 8  The German Bn Commdr
–  a professional soldier of
20 years service had bn
fighting at / front since /
war started ws captd later
near Collins' Quarry on / 
left.  He sd the Australians
are so brave & so quick tt it

ws impossible to stop them.





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