Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/21/1 - November - December 1915 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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their big Lowitzers (sd here to be 14in guns) on cement emplacements one of wh is on second ridge at back of Anafarta. I walked from there across 1 flats near I back of chotolate Hill we had been flooded in places (it ws on this side th 1 trenches got I worsto it wt water rushing down poid hill by Feffersons a male we washed clean over I parados of one truch - sott I water must have bn 7 ft deep stre there. The snipers vullits were uncomfortabl many & ometimes uncomfortably close as I walked along. I left abt 5 & I got in abt 7.30 or 8. I found to White had given leave to my 3artists to come over to Filvos with me. I shall send them & Bagly away tomorrow w all my luggage except Tacks steeping bag- I cant go an them or I way never getback + I want to see the ead of Angac. I don't
18. off the shorl in a ship to see What happens Crob. 15. 6.27. by want to be actually in Clast lot to leave beach because Irisk of being killed or cut off is too great & because I want to be here the next morning if possible. white toto me th he wal lke me to come with the Army Coops staff out some one of warships on first night of evacuation. That wd be splendis - but fer. Godley, whom I went to see afterwos, ws a not favourable to it as he had alreade had to cut down his staf to be beside, he sd; I warship might not stay till 1 lastday. Ithsd I wond mand sigging it in any corner I could so long as I got there to see I morning after - They inteaded burning our stores by putting brashwood & benzine on them & fering at them - but I don't think they will do so now because there may he sick & wounded men left befind & they wd sufferfrom Inaval fire. I hope 1 Turks will respect thim Sodley thinks 1 Tarks dont susped
our going so far & th they will not follow our last men up . The 515 6th Bdes stay toend. Diol H.Q. on 1 Beach - weres are abready law there. They will come out of tone Pine & retirle down Warker's gull Ito a hafpoon and so she is on an adventure again- like I landing. I have asked Godley of he coget as (Roes? myself) a place on a destroger. When I first asked him if I co come to Arny Corps be thought I did not know of the retirement &Id. Ges. Bean, I told white to I thought it wd bepod then for you to be alld to ac it wd be more convencent for you in any fature operations more central - you to get to lef+ tright more casily I sd. I am apaid I cab is out of bog, Sir - at Imbros every one knows of retirement Of Army Corps owery to some
0C idiot talking - I wanted to ask if I cd be with A.C staff at retirement. I wo here at the begandg t I std like to behe to te end. He sd I ws free to stay to last day if I liked It is an adventure. No one cen foretell 1 endiey. It depends Cargely on weather. Tonight we have ideal conditions - a cloudy sky coveriy I half moon but a very smooth Sea. There are three more nights to go. The moon will be brighter each night & the wind of course may rise. Beachy is firing tonight at intervals - clearly they can see from suipers next men basy on the peers opposite walkers. 4 guns have just fired - I bursts & one into the sea. Te gun ion't firmg as if it knew there we an embarcation joing on but more as if it saw t, there ws some activity on the North Beach & didnt know what. Troops are 66
12. 707 2 - o Ho C1 56 F7 5i Spns a nersr pius M 952 26 8e6 19 1 1 4706 Fms Gr 1.0.0 50 7N 76 he s 21 o oaceus -010 tr y ir is dI noms oon os Sn you ortr pe 27 sd8 being cleverl withdrawn Suides to keep them in the saps. But the idiots actually cheered last night as they were golng off - it ws explained they thought they were for Salonica (ofthy are for Exyps). eoen dustialiant are too foolish for words when you take them in acrowd. The 7th Bde, 6th& 7A. Field Ambees, 3rd 3. Amb, 5 x 6 Bns & 4LH. have already gon from here. On I fats I passed some Glakhas covn in - it ws when I as passing them going out to I got my wound on Aug 7. The Hustialian os N.Z. guides standing along roads were saying "goodbye Johnny Infais The repeated good bye Tohnng 14. It ws all in a very kindly tove except for Deacly, the night is very usual. We Bodinas
2 Ca 1 P.-0 Sege0. SMS 1. 0 C 2 2 8 6 184& ord 233 moo 4 if. oven rter 1 00 1 Frorin 142 3X 92 2 20 b pd I J 213 1 P o El. fitful rifle fire - a 30 shot a minate nignt, we 68 ave built a number of long + short peers from Dorth Beach & turks can of course see these But they iay think to they are meant for the landing of troops not then embarcation. Tarkish remps. areso to be movey down peninsula, but I don't know if it is true. well I must to bed. Thank God old Tock is out of this. I can every now & thei hear fellows hurryby towards the North Beach- footsteps & voice. The billsides aregetting very cmpty- all 1 tents are left standing & they are blog hospital buts at Suola as hard as they can. The men were allowed to pi take what they wanted from ordnance for a couple of days & hada fine time our mess stores havebu sold to them Beachy has just put your shells out Hri Barne Point - two into 1 they are quite harmless water.
r00 98 63 7 NoX Irs & T-17767 Mndar 00 9 mon o 268 i think Beachny is firny a salvo of t guus every Eygh. 45o050100 1 ois < 2 T o or " 00 t M 1 237 o72/075 octro 20 yrras i mayny there. I don't know if they will wonder at our funs not replying but o course in I silent battle same thing happened so they may be mystified. I think the must suspect something as they did in Angust - but are not sure what We have a road in land & beach now - & are using Restfully chiefly so Beachy does likle harm anless he gets actually on to the N Beach. There we a period of grest indecision a fortnight ago. Brace cirdle, to to me tt a transport Savla from came to mboo & he unloaded her She ws partly unloaded when he ws told to load up again & as sent back to Tmbros. I day or two later she turned up agn - 1 Capte sd be had bu sentback to be unlaated. work began again & again she stuff taken of her had to be waded onto her and the ship ws sent away. I noticed today crossing
roer ot is M in tmor 96 ofn ar 2 Deprr in Ecom ptu soms tr 1 2 a o oer i 50 8.9 6 TOOW6 5 495 rytig ws 6 2 6. 2 6. 2 5 7.36 21w < 8 1 29 S 9 f 6 9 209.1 5Co00l. 4 9 29. A or flats how very clearly, one can tell when a rifle is pointed at one. There is a full crack - like to of a cricket but driving towards you wplent of wood behin it. As sure as you hear to cracks I bullet scap somewhere near you. If it is very close you probably dont hear 1 crack first but of it is 30 or 40ft above you at alange of 10oyds you do- I shd say. I didn't hear I crack of bu rifle wh got me in August, & I didn't notice, I think, the sipp of ballet. The truces at Teffersons post are stll 600yds from those o Tarks) 12.20 - noon tow down still behind cloads. Many fires about - Souetives I smell of Waterproof sheets burnon Dobl. Madical The orderly of the 1st 2Anber. Dranc burnt by mistake: all their records this morning. 70
276 1284 7 LO.M. En 2. 11 ( ego &s 686 8 290 18 499 66 0N7 e 406 6 322 09 .6. 16 2 1 or 2o S. to 5 23 3 t ncary of wilg N 6 97. ryo o o o po c 2 311 6300 71020 0 3.00 90200 119 5 10.9 2 Savla broops are so to be clearing at rate of abt 3000 a day. Tarks aresd to have 150 rounds of amun for each by gun. Some say the big guns are 14 in 26th J. N. B3. Capt. P. C. Chapman RC 26 T. MBik er first day in 7S died in Egyet - abt L0c. Secter Commdr. A Kerby Sect Comms Mi G2 is 170 17 m 1 overbd when he saw a boat. Bruce (Mas, wo k 29 may - kby spent bullet 2t Popes. in sap 80 Rai by ohe sacob of Beluchish 76 8 Kohat. M.B. ( & thom C 14S. in observation stn Rawson Ferjusion ouday Frunc Munday) 29ubee 71
60 29o2. 201"✓ M s 8. 27 ern iy ti ting i 12 49 DH.6. 2 r o 001 8.532 2760 330 b 20546 9 9 p 20 25 1021 243 0 p . hem don 17 CE1.Sf for 418 0 72 Teng wd hit in truck sain to locate seme men Ps Gurkhas. The were some men who were wearing some run sorl of house 215 them. ] Kawson now bot. DSA. whithing guc 26 Kirby Rossiter Can EC Hadrintoon welt submarin Res. of officers 21 Maclagans Ridge 15t night relieveng 26. 26 one sectn on Pluyes ove at Queinstand low reaget 21ws in acten on rans Hill all monday covery Popes Yauns S Babe 700 Dec 18th 1915. I went to bedat about 12. 30 last night. the weather was perfect - two beg toanshs

their big howitzers (sd here to be
14in guns) on cement emplacements
one of wh is on / second ridge at /
back of Anafarta.
I walked from there across
/ flats near / back of Chocolate Hill
wh had been flooded in places (it
ws on this side tt /  trenches got
/ worst o it w / water rushing
down from / hill by Jeffersons
- a mule ws washed clean over
/ parados of one trench - so tt
/ water must have bn 7 ft deep
there. The snipers stray bullets were
uncomfortably many & sometimes
uncomfortably close as I walked
along. I left abt 5 & I got in
abt 7.30 or 8.
I found tt White had given
leave to my 3 artists to come over
to Imbros with me. I shall send
them & Bazley away tomorrow
w all my luggage except Jacks
sleeping bag - I cant go w them or
I may never get back & I want
to see the end of Anzac. I dont


i.e. off the shore in
a ship to see
What happens

want to be actually in / last lot
to leave / beach because / risk
of being killed or cut off is too
great & because I want to be
herex the next morning if possible.
White told me tt he wd like me
to come with the Army Corps staff
on to some one  o / warships on /
first night of evacuation. That wd
be splendid - but Gen. Godley, whom
I went to see afterwds, ws as not
favourable to it as he had already
had to cut down his staff to ¼ -
besides, he sd, / warship
might not stay till / last day.
I then sup sd I wdn't mind
pigging it in any corner I could
so long as I got there to see /
morning after - (They intended
burning our stores by firing putting
brushwood & benzine on them &
firing at them - but I dont think
they will do so now because there
may be sick & wounded men left
behind & they wd suffer from / naval
fire. I hope / Turks will respect them.
Godley thinks / Turks dont suspect


our going so far & tt they will not
follow our last men up. The
5th & 6th Bdes stay to / end -
Divl H.Q. on / Beach - wires
are already laid there. They will
come out of Lone Pine & retire
down Walker's gully.
Its a half moon
And so one is on an adventure
again - like / landing. I have asked
Godley if he cd get us (Ross &
myself) a place on a destroyer.
When I first asked him if I cd come
[to Army Corps he thought I did
not know of the devts retirement
& sd: "Yes, Bean, I told White
tt I thought it wd be a good thing
for you to be attd to A.C.
- it wd be more convenient for
you in any future operations -
more central - you cd get to /
left & / right more easily."
I sd: "I am afaid / cat is
out o / bag, Sir - at Imbros
every one knows o / retirement
o / Army Corps owing to some 


[shorthand] Turkish [shorthand]


idiot talking - I wanted to ask
if I cd be with A.C. staff at /
retirement. I ws here at the
beginning & I shd like to be here
to the end. . ."
He sd I ws free to stay to /
last day if I liked]
It is an adventure. No one can
foretell / ending. It depends largely
on / weather. Tonight we have
ideal conditions - a cloudy
sky covering / half moon,
but a very smooth sea. There
are three more nights to go.
The moon will be brighter each
night & the wind of course may
rise. Beachy is firing tonight
at intervals - clearly they can see
from snipers nest men busy on
the piers opposite Walkers - 
4 guns have just fired - 3 bursts
& one into the sea. The gun isn't
firing as if it knew there ws
an embarcation going on but
more as if it saw tt there ws
some activity on the North Beach
& didnt know what. Troops are



W wish for [shorthand] go aboard [shorthand]

R [shorthand] 

Milo [shorthand] six lots of steps

Beachy shelling so far has all gone over.

[shorthand] straffes [shorthand]


[shorthand] this evening [shorthand]

[shorthand] snipers [shorthand]


All the kits [shorthand] tonight by
[shorthand] 10 [shorthand]


much quieter [shorthand]

[shorthand] when [shorthand]

[shorthand] well on [shorthand]

[shorthand] bombing.

20 Bn [shorthand]

Russells [shorthand] 26 [shorthand]

25 [shorthand]

[shorthand] Ferguson [shorthand] 21 Baty

[shorthand] mournful [shorthand] separated

[shorthand] go

and send us off to [shorthand] East Africa.


[shorthand] Salonica [shorthand] with you.

being cleverly withdrawn - guides
to keep them in the saps. But the
idiots actually cheered last night as
they were going off - it ws explained
they thought they were for Salonica
(of course they are for Egypt) -
Even Australians are too foolish
for words when you take them in
a crowd.
The 7th Bde, 6th & 7th Field
Ambces, 3rd F. Amb, 5 & 6 Bns
& 4 L.H. have already gone from
here. On / flats I passed some
Gurkhas coming in - it
ws when I ws passing them going
out tt I got my wound on
Aug 7. The Australian or N.Z.
guides standing along / roads
were saying "Goodbye Johnny!"
The  others Indians repeated "Goodbye
Johnny!"  It ws all in a very
kindly tone.
Except for Beachy, the
night is very usual. The ordinary



[shorthand] come at [shorthand]
they had May 19 [shorthand]


[shorthand] we have [shorthand] Ambces [shorthand]

detachments [shorthand]


[shorthand] much without [shorthand]



casualties [shorthand] last stayers [shorthand]


Anzac [shorthand] empty [shorthand]


furniture [shorthand]

interest [shorthand] H.Q.



[shorthand] walls [shorthand] interior

settled [shorthand] Ross [shorthand]

Honeysuckle [shorthand] sloop, 3

[shorthand] Capt Boyle late

o / Bacchante [shorthand] Malaya


fitful rifle fire - a 30 shot a minute night. We
have built a number of long & 
short piers from North Beach &
/ Turks can of course see these.
But they may think tt they are
meant for the landing of troops,
not their embarcation.
Turkish reinfs. are sd to be
moving down / peninsula, but I
don't know if it is true.
Well I must to bed. Thank
God old Jock is out of this. I can
every now & then hear fellows
hurrying towards the North Beach -
footsteps & voices. The hillsides
are getting very empty - all /
tents are left standing & they are
bldg hospital huts at Suvla as
hard as they can. The men were
allowed to pillage take what
they wanted from Ordnance for a
couple of days & had a fine time -
our mess stores have bn sold to
Beachy has just put four shells
onto Ari Burnu Point - two into /
water - they are quite harmless 



Without it if possible.


[shorthand] or may not straffe. [shorthand]



[shorthand] AMC [shorthand]






[shorthand] put off and the delay 


[*I think Beachy is firing a 
salvo of 4 guns every ¼ hour.*]
[shorthand] what they see

moon [shorthand]

favourable [shorthand]


Even [shorthand]



[shorthand] so the idea

[shorthand] ruse [shorthand]



there. I don't know if they will
wonder at our guns not replying - 
but of course in / silent battle /
same thing happened so they may
be mystified. I think they must
suspect something as they did in
August - but are not sure what.
We have a road inland & / beach
now - & are using Rest Gully
chiefly so Beachy does little
harm unless he gets actually
on to the N Beach.
There ws a period of great
indecision a fortnight ago.
Brace girdle told me tt a transport
came to ^Suvla from Imbros & he unloaded her.
She ws partly unloaded when he
ws told to load up again & ^she ws sent
back to Imbros. A day or two later
she turned up agn - / Captn sd
he had bn sent back to be unloaded.
Work began again & again the
stuff taken off her had to be loaded
onto her and the ship ws
sent away.
I noticed today crossing / 


[shorthand] Glasfd [shorthand]

[shorthand] 2nd [shorthand]

[shorthand] 3000 [shorthand] 500.




[shorthand] Watson [shorthand]






[shorthand] B Gen Smythe [shorthand]

[shorthand] Cass, McNaughton

[shorthand] staffs [shorthand]

[shorthand] NCOs [shorthand]

[shorthand] Kaba Tepe

[shorthand] W face

Maclagans [shorthand]

[shorthand] 2nd Bde Divn [shorthand]

? Walkers they cannot very well command the Beach.

[shorthand] Walkers [shorthand]


[shorthand] Blowing all up 

mines only [shorthand] & so we shall get on


flats how very clearly one can
tell when a rifle is pointed at one.
There is a full crack - like tt of a
cricket bat driving towards you w plenty
of wood behind it. As sure as
you hear tt crack / bullet
sings somewhere near you.
If it is very close you probably
dont hear / crack first but
if it is 30 or 40ft above you at
a range of 1500 yds you do -
I shd say. I didn't hear / crack of
/ bull rifle wh got me in August,
& I didn't notice, I think, the
zipp o / bullet.
[The trenches at Jeffersons post
are still 450 yds from those o /
12.20 - moon low down,
still behind clouds. Many fires
about - Sometimes / smell of
waterproof sheets burning.
The orderly of the 1st F. Amblc ^Divl. Medical 
Branch burnt by mistake: all their records
this morning!





[shorthand] Ferguson [shorthand]


"I trust these men we have here," he sd "pass x 

"they have shown what they can do, & I trust White."


[shorthand] B. Gen Johnson [shorthand]



[shorthand] Suvla.


[shorthand] NZMR [shorthand]


Gurkhas [shorthand]

[shorthand] Otago [shorthand] or Auck.


After [shorthand]



[shorthand] Silent Battle [shorthand]

[shorthand] The 1st Division 4500

Suvla troops are sd to be clearing at /
rate of abt 3000 a day.  Th
Turks are sd to have 150 rounds
of ammn for each big gun. Some say
the big guns are 14 in.

26th J. N. B
Capt. P. C. Chapman RA 26 J. M Baty
[shorthand] first day in [shorthand]
died in Egypt - abt 1 o'c.
Sectn Commdr.

H A Kirby Sect Commr [shorthand]
[shorthand]. nipped

overbd when he saw a boat.

^J.E.L. Bruce. (Maj. [shorthand] ws k

29 May - k by spent bullet
in sap going up by Popes.
Raised by one Jacob of Beluchistan

[shorthand]  Kohat. M.B. ([shorthand])
Thom [shorthand] } H.E. in observation
Rawson }  stn
Trenchard   Ferguson -  3rd day

96 [shorthand] (Thursday) 29 in [[head?]]



[shorthand] 13 [shorthand] 


[shorthand] It is a very

brave thing to do, it seems to me. [shorthand] quite well shoot




[shorthand] 1st Div. [shorthand]  2nd will [shorthand] 

[shorthand] H.Q. [shorthand] 

Maj. Gould & Capt Watson [shorthand] 

[shorthand] Anzac [shorthand]

[shorthand] Col. Lamrock

& Watson [shorthand] 5th & 6th [shorthand] 

[shorthand] H.Q. [shorthand]
[* x No. at





6th [shorthand] H.Q. [shorthand]

[shorthand] M'Cays [shorthand] 

[shorthand] Gen Russell [shorthand]

During the day the mules [shorthand] 

continually [shorthand] Ind. [shorthand] 


Ferg ws hit in trench going
to locate some men [shorthand] Gurkhas.
They were some men who
were wearing some run sort of house
21 { Thom & Rawson now both DSA.
     Whitting MC
26 Kirby      }
     Rossiter }
Capt. EC Harrington - wd & submarined
Res. of Officers - 

21 Maclagans Ridge 1st night
relieving 26.
26 one sectn on Plugges &
one at Queensland Pt.
21 ws in actn ^low on ^rear of Braunds
Hill all Monday covering
Popes Quinns & Baby
700 - 

Dec 15th 1915. I went to bed at
about 12.30 last night. Jus The
weather was perfect - two big transport

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