Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/21/1 - November - December 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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34 didn't want to leave the Aony Corps & wants to get back now. He thinks he may. Salonica was all right, K thought, if you putin 800,000 men but we in England havent got them. the French wanted the expedm to be made 9 t ws k's attitude. Now they are doing nothing - the Bulgars sayt restof Servian Army was surrendered at Prisrend. The people who id hep dret Russiins & Nalions but I Italians dontwant to, & Rassians - have they got troops? their difficuly is to the cant aron them So Manro -may he come back here & B. to Anzac. I ddn't things be made better by our getting to hill. Savla is an aupt positin. B. has on telling us to dig for months & we haven't all mdunges enough yet for exampte garrison of L.P.-700 mun there for donot leave in diffing. He thinks to fellows on flats ought to have buitt barricades beientrs to they hae retired if trunches flooded. What happened ws to I trenches on Justa
pavat fats in parts suddenly came dlown to water. 7 ft deep. Abb 150 men were drowned or died from exposure. (we loat I think 2; the Sadiens who were goin onto Hill 60 relieving the S.4 Den had several man froat billen badh -one will lose both less) Actuall 6000 men were evaciated from Sentla through prostration after this one storm -thry caughtd full force of its they were largely & Welsh Den (537) wh useles to now ppatically ieony omsistons sug o says thee might atack 620 1.I6 ths areto prostiated after atom for anything The Twrks have got one ferman & one Austrean Batt (I suppose this means heavy batt) coming down peninsula to help them albreade That we past Kastar. bridge bon the Bulair neck - I only bridge by wh ty ed come. The Aganemmon Conbarded & booke ap to bridge yest but she as just 3 days too late. However - She will help to hold up provision from 1 Tarks. They have no blankets & No warm clothing Daring storm, B. told us, 13 bodies of Turks were counted washed down
Trooks Confort. Quatiimacters cooks wenter Scale 36 stream on I Savla flats. They are surrendery daily in small lots ones & twos to each regt in our line the days). At Savla abt 50 of them rushed foud a their arms. Our troops there signet to them to patf arms down but they codn't. In end we fired on them & Thot 15 & I rest ran away; (Its a queste, it seems to me, if they wanted surrended or not - very like the Hill 60 incident). During the heavi down pour 1 6 on 1 Suvla flats jumped outo their trenches & raw back & we shot a lot it way; while were in topen. Oher Indian Suola treuches are so far good the comfort of wen depends a s greabdeal on quartermasters company cooks. The winter scate it is the ws t have begun this month (Dec. (or 2) Cubes of soup butter racins & dried fuit, etc. The dries raisins are ashore at Auy ac but to is all - 6,000,000 cubes of soup are waiting to be landed - 2000 tons of stores are to be sent ashore of possible But apart from all this, a well hrawe guartermaster & Cook can
make appetisiy a scale of rations wh bad 9 masters & cooks will cause to be actuall distanteful or insufficient. In Ipmbros the qmasters o part of 15 Bll never drew a goot partof rice & some other oorhes ty were entitled to The At Bde complained to I rations were insufficient bad- and on exactly I same rations the 5th & other Brs o1 2nd Bde replied to they were well fed & had nothing to conplain of. The quaste if he plans out his seale - tt is to say if he has brains + calrgy - can get equivalents & variety for his men;+I cook can make bull bee into stews etc as bydo for I offecers & somatioes for men - Even ressols or carry. to my mint o training of & cooks is a very wpt. they. But w cooks - I trained cooks whom we didbring are either ill or wouded or k. 81 cooks 1 coys now have are mostly mere acting as cooks who as soon as I men complain say Oh will - In goin back to ranks
138 Its not a bad thin for I men either to subscribe a few peanies a head to fet a cook who will stay; or asI atternative for man to have to take aday at it. They prefer to subscribe. pennus & fet a decent Cook Our men have advantagso sennies. The Brrtish Tommies caubget even I fow luxaries we get foom our intermittent canteen Our A.C. is getting a canteen runby a gt fom Spypt Memarache or some such hame but I dont know if the'll come up to Scratch. He has to deliver I steeff at Anzac. Well help unload it. & buy it from him when its on general dump Howse - I hear - best offer of chief M.C. of the A.J.F within the M.E.L. to I tempyrank of sargion gent. He can stop mhen going to England & so get them practically all under his control - Egyst is probly not after all to come andre
36 I army scheme - so he may not have direct power there but his word will go. He will be advises on all H.J.T. matters - of he'll take job. The rank is D.D.M.S. to the D.M.S. of the M.E.T. will be take it. House, in an establishe positin in by be strong eno to make away w some of weak promotes he has made of men whom (for all his professed principles) he knows perfectt well to be weak men. Those promotes were made by him so as not to offend I succeptibilitieso people who could still endanger his plan for becoming. D.M.S. of the A.J.I - on particular Ie therstone the weak little Aushalian D.M.S who thinks tt there has bn anfaviness because Victorian doctors have not be promoted as much as W.Swones. If Matheson had lived a t Victoriam wd have got to 1 top 01 tree by merit - but he died at Helles. The other leading Victorious were not
10 really capable men & Howse knew it - but he promoted them to the head of affairs in/ 1 Australin Den so as to please Feaherstone. It wo an absolute breach of his principle fort sake of his ambition he has sebout to be gen. Howse D.M.S. - & he knows it. When he gets his posite & it is impregnable he will probe act ap to his principle & get ablest men to do his work as he ought to. He cant depot his inconsistency & it is one thing wh a makes him really anyig if you referr to it. Gellibrand White, Glasfard, Griffiths wond play to thei principles in this way - & good man, very able wder & strong administrator, tho Howse is this is point in wh he falls a long way behind all those men & into tine to opportunists like Legge & 99 per cent of humamily or military staffs, at any rate)
December 4. Saturday. Went with Milner & Payne to get them a cottage in Ruenavister (or whatever is I name of village near flying corps camp). Saw one ar a garden gate - glass in window - one room for them to live in &one for sheep Tor Swrygox or some such wort – not the hens (OpvIOES) - so the civil goard said. The landlow afterwar camef arranged terms thro'D Cap Betelhein 10/ permonth, and it overlooks their prospective camp! Wrote E. 28. (M28 yesterday. Dec. 5. Drawing & painting for the Huzal Magazine. The Printry Section gave me come dawing paper & Bristol Boar + Indian Ink! Milner secalled - was to leaveby beef bost but it didnt Sail. Tinished E.28. Dec. C Milner caught early trawler I have been painty adrawing all day - & rating - one's appetite here is enomous & te will have to took out or one will become a regular Durneand. French say S submarines passed tho Str. of Gebratear on 2 Novenberr- They began sinkin Trench Steamers
46 D2 MELANIH VII wissure. L Whoa b.29 BZ Monstag dritho Blist 19 conto PG. 42 at once. We have had a lotof ships seuk - 8 in 9 days they dy. The dervians have loot Monaster A few have on alld by piece to cti queck territory to join the British & French the rest of what remains of their ariy has retired on Albania where Ital will feet thim. Ital has signed the fact of London. Av. cheerful article by Conan Doyle in the peosle. For up at 5.30& Dec7. came over to Anzal by trawler I ke 511 Blishn Swifteure 234 Sruch Cruii MIl B Bacchante Blister tinh ormn
ster 107 A22St I2 Tonwalls AI H ighter colour darker. fo teit pre o. 2

didn't want to leave the Army Corps
& wants to get back now. He thinks
he may. Salonica was all right,
K. thought, if you put in 400,000 men -
but we in England havent got them.
The French wanted the expedn to be
made & tt ws K's attitude. Now
they are doing nothing - the Bulgars
say / rest o / Servian Army has
surrendered at Prisrend. The people
who cd help are / Russians & /
Italians but / Italians dont want
to, & / Russians - have they got /
troops? Their difficulty is tt they cant 
arm them. 
So Munro - may he come back
here & B. to Anzac? & cd’nt things
be made better by our getting tt 
Suvla is an awful positn. B. has
bn telling us to dig for months & we
havent all managed enough yet-
for example / garrison of L.P. - 700 -
doesnt leave many men there for
digging. He thinks tt / fellows on /
flats ought to have built barricades
behind / trenches to wh they cd have
retired if / trenches flooded. What 
happened ws tt / trenches on Suvla


flats in parts suddenly came down
w water 7 ft deep. Abt 150 men
were drowned or died from exposure. 
(we lost I think 2; the Indians who
were going into Hill 60 relieving the 54
Divn had several men frost bitten badly
- one will lose both legs.) Actually 6000
men were evacuated from Suvla
through prostration after this one storm
- they caught / full force of it; they
were largely / Welsh Divn (53?) wh
is now practically useless. We
might attack ∧after one of these storms but B says these
tps are too prostrated after a storm for anything.
The Turks have got one German & 
one Austrian Batty (I suppose this
means heavy batty) coming down /
peninsula to help them already,
They are past Kaslar ? [*Karak*] bridge on the
Bulair neck - / only bridge by wh
they cd come. The Agamemnon
bombarded & broke up tt bridge yesty
but she ws just 3 days too late.
However - she will help to hold up
provisions from / Turks. They have
no blankets! & no warm clothing!
During / storm, B. told us, 13 bodies
of Turks were counted washed down /


Troops Comfort
Winter Scale

stream on / Suvla flats. They are
surrendering daily in small lots -
one & twos to each regt in our line
(he says). At Suvla abt 50 of them rushed
forwd w their arms. Our troops there
signed to them to put / arms down but
they wdn't. In / end we fired on them
& shot 15 & / rest ran away. (Its a
questn, it seems to me, if they wanted
to surrender or not - very like
the Hill 60 incident). During the
heavy fighting downpour / Ts on / Suvla
flats jumped out o their trenches &
ran back & we shot a lot tt way;
fir while they were in / open. Our
Indian Suvla trenches are so far good.
The comfort of men depends
a v. great deal on quartermasters
& company cooks. The winter
scale it is true ws to have begun
this month (Dec 1. or 2) Cubes of soup
raisins & dried fruit, ^butter etc. The dried
raisins are ashore at Anzac but tt
is all - 6,000,000 cubes of soup are
waiting to be landed - 2000 tons of stores
are to be sent ashore if possible.

But apart from all this, a well
trained quartermaster & cook can


make appetising a scale of rations
wh bad q.masters & cooks will
cause to be actually distasteful or
insufficient. In Imbros the q.masters
of part o / 1st Bde never drew
a good part o / rice & some other
commodities they were entitled to.
The 1st Bde complained tt / rations
were insufficient & bad - and on
exactly / same rations the 5th & other 
Bns o / 2nd Bde replied tt they were
well fed & had nothing to complain
of. The q.master if he plans out his
scale - tt is to say if he has / brains
& / energy - can get equivalents
& variety for his men; & / cook
can make bully beef into stews etc
as they do for / officers & sometimes
for / men - even rissoles or curry.
To my mind / training of & cooks
is a very impt. thing.

But w cooks - / trained cooks
whom we did bring are either ill or
wounded or k. & / cooks / coys now
have are mostly men acting as cooks,
who, as soon as / men complain say
"Oh well - I'm going”back to / ranks".


Its not a bad thing for / men
either to subscribe a few pennies a head
to get a cook who will stay; or as /
alternative for each man to have to 
take a day at it. They prefer to
subscribe / pennies & get a decent

Our men have / advantages o /
pennies. The British Tommies
cant get even / few luxuries we get
from our intermittent canteen.
Our A.C. is getting a canteen
run by a Gk from Egypt
(Memarachi or some such name)
but I dont know if he'll come up
to scratch. He has to deliver / stuff
at Anzac. We'll help unload it &
buy it from him when its on /
general dump.

Howse - I  hear - has / offer of 
Chief M.O. of the A.I.F within
the M.E.F w / tempy rank of
Surgeon Genl. He can stop men going
to England & so get them practically
all under his control. Egypt

is probly not after all to come under


/ army scheme - so he may not
have direct power there but his word
will go. He will be adviser on all
A.I.F. matters - if he'll take /
job. The rank is D.D.M.S. to the
D.M.S. of the M.E.F will he 
take it.

Howse, in an established
positn may be strong eno' to make
away w some o / weak promotns
he has made of men whom (for all
his professed principles) he knows
perfectly well to be weak men. Those
promotns were made by him so
as not to offend / susceptibilities o /
people who could still endanger
his plan for becoming D.M.S. of
the A.I.F - in particular Featherstone
- the weak little Australian DMS
who thinks tt there has bn
unfairness because Victorian doctors
have not bn promoted as much as
N.S.W. ones. If Mathison had lived
a the Victorian wd have got to / top o /
tree by merit - but he died at Helles.
The other leading Victorians were not


really / capable men & Howse
knew it - but he promoted them
to the head of affairs in / 1st Australn
Divn so as to please Featherstone.
It ws an absolute breach of his
principle for / sake of his ambition
- he has set out to be Gen. Howse,
D.M.S. - & he knows it. When he
gets his positn & it is impregnable 
he will probly act up to his principles,
& get / ablest men to do his work
- as he ought to. He cant
defend his inconsistency & it is /
one thing wh it makes him really
angry if you refer to it. Gellibrand,
White, Glasfurd, Griffiths wdn't
play w their principles in this
way - & good man, very able
man & strong administrator, tho'
Howse is, this is / point in wh he
falls a long way behind all those
men & into line w opportunists
like Legge & 99 per cent of humanity
(or military staffs, at any rate).


December 4. Saturday.
Went with Milner & Payne to
get them a cottage in Ruenavista (or
whatever is / name o / village near /
flying corps camp). Saw one w a garden
gate - glass in window - one room
for them to live in & one for / sheep
τα ζωτηρια or some such word- not 
the hens (όρνιθες) - so the civil guard
said. The landlord afterwds came &
arranged terms thro’  xxx Capt Betelheim
- 10/- per month! and it overlooks their
prospective camp!

Wrote E.28 . (M 28 yesterday).

Dec 5. Drawing & painting for the Anzac 
Magazine. The Printing Section gave
me some drawing paper & Bristol Board
& Indian Ink! Milner recalled - was
to leave by beef boat but it didnt
sail. Finished E.28.

Dec. 6 Milner caught early trawler.
I have been painting & drawing all
day - & eating - one's appetite here
is enormous & one will have to look
out or one will become a regular

French say 8 submarines passed
thro Str. of Gibraltar on 2 November.
They began sinking French steamers


Diagram - see original document

at once. We have had a lot of
ships sunk - 8 in 9 days they say.

The Servians have lost Monastir.
A few have bn alld. by Greece to be enter
Greek territory to join the British & French.
The rest of what remains of their
army has retired on Albania -
where Italy will feed them. Italy has signed 
the pact of London. 

A v. cheerful article by Conan
Doyle in the "People.

Dec 7. Got up at 5.30 &

came over to Anzac by trawler

Diagram - see original document


Diagram - see original document

Diagram - see original document


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