Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/21/1 - November - December 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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27 up. I sawone of their jemadars havling along a poor wretched blubberi fellax. w his hand half pozen. He lay down every few yos & howled & femadar but him to a long stick & hauld him on agains bhubbering & yelling up thill. It's alvery well for I troops in Flanders. They get 4ddys of this sort; & then they go back for 4 days to sleep in a house - to warm baths & dry clothes. Once our men are wet this can never properily get dry again I doubt ever in their monthly or 2 monthly visits to Tmbror 1 if they can. They have to be cold & wet all 1 time. Theyre clever at making I best of things making fires in a hole in I trunct wall oi by d w a few sticks of broken bescuit box But thy have no houses or baiths a man can't wash this weather in sea & there is no other water; even the DD.Md. Set me he hadnt washed more than his face + hands for 4 days. I boiled some water over 2 candles in a cake tin wh is baching basier this morning – it ws yestys washing water but I shaved
25 in it agn today & washed my feet. But to us all to one cd do - it ws too cold to strip 3o if it is so to me how abtthere pavr chaps to only a waterproof steet over them. They have been far far cleaner than I Kitchener, soldiers outd all comparison cleaner than terriers - alld summer; but even they cant get clean now.d A by part of their life is 1 fight agst pleas. Te contribittus ot susae magazing are full of it. The flea is quiestent durn day but he couts at ths their movement keeps him quiet. but he cames at them after dark. They try to forpt him - but they arent used to him yet. Bythe bye an Anzac Medical Assoen has bu formed; 2 papers have now bu discussed - 10 uty hice3 and unty "Catarrhal Taundice (the same th I've had). The first wnty ws held abt 3wh ago durig a pairly constant bombardment - but tho there tos only the tent roof of
26 Ist casualt clearing she overhead it didn't seem to make any difference. some tol me to they were anxious for speeches not to be cut too long- others told me they had nt notice bombdt. at all. When (wite broke up by stood ontuide for som time discussary it just as they wdon I steps of town Hall - w I shells flying over them all time. Te Hospitals are right in midst of amum stores & our authorities wont let them patup a red X flag. quite rightly; they all agree. Theyie under orders abamgrate staleonan Hosp) t move. But I expect secretof change of plans io this wholesale clearance of craft at Imbros. The allies have bn apprehensive to Freecs will do what sermany asks & attempt to disarm thim if thy or Serbs are dowen back into Greece
9 42 27 They put some financial & commercing pressureon friece (stopped Cables to America) & in abt 2 days brought her to her senses. She has guaranterd I believe to she will demobitice or withdraw, I whole a part of her aray Fortexne 1Ameran Conpt formely to 1 Tarks; & A. Bartlett - & I believe Wevmson - have by saying what they think abt this expeditin. Fortisie & Bartlett ar reported in Lond papers of Sand Oct S (Capt. granville Fortercne, U.S. Caval formerly ADC O Roosevett "What of Dardanellss? Hodder & Stoughton. I must get this & the Times Hest. No 62). Delive Dec I went across to see Radcliffe this ing. as my Nov26 post from Augac N.A. to G.HQ had not yet reached Rosso I dont know what cables have reashed Radcliffe. Maj. Radcliffe in bed at 110/c So I went for a walk w M. Couhie Not to see I damage on I beach - & then back at 12 to Sec R. Radeliffe ws stell in be - I derise he works puetty
Promiss MConaghis a shols of picket boats). o The schewes for making Imbros a resting place for 16,000 troops seems to be on definitely abondone yesterday. I tink it has been the air for about 51 weeks, tho no buts have been put up nor (50 far as I know) has material for them arrived. I ws still uncertain yeit Wg- because Col. Knox, after Gadley's tur had disappeared towards Imbros, spoke of it as cerrain tho' I know, from what Col. Watson & others told me, to doubts had aresen for some days previsusly. I suppose Godley & Birdwood, bok, seeng storm & its pown effect, had decided to troops, Bnt be got back from Tubros to Angac in time to make it safe. Anyway,. godley came over here yester, & after his interviww w Dirdwood, the Imbros Rest Camp scheme is solto h bu definitely abandoned. And, as tose who are more responsible than I quite sightly say: the thing is now to sit down & think) What can best bedone?- not what might L. bndone? If these troops cd begotd w a loss of B, & pguns, & nearly all 1 stores 1A 1 best. stayin on hers ws shd bo fighting I winter, wh is playing fer wys game. at I same time. Heltes is some use. can we stay. I think that with sifficient Energy on 1 part of authorities in making harbours, sinking ships full of Cement etc, we could. But then I don't know (+f authorities do) how, far 1 Gorna have come +how in aay there are. Beside - I doubt it we ad evasuate weates. from one pier ywr soig to be done I have no doubt I right then wd be to consult all oficers under I strictest secreay & get every possible supeste from them - leave guus as late as could be, & then work one jus from I enbrsures its. Leave migs
29 till almost end - have shain camp pres going Iham transport - an not over do it but have Incarest thing to normal kept up till nigh very1 all evacuation done at night at hall costs - te gight not to be resked wisheaps of empry oxes - hollow insioll - landed. Finally try every device practicable to keep up appearance of men abl place - reliefs marched in Andjoun & out agn like stage soldiers all men camped where enemy sees our camps E Shrapnel fully, Are Burnu Point & special officers to see t 1 men are active at his points as nomally Some say before this wesh have one sigantie effert & Lots of others - in fictnearly everyone. is agat Bartlettstoles o 1Suola landley. They think it shot have succeeded. The first men were landwd from tods. (l inside (bay & some oulsids) at 810.30. A naral officer who commanded one deshroyer tells me to I attack as an rtter. susprise &only 300 tarks were there i smpers & so on. The little Karnin men had orders to it ws to be bayouet work only & they dront seem to relief 1 idea (eo he sd)! If only they had had tried troops- hesd if try co have put in 1 Anstrahans for instance- they wih bo across 1 perincula. I'm sure of it" I'm sure of it too sl 1 British step offcer. The Suvla Bay expedn failed only partly bec of men - & partly bec. of staff!. The stall whited. have plaied it was the Augacstef bec; it knew I country; & Genl. Skeen had a plan of it drawn up, from A to 3 – he is (either he or white ablest officer for general stap work on 1 Penmisute
30 (5o faras Iknow) But Baalthwaite did not call him in to eveny9 advise him in this way; and on Aug. the Angac Staff did not know one single they about Parrangements for I Suvle landing - they had not been told one word of the arrangmnts Theen had sent across to Braikwails every sayl important deliit o our plans. Tust like Braikwaitz alldww dront want any body, especiall Angac (wh hasd got all credit so far), I have anyting to do with this landing. Objected to Anzar belping - wel have actutally opposed it objected to egypt helping i the same of story all through. Braithwaite of course ws I man Hamilton might be wed inteationed but he didn't matter or other one wa The secrecy ws cerried so far th atthough every wean at Anzac knew iws any to happin on 1 Aft. brisdiers of the Tuvla force dwons know were to so. when they landed where they had some of them maps of Smyrna secrety resulted in complete surpuise but it surprised our bryadiers as much as (Tarks Of cousse Braithwaite ought to finish for this but then see how san Hamilton speaks of him. In the choice finy chief of step no general was ever and get they were hard 10 happe
o D on decint terms of acquaintanceship. wachless friendly terms. I believe right thing for us to do isif we can- to hold Helles - It can be done I believe by a national effort is. by making certain at once of provideny every facility. Abt. Anzac & Saola I don't know - probable (best thing is, if possible, evacuate; if not hold on. But I am certain t holdnn on there can only be done by a national efort - getting 6 or 8 ships at once & sinkin them fall of cement to make a harbour. By now the decision on probally come to. [I har supplis ane ing reguad to seven daye. Ihi, is tite is moary lon for a certainty N Io nation equal tot effort. If they wd let as was correspts tell 1 truth as to positiandity seriouanies in full t nation wo make effort. The Germaus know – Theres nothing in positi to hid from them. But does Britick people know. If we decide to Stay on without a superhuman I result will be Effort to back Ibeliev they havgs been evacuating shells 21c. disasterf Dec2. wrote one article; Canson askeome in to qualify an article I had wntten about the storms. The alteration wd justifiable - to let people know that 1 men had warm clothes + Clankets
Suola Sea shd be narrover Interdipent flash of a a 971 be Achi Baba re CaseDugh 00 Distant hill dotted smte LAJCON 00 M n t at From Imbros De. 2 1915 The Orage Princs went down wt 700 oil stores on board, & gt quantities of aon - & I believe other stores for Callipol have had to go to Salonica as I nee there is greater than here. These things were ordered (Badclips says) in Gaugust - it take 3 months to get them. That docsn't however atter (fact. it theyre not here & can't be landw. They may even, some of winter stores & foods, be in Imbros. The fact remain to th cant be got to gallipoli. The Trks, too, are feeling this weater very bitterl The British have suffered more 3r
72 36 heavily tran ws expected at Bagdad -in battle at Ctesiphon Somme 18 miles from galhpoli; they are now return down river. (ourflying corps from dustialia 15 t hem - one fellow no ws killed, a medical sturdent). They are getting remfs but 1 to also are gette $30,500 men from one direction & 30,000 from another. The Tarks have raise 4 new Army Corps; Rad cliffe tells us. December Sro: Daging Went over with Milner, & Paine (who are staying here preparing to make place a rest camp for 15,000 men or 15t Devall part of them) to Panagia – & found John Christo moved but a very nice little restaurant notel (the High-diff) where we took tunch partridges (delicious & plump) omedlettes (2 to honey) & Wine of Hymetters & Cocoa. Boughta lot of ptatoes, mustand, pickly Choc,honey, fruit for Capt Hore, & S Bn correspondents. On comig back went up to see Birdwood, + ask him of a few things which Chernside had told us in the morning. He is awfull sorry to leave Anzac

up. I saw one  of their jemadars
hauling along a poor wretched blubbering
fellah w his hand half frozen. He lay
down every few yds & howled & /
jemadar hit him w a long stick &
hauled him on again, blubbering & yelling
up / hill.

It's all very well for / troops in
Flanders. They get 4 days of this sort;
& then they go back for 4 days to sleep
in a house - to warm baths & dry
clothes. Once our men are wet they
can never properly get dry again
- I doubt even in their monthly or
2 monthly visits to Imbros if
they can. They have to be cold & wet
all / time. They're clever at making
/ best of things, making fires in a
hole in / trench wall 6 in by 8 w
a few sticks of broken biscuit box - 
But they have no houses or baths -
a man cant wash this weather in /
sea & there is no other water; even
the D.D.M.S. told me he hadnt washed
more than his face & hands for 4
days. I boiled some water over 2
candles in a cake tin wh is my
washing basin this morning – it
ws yestys washing water but I shaved


in it agn today & washed my feet.
But tt ws all tt one cd do - it ws
too cold to strip; & if tt is so w me, how
abt these poor chaps w only a
waterproof sheet over them. They have been
far far cleaner than / Kitchener soldiers
- out of all comparison cleaner than
/ terriers - all / summer; but even
they cant get clean now. And the

A big part of their life is /
fight agst fleas. The flea contributions
to / Anzac Magazine are full of
it. The flea is quiescent during
/ day; but he comes at them o
their movement keeps him quiet -
but he comes at them after dark.
They try to forget him - but they aren't
used to him yet.

By the bye an Anzac Medical
Assocn has bn formed; 2 papers
have now bn discussed - 1st mtg
"Lice"; and 2nd mtg "Catarrhal Jaundice"
(the same tt I've had). The first mtg
ws held abt 3 wks ago during a
fairly constant bombardment - but
tho' there ws only the tent roof of


1st casualty clearing stn overhead
it didn't seem to make any difference -
Some told me tt they were anxious for /
speeches not to be cut too long -
others told me they hadnt noticed /
bombdt. at all - When / mtg broke
up they stood outside for some time
discussing it, w / shells fly just
as they wd on / steps o / Town
Hall - w / shells flying over them
all / time.

The Hospitals are right in /
midst of ammn stores & our authorities
wont let them put up a red X flag.
- quite rightly, they all agree. They're
under orders (at any rate / Stationary
Hosp) to move. But I expect /
secret o / change of plans is this
wholesale clearance of craft
at Imbros.

The allies have bn apprehensive
tt Greece will do what Germany asks
& attempt to disarm them if they or
Serbs are driven back into Greece.


They put some financial & commercial
pressure on Greece (stopped cables
to America) & in abt 2 days brought
her to her senses. She has guaranteed
I believe tt she will demobilise,
or withdraw, / whole or part of her

Fortescue / American Correspt
formerly w / Turks; & A. Bartlett - & I believe
Nevinson - have bn saying what
they think abt this expeditn.
Fortescue & Bartlett are reported in
Lond. papers of Sund Oct 31 (Capt.
Granville Fortescue, U.S. Cavalry,
formerly ADC to Roosevelt,
"What o / Dardanelles?" Hodder
& Staughton. I must get this & the
Times Hist. No 62).

Dec 1. I went across to see ^Delme Radcliffe this
mg. as my Nov 26 post from Anzac H.Q.
to G.H.Q had not yet reached Law Ross &
I dont know what cables have reached
Radcliffe. Maj. Radcliffe ws in bed at 11 o'c
so I went for a walk w M'Conaghie
to see / damage on / beach ^(photo) - & then back at
12 to see R. Radcliffe ws still in bed - I daresay
he works pretty late.



(Promise M'Conaghie a photo o / picket boats).
The scheme for making Imbros a resting
place for 16,000 troops seems to h bn definitely
abandoned yesterday. I think it has been in
the air for about 5 weeks, tho' no huts have
been put up nor (so far as I know) has /
material for them arrived. It ws still uncertain
yesty mg - because Col. Knox, after Godley's
tug had disappeared towards Imbros, spoke
of it as certain tho' I know, from what
Col. Watson & others told me, tt doubts had
arisen for some days previously. I suppose
Godley & Birdwood, both, seeing / storm & its growing
effect, had decided tt troops cdnt be got back
from Imbros to Anzac in time to make it safe.

Anyway, Godley came over here yesty;
& after his interview w Birdwood, the
Imbros Rest Camp scheme is sd to h bn
definitely abandoned. And, as those who
are more responsible than I quite rightly
say: the thing is now to sit down & think
What can best be done? - not what might
h. bn done? If these troops cd be got off
w a loss of 1/3, & ½ guns, & nearly all / stores - 
is tt / best. Staying on here we shd be fighting
/ winter, wh is playing Germany's game.
At / same time Helles is some use.
Can we stay. I think that with sufficient
energy on / part of / authorities in
making harbours, sinking ships full of
cement etc, we could. But then I don't
know (& / authorities do) how, far / Germans
have come & how many there are.
Besides - I doubt if we cd evacuate
from one pier ^& in this weather. If it were going to be done I
have no doubt / right thing wd be to consult
all / officers under / strictest secrecy & get
every possible suggestn from them - leave
guns as late as could be & then work
one gun from 3 embrasures etc. Leave,


till almost end - have sham camp fires going,
sham transport - want not overdo it but have
/ nearest thing to normal kept up till /
very last night - All evacuation done at night
at all costs - the light not to be risked - 
- big heaps of empty boxes - hollow inside - landed;
Finally try every device practicable to keep up
/ appearance of men abt / place - reliefs marched
in and round & out agn like stage soldiers
- all men camped where enemy sees our
camps e.g. Shrapnel Gully, Ari Burnu Point
& special officers to see tt / men are ^as active
at these points as nomally.

Some say before this we shd have one
gigantic effort [[shorthand]]

Lots of others - in fact nearly everyone -
is agst Bartlett's idea o / Suvla landing. They think
it shd have succeeded. The first men were landed
from t.b.ds. (4 inside / bay & some outside) at
9 10.30. A naval officer who commanded one
destroyer tells me tt / attack ws an utter
susprise & only 300 Turks were there - snipers
& so on. The little K army men had orders tt it
ws to be bayonet work only - & they didn't seem
to relish / idea (so he sd). "If only they had had
tried troops" - he sd "if they cd have put in
/ Australians for instance - they wd h bn
across / peninsula. I'm sure of it." "I'm
sure of it too" sd / British staff offcer.
The Suvla Bay expedn failed partly only partly
bec. o / men - & partly bec. o / staff. The staff
which cd. have planned it was the Anzac staff bec. it
knew / country; & Genl. Skeen had a plan of it
drawn up, from A to Z – he is (either he or White)
/ ablest officer for general staff work on / Peninsula -


But Braithwaite did not ^(so far as I know) call him in to
advise him in this way; and on ^/ evening of Aug 5
the Anzac Staff did not know one single thing about
/ arrangements for / Suvla landing - they
had not been told one word of the arrangements.
Skeen had sent across to Braithwaite every
single important detail of our plans.
Just like Braithwaite all over - didn't
want any body, especially Anzac (wh had
got all / credit so far), to have anything
to do with this landing. Objected to Anzac
helping - wd have actually opposed it -
objected to Egypt helping - the same old
story all through. Braithwaite of
course ws / man - Hamilton might
be well intentioned but he didn't matter
one way or / other.

The secrecy ws carried so far tt
although every man at Anzac knew
something was going to happen on / left,
/ brigadiers of the Suvla force didn't know
when they landed where they were to go;
they had some of them maps of Smyrna.
Secrecy resulted in complete surprise but
it surprised our brigadiers as much as
/ Turks. Of course Braithwaite ought
to finish for this - but then see how Ian
Hamilton speaks of him: "In the choice
of my chief of staff no general was ever
so happy ..." and yet they were hardly


& Company Cooks.


on decent terms of acquaintanceship -
much less ^on friendly terms.

I believe / right thing for us to do is - if
we can - to hold Helles - It can be done I
believe by a national effort i.e. by making
certain at once of providing every facility.
Abt. Anzac & Suvla I don't know - probably
/ best thing is, if possible, evacuate; if not
hold on. But I am certain tt holding on
there can only be done by a national
effort - getting 6 or 8 ships at once & sinking
them full of cement to make a harbour. By now
the decision has bn probally come to. [I hear
tt supplies are being reduced to seven days. If this is true it means evacuation
for a certainty.] Is / nation equal to / effort. If
they wd let us war correspts tell / truth
in full ^as to the position and its seriousness / nation wd make / effort. The
Germans know – There's nothing in /
positn to hide from them. But does /
British people know. If we decide
to stay on without a superhuman
effort to back us, / result will be
disaster. I believe they have been evacuating shells

Dec 2. Wrote one article; Censor asked me
in to qualify an article I had written
about the storms. The alteration ws
justifiable - to let / people know that
/ men had warm clothes & blankets.


Diagram - see original document

From Imbros - Dec. 2 1915

The Orange Prince went down w 700
oil stoves on board, & gt quantities of
iron - & I believe other stores for Gallipoli
have had to go to Salonica as / need there
is greater than here. These things were
ordered (Radcliffe says) in August - it
takes 3 months to get them.

That doesn't however alter / fact
tt they're not here & cant be landed.
They may even, some o / winter stores
& foods, be in Imbros. The fact remains
tt they cant be got to Gallipoli.

The Turks, too, are feeling this weather
very bitterly.

The British have suffered more


heavily than ws expected at Bagdad
- in battle at Ctesiphon Somme,
[*??*] 18 miles from Gallipoli; they are now
retiring down river. (Our flying corps from
Australia is w them - one fellow
man is ws killed, a medical student).
They are getting reinfs but / Ts. also
are getting 30,000 men from one direction
& 30,000 from another. The Turks have
raised 4 new Army Corps, Radcliffe tells

December 3rd:
Went over with Milner, ^Daquig & Paine
(who are staying here preparing to make /
place a rest camp for 15,000 men or
1st Divsnl part of them) to Panagia – &
found John Christo moved but a
very nice little restaurant hotel (the
"High-cliff") where we took lunch - 
partridges (delicious & plump) omellettes
(2 w honey) & wine of Hymettus & cocoa.
Bought a lot of potatoes, mustard, pickles
choc, honey, fruit for Capt Hore, & 3 Bn &
correspondents. On coming back
went up to see Birdwood, & ask
him of a few things which Chernside had
told us in the morning.

He is awfully sorry to leave Anzac - 



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