Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/21/1 - November - December 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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Gratanb sed hav Shot him to come on ad yeLandy humbage inces) et bacto fber. Tolle ny poagress fom Te Turks had a tory. we called it the conservatory 4 Wight of 6&7 Nov. 8) tol waysking in 6ot 1 previously. Engl prt top of Tarktumael 83 his pick thro. TCx we got ander in 2 days & broke ip into To tannel - bayout hand head El. C, burst tro. Barker Capt CeEnprs put his hoad ta & It carr. thro top- at 7 fm. (pty went to it- decerend. Clates forn End ple found a shaft from tunnety t busty covered trunck 3hr 10 ap ar yerta Ban ap to an ix barriate. came yorthes into anoten lynel,o 3227 o you co stoop along it sSE Heading I aptinto a big gallery st asross W Leavy timber 6x8. Tannels go down ay evidents an it 8.156 V.6 to W. My enow in a base Evidently formining. died cnds. Flisteny ports we went abt 2ty0 32at along & 15v03 I & left a centry& retern for night. Sd indown all there (Taxs 24 & Engrs) Manney is W Fetcher & got & put his head of ine ay F. by ste 43 10 yds away & Corner 0 past this Went back & looked into Andthe L to N. him 23 came in they found further leads Tacks V, Duiny Night o 718 M put a panicaed ten +One wan had come out& had a look& Barrisade & were ant an 8ft apart Augl. 4Macgrejorof L oon natam&
Silent Battle. Patrol came within 10yds of trench at head of Wus fully. We apring & K.1, severely wd. I- prot som others. turks abt 200 Silud Battle n kept hesds very the first mg fas over parapes; ab To of them came out over paraget & one crept up trench to within 12 yds of our line. We waited till be turned then shot him. Abt 5 in morning some of our men of 24 Bn went ovrr parapet & pulled him in. An officer appeared to be very puzzled t this. H kept patter head over parapet but we dnt get an absolutely certain shot so didn't fore. Frt nisu we also shot at L. Pive a patrol of 2 who came out of truck - shot him as soon as they turned. 2Bn. Srdfn pt. Bn 744.4.3.6. on first night our patrols At t Turks get out before them, So 1Te lay up first & some of our men were shot. second night. Sr Bn patrot at head of wo gully saw same Turks but hothing occurred, Field co engrs crawle furthr found themselves looking up to light of same trench & legs of Turks in it. Put so Barricade down this tunnel. it iss found to shap wvent into I same trench. Fruch came to dlead and there turned into bomb pat we found tinnel from wh uksed observe tho tilllhole we the done of se We pomber cnto a bomb pit & now had 5 bomb pit a went out from L+ below their barricads & behind it. Bhew up 250 ls of ammonal & blew ap Logas of Twrk trench. Turk bombs fom bomb pit were scattered all over Surface the turks then starte dyping vigoroualy but inst of broway us they blew ap almost part of their own trench M Dnnton The silent battle. larks & curious on right on first night (25/6). last night bey came out - abt 50 app 1 Bn. at 3 am. (23 seen on Farkish Despair - abt 3 am. 20 attacked & actually reached parapit + threw in bombs - there 15s no feel of fire so tark gets onto parspet (in N. part of Leans's truch) almost at once. We shot this chap +-drazed him in & rest made off - bombed by us. Further
Apex. abt 50 to at 3 am. camo down over I snow (it ws snowing here ths night) but they only got abt 25 yds & can back on being fired on. we have patrols of 9 308175 6e2cor o hollow va0 South the 7R L.H. had a number of Turks making a more determined attack. The To seem to have left their trcties along this part depression 1line come up in the vay. Then lying between us & Turkish despair - scarely a vally there were 19 of them dead along 1 valley slopes this morning & 2 mond opp. chathams. Ater they retired to kew trenches a divil of a noise of groaning & stanting we heard rather suggesting to their officers were talking to them for not having prissed Tattack. Steils: 30 TS. same ovr parapet in groups of3004 last night. Wene 30 were out we paed on them Courtneys 3-4psn. Shellidw 30 or 40 ME (75 t (sood deald amuge Amnns small party appoached centre of qunus firiton, retired. Latw cintre heavily bomber - 2 men came out fired on, return. latert5 To came out, fired on. Late&, 4.4sam 6 Turks maved towards cratet; bowbed at, retrrn, evidently try on attalon Aie. Popes 10.10pm small part came towards lef of Popes - fined on, disappeared. Bussells top - shilld from 80.0.
For Lator - see Bulletin abt end of Sept, 1915. Now 28thS. Awoke this mg. to find whole country covered wt snow (see cath 49 0r 50). Still a bit faundiced, but only way of keeping waim was to walk round trenches so transpid round After all - what does it matter how you slop as loy as you can move. But climbery some hills it ws next to imnpossible to geton to oct to white suth ws a struggh that lef me almost extansted te way up. Saw felly tonight. I believe his setting command of 8R; Bsand to take Spincer Browns place in 6th Bde S.B 6 go to epyst where he will do fine work. I'm awfully glat of Gall gets his colonetiy - This work it every wich, & move. The authics have a new plan- They havent prepared apt water. they havent inade a harbour they now find they cant expect to Cand water stores as they wd have wished (and I conduses is holed) So they are to take of troops. Im bros will be a
cost of camping place for I reserves What ase it will be having reserves in Imbros if Iweather is like it has provid to be Pdays out of 5 is a puzzle. But I suppose they realise now tt 1 troops can't be kept here bec they having prepared for him; Io something had to be done. It has caused a sudden change in I plan of rearranging I time Yeste the 24h & 23rd wereshortl to come out of L. Pine & take the section further N. today they have had this Change (50 they believe) countermanded owing to authorities ? new plan Russians are sd to be concentrating a v. large ferce in Julician silent battle ended Nednight last night. She ws a bit of a strain on men & officers - but it kept Turks gumpy. Abt A thousan. to were seem on yan Rily yests gathering firewood (5o prolly back stope is fairly well catin out)- Our suipers were turned on today Its bitler tonight - preazeng hand. Im
9 afrird some o men – cop. the 8th who are in topens &sentries - will feel it real, bad 29 war. Feezing hard last night & most of this day & again tought The turks put up some pays this ong- white red, & black. When te white plays were seen or people asked hastily of beach what the were to do. White sd. Shoot them down at once – they may be marks for artilling to ann on. and were. Abt 10.30 or 11 quite a heavy fire started mobl they got up amoun last night during time When road were frozen. Two guns on chissbou were fang down at Armun damp near hospital but witout hick. Sent 2 or 3 shells into hospital Owe int Catrine, woh 5 men were sitting on s it spattered him & did no varm. (A man was blown thro'
10 a viblator in bosp roof tother day - shell burst below him when he as setting on a stool & he as anharmed & on duty next day. Hosp toda potints moved. coto saps - streetter cases lying down arny one part walking cases stand o in another th One shell landed in sap & troke legs of a staandin up case. I had to walk round to keep warm - most of men seem to have little fires - I have at present none. A man of 114 Asc offeree to make me one. He ad an unlittered chap- left school at 11, - who came in to a surprisingl exquidite piec grey buthook. prose & verse on of every ty - Extraordinaris beautiful in spite of cde fault in 1 mete. Hg had read soem in 1 Bulletin & tt is his only litirar educn but there 15 little
short of geneus in (crude work Wash, 11 Coy AOC. I gave him a bit of a lecture on rhyhim an Scansion-+ be, as a return- offered to make me a stove. still abit faundiced Walked to 1 Apex to keep Barm - if w Snowey up there 24 his before here-on last night Of Silent Battle. the toysedo boat did nt run today. Will get b Imbrod tomorrow, probe. I cant work here, only walk - its far too cold. An issue of ruin to all troops tonight - poor begars; movelt of snow will soon wear tunk off, but its worse for troops then for us. They get this in their backs - right into their dyouts. no 2 carks deserted this came in alvoy beach with one kit bag abl donglight - 6in last 3 days.
ew Dos? NVI p ts men and sd to heve bu frozen to death in a day out in mule gully no Reserve Cully; last night. the crawled in dead bied & were form this morning dead. I don't know yf it is true - the doctors of the 1st Stellonay Hosp tolt we. They may have bn men.oI.Seth who are under orders to lease & are largely on 1 back- Indians taking over. A nothr change in plans, I hear -o pert. thes is the change I spoke of yest. Up to yest the garriion ws to be themed. Today the are to stand fast. Our few saff here doesn't know that it means - unless White does. my appelite is much better this weake & so longas Im walking I in not really unconfrtally But 1 poos chaps in 1 trushes can't walk curious dore at Twbros tonight cire of searchlyt edreadi what I had on - Ocask. L. by Chapping & shellinto arctie 48000 Water (4 2 (snor c). Bools welo socks while ) y Rest in ?
201Vor Feb May. Johnson, santiry officer, o amt Crerc antunuel In Pine gealy & lapt green not thio heartby Eabt 1100 betw 2 ofrs at dressing table they thought he bas fant but it ws 2I heart (green ws 23 pry atld to 6F. Amb). These camathes accurred in the bombardment yest of our sonity by Tunks. The ts trned howetzers from Ns Boghati way out 1 Pine tt as especil targit- 8.2,9.5 & Win shells were falling i ofal t Rns Sectin, Stii & they bear in the parspets of Pine badity. The Pine had not its undergraung dugont ready. (or apparentl even begun - I dont I know of they were so much as thought of) & the parapets of part of French simply buried I men. Jen. Holnes (comdj 2 Auat Dw vico hegse awon w crysipelas or eezena - Chanvel commands Div Cafter Hobbs vice walker) told me th it ws chieft one truch to ws damaged. The man wile burind under paripels. On commn trench was blown in & anoter damaged - only one remained for use. 30 men (mostly 24th who were going in relieving at time, and rdie ws not stopped and cdgorobly be seen from Kata Tepe bec: gan Road is now being used - white ased not to allow this & has got them to stop it) were k & abt 70 wd. The place we safe however cun


The conservatory.
Night of 6 & 7 Nov.
We were working in L.P. 14 previously. Engr put
his pick thro. into top of Turk tunnel we got under
in 2 days & broke up into T. tunnel - bayonet
hand head sl. lr, burst thro.
Bomber Capt  Engrs put his head
thro bottom & Lt Carr thro top - at 7 pm.
1 pty went to rt - dead end
2nd pty found a shaft from tunnel ∧later found to lead to an
up to an overhd covered trench. Didnt go up it yet but put a
barricade. Came Northwds into another tunnel, one
you cd stoop along it, SE leading
out into a big gallery 8ft across
w heavy timber 6 x 8. Tunnels go down
8 - 15 V6 to W. They evidently use it as
a base for mining. They ended in dead ends, evidently
listening posts. We went abt 25 yds 
along &
& left a sentry &
retired for night. [[shorthand]] down
all these (Saps 24 & Engrs)
Manning ws w Fletcher & got [[shorthand]]
& put his head up -  
There are T. trenches 15 yds away & corner
past this. Went back & looked into
another [[shorthand]] to N.
When 23 came in they found
further leads to N. During night of 7/8 Turks
put a barricade there. One man had come
out & had a look. Barricades were
5 yds 8ft apart round an 
angle. Lt MacGregor of 23 & Corpl Gration 4                                                                                       
 [* T. trench abt 35 feet away from Barkers.
We built out barricade on 2nd day (23 Bn) before that sentries; abt 10 days later [[?]] blew. After blow 
the two barricades were touching! 
Ts built theirs after us.*]


Silent Battle. Patrol came within 10yds
of trench at head of Wire Gully. We opened
& k. 1, severely wd. 1 - prob some others.

Silent Battle. Turks abt 20 of
them first night kept put heads very 
far over parapet; last night (26/7) abt
20 of them came out over paraget
& one crept up trench to within 12
yds of our line. We waited till he turned
& then shot him. It is Abt 5 in morning
some of our men of 24 Bn went over
parapet & pulled him in. An officer
appeared to be very puzzled w this. He
kept putting head over parapet but
we cdnt get an absolutely certain shot
so didn't fire. First Last night ∧(26/7) we also shot
at L. Pine a patrol of 2 who came out
of trench - shot them as soon as they turned.
2 Bn. 3rd Bn 1st Bn 7 L.H.  4. 5. 6.
On / first night our patrols
let / Turks get out before them, &
so / T.s lay up first & some of our
men were shot. Second night 3rd 
Bn patrol at head of Wire Allah Gully saw
same Turks but did nothing occurred,


Field Co Engrs crawled further &
found themselves looking up to light of
same trench & legs of Turks in it.
Put 2nd Barricade down this tunnel.
It ws found tt / shaft ∧to S went into
/ same trench. Trench came to
dead end there, turned into bomb
pit. We found tunnels from wh
Turks cd observe thro little hole.

We bomber We thus turned one of these
into a bomb pit & now had 3
bomb pits & went out from LP [[shorthand]]
below their barricade & behind it.
Blew up 250 lbs of ammonal
& blew up 80 yds of Turk
trench. Turk bombs from bomb pit
were scattered all over surface
The Turks then started digging
vigorously but inst. of blowing us
they blew up almost part
of their own trench.
The silent battle. ^Opp. 1st Division Turks v. curious
on right on first night (25/6). Last night
(26/7) they came out - abt 50 opp 1 Bn. at 3 am.
seen on Turkish Despair - abt 3 am. 20
attacked & actually reached parapet &
threw in bombs - there ws no field of
fire so Turk gets onto parapet (in N. part of
Leane's trench) almost at once. We
shot this chap & dragged him in & /
rest made off - bombed by us. Further


Apex. abt 50 Ts at 3 a.m. came
down over / snow (it ws snowing
here this night) but they only got
abt 25 yds & ran back on being
fired on.
We have patrols [[shorthand]] 30 [[shorthand]]
hollow [[shorthand]]


South the 7th L.H. had a number
of Turks making a determined more
determined attack. The Ts seem to
have left their trenches along this part
o / line & come up in the valley. There depression
lying between us & Turkish despair - scarcely a valley.
There were 19 of them dead along / valley
slopes this morning & 2 more opp.
Chathams. After they retired to their
trenches a devil of a noise of
groaning & shouting ws heard rather
suggesting tt their officers were
"talking" to them for not having pressed
/ attack.

Steels: 30 Ts. came over parapet in groups
of 3 or 4 last night. When 30 were out we
fired on them

Courtneys 3-4pm. Shelled w 30 or 40 H.E. (75)
(good deal of damage)
Quinns. small party ∧Ts approached centre of
Quinns, fired on, retired. Later centre
heavily bombed - 2 men came out
fired on, retired. Later trench 5 Ts came
out, fired on. Later, 4.45am 6 Turks
moved towards crater; bombed at, retired.
Evidently try on all along line.
Popes 10.10pm small party came towards left
of Popes - fired on, disappeared.
Russells Top - shelled from 80.0. 


For Lalor - see Bulletin
abt end of Sept. 1915.


Nov 28th. Awoke this mg. to find whole
country covered wth snow (see cable
49 or 50). Still a bit jaundiced, but
only way of keeping warm was to
walk round trenches so tramped round
After all - what does it matter how you
slop as long as you can move. But
climbing some hills it ws next to
impossible to get on - ∧to get to White Gully ws a struggle
that left me near almost exhausted
½ way up.

Saw Gelly tonight. I believe he's
getting command of 8th; Brand to
take Spencer Brown's place in 6th Bde;
S.B to go to Egypt where he will do
fine work. I'm awfully glad if Gelly
gets his colonelcy - hes worth it
every inch, & more.
The authies have a new plan -
They havent prepared agst / winter;
they havent made a harbour; they
now find they cant expect to land
acrpxxx water & stores as they wd have wished
(and / condenser is holed) so they are
to take off troops. Imbros will be a



sort of camping place for / reserves.
What use it will be having reserves in
Imbros if / weather is like it has proved
to be 3 days out of 5 is a puzzle. But
I suppose they realise now tt / troops
cant be kept here so sure bec. they haven't
prepared for them; so something had to
be done. It has caused a sudden
change in / plan of rearranging / line.
- Yesty the 24th & 23rd were shortly
to come out of L. Pine & take the section
further N. Today they have had this
change (so they believe) countermanded
owing to authorities' new plan.

Russians are sd to be
concentrating a v. large force in

Silent battle ended midnight
last night. It ws a bit of a strain
on / men & officers - but it kept /
Turks jumpy. Abt a thousand Ts were
seen on Gun Ridge yesty gathering firewood
(so probly back slope is fairly well eaten
out) - Our snipers were turned on today
Its bitter tonight - freezing hard. Im


afraid some o / men – esp. the 8th who
are in / open, & / sentries - will
feel it really badly.

29 Nov. Freezing hard last night
& most of this day & again tonight.
The Turks put up some flags
this mg - white, red, & black. When the
white flags were seen our people
asked hastily of / beach what they
were to do. White sd: Shoot
them down at once – they may be
marks for artillery to aim on -
and they were. Abt 10.30 or 11
quite a heavy fire started - 
probly they got up ammun last
night during time when roads
were frozen. Two guns on Chessboard
were firing down at Ammun dump
near hospital but without luck.
Sent 2 or 3 shells into hospital,
one into latrine, wh 5 men were
sitting on; it spattered them & did
no harm. (A man was blown thro'


a ventilator in hosp. roof
/ other day - shell burst below
him when he ws sitting on a
stool & he ws unharmed & on
duty next day. Hosp. today
moved men patients into saps - stretcher
cases lying down along one part,
walking cases standing in another.
Men One shell landed in sap &
broke legs of a standing up case.
I had to walk round to keep
warm - most of men seem
to have little fires - I have at
present none. A man o /  11th
A.S.C. offered to make me one. He
ws an unlettered chap - left
school at 11, - who came in
w a surprisingly exquisite piece
of prose & verse on / grey outlook
of everything - extraordinarily
beautiful in spite of crude faults
in / metre. He had read poems
in / Bulletin & tt is his only
literary educn but there is little 


short of genius in / crude work
- N. Ash, 11 Coy A.S.C. I gave
him a bit of a lecture on rhythm
an scansion - & he, as a
return - offered to make me
a stove.  S6
Still a bit jaundiced.
Walked to / Apex to keep
warm - it ws snowing up
there 24 hrs before here - on /
last night o / Silent Battle.
The torpedo boat did nt
run today. Will get to Imbros
tomorrow, probly. I cant work
here, only walk - its far too
cold. An issue of rum to all
troops tonight - poor beggars, /
novelty o / snow will soon wear
off, but its worse for / troops Turks
than for us. They get this in their
backs - right into their dugouts.
2 Turks deserted this mg morning - came
in along / beach with one kit bag
abt daylight - 6 in last 3 days.



Two men are sd to have bn frozen
to death in a dug out in Mule Gully
- no, Reserve Gully, last night. They
crawled in dead tired & were found
this morning dead. I don't know if
it is true - the doctors of the 1st Stationary
Hosp. told me. They may have bn
men o / 54th, who are under orders
to leave & are largely on / beach -
Indians taking over.

Another change in plans, I hear
- or perh. this is the change I
spoke of yesty. Up to yesty the
garrison ws to be thinned. Today
they are to stand fast. Our gen.
staff here doesn't know what it
means - unless White does.
My appelite is much better
this weather & so long as I'm
walking I'm not really uncomfotable.
But / poor chaps in / trenches
can't walk.
A curious glare at Imbros tonight
fire or searchlight.
Bed. reading - what I had on. Old cook. [[shorthand]] 
Arctic  [[shorthand]]  Chopping  [[shorthand]] Shell in [[shorthand]] 

48000 water ¼ 2 (snow [[shorthand]] ). Boots wet o / 
[[shorthand]]  my socks (while [[shorthand]]) Ind. in [[shorthand]] Rest in  [[shorthand]] 41


30th Nov
Maj. Johnson, sanitary officer, 6 ∧ Field Amb.
buried in tunnels L. Pine yesty
& Capt Green shot thro heart by [[shorthand]] abt
11 o'c while betw 2 offrs at dressing table
- they thought he had fainted but it
ws  [[shorthand]]  heart (Green ws 23 Bn attd
to 6 F. Amb).

These casualties accurred in the
bombardment yesty of our position by /
Turks. The Ts turned howitzers
from N & Baghali way onto / Pine - 
tt ws / especial target- mg 8.2, 9.5
& 10in shells were falling - following
blue L Pine section, I believe & they beat
in the parapets o / Pine badly. The
Pine had not its underground dugouts
ready (or apparently even begun - I
dont I know of they were so much as
thought of) & the parapets of part of
trench simply buried / men. Gen. Holmes
(comdg 2 Aust Div vice Legge away w
Erysipelas or Eczema - Chauvel
commands 1 Div (after Hobbs vice Walker))
told me th it ws chiefly one trench tt ws
damaged. The men were buried under /
parapets. On commn trench was blown in
& another damaged - only one remained
for use. 30 men (mostly 24th who were going in
relieving at time, and relief ws not stopped and
cd probly be seen from Kaba Tepe bec. Gun Road
is now being used - White used not to allow
this & has got them to stop it) were k & abt
70 wd. The place wd safe however even

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