Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/21/1 - November - December 1915 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of C E W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR1606/2717 Title: Diary, November - December 1915 includes notes on the transport, SOUTHLAND the winter, artists, The Anzac Book and imbros. AWMISS-3DRLCO612IH
BIAFYE Nov 28t Dec 10 ays sine says. cotirtictioin et en e e e BDeL 606 IRM 2 AWM38 DIARIES ANR NOTES OF C. E. W. BEAN CONCERNING THE WAR OF 1914-1918 THE use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every reader and writer who may use them. These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what was then in the writer’s mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep; also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so —but it does not follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them. These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind. RUSTRALIAH C. E. W. BEAN. M-MSRIAL 16 Sept, 1946. AibetRe ane n e e e e
Misk Klrozur 6h Ba H B Corr Artiss Pach Poat o 15 forcupplie iHoth Cheradrs Calman for auriout buots ofilmoct 4 14 Cithechiat Sh Robe nat olo Pt. R. Dobson come dei 15t. Aust. Sat. Hor BIARYE 21 Nov 28t Dec 16 A prisoner, taken a few days sinee, says. Lopmso of 1148 Reg. (b De 6Hc. mane b Cermand. 5 ment offr a charge of 2 gums - fire at night considieed Pmypers NesF Apt. Go men holt it- Rest of 2ays in Commn truch (in dugouts along oach side of truich). They can see our hosp. tents & the point & mules sooning round it, but have no telephone from there. Lone Po is also considered v. important & they have special order's aft both places.] Cont from Diary 20) pulled it away from him & killedhim.A crrporal coming, up - I think from behend - also shot twece into him & be we very certainly killed. The other 3 had I think a boart thrown into them I were fightened off. The remaining Turks had fove a tittle further South but they were scathered by one bombs being the own cnlo them ranbackto their truck. 4 or 5 were hit. The Tarks have and I "silent batcl" for deipening & strengthning their old front truch at Guians, wh they no longer man on day time but merely send a fiw bombers there at night. The tark who got into our truct was wearing the ribbon of the fron crescat - first time were seen it; a red rebbon 15 two The vion cross is while stripes same but black & white
Hemast have bu specially shosn for his bravery. The people up at Walkers top have had so me more from - in H3. I gave a full a/c of HI. in the last notebook. H3 ws abit out seaward side of it &I tarks blew in on as there (being rather apset by our heavy explosion of 500 bs). There ws a good deal of firing thro ti openin as we found that we were looking entrana down one of their ap saks as well as thei envelope. We proceeded to collar awes abit of thiir approact sap - and sandbagjed it at X & we were also getting fired on from Kings were settling a bit, however, when this silent battle set them off again as I Turks can now work in open trenches so long as we are not Cornbery them. We are now allowed to boub working parties - but I silent battle" is still on. We sent away some O1 300 Bds last night. one reaule of silent batthe is to Honash jully is very unsafe - in day it is now usually quite safe but turk has bee lying out ton his parspet
3 sniki in one or two places & 4 periscope rifles were visible at once. A Firk deserti says to this per. rifle ws madelled on one captured from us about Hug 1 (if by their dates this wd be abt Aug 13 or 14) but I am sure they had it before th. Ihear be 24th has done some splendid work in 1 Turkish tunusls at T. Pine. I muitgo o se Watson actually lomonor abt it. We got into a desirte suport trench of their - to head cover & everything from wh they had clearly bn miniy as their shallow tunnels ran out into it. This truct we have now barricaded & occupied. Our men went crawling along their tunnels. A storm tonight. Beacky, wh had be ping regularly, only fired once atternoos. The long distance steep dropping H.S has bit our condusers twice in 12 shots & sierced 2 boilers. are on t ration of water here now at D.H.Q. Bearly has alo knocked out the boring plant in Shraprel gally. At laot we appear to have Dour gueter done someting to screen
is 2 fress pom delail cit. wals ad a long tren falled it on a/s of fay endso tovered. 1 baulhs of or into It comes doad grom getting side. Ba teo to 2I hands Lous his directs turks coutins. between ually bl. his ratherd (Barbers us & Tarks Smbs down from it. This is due to c being on E sige of one of branch. gutlies of owens gutly 24 discovers Barbers; 23 comn Gratam but His talese) nen day explored. it. Compt praham 75cd have bombed t That him, but afraid) Floy Enges built no I barreeds in face to come on. Hoshad v. heavy fire Con Lndday) from To broken down and protection headcover. Graham ws a L Macgiizorh san he explored 2 tannels behind T Barricade, enhani Ihad foot foud when he saw sentry apptl stan himbage Straight at him. Presently sentry (who had riffly as nces) intentl watching, looked away. M went on - and much same happinet. Iy has pipe in month. took him 7 mins et back a few feet. M foun guard disputing the conservatory 4 Wight of 6&7 Nov. o he waking in 6P1 previouly. Eage fat into, top of Tektumal. his pick tho. TCa we got ander B in 2 days & booke op into T tannel - bayout hand head El.C, burst tro. 33 D: hoad 1 Clater fornd me 863 a can a dom pidentl 25 bown the ento tats we in
$2712 November. Iollg details tonetie mining progress por Col. Walson 29 Bn. The Turks had a long trench; the conservatory. we called it on a/ of the appearance sI heavy endso baulks of timber w wh it is covered. It cames up Oroins Gully & then into doad ground & we were always getting bomber from this side. Barbers also wo wanted to connictap heads of our various saps in this directo but the activity of tuiks between them, &necensity of contin¬ ually blowing them up, made this rather difficult. Barbers Sage is uphill from us & tanks ad have rolled bombs down from it. This is due to cts bery on E six of one of branch gutties of owens gutly 24 discovere Barbers; 23 coming puaten bont hitatean may day expeored to cortepatam ed have boubed shothim, but afsaid, J Floy eng buitt no I barrceer in face to come on. Mithad v. heavy fire Con Lndday) from Tobroken dewr pip shearcover. Graham wo w l Marght of an he explored 2 tannels behind F Barricade. ohandi himbage I had foot forwd when he saw sentry appth stan straight at him. Presently centry (who had riffle as nces) intenth watching, looker away. M went on - and much same happinit. Iy had pipe in month. Took him 7 mins et back a few feet. M four guard disputing the conservatory 4 1 & Wight of 6 & 7 Nov. be wasking in 11 previously. Eng pt top of Tarktumnel 5 his pick to. ICr we got ander in 2 days & booke op into T tannel -bayouit hand head El. C, burst thro. 12 8: hoad Lates toun dow vident 25 lown the into lts every ten on
23d were in Cndday Floy Corpt. Paham & Engis brilt No. L Barricado fn face of when fire from their broken down head cover. Prahams (25d on) Ce Wt. Macgrejos, when he explosed o tunnel behind t barricade wh is acwss tunnel above fanction (not below as in Walson's sketet). Naham alone as in pout doing Oldg. (Turks were scared or they cd have tombed us out or shot him. fehad no ad. protection whatever. Two barricades were touching after blon Tentrus were at both tunnel exts durn Magregors explorations but were disputing amongst thimselies - (took him Jrins 5 go back a few yds). to. 35/ away. Anys now nomal (Nov 23)
$2714 November. Iollg details tone ie mining prgress por Col. Watson 20 Bn. The Turks had a long trench; the conservatory. we called it an ap of the appearance of heavy ends. 16a It dea Barber’s Golery Gratan Bedhav Shot him to come on o FenLandy hmbage inces) much same nogyeag son a ack a few feet. if touns guard disputing the conservatory i Wight of 6 &7 Nov. I be wasing in 1 previouly. Engl pt Farktunael R 2d we st andes 8F3 his pick thro. in 2 days & broke up into to tannel - bayonit I hand head sl. C, burst thro. P.i hoad 335 - Pis Clates forion m 16 a Dan 11 dom viseutl 28 bown foner into 5 6 C tirks y oo t every fran have 4 angte. HMacrosf aa of
to come mdpot GenLandi rum bag finces) 2714 November. Iolly details hove ie mining poogress from Col. Watson 29 Bn. The Turks had a long trench; the conservatory. we called it an a/ of ts appearance of heavy ends. 16ar andd the conservatory 4 513 Wight of 6&7 Nov. he wassiy in bot 14 1 areviouly. Enge ft Taskturael. his pck TC we got under 13 in 2 days & broke op into To tannel -bayout hand head El.C, burst thro. &33 8hoad da- Parce (later forin me 26 a can dom wident 4 25 town ther into teits £5 3 eery an Lan angte &Macgryorga

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.

Diaries and Notebooks

Item number: 3DRL606/21/1
Title: Diary, November - December 1915
includes notes on the transport, SOUTHLAND
the winter, artists, "The Anzac Book" and Imbros.


1 DIARY 21
Nov 27 to Dec 16
ays since, says:
Original     DIARY No. 21.
AWM38      3DRL 606 ITEM 21 [1]
THE use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer’s mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep;
also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so —but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.
16 Sept, 1946.    C. E. W. BEAN.




Gave Sla
(New No. 21)
Private J R Crozier
6th Bde H.Q. (orderly)
Gave Poats £4 or £5 for Photo supplies
Sun Walte Chernsides batman
£5 for overcoat,
boots, & films, etc.
Major G. P. Collins  )
144 Cathedral St.    )  photo matls
Glasgow                   )

Pte. R. Dobson
Cover design
1st. Aust. Stat. Hosp

[*M 23 }

E 28  }  Dec 3*]


Nov 27 to  Dec 16
[A prisoner, taken a few days since, says:
2 of of 1/48th Regt. (16 Div 6.A.C. manned by
Germans 5 men 1 offr in charge of 2 guns - fire at

Snipers Nest ^is considered v. impt. 40 men hold it -
Rest of 2 Coys in Commn trench (in dugouts
along each side of trench). They can see our
hosp. tents & the point & mules coming round
it, but have no telephone from there. Lone P. is
also considered v. important & they have special
orders abt both places.]

(Cont from Diary 20). pulled it away from him
& killed him. A corporal coming up - I
think from behind - also shot twice into him
& he ws very certainly killed. The other 3
had I think a bomb thrown into them & were
frightened off. The remaining Turks had gone
a little further South but they were scattered
by some bombs being thrown into them &
ran back to their trench. 4 or 5 were hit.
The Turks have used / "silent battle" for
deepening & strengthening their old front trench
at Quinns, wh they no longer man in
day time but merely send a few bombers
there at night.

The Turk who got into our trench was
wearing the ribbon of the Iron Crescent - / first
time we've seen it; a red ribbon w two
white stripes.

Diagram - see original document
(The iron cross is / 
same but black & white



He must have bn specially chosen for
his bravery.
The people up at Walkers Top have
had some more fun - in H3. I gave
a full a/c of H1. in the last notebook.
H3 ws a bit on / seaward side of it
& / Turks blew in on us there (being rather
upset by our heavy explosion of 500 lbs).
There ws a good deal of firing thro the
opening as we found that we were looking
down one of their approach entrance saps as well
as their envelope. We proceeded to collar
a bit of their approach entrance
sap - and sandbagged
Diagram - see original document
it at X & we were also
getting fired on from Y.
Things were settling a bit, however,
when this silent battle set them off
again as / Turks can now work in
dayl open trenches so long as we are not
bombing them. We are now allowed
to bomb working parties - but / "silent
battle" is still on. We sent away some
o /  3rd Bde last night.
One result o / silent battle is
tt Monash Gully is very unsafe - in /
day it is now usually quite safe but
/ Turk has been lying out on his parapet


working sniping in one or two places &. 4
periscope rifles were visible at once.
A Turk deserter says tt their per. rifle
ws modelled on one captured from us
about Aug 1 (if by their dates this wd
be abt Aug 13 or 14) but I am sure they
had it before tt.
I hear the 24th has done some
splendid work in / Turkish tunnels
at L. Pine. I must go & see Watson
tomorrow abt it. We ^actually got into a deserted
support trench of theirs - w head cover &
everything from wh they had clearly
bn mining as their shallow tunnels
ran out into it. This trench we have now
barricaded & occupied. Our men went
crawling along their sap tunnels.

A storm tonight. Beachy, wh had
bn firing regularly, only fired once
afterwds. The long distance steep dropping
4.5 has hit our condensers twice in 12 shots
& pierced 2 boilers. We are on ¼ ration
of water here now at D.H.Q. Beachy has
also knocked out the boring plant in
Shrapnel Gully. At last we appear to have
done someting to screen quarter some of our quarters 


Tanks  bombs
down from it. This is due to its
being on E side of one of branch
gullies of Owens Gully]
[*Graham built this alone
Ts cd have bombed or
shot him, but afraid
to come on. He had no
imd. protection.
Men handing 
him bags*]
24 discovered Barbers; 23 comin
next day explored it. Corpl. Graham

F. Coy Engrs built no 1 barricade in face

v. heavy fire (on 2nd day) from T. broken down
headcover. Graham ws w Lt Margrey or 23 Bn W

he explored 2 tunnels behind T. Barricade.

had foot forwd when he saw sentry apptly star
straight at him.  Presently sentry (who had rifle acr
lances) instn intently watching, looked away. M. went on - 2nd
much same happened. M had pipe in mouth. Took him 7 mins to
get back a few feet. M found guard disputing.
The conservatory.
Night of 6 & 7 Nov.
We working in L.P. 14 previously. Engr put
his pick thro' into top of Turk tunnel. We got under
in [[shorthand]] days & broke up into T. tunnel - bayonet
hand head el. lr, burst thro.

^later found to lead to an

[*we blew. After blow

were touching! Ts
built theirs after us.*]


27th November. Follg
details Lone Pine mining progress from
Col. Walson 24 Bn. The Turks had a
long trench, "'the conservatory," we called it
on a/c of the appearance o /  heavy ends &
/ baulks of timber w wh it is covered.
It comes up Owens Gully & then into
dead ground & we were always getting
bombed from this side;

Diagram - see original document
also we wanted to
connect up / heads
of our various
saps in this directn
but the activity o / Turks
between them, & / necessity of continually
blowing them up, made this
rather difficult.
[Barbers Sap is uphill from us
& Turks cd have rolled bombs
down from it. This is due to its
being on E side of one of branch
gullies of Owens Gully]

[*Graham built this alone
Ts cd have bombed or
shot him, but afraid
to come on. He had no
imd. protection
Men handing 
him bags*]

24 discovered Barbers; 23 comin
next day explored it. Corpl. Graham

F. Coy Engrs built no 1 barricade in face

v. heavy fire (on 2nd day) from T. broken down
head cover. Graham ws w Lt Margrey or ^23 Bn W

he explored 2 tunnels behing T. Barricade.

had foot forwd when he saw sentry apptly star
straight at him.  Presently sentry (who had rifle acr
lances) instn intently watching, looked away. M. went on - 2nd
much same happened. M had pipe in mouth. Took him 7 mins
get back a few feet. M found guard disputing.
The conservatory

Night of 6 & 7 Nov
We working in L.P. 14 previously. Engr put
his pick thro' into top of Turk tunnel we got under
in 2 days & broke up into T. tunnel - bayonet
hand head el. lr burst thro.

[*we blew. After blow

were touching! Ts 

built theirs after us.*]


Corpl. Graham 4 Engrs F Coy} built No 1 Barricade ^23rd were in (2nd day) in face of 
v. heavy fire from their broken down head cover - Graham
ws w Lt Macgregor ^(23rd Bn) when he explored [[shorthand]] tunnels
behind T. barricade wh is across tunnel above
junction (not below as in Watson's sketch). Graham
alone was in front doing / bldg. (Turks were scared or they
cd have bombed us out or shot him.) He had no imd.
protection whatever. Two barricades were touching after / blow

Sentries were at both tunnel exits during
Macgregors explorations but were disputing
amongst themselves - (took him 7 mins to go back
a few yds).

Ts. 35 ft away. Things now normal.
(Nov 28).


27th November. Follg
details Lone Pine mining progress from
Col. Walson 24 Bn. The Turks had a
long trench, "the conservatory" we called it
on a/c of the appearance o / heavy ends &

Diagram - see original document

The Conservatory
Night of 6 & 7 Nov
We working in L.P. 14 previously. Engr put
his pick thro' into top of Turk tunnel we got under
in 2 days & broke up into T. tunnel - bayonet
hand head el. lr, burst thro.

^later found

to lead

to an

[*we blew. After blow
were touching. Ts 

built theirs after us.*]


27th November. Follg
details Lone Pine mining progress from
Col. Walson 24 Bn. The Turks had a
long trench, "the conservatory," we called it
on a/c of the appearance o /  heavy ends &

Diagram - see original document
The conservatory
Night of 6 & 7 Nov
We working in L.P. 14 previously. Engr put
his pick thro' into top of Turk tunnel we got under
in 2 days & broke up into T. tunnel - bayonet
hand head el. lr, burst thro.

later found

to lead

to an

[*we blew. After blow

were touching. Ts 

built theirs after us.*]

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