Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/200/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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Ma Foster who commanded 15 Coy ws just finishing reorganing & was just comin outof Marly wood ahead of his Co when he ws shot thro I head by a mige from farem Th. instantly wood farenne wood ws on the t port of narl wood. The miss from there were doing a good deat of Larm. The Bn as in skermishing orde one man ws seen re Tooyds abeado Irest as hard as he could to get to a first & sonvenir it. B+ A Coys got round rt of gerenne wood & Cloy got past I left of it. The ferms
of the then cleared corner of it nearest to Chaignes + ran back. D Coy extended on I left over I forward slope into sight of the German N. Side O1 pom De Lt Hletche He e 1p post as being suiped a by these. LGs. were at them & they slifer possibl tho the On the left of this post there ws no one right to Hetchers furthest post wo just on the left pout of Square wood.
In post Aabove) ws Seryt Chadwick of DCoy. Hletcher was w Iresto his pln at B. C+D were posts of Capt Sellicks Coy. The post at A ws say t a LG. at som the quarry opposite i or the valley by the Boi Olympe & at some other sees across the i. The germs had a C.T.
from Cappy up into I square wood. In night A ferman Patrot came up there. It ws seen + cleared back of 9n The line on the left of 12 Bor ws facig N along the top oI hill AB There ws No one on flats. The Bdier came around I posts just at dark on Aug 24 (12 Ba had bu in these posite at t day). He tsee GBn up to take over posts of D Coy on 1 left; & withdoww D Coy to the Quarry in harguolles Valley for a feed.
Cloy his left They flank of 12 Bre. were holding an OC.T. with 1/ doy dead ferman in it. This Coy ws and Sandy Sew A Eed gavenne B 38 B3 Coy ws under t Terry to day after Foslin dead A Coy under L Vaughan under t fandy. eserve under H Sellick. Din Therewere no Captains as Coyl On 1nilt of Aug 24 9Bn relieved D Coy. (There were fermans
in the little Quarry in I Wood just W of the Bois d’olynpe. GBn were shooting grenades at them This Light CCoy went out into open aheadof old C.T. in wh they w & duy 4 posts facing German line. Thes ws an 24/2 At 3 p.m. on Aug 25 they got orders to advance. There ws a very light barrage They advd under heavy arty & my. fire. The German M.g. fire cs com from little T heads & stit on the Cto wh they wereholdr
A coy gotinto one trench & B Coy into Another started bombiry up them. While B Coy ws bombiy up its temporary commdt, H Terry Ws k by mg. fire while direction the bombinyg - he had got out of trench. A loy ws getting shortd bombs. It called for D Coy. Dloy went this A Coy abt 700yds along the C.T. to its objoc & ctayed there. Except for a few men throwing flares gerwans were cleared from SS a good many were shot tryey to get away. Vaughan &Hletche were bombing from the
stits very targeh as I truck ws very straight. Dr A bombed up thei left CT. 13 bombed up (ot. was joing, acrose Hermer i in of line from the 4 posts they had day 1 night before, on the left. Cloy ws forced to stop by the M.G. fire from 1 pont. The germs had rearguard m. Gun ahead on 1 ridge ridge at theado 1 gulty sof Bois d Olynpe. Cloyhad t 60 abt 30 casualties out obt 70 men - Soper cent.
t Dollery ws sent w a 49 party towards tho talley by Boisd Olympe to cover- the left plank of Coy by clearing out any fermans who were there. Commy thro I first little wood on our side of valley they were smped at by ferman n. gunners in the Bois d'Aympe who saw them coming & cleared The Ptz with Dollery wen into Walley & up thro Olympia wood. They id hear I ferman funs banging way on top of cliff. Thy got to 1 top of Olympia bed & its Southern Edge & from
th 1valley Edsee ferman Meganners fering at our men advancing -thest gunners being on the ridge at 1S. end of the gully. Dws waiting for Irest of Coy to come up. They estable a post there - & at night were withdrawn to posite pwh 1 Coy had advanced. while they were in Slynpia wood our own people thought 1 fer were there & turned our own barrage on. The 60 ps sot ont it & the Prd LTMBle The pty gotiuts a shellhole watching bi trees crashing

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