Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/200/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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lot of case lan ter. The sea w well in view on Ileft pont from here down by Tistermans Hut. Our men lying all over ere in their ow pties a few yds na crest but ap fire. Talloch see any fothhk dirit there tto were constant Rei parties returrn tt just on of abt 100yd bursts. He told ap rel troops to fix bayone 1022 in ma gin
Talecks man now tat it ve nomy 1p/7 id lin Sl afire up build super t of fire before engaging t 01 4 side othe There were staff officer down I gully dending th -(prob. to ow ii New Then 2nd tullock went forced to recor toedge of the ridge oitre fact 1 Turks, & wsh in Ileg & pt back When Te got back to the as hit posite where he heard of Lawles Tullock met wans in
hosp. in Alex. & tallin it over desided that Evans as on his et in 1 advant posite but out of touch. posite 1 In advanced men kept touch splended orders & informate & passed that there ws a gopo yds between men Te pty who were left to delay 1 Tarks prot 700 probable fough on Bab the action Own In I advanced positi n they found 19 7 hard & any attempt to sho an Entrenching too/ brought down heavy fore. There might be little 6in pozzie but no more there
12 16 fouar Br (astins firterfe From Tullock, Rin) Kent a/ Co 12En) Bde concentrated St Germaine Wood just W of Progart. They reached there just at the Terohour & came in for the Counterbarrage gas, high explosive. HAI hardlaw ws his going in 12 Bn ws camped in a deep dully where here had bn a german dung - just in rear of 151 Bdes G.O. line close to Royart wh. ws abt Boyds away. They were a little inport of fermaine wood, The move us first ordered for 7 am. but this we
cancelled. Bde left bivonac al. 2.15 pm Before this the Red Cercus bombed then The cookers co heavily right up under shellfire, gave I men a hot meal. The CM 5 of 12 Ba, While, ws k. there Agerman dump ws putup by a shell & 5 men if B Coy 12Bn we to noo thes H Bn - original orders had be for 3Odet Ceapfrog 15t Bde, but these were attered later & the attack ws thrown in perther left. 10 Bn were to clear long wood Nof Chuignolles on II stope facing 1
12 Bn ws to render our up in there. Toe Bn no artillery formation, theo a rly cutting just W of Chergnolles & there came under very head M.g. & Shraprel & H.E. in a wheatfield at 900 yds range. beformans were on opposite slope facing this wheatfield. on to wh Bn came after sin the rly calting. fom M amait - he Two Coys of 11 Bn wer. them going thiro Iwheatfield. One LG. Section of I1Bn ws blor up completely in this, & 12B. 1osf 10men ey
Lor9 ley b a o I Croyer Tey duckd from 1 wheatfeld into I village & rested there. the men were pretty done asI pace apt this barrage had bu hot. H Bde had done a small attack just before. C Coy ws in Cheignotles village & the other Coys (wh h
come throI wheatfield but down I slope further to I their right) were on right. village Coy 5 not in touch to them When they got into I village the Coy commor sent back word to the Batts to ws impossible to get to the in time – (the J.O. posil barrage had abready gone down as the consutrated fore from Marly wood outo 1 He valley ws too heavy. the ines to 6L Lines picked up Bn forwo report centre & got Kio on In 1 meantime another phone.
barrage came down while they were watching place. It struck I hill ahead & Sc. feran m. gune (AH Vanghan MC. J Ls Settick AFD Copon 1 rt made a dash down Ivally got ed across I valley & got up 1BCA the slope opposite just below Marly wood (wh ws part on (slope) - across a dimp vely As soon as C saw A Coy move it went after them & went up I hill in rear of others in Section rushe still At this time long too had fermans in it. E tank ws on 1 top o I hill A blazing into it to a 6pdicun
Another tank ws boghet further down I slope on a cross road. This rush brought them to Marly wood. Outof trench on 1 top ofridy wh had be firing at they (it ws a suaken od reall they found out later) they got 1offe & comen, 2. 77 an Antstank gun & abt 10mgs This ws on a scugle company pont. Each Coy we taking simele prners. When the Bn reached idge of yarly wood it it as reorganisn as best the offised as under CX D B

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