Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/200/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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1 upor Capt Tulloch walkers top 2in/C of B Coy, 1Bo. a plateo had w him B Coy & a Boalte The 12Bn (Capt Calbr) landed there Abt Isame jist to ais (Walkers) R. Tullock Tey reorganised on top & To did Lawler to get B19 orders were 700. 11 Bn were Lawler lezvous od 6 N as 1 positie Sc important & RI3 res
& someone Tullock bending over Col. Clarke there abt 100yds away to rt front on 1 track Maj Elliott we lynng w that thas I shoulder. the on on Falloch pushed Wek. Turks w E of the left the monash Gully ork of So a few men ew ind over the Wek & dislodged them pone heir flank probably shot then This left I coast clear the fire had on nash Fullock thes men or
pty of abt 1Nek - in groups ver & on tother side extended facing to lods their objoc Cast NNE) There wsabt 7G 3t to paces between men. over Golley Scrubl t by & on the second crest from there (probly the first hell, wh had 2 crests a stiff fire they had ght with tark riflerin one M.P. (wh ws behind them there were probly abt I. Trey were Abt Gooyds away on another distinct rise - part way up i
we gained Abt 10ven had bn knocked out Cups HEDV Butler 1213 4 Buttle 11 Bo an S Mortinix K rid of 11 ere there - probably Butt thad followe rid Btlerhad b w wen Tallock from I start The Turks # melted away & we te crest to 1 Turks bu defen a att AO &s & had a prolonged fire fight with Turks very well hidden There we facing them then
(at abt 500 7ds to 1 crest) a further & larger hill wh Tulloch took 6 be Big. 700. The tarks our en bot wck intrencly when us l took or moving to we storm a by brought down I fire. They had igs at very long range. We ed see what Tullock toot to be a Bn Command standing by a tree on th N Shoulder of were con hid. Runner ths officer & go a few to Tullock took him to be a as suy C
4ds 800-900 but ednt move him The tine moved forward here abt 100yds on its bellies, still on I dow l on orders passed along 1omas later heave fire at short 2a w line 6 open ny ser d Everythe as they had be taught only as directe se During a bll on orders os abt noon probt Cullock an t water bottles were practice le Lied Reid ws hit here
I rear not He crawled to permitting an to him. over They passed h lal 13 w but he calling his name yum They fought there for hr. The sea idat be ren at all from thereon Sitn side. But they C see a line of tur almost S firing aci on some people of ours who were down what looked like a kindd valley 5 a mile to right Tullochs H0 5.)d in en were enpladen th Turks occasionally. Possibly
the seacob se right in I direct of harrows. Callock had sent KTacks on w 20 men, when he left the Nek to the left () Lw between Fack to be an Echdon in left rear Tacksons ptz ed be hear. fighting there. In Tulloc final posite be found to either por fire ws com other side of J. or f between the 2 parties. They an no touch w angove In creasi fire at T. short range showed to were musing ter in dead
Ire in 4 sections by atternate sections at 1 double Abt half remained on what Tullock took to be Baby 700, & halfvere sent back to the next little rise in front of Nek. an is was from thes Tackson find H Tackson came in to between (two parties he hadn't seen mess but came in to find I posite. They laft the advanced pty under an officer w orders to delay any turk
with the rear advance. party & Tacks came back outs the spur Nof the Nek without crossing Nek & without very into any stee gully on way. A of this ws a gall on I far side of this gully th aft 2m prob in Tarks to be seen They were on other cress Wearer to Isea on 1 let there ws probly a party fighting further N, but the to were dieely opposite Tullochs p her The Shrapnel fire as well burst & very hear

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