Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/20/1 - November 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Nov1 menches & damanged them we decided on further advance to another of tark truch. At 28.65 5 LH. had seized this trench & bombed evemy out of acade. Trench ws con first b & traveried under heavy bomb rife fifue hom 7. Deepuir, Bud Cruckes & Endbarricad art of 7m our advand & ati W. heavy enengarty fire demolesting part of out caraset. furing after 6t H relieves C4. 8 of 100 pe 24h Nov 9100 of 724 rel the 6a. Enemegs 75s shelling but not much damage. Distrayer shelliy on kept dow fire from Cew Frinches & Hauis Ridn oving parties all to 11
Salonica & Divno. Dissi Unpreparedness Bombo Periseopes Nov 10 50 Estimate of enen toas 57 OL150U Agd Brundret k on night of 7 T. T. Kyan 644 did st work w. Shanghai Batty wrjut call for fire as sent to arte for help ou night of 78 G Batly was onto them within minates 5. Lowland Bally & 17 (heavy) Batty & soon after I believe Budwood, K. & Munro. & possible marwell are at mudsos today. Rumoured it we are t be a side show – Bwood & take over Tallipsoh & whole force Eight Dwi concentrit in fallyisi. Salonica No great syn's of diging here yet. Howse as remenden me how the we were traing $ months in Sgypt ha there came no officer from England Dr France to teach in bomb fighting. We never heard of bombs - certl never saw them - till
Strength So strong Kirks N0010. Ours Strons Nov 10 Nov10 & we got here; & as for periscopes, we had to send to all transports for their looking plasses. Hastic tells me th Divesional Staff has now everything so beautifuly cut & died to milner & Foote complain there is nothin to do. Why don’t they use I time for drawing up definite cut & dried schemes for 1 times when the present cut & dried soheme will be broken cuts ? When for example beach is sosheked by day th everything has to be done by night? or when I waterpipes freeze or are blown out by bombard mut etc. The tarks are very well up to Strengt & we are getting it way too. As tho T. camps are full our ships shell them a lot. Esp. those at Kogadere, to destroy the fible o 1 men I suppose Altho the 2.LH Ble has bu in no by battle, it has absent thro' diness all 1 officers o1 512 7 612
Decdo (Biekman) Bombfyh) Tarks (amenities voxt There has bn a good deal of communicati co tarks of late. We sa thus over some letters from prisoners saying they were well treated & some pictures of nic fat happl looking prisoners in Carro [our min aont much like doing this but I daresay ( authuis arr right] any way we, pt 1 folly answer. A man who lives by charit is a swine. We have plenty in our stomachs + something besides plenty; we have our hands on our bodies ald our bayoneto in our hands. The English may have plenty of meenitions of war but we have our bayones & our thoughts. If you are 1 st nation it you are supposed to be why dont you actup to hagh principles & not descend to trynng to suboon others from their loyalty to their sovereygn! A. most disnified answer. We can easily overds attempts to make Turks desert. Still - they Nov10 Nov1 regts exc. two in each; & all in 112 6th Exc. 3 or possibl 4. But our 15t dn is improving - 8000 and renp to come this month & 8000 next Cout of 22000 odd); the 1t Bn is up to abt 600 &To is the 3rd. Turks throw 100 shells into No 2 post today. Nov 11. Thers. Went upto see Holves, some interesteng thungs have been happening at Walkers Top Serg Vince in Ch. of Bdl Scouts ?20tPon. rch of bomb parties walkers), w Sergt Brennan& got oul of hole of cratn the other night. Saw 4 Turks in a tole bomber; saw ti light a match of boub B. Shot bomb thrower to revower- He dropped boub &it expladed. 61012. c No1 w a for p.d 3r i0 NF.3 BCN 6x 2406.4.83 9 C or the Jermans - have tried I same theng on us.
Nov 11 Prins 13 Feies aver plesss. Notre herox Ennemis? Sorawledin indelible (anoten notic char snne) pencil. Envoyey wilk Bwks ago ts had fotal for 3 days. They trew over 2 packets of cigs, t inscription as above? We sent our bully beef. They knew back a message on Stick & stone Bully Beef Mor. We thret some biscuits (podb.) & jam. This as all abb 8.30 59.W. They called out from & waved down w this hands. (all had heads up). Next morning same proceedings. Tnterpreter spoke to them from our trues. they were allowed to go over & get a packet knife we had known ourr. kind morning we had orders not to carry on 150 morning one of our men nipped over parapet + fot the cigarettes and morning one of our officers ws on parspet for 2 or 3 mons. He collected a boinb on mestake for a packap found it as wrappedound gesther sometimes do, w white fiven. Bit of scare butfoumd it had fault fuse had not sone off).
td 18 co Bship Buby14 5 0l8 N3 ande (clif (Clif Eelbe or mr Ba achops 4.11 Cha: cak Dere is 3 5 ly :2 Fart Ma Turkburied here Churack Apee 17 35 55 m carm 22 £5 o fa D 3 a a Chuncek attack 2.3 Allanson tells ae Gurkhas on top abt & Rawson (undlthe Batly both me he saw red flay wher & is on Aug. 9th after 50C. He saw the British leave this trunches on the apex at 70c. (Top as to abt 5 am. He saw turk bayonets then on the flat above the Farm. Fired abt 1000 rounds into them: He took urthas I is under impression shells were our shell Brobl Rawsons 1a who either N2 or British
Light Nov11. Staff failure Nov 11 15 There has been a bad misfire on the left. The 182 Bde (London) had a couple of A.B. knolls in port of its lime wh rather commanded it. White suppected some time 0th 5 B3 they oughte to take these. On going there some time later he found to they had taken them but that they were dominated by a third green knob C - wh us between (two. It ws so clear to C. oughbly be taken at once to he spoke to I divisional commander (who agreed) & wrote to let Birdward know what we had done. The Divt commander sd hed do it, but he didn't have 1 troops. White waited till 1N.S. dut H. dawn got back & then spoke to Godby. Godley sd. Oh thats all right, well do it tonight. It will be done at once; Or something to tt effect, The attempt made - or oather no real-attempt we made. The N.S. people went out & finding some Turks already on I nek they gave up. Astea of preparing for opposite they did nothing to prepare for it. It is rather like the N.B. staff - instead of taking a mountain of labour in order t ensure a molebill of achievement the save aa easy ofhand assurance & didnt even
T. amun. mpers upon Ne. nsor Southld Nov11. 16 achieve the molehill. The turks I suppose will fortify the knoll now. Ae it leads straight (by a neck) to Chrnnk Bair, & to realh an off shoot Of man rang it in aforipottant place to have a foothold on - but not sood enough to fight 1 sort of attack wke shd proby now have to undertake to get it. The To seem to Lau more amanction - poob aeig their stocks in anticipation of more from Bulgaria. Servians are practiciley out of it. Kispected antiatis & N.3. today at Mudros. As I as returning from I right today (from seemg Rawson o 1ente batty) the M.g. wh I noticed playing on 1 path between Arikurn knolt & plues ptatian nearly got me. It ws dearly lait on I place & as I went over it 3or 4 victous bullets went into I sap side within a few yds of me. I crouched under shallow sax wall & l or 5 more shots whisteed overhead it is quite likely one of those might have had one, if not more. I warne white of the place. An indean mule driver wo hit there last night. I have been in two minds as to
Censorship Beachy) 2 Novit whether to re-write the Southland business & try & get it through (naval cen In and I didn't because it may be th I reason they don't want it divalged is in order not to let Tarks be sure to they dibnt sink ship. If the knew to some of our trangpte got off the wight give orders to see to this never happened again. That may be the advite view. I think it is of doubtful use & the Turks know well Endt Southland reached mador. But for th reason, I am not appeali to them again I quite agree to no information shd go out wh can be of militar value ot enemy. But if I Britiit censorship docsn't even make a beginning of ens uring this. In the Brit. Austalasian for example of Oct. 7. there is an article saying to Beachy Bill is 1 terror of Anzac & has accounted for at least 1000 casualties; & makes bathing next to impossible on I beach. that is information of direct use to 1 Tarks diad - when officers deary gave similar abt Hele information we rublished 1 fact in orders Yetr British organiseti is too hopelessly weak kneed Even
Mines Turks in our tunnel, Nov 18 Nov 11 protect - I dont suppose a Censon ever reads article. The B.A. people arent toblame - I don't suppose then realise t they are given useful informatio. It is wretched week knew English goot. wh cannot face any situation squarety. Every miluary article sh be submitted to a censor before it goes in sot at tenit I paper has expert advice. If they cod give more attentin to censony facts ih assist evemy & less to censovery facts wh may show 1 public What blunders thes have made (or at any rate what danger I cauntey is in) they wa be taking at least one step towards wining (war. An extraordinary event took place on Nov. 110 a tannets at walkerstop. We have a vvery advanced Tunnel there past the did crate (wh opens outo timune & is barricaded now a wood bec Turks boubed there a gt deat The oder day (Nov. 9½ our min working there put a pick thro into a tark gallery below. (This we our FLc ws ud reported. a pair of sentries were put on tui


Wire of glint
Restricted during night
Work going on all
time by 46 & 7 LH
Later Ts thrown back
[[??]] 3.7" TM (line of [[?]])
from Chathams
Now bombing 2 Barricades


Nov  10     
Trenches & damaged them, we
decided on further advance to another
old Turk trench.
At 8.45  5 L.H. had seized
this trench & bombed enemy out of
first barricade. Trench ws connected
& traversed under heavy bomb rifle
& m.g fire from T. Despair, Bird
Trenches & 2nd barricade. Arty closing
supported our advance x & 7 mgs.

Nov 8. v. heavy enemy arty fire
demolishing part of our ∧forward parapets.
During aftn 6 LH relieved 5 L.H.
& sent in garrison of 100 for 24 hrs

Nov 9  100 of 7 LH. reld the 6th.
Enemy's 7.5s shelling but not much
damage. Destroyer shelling on
rt kept down fire from Twin
Trenches & Harris Ridge.
Working parties all time.




   o.    o.r.    o.    o.r.
5 LH















4 Bn





11 Bn






8 Divns ?
Unpreparedness -


Nov 10                
Estimate of enemy's loss - 50 k 150 w
Capt TJ Brundost k on night of 7th
Sergt P. F. Ryan 6 LH. did gt work
w. Shanghai Batty
Urgent call for fire ws sent to Arty
for help on night of 7/8 -
9th Batty was onto them within 2
minutes; 5" Lowland Batty & 17th
(heavy) Batty v. soon after.
I believe Birdwood, K. & Munro.
& possibly Maxwell are at Mudros
today. Rumoured tt we are to be
a side show – B'wood to take over
Gallipoli & whole force Eight Divns concentrated
in Gallipoli . Salonica.
No great signs of digging here
Howse ws reminding me how
tho' we were training 4 months in
Egypt the Bn there came no officer
from England or France to teach us
bomb fighting. We never heard of
bombs - certly never saw them - till


[*Strength :
Forces Turks - strong
Nov 10.
Ours    strong
Nov 10*]

Nov 10
we got here; & as for periscopes,
we had to send to all / transports
for their looking glasses.
Hastie tells me tt / Divisional
Staff has now everything so beautifuly
cut & dried tt Milner & Foote
complain there is nothin to do.
Why don’t they use / time for drawing
up definite cut & dried schemes
for / times where things the
present cut & dried scheme will
be broken into ? When for example
/ beach is so shelled by day tt
Everything has to be done by night;
or when / waterpipes freeze or
are blown out by bombardment etc.
The Turks are very well up to
Strength & we are getting tt way too.
As the T. camps are full our ships
shell them a lot, esp. those at
Kojadere, to destroy the fibre o / men
I suppose.
Altho the 2. LH Bde has bn in
no big battle, it has absent thro'
illness all / officers o / 5th & 6th


Deeds (Sergt Brennan)
(Bomb fight)
Turks (amenities
Nov 11)
There has bn a good deal of communicatn w /
Turks of late. We gave threw over some letters from
prisoners saying they were well treated & some pictures
of nice fat happy looking prisoners in Cairo [our men
dont much like doing this but I daresay / authries are
right] anyway we got / follg answer: A man who
lives by charity is a swine. We have plenty in our stomachs
& something besides plenty; we have our hands on our
bodies and our bayonets in our hands. The English
may have plenty of munitions of war but we have
our bayonets & our thoughts. If you are / gt nation
tt you are supposed to be why dont you act up to
high principles & not descend to trying to suborn others
from their loyalty to their sovereign."
A most dignified answer. We can easily overdo
the ate attempts to make Turks desert. Still - they
[* - or the Germans - have tried the same thing
on us*]

Nov 10 Nov 11                           
regts exc. two in each; & all in /
6th exc. 3 or possibly 4. But our
1st Divn is improving - 8000 odd reinfs
to come this month & 8000 next
(out of 22000 odd); the 1st Bn is
up to abt 600 & so is the 3rd.
Turks threw 100 shells into No 2
post today.
Nov 11. Thurs. Went up to see Holmes.
Some interesting things have been
happening at Walkers Top
Sergt Vince in ch. of Bde Scouts ? 20th Bn.
Sergt Brennan ∧(in ch. of bomb parties Walkers) - got out of hole of crater
the other night. Saw 4 Turks in a
tole bombing; saw them light a
match of bomb B. shot bomb thrower
w revolver- He dropped bomb
& it exploded.



Nov 11                           
Prenez                                              )
Femez avec plėsir! x                          )
Notre hėrox Ennemis!                  )   Scrawled in
(another notre cher ennemi)     )   indelible
Envoyez milk                                  )   pencil.

3 wks ago Ts had festival for 3 days. They
threw over 2 packets of cigs, w inscription as
above.X We sent our bully beef. They threw
back a message on stick & stone "Bully Beef non."
We threw some biscuits (good b.) & jam. This
ws all abt 8.30 to 9.15. They called out "fine"
& waved down w their hands - (all had
heads up). Next morning same proceedings.
Interpreter spoke to them from our lines.
They were allowed to go over & get a pocket
knife we had thrown over. Third morning
we had orders not to carry on.
1st morning one of our men nipped over
parapet & got the cigarettes.
2nd morning one of our officers ws on
parapet for 2 or 3 mins. He collected a
bomb in mistake for a package &
(found it ws wrapped & tied as they
sometimes do, w white linen. Bit of
scare but found it had faulty fuse & had
not gone off).


Diagram - see original document
(Chunuk attack)

Allanson tells me Gurkhas got on top abt Y

Rawson (Ind. Mtn Batty tells me he saw red flag where x is
on Aug. 9th after 5 o'c. He saw the British leave their trenches
on the Apex at 7 o'c. (Top ws tn. abt 5 am. He saw Turk bayonets
Then on the flat above the Farm. Fired abt 1000 rounds into them:
He took flag to be Gurkhas & is under impression shells were our shells).
Probly Rawsons f1ag ws either NZ or British.



[*Fight Nov 11. NZ 16th
(Staff failure)*]


Nov 11                                                                    
There has been a bad misfire on the left.
The 162 Bde (London) had a couple of
knolls A.B. in part of its line wh rather
commanded it.
Diagram - see original document

White suggested
some time ago tt
they ought to
take these.
On going there some time later he found
to they had taken them but that they
were dominated by a third green
knob C - wh ws between / two. It
ws so clear tt C. ought to be taken at once
tt he spoke to / divisional commander
(who agreed) & wrote to let Birdwood
know what he had done. The Divl
commander sd he'd do it, but he didn't
have / troops. White waited till / N.Z.
A.W.A Divn got back & then spoke to
Godley. Godley sd: "Oh that's all right,
we'll do it tonight - It will be
done at once;" Or something to tt effect.
The attempt ws made - or rather
no real attempt ws made. The NZ.
people went out & finding some Turks
already on / nek they gave up. Instead
of preparing for oppositn they did nothing
to prepare for it. It is rather like
the N.Z. staff - instead of taking a
mountain of labour in order to ensure
a molehill of achievement the gave an
easy offhand assurance & didnt even


[*T. ammun.
(? from Nest)

Nov 11                                                    
achieve the molehill. The Turks I
suppose will fortify the knoll now.
As it leads straight (by a neck) to
Chunuk Bair, & is really an offshoot
o / main range it is a good important
place to have a foothold on - but not
good enough to fight / sort of attack
we shd proby now have to undertake
to get it.
The Ts seem to have more
ammunition - proby using their
stocks in anticipation of more from
Bulgaria. Servians are practically
out of it. K. inspected Australian
& N.Z. today at Mudros.
As I ws returning from / right
today (from seeing Rawson o / Mtn
batty) the m.g. wh I noticed playing
on / path between Ari Burnu knoll
& Plugges Plateau nearly got me. It ws
clearly laid on / place & as I went over
it 3 or 4 vicious bullets went into /
sap side within a few yds of me.
I crouched under / shallow sap wall
& 4 or 5 more shots whisked overhead
- it is quite likely one of those might
have had me, if not more. I warned
White of the place. An Indian mule
driver ws hit there last night.
I have been in two minds as to



Nov 11                                                                                  
whether to re-write the Southland
business & try & get it through / naval censor.
In / end I didn't because it may be
tt / reason they don't want it
divulged is in order not to let /
Turks be sure to they didnt sink /
ship. If they knew tt some of our transpts
got off they might give orders to see tt
this never happened again. That may
be the Admty view. I think it is of
doubtful use - the Turks know well
eno' tt / Southland reached Mudros.
But for tt reason, I am not appealing
to them again.
I quite agree tt no information
shd go out wh can be of military
value to / enemy. But if tt is so
/ British censorship doesn't even make
a beginning of ensuring this. In the
Brit. Australasian for example of
Oct. 7. there is an article saying tt
Beachy Bill is / terror of Anzac
& has accounted for at least 1000
casualties; & makes bathing next
to impossible on / beach. That is
information of direct use to / Turks
- when a ∧dead officers diary gave similar
information ∧abt Helles we published / fact in
orders. Yet British organisatn
is too hopelessly weak kneed even to


(Turks in our
tunnel, Nov 11)*]

Nov 11                                                     
protest - I dont suppose a Censor
even reads / article. The B.A. people
aren't to blame - I don't suppose they
realise tt they are giving useful
information - It is / met wretched
week kneed English Govt. wh cannot
face any situation squarely. Every
military article sh be submitted to
a censor before it goes in so tt at
least / paper has expert advice.
If they cd give more attention to censoring
facts wh assist / enemy & less to
censoring facts wh may show / public
what blunders they have made (or at
any rate what danger / country is in)
they wd be taking at least one step
towards winning / war.
An extraordinary case occurrence
event took place on Nov. 10 in / 
tunnels at Walker's Top. We have
a very advanced tunnel there - 
past the old crater (wh opens out o /
tunnel & is barricaded now w wood
bec. / Turks bombed there a gt deal)
The other day (Nov. 9)-  our men working
there put a pick thro into a Turk
gallery below. (This ws our [[shorthand]]
This inst ws imd. reported.
A pair of sentries were put on / tunnel

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