Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/2/1 - January - March 1915 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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  • Documents and letters
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January 2 would have neant a strike of the men his employer shifted him a another class of got at 28/- - "I lost that he told me, by joining the territancals. I went away to camp & when I came back I found a chap working in my place at 20/- a week. They wok we back and the two. of us were working for a time side by side – but the foreman came along & started grousing at the Expense of having to pay me so mach when they could get ackap to do the work at 20/-+ so I lost my job? 8 He was devoted to his officer. He canions hop you get attoched to anmen he said. a Ahlitey it at ans twell enough, he said in acourse there ah laak it a well enough at Cairo, he said. "O coarse theres lots to do but it keeps you movin an employed all the time. Sometimes at get dead tired of it an I ah think ah’d like to leave his belt to clean in the
January 2 10 mornin. But then he maat want ited dropi in an ah doant want that whatever happens. If anythin was to happen to him - if anythin was to happen - I doan know what Id do. But if If anyone was to touch im he banged one fist cnlo the other, & shook his head & clenched his teeth - I could, I could do anything. I don't know what L'd do if I lost in. Its curious how you set attached to a man. At don't know if he knoas it dh don't suppose he does. He was going to be called at 5 am. the next morning to clean his major's bek & have everything ready for him when he called him at I am. e hadenwas He knows ahm no saint; he told me. Next morning he showed me the belt burnished bright. I think that was one of the things he lived for. And &
11 Jan. 2 43 daresey, as he said, his boss didnt know it. The boss saw at breakfst next day (Jan3- on which I am writing this) He was a rather absapt ordinary looking sit officer, sandy, reather sunburnt & peckled, with a tookbrush monstache, ginger coloure He passed one or two aboupt +emarks at breakfast (after I had spoken to him). But he afterwards turned out to be not half so porty as he looked t I daresay, with knowing, he was really one of the very best Sined) Fan 3. wend to se Geveral commanding this worning, & was shown into the room of general Bingley himself, to whom Bloncy had given me that letter. He was most kind. He first explained me, very graphically, in a few lacid sentences, the defence schewed 112 the Canal. There are 3s71. The c. Vcc9 2important 8t h87 sini Khoulz
e w gos pdi D M7 a e Lussde 20 1y 12 January 3. 112.. TsJ. 7.7 Ismailic es 6 7 1457 4th es. cc 1 at fantara I. 62-06C.6JCs. 8 & 11368. Gen- 012 ycs I at Suezi Gea Wilson o c camp at Mouskar C Ismailia - 1 Kantara or 2C+ I Cox Te sbe -S.So P &1 3o 3c0 -070 past a 5s our" "Le I cairo 400.16 4.D0222C6 20 to119 atso yo c1rs posts r 37yo 45X 68 £ achit c)9I chit & YCsx. G.e -19.4 every in 6h0 20 C3]L. easy )C.120. t is impossible to have posts every
Seiptanes 13 January 3 mile ber so because of the dispersion it w cause. the rat important mean of ablaning 1al ile my 8 But is ve o acrg pla There are condied s A Sinciof Sues & Portsaid y 6i Anc Aan e acryl ta i alat by acreptan seplane I Ismailia" 2083 3 fc.J which 1 sdesat as0 got very men a1 Ism. o is. f Gen. Bogley gave me a pass to see them afterwos an the Costain are mch aoroke th 1 1 SF.C I went over I ry po and they sesnt ie pos t no a sa nahe wheee if coe 9 I aru a Thes- pSr P.S & suez 63 ai 1leas 0p sa 3074716504 1771-1 307)-50. 7 790, it Sx 4MBE.AD 1 -1754 f21 - 1905 of e 406 SE. of sueg60760.4 76b "is Ism, .7 fvia Suz]o (io 0 Nakhl as halfway to Akaba, wis 801 Luey) 3000
January 3. whidh landed 14 120080 8c. 31-75+, I2 3.30. 910 Mas. Massey te nwho commands the aviators tells me that the desert is very easy to find your way about. From 4000 feet up you can see both Port S. 2-6717. The only town there is this town of Nahitel. about 1 miles out from here you get on rough stone country - windworn sandstone redges with drift sand in between, where it is impossible to lnd. The tirks an expects I had lunch with Maj Howard at the Camp of the 22ad Brigate at Mouskar - Gen Bingley gave ane a letter to him. He sowed oe all round the tamp of his brigade - & te cavaly brigade Hyderabad, Mysore, Patiala, next to it. All the cavalry here is Imperial Service Cavaly & oner the infantry b brigades has three Imperial service regts in it. The men look
4e n 6 t 15 January 3. well, big fellows, smart in their drilt, well cloked & eqnipped with the short rifle vila madus is aV 9 c t mure foe sigt taly we s 6 60t-- c. 66e 6 456 There are.s Dorty Dick & the Gellow Peril. GNULX I JD- Moaskar 11N1.00 20. 001 The aeroplanes are kept in 4 great wood en hanpss hear tho acrodrome, wh is a hand stietch of desert 0c 6s FNN 122d 246 323028 3 29 0/112 2 n.- 6 gen Brigh Col. Chuslie . 58t E, S, 110-4- Ismailia S&
Jamary 16. walked y10 J.CC.P 272 VI was notin but sand the flower gardens & great truet how gow in profusion. In some places a tree very much like our sheoak - but grater, I tavey, than our sheoak ad low become grows in such propusion that it is an absolite forest a 460- 1 Pot& 7 85/18211) W429.1I. 2cs.Y. e.s back. IR.Y) Requin F 15113 54 - D7 ox 00146 sdt 5e.81b be 7 9 or. M isthout 10 mo got 2 4. 4000 167 648121195 4 e 7...
age ness on
18 January 3.4 3ACO certain death for them Esp netit -& wat been iod wras. do feet 6 Sn 61V 0 6 f.58)c or 1 Adm 601 Jan. 4th (Monday) Tot up ourly in order to Co with general Bingley on board the Indian Hospital ship which has arrived in port. I dont think I was late - I had to be at Headguanters of 8& I think he made the mistake of thinking it was at the Quay I went to head quarters & had been there 10 iicetes when Capt Duncan, his AD.C. or staff Captain, cameit The geveral had pone one & sent him of to boing me in case I had lut my way. we went of in another launch & found the others on board. There was general Wilson (He was a brigadies when he arrived, in charge of the 22ad Brigade & but by the chaisce of his being here when other moved on he has become a geveral of devision & proctically, now, of an army crpo- He comgands the 311th Division Consistin

January 2   9.
would have meant a strike of the men
his employer shifted him to another class
of job at 28/- , "I lost that," he told me, 
"by joining the territorials. I went away
to  xx camp & when I came back
I found a chap working in my place
at 20/- a week. They took me back
at my and the two of us were working
for a time side by side - but the foreman
came along & started grousing at the expense
of having to pay me so much when they
could get a chap to do the work at 20/- &
so I lost my job."  I
He was devoted to his officer.
"Its curious how you get attached to 
a man," he said. "Its a 
"Ah like it at Cairo, well enough," he said in 
his broad Lancashire said" of course - there.  "Ah laak it
well enough at Cairo," he said.
"O' course there's lots to do but it
keeps you movin' an' employed
all the time. Sometimes ah get dead
tired of it an' I ah think ah'd
like to leave his belt to clean in the


January 2.   10.
mornin '. But then he maat want
it an' he'd have to find drop it in,
an' ah doant want that whatever
happens. If anythin' was to happen
to him - if anythin' was to happen - I
doan' know what I'd do. But if
If anyone was to touch 'im " - he
banged one fist into the other, x shook
his head & clenched his teeth - "I could,
I could do anything. I don't know
what I'd do if I lost 'm. It's 
curious how you get attached to
a man. Ah don't know if he knows
it - ah dont suppose he does ...."
He was going to be called at
5 a.m. the next morning to clean his
of major's belt & have everything ready
for him when he called him at 7 a.m.
He had been  He was rather late
going to bed hm. "He knows ah'm no
saint," he told me.
Next morning he showed me the 
belt burnished bright. I think that was
one of the things he lived for. And I


Jan. 2 & 3.  11
daresay, as he said, his boss didnt
know it. The boss was I saw at breakfast
next day (Jan 3.- on which I am writing this)
He was a rather abrupt ordinary looking
officer, sandy  ^slightly  florrid rather sunburnt & freckled,
with a toothbrush moustache, ginger coloured.
But when He passed one or two abrupt
remarks at breakfast (after I had spoken
to him). But he afterwards turned out
to be not half so frosty as he looked &
I daresay, with knowing, he was really
one of the very best.
(Sund) Jan 3. Went to see ^the general officer Bingley
commanding this morning, & was shown into the
room of General Bingley himself, to whom
Blamey had given me that letter. He
was most kind. He first explained
me, very graphically, in a few lucid
sentences, the defence scheme of
the Canal. There are [Shorthand] 
[ Shorthand] 3 x. [Shorthand] 1 x  The [Shorthand]
Suez [Shorthand] 2 important [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] , Shatt [Shorthand] Sinai [Shorthand] Khoubra}


Cox at Cantara
21 Ind Bde.
(Wilson 22Bdier)
22 Ind Bde.          Wilson (1Bde)

Imp.S.Cav.Bde.   Moascar
"        "  Inf.   "        Suez (1Bde)
one of inf Bdes
has 3.1.s. Regts in it
Ismailia Ferry
56. Rifles
Frontier Bde. Younghusband.

21 K.
32.Bde (mixed)
Inf. Cav.
28 Bde also ran
29 Bde.
→22 Bde
38--- 2 Rajputs Serapeum also ran
1 Bde


27 Punjabis
128 Pioneers
4 Gwalior

January 3.   12.
[Shorthand]The [Shorthand] 
[Shorthand] Ismailia [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] 4th [Shorthand] at Kantara [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] 3 [Shorthand] Gen - [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] at Suez  Gen Wilson [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] camp at Mouskar [Shorthand] Ismailia -
2 [Shorthand]  Cox [Shorthand] Kantara or [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] The [Shorthand] S. [Shorthand]
push x [Shorthand] Our [Shorthand] Cairo
also [Shorthand] posts [Shorthand]
6 [Shorthand] 4.5 [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] a chit [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] chit [Shorthand]
[Shorthand]every [Shorthand] 
[Shorthand] easy [Shorthand] It is 
impossible to have posts every



January 3.   13.
mile or so because of the dispersion it wd
But [Shorthand]the most important means of obtaining infm as to the interior
of Sinai [Shorthand] is by aeroplane patrol. These are conducted from Suez & Port Said
[Shorthand ]by aeroplanes [Shorthand] and from Ismailia by aeroplane. The trouble is that the seaplanes [Shorthand]
which they have at Ism. are not very modern ones. (Gen. Bingley [Shorthand]
gave me an intro a pass to see them afterwards
& I went over)[Shorthand]  and the seaplanes are rather over-rated. They cannot fly
[Shorthand] very far and they are not very fast and they cannot land except on water [Shorthand]which of course xx
[Shorthand] doesn't abound in these parts. The seaplanes cant quite cover the distance [Shorthand] between P.Sd & Suez
[Shorthand] between them - there is a bit in the middle which they don't seem to be able to reach. 
xxx [Shorthand]
[Shorthand]  30 [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] B.E. A1 [Shorthand] 75 [Shorthand]

S.E. of Suez. [Shorthand] 
Ism. [Shorthand] (via Suez) [Shorthand] 
Nakhl - halfway to Akaba,
80 xx miles f Suez. He x [Shorthand] 300 [Shorthand]



January 3.   14
[Shorthand]which landed 200 [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] 2 p.m. [Shorthand] 3.30, 
The aviators Maj. Massey who commands the
aviators tells me that the desert is
very easy to find your way about. From
4000 feet up you can see both 
Port S. [Shorthand] The
only town there is this town of Nahkl.
About 10 miles out from here you get
on rough stone country - windworn
sandstone ridges with drift sand
in between, where it is impossible
to land.
The Turks are expectd I had lunch 
with Maj. Howard at the Camp of the
22nd Brigade at Mouskar - Gen Bingley
gave me a letter to him. He showed me
all round the camp of his brigade & the
cavalry brigade Hyderabad, Mysore,
Patiala, next to it.  All the cavalry
here is Imperial Service Cavalry & one of 
all the infantry batt brigades has three
Imperial Service regts in it. The men look


January 3.   15
well, big fellows, smart in their drill,
well clothed & equipped with the short rifle;
but [Shorthand] but their weakness is a lack of officers - they have only four or
[Shorthand]five Brit officers from regiments. Nothing can quite make up for that.


There are [Shorthand] Dirty Dick
& the Yellow Peril. [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] Moaskar [Shorthand]
The aeroplanes are kept in
4 great wooden hangers near the
aerodrome, wh is a hard stretch
of desert.  [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] 12 [Shorthand]
[Shorthand]  xxxxx [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] Gen Bingley
[Shorthand] Col Elmslie [Shorthand] 56th [Shorthand]
[Shorthand]Ismailia [Shorthand] 


January 3.   16.
walked [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] was nothing but sand 
the flower gardens & great trees now 
grow in profusion. In some places a tree
very much like our sheoak - but greater,
I fancy, than our sheoak cd ever
become grows in such profusion that
it is an absolute forest.
[Shorthand] Requin
[Shorthand]bec. they are so obviously trenches. xxx [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] newer sort [Shorthand] without
[Shorthand] 400 
[Shorthand]  glad [Shorthand] Egypt [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] realise [Shorthand] front


( page missed out)


January 3. 4    18.
[Shorthand] for them [Shorthand] certain death - esp. [Shorthand] native [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] are not keen {Shorthand]cold weather, they do feel [Shorthand] bit
[Shorthand] stationed [Shorthand]6 [Shorthand] 56th) [Shorthand]
[Shorthand] lot wh [Shorthand] Aden [Shorthand]

Jan. 4th (Monday) Got up early in order to go
with General Bingley on board the Indian
Hospital ship which has arrived in port.
I dont think I was late - I had to be at
Headquarters at 8 & I think he made the
mistake of thinking it was at the Quay -
I went to headquarters & had been there 10
minutes when Capt Duncan, his A.D.C., or
staff Captain, came in. told The general
had gone on & sent him off to bring
me in case I had lost my way.
We went off in another launch & found
the others on board. There was General
Wilson (He was a brigadier when he arrived, 
in charge of the 22nd Brigade ) but by the
chance of his being here when others moved
on he has become a general of division
& practically, now, of any army corps -
He commands the ?11th Division consisting

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