Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/199/1 - August - November 1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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41 one now to have in lay ago days before war. The boat heaved and sagged to a lazy swell. There were many other boats on 1sea, most making direct for Calois. After all these four years when one all impounding purpose possessed work, there was a freedom in 1 air wh made all 1 diference. I find it hard to describl - but 1 to ones personal comfort) difference ws as preat as to between drinking castor oit and enjoying a cap of Fouch chocolate. For four years there has only bu one business in work and one has felt all 1 time to no one had any right (oneself least of all) to have any other preoceupation or interest. Every ship to one saw on sea was in 1 grip of th stern business they were all controlled by I same rat organisation, all carrying stores for I same distination.
Govr exaitt as if all were trucks on 75 a single line of deadly dull railway inside 1 bi blank walls of a government dockyard But today, for 1 first time. there was the oto romance of the shipping of the seas in every ship to we saw. They were mysteries again -as they ever will be in peace time They were beginning to build again great trade of work - just begining -only I first tottering steps; but still they were constructing good Kings & variedtings. Each ship had begun to be, for all those who saw her, It bundle of mysteries wh she is in peace time. Whenever a ship heaves up & passes you in peace, on some business of her own, you know not what bound for some distant landfull you know not where, carrying in her a sloarm of strange
43 I varied people with all sorts of interests - unfamielian to you Whenever one of those way farers of I sea passes you The carries a her an aroma of mystery & vomance wh you come to ships associate t I sonch of lar & of a sea rope. You cannot pass round the crowded basin of any o wortd port without feeling it thes people - whether his are joing to S. America or the East Tudies or Western America or the Levant or the White Sea. they are going only round or yf ruged corner of 1 tocal coast to felib Stiawberry baskets and wood fagots - they are going on a boyage wto a work we do not dream off; each ship is a packet of
44 strange interests, st aye sights & vived strange memories & impressions well - for 1 first time in four years to aroma beguis to havg aroundI ships of world today. It may seem vaque & abstract tey to write here, but it is as real as anything in life to me today. Towdays ago these sheps were as dull and like to one another as trucks in a coal train - today they are free to do thei own work for I wosk; at least to begin their varied interests of peace in place of this one dull all servading objective of war. and what is as much - lone is free to enjoy the sounds & sight around one.) Of course I was precautions are still being taken. The forman navy has not submittted. S.M.S (they still callher to Strassburg has summoned
45 cerman submarines not to submit to I huncliating coud ctis of armistice in spite otheer foot having orgoed it; not one ferman the Dubmarne has come into poots where they were required to come. The navy is meetiaous, apt as apt knsw german goolf. Our Admity has asked for all seasids lights to remain shaded. We have told German foot (& th delegates have agreed) t if the ferman vavy does not act in accordance a lerms of armistice we shall occupy Helifstand in order to be en a positon to force them. The ferman peoph under Dr Solf, who seems to be I byjest man there (as I tought he ad beafter meating him in Lydney in 1909 or 19109
46 when he seemed t me a ferman w really broad & wire. ideas, very British & unferman Ideas, on I foot of Samoa) has appealed to Pesiding Wilson for mercy on 1 ferman people wh is in dayer of starvation; & witson & clemencean (who is at his a realy great man, ^ recend magnificent speeches - .a fair onl to Englind) have promised renan this. But unless Navy acts in accordance wt armistice I donott tink there will be bread p sent to them; & this is I great handle wh I allies at present hotd. If fermany plays her part & restors France + Belgman she will get bread - otherwise she will not we were escorted overby
47 destroyers as asual & by three small airships; the airships ata for once in a while, spent tem time on this voyage in diving towards I ships, soaring again playing every sort of prank on air to amuse I men on board when they waved I men on foew or feve little cross channel our ships waved back we still kept to the crooked course between 1 two shores in order to avoid I minefield wh must still be there. As we came in there was a dull boom behind us and one disboyes ws hedden by Ismobe on I water for a moment. I fancy she had distroyed a mine.
48 The towns in England were beflagged. In one field tl saw a dozen ferman prrsoners working picking greens in charge of one old Tommy; & from one heaf of greens in post of them there stuck a tall staff on wh waved a Anson Jack. In London I wrt to thewa Records section & found to Ireloar (now Major) was away on his honeymoon. Fanny old fellow - be brought I girl over milll from Aushalia & married her last week without Even tellin Balfour, his assistant and confidant all thoo I was. He dion't wven tell Mrs Almon, at the lodgings, though she knew
49 very well because his room had always on full of photos o1 geit. On leaving the Records I saw Long & got him to agree (or whites advice) to take I little book on Reconstruction for his Education scheme as a work on Civics? He will order 2000 at once - of course the scheme will get any pofit to there is. As I aveut out from his place to dive wo Murdoch I wate into a stange Victoria Stoeet. Nor I momet, I cont magine why all lights had such strange bright holss rounnd thim - until I realieed to for 4 years I had not seen
Street Camps at all except the hooded ones of war time. The lights were I sight of London. There were a number of people in I streets to plaps in their coats or on hiv fackets; that seemed to be main decoration & it ws well dooe. very few dranks. As I came back late I saw a crowd standing around some soldiers & girls who were doncin a feg. It is I first time I have seen a lig but there ws no mis taking the quick figging step. They were laughing & shouting quite decent in it all. It struck one - here at last is reason for danging - it is a

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