Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/198/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
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Yor seige P B t M 15 upa fewasts af toattack pas Butt ks order). M 1 event Iwo att Some back to Ble o give Bry inal e p a wit NX a ea had arranged w aitom. hater or ger Lour ws tol them Coys had oul todraw material yers wt 530or 6an att 1.30 am Cod Macey Jary M.H aakbu speciall up coe telephons. C plan ome posts in fear ocollect HKawhath Spaylen Doad thero had bn sam didant trauge ome aing out to rar MIXAsk -si onon asbes D plit ppet Coy orAn mess a all oon enol wcn It coys. Te
S4gy Halack 54 Lad mancn out But he cound for number fair udaws on to 7ptack Jon He had year Ast Awad of god Bo o ty pa arrpeed for Colingwds o n behen Br. I. way ofca et t toon even if he only had himself Ax a pars o lifeti alwayst to to if occasion arrase ty cd as ang apport er and ther enform he te alway Goas to save time n Aph of 45 wa sheed to ct Stiafhers akd Cotlinest where he Tust oass There. ws 7ot a deal of Touble Cove in altack Sat tat as cunt serat t were none. les. He pepory i 9 an Saaey m o ansemg b t
72 with 110 men £5 Drten 2504 30 120 ut dway) Iadach bok plice at Geno. succede capt Foppe MR male inquiries colut find LmeMaleus Bn CCap oolly ranfegI Compn had to say reperte there whats he wthem Modered him to form theap ive March them back By eg F.0.C Divin came fugs& M. Lin abt1apair. While they were there a many came from Books H there were Febt 100 now of thi repsed to fo back. Glasgow ws there t sent for Mackne then (C6.4 Bn; & agked for what light heothe ow Tysent him back to use every effort & sparch thim to Ple H somfit being too erions. M 15ar of Gnd when the ferm wr drove Comnies out atacked Son mde a flank on I left Tis ke 8
78 dy e teterptti M.Ht he chad yot tha t segle Roiset ut t were furhr a eswhil t wereat 4 meof 24 behief w ta a on In totd Mackezis (t pifeta mnin trenchsat apse fin them nome duty of sendiiE hold s trucked till prtrden. The flan be hin Fcancou were wated t pend that patons It saver difet apair MK wantd hand to et prail ye Hut ialhctcored.M ente when a to Bole to lock gad tim behind 1(Bn but it as too tate t to be pent tim Lefe Roicet Wexx ay MK exspecte them has a loot at1m reshtonly one or two they endia an tl ensotent The other aes
2 behavdd. 2 omall toto twhet By had done without tim lnf to to him [t in Indantinie till enguily th were soldiers whereeereasecuse Bole to be calld on if reguined meatea for a compouad hear Pzart. I renformemt campundera mied guards of cit salcti c they d tei bat reinforceued cange of weret codto tere era 2 tod bain & comp under thisa. Whe out each Tugn Want before 60 in orderd Fom (&teSng fir Con2 martial. Nas 27d Still in ttr Ilixicoupt dl Corp Con ffirs desertion 4B wsa Augus 1916 between
1h two tound inling. Dagus ad orts of oficers came down, wou desprt there is almost one per weak Io this d tesentend ws Ceat t s ammuli ye Cli he ws let out. [Ia toe days o conton articl ao an iventi & it had to bi speckon [Bn to his this case bates the E.M. became leas Comidable & Nw c mach peatief In C hed less s effect. Nowa many fes fr E.M. is sentenced does mth eet other e ck take Smn hi. They ald tmons& os backo Bn + breaks from 1guard& das is again Daring their liberty they 10to tem drumfeor Compadcons et Paris & break fom(puard form+ get to Paris agn. After 2/52on0 tofit intoadd. Dai 1is ordinar n very sevtere the tru i 26rof a properaion This certainly excsto now as & syatin own Dentency
404 ben calosced. The reliout from son thay givee 24 had not ecommende to kentence ih be suspended. a Ba recommends this he has t wall put a loss in a companied, not a freson unlit the papers Ac doe at go opanon till B. sends tracommitment formto a govrnor of a prison This is ue a poli weaho & has impossed nedous wory onBn 90. & lxwires (smotes (etc) were not geven in prison if wd have very deterrant effect no companion between I discomfost of a prison af truahes itha preccked by t menas a doctrig 6 The men were in all cise found not guitt of coining in a mating (bu) sut of desertion
at e 1 and B2 10 En thons ty 1918 & sepeld Tasmance, ost Awx 1513n Sept 21 1918 The armiatine, And i Seem 2. 2 44 N photostat


he seized - 3rd Bn to conform by

moving up a few posts, 1st

Bn to do / attack. (This ws

McKs order).

It ws abt 3p.m. McK went

back to Bde to give BM instrns

& he got out a written order.

All / material ws ready, Mc

had arranged w Arty &

Later on Zero hour ws told them.

Coys had only to draw material.

Zero ws 5.30 or 6 a.m.

Abt 1.30 am Col Stacey rang 

up McK & asked him specially to 

come to telephone. "Cd / 4th place

some posts in rear to collect

stragglers," S. sd there had bn some

trouble & some o / men were

straggling out to / rear. McK asked

as to numbers -- ws it only one 

Coy ? or / Bn ? S. sd it ws pretty

serious, involving men in all /

Coys. They sd they werent



going to attack & had marched

out. But he cd count on a

fair number o / men & ws

going on w / attack. He 

had seen Capt Collingwood of

2nd Bn & they had arranged for

Collingwds Coy to stand behind

1st Bn. S. ws very determined

to go on even if he only had

himself & H.Q.

McK in matters like this

always told them tt, if occasion

arose they cd arrange to support

one another & inform him.

(so as to save time - this ws always

well done).

A pln of 4 Bn ws placed to

collect stragglers at a bottleneck

where they must pass. There

ws not a gt deal of trouble expected

in / attack. Staff Capt. ws sent to see abt

stragglers. He reported back tt there were none.

Abt 4.30am Stacey rang up to

say tt he ws on / assembly tape


with 110 men. (Bn strength 250 to 300.

120 went away). The attack took

place at Zero, succeeded, & captd

50 prisoners.
McK made inquiries - cdnt
find / men - Nucleus Bn (Capt Bootle)

rang up ) to say 60 men 1st Bn had

reported there - what ws he to do

w them. McK ordered him to form

them up, give them their meal, &

march them back. By then G.O.C.

Divn came up & McK told him

abt / affair. While they were there a

message came from Bootle tt there were

abt 100 now & they refused to go back.

Glasgow ws there - they sent for Mackenzie,

then C.O. 4 Bn; & asked for what light

he cd throw. They sent him back to use 

every effort & march them to Bde HQ 

to prevent it being too serious. McK

ws going to HQrs of Bns when the Germans

attacked & drove / Tommies out

on / left & 3Bn made a flank to 1st 

Bn. This kept McK busy. At / end o /



day Mackenzie reported to McK tt he

had got these men to / E side of

Roisel but they were dead beat &

cdnt march further without a 

rest. While they were resting he 

came on to Bde.

The relief ws then going on. Mc

told Mackenzie to put these men in / 

trenches at Roisel & give them /

nominal duty of remaining there &

hold these trenches till further ordered.

The 1st Bn went to / other flank

behind Jeancourt & were instructed

to send these men rations.

It ws a very difficult affair.

McK wanted to handle it firmly & 

yet not make it worse. McK ^had intended

when they got to Bde to look at them

& then put them behind / Bn but

it ws too late then so he put them

before Roisel. Next day Mc

inspected them - had to look at / men - 

they were all right, only one or two

appeared a little insolent - the others



behaved normally. McK told them what

/ Bn had done without them. Mc

told them tt in / meantime, till / inquiry,
they were soldiers & wd remain

where they were as reserve to /

Bde to be called on if required.

Meantime arrangements were made

for a compound near Proyart.
The next day they were marched

to / reinforcement camp under a 

mixed guard of specially selected

men - they piled their arms at 

reinforcement camp & were then 

told tt they were under arrest 

& wd be there in / compound 

under this guard.

When Bn came out each 

man went before C.O. in orderly 

room & then sent on for Court


They are still (Nov 27) away in

Corps Compound at Flixecourt.

The first case of desertion in

4thBn ws in August 1916 between


the two tours in / line.  [[Daquifs?]] &

all sorts of officers came down; now
there is almost one ^deserter off per week
In this 1st case the sentence ws

death; this ws commuted to 15 yrs; later

he ws let out. In those days / 

court martial ws an event - & it had

a big effect on / Bn to hear this case.

Later the C.M. became less

formidable & AWL much greater. The

C.M, had less & less effect. Now a 

man goes for CM. He is sentenced - does 

3 months & meets other bad men.

He comes back & takes 3 men w him.

They do 6 months & then goes back to / 

Bn & breaks from / guard - & 

does it again, During their liberty 

they rob their drunken companions,

get to Paris - break from / guard 

room - get to Paris agn. After

5 or 6 months they probly get 

into "Quod". This is ordinarily 

not very severe & the thing is now

a profession. This certainly exists 

now as a system owing to the sentence 


of C.Ms not being enforced. The

men are let out from prison if

they give no trouble - even if

Bn has not recommended tt

/ sentence shd be suspended. (If a 

Bn recommends this he has to wait

in a ^Divl or Corps Compound, not a prison,

until the papers go thro'. He

doesnt go to prison till Bn 

sends thro a commitment 

form to a Governor of a prison).

This is due to a policy

of weakness & has imposed 

tremendous worry on Bn C.Os.
If luxuries (smokes etc) were 

not given in prison it wd have a

very deterrent effect. There is no

comparison between / discomfort

of a prison & / trenches, & it has 

bn preached by these men as a doctrine.

The men were in all cases

{found not guilty of "joining in a 

{mutiny "but 'guilty' of desertion".



10 Bn Lihons Aug 23

1918 & Sept 18

Tasmania Post, Aug [[?]]
1st Bn Sept 21 1918

The Armistice, Anzac

(at other end

1st Bn)

June 28


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Georgia RobinsonGeorgia Robinson
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