Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/198/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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went out about 1507ds aheadof Bde Hgrs &[lay ond in 1open Just abo 11 am theye tob (a messagealt 17000. Fench & Brilsh troope landed behind 1 Turks 1 were waiteng for them to come 0 There were tark to be cei 1200 or 1500 yds away. towds 971 but nothing to fire at Tust after 1 party gor up thereI openedwith 4 guns wo Shrapnel Carotin low. Three were W. Zealanders & all sorts hire The shrapnel caused a lot of casualties & men began to get back5 shelter ofhid. Howe as hit thio 1 Shch W. Shrapnel +N. 7 man becide him ws k.byIsame shell. Howe got back abt soyds found a bit of E M.G. fire had opened up by this time. After dark Howe went down to I aid post just behind s gartie Buller dressed his wound aguet ww teethngs wed
after dark. Turks got up close ) made bings willin lod began to come in to Serties Pist Gerty ws on top. most of night, with 5/0 collecting wd. To was daylyes troe, who wo lyayon mnd v. cold & hudgry, knowing there ws tucked up in went back there & got a poyy in 4 just. before down. Before le had bu. ter long I tarks attacked. The Turks seemed to be trying to work their men forward in rushes to get up close. The arty fire we severe. But all day to thou get to witin 200yds Between 20 5 pm Everyth stackened & gotv. quiet. From then on they were semply sitling in E on I left was comn down 1 Chesboard. The right was hidden from them It is possible to this was to time when Irvise & mach. were
killed.] thie Tuenday ther was t tond of amu &1 fight ws r. willing 1 whole time? From 9 till I they were selled pretty constantly. Howe Kinks now 1H. Abduldiit try to push I attack there On left he attacked much more hor heavely. On Ih he seemed to come up to abt 500ydo. The Te came on in soad formetu up to abt 300 -500y do away - but ididnt have a chance ahead of tt. There ls too little cover&1 fir teo heavy, bitnile H wint downto did lost as hed b ws stiff. The 5160 picked him up & sent him to beach; Early next morning (Ap.28) be ws sent to the secang Chen The w several llectoyers & some cruinces went up I coast to make dimonstrations & returned to Anz ac 20 3 days later. on May 1 Coat) they were shifted
to Mashoboa. She was packed i cod + lying everywhere)20 blankets in many cases - no tucker. They were sent straynt to Alexandria. Nowe in anaye 6o get some tea & bread & buttes for himselff & a badly wd) man wext him ta alex ty had a feed. cr 1tram fom the Red X & all al way up from Alext Cand. Went wto No 2 A.G.H at Gerinch for 3 who & fot back to 1 Penineule on Tare 6 or 7 to find 30d Bde on right where they afterwar remained. The first time they went out after to was as covering & dypoy party for Silt Spur.
ent. MHistoncal NoteY Landing (8 118n Howe ngnpt. 4 15 < po or te in1ty at 6 118r sert 3 man is y bay wc esc (ai fe 7C Mandy J hr an Bne an to e e e ant ne n e te e r roudt nenors fo o ply teng epred i ewsil eorthes then alive). As they got to I they id here a lot of Turles ali out and coming at abl E. They waite to see who they were. One
Tarkish offs came & slood on shyling to a pair of glasses 15olyds away. Howe rested his rife on a wush + dropped him. Then the two duched across Cally where it we narrever looking for I sem at V. Abt I were togeter of pty now. They, cout find sen at so they sarld back lowds Nek. At I Nck at Pthey fell (before they kenew it) over 2 Auchld & 1 canterbury m.g. within aft 10 yds sadius - scratched in. Hows got besids one. Te sergt so - you are in a damaed bad place? Teashed if he knew anything abt a gun. Hedid. Tey were By dush there were abt 52 nen at t t att 60 dyiny in on a stolight time behind, month or E. they were doing notin but I serys wentou to bim & told them to digin. All there ws coming from 2. The tucks t Tustafter dark someone came up & took men from K. E word came to they had gone. At P the pty ws digng aft I men in a post from one lip to 1other in a Senicircle. They had a pood poggy, many cod. & tots of amum. Att Som. the to came from 1 direct marke. Key were easily beaten - He was heard
The 4 long before he came tlleh Eohammed. +ws let approach & easily driven back. They sent a note back signed byal for reinforcements - no one we near. Theysd I guive ad breing thwm. A man came to say Havy on at ad costs. Reifts are on then way? They never came. Then tarks were found coming at them from I rear. They were thought to be our ow in men till they starte to gell. They got right in amongst 1 ply & were shopat close range. (none bajoueted) Thays got quiet. Thy had a discussion adecided to char back. They got abt a dozen of wod. & put them on crossed ripes & then I rest picked up mosbelts & 1 guns - all I guns got back on 1 tripods, not knowing how to dismanble them. Youg back 3 bodies of TS. caught them up from C Nek. They were beater off by stopping & getting (m. gs. gaing. E started firing in thes occasions thay got back then into anold turk at top of Restfully. The tcame up & started to dig in Abt 150 yds away 010 put no
at but didnt attack. We kept on formy burst of ieg. when It ws thought to god attack. Howe kept of N.E. seyt al time & an 11 Bn S.B. Abt C am or before day light an iffs of step came up & told them to clear out as I fleet ws goin to shell. te trench brokelits Restfully. Thy cased ad outo then shit out thenselves. Before they cleared Ishells were into place & fot abt 4 0 5 men. They seemes V. big. The bourbt became very heavy on Walkers Ridg. (Brom 1 end of A trunct a track went straight to Nek & it w0 on this to Col. Clarke ws k. att B0t way from 1Schenk to Nek Howe picked up a pack & found it wo his)t When they for to kest fully thg went up Zigzag truct again & fot amongt their friends. Abt S stuck together. The NE Seryt struck a major he knew. The major took reare tim him up. He explained where they had bu. He ws taken to Beach to expli on a map - & it seemed to be to 1Nd Disterman's Hut
Opened on Closed on The Squares in this book are ½ Inch. 118. B.M.4s. E2807 33. 3304 11p on (20 Sept. we had acefo to relieve6 to retien 1Bn & advicaties were with the foys of a Att pam S (as pow) wt ap Mackay at Bdl H When a aedon tis fm dioo came up (saying & troogs on left were al ackin ru o xt dayas hadordered Dic conform by taken certain This ws a t seprisefer Grouade glasgow. He set off for Dron bufleps he fedent he spowed ackay whit the have to cancet 1selief Bdewd we clearly i joo for Bdein macka liedotI. Hd. nowed roun oestacke pr 2 Bno. 2400 Dwn D ct 2. rlief 2nd4t Drd word the nomot suited for attck because they were pt were in an & qu Apespest Madkay asked t relief
44 fort rest f5n p1on on Kelief postsoned So4 £ 15 mare to E6 thought out ealady. lef. lid be oman dsport & ad easily forwd witout rrelief. Cop Mackay bot arty 15de upto p BnHg] aft 1s met all C0s 4/10 Bdi at t Egge Mackay tohe what wa hapening& anfolde 1orus verball B.M. (as Ble tD)rawe sdthere hd b an atterationin lns were prepars theys At do one of three different the tthere ech (one the same attack an adack by one Br) ToenR hes to dorirtld Bn tmight not be reqired. Ia attenation orders were gu by Mt at00 Beliphone ranexa a the had (depinit of der Hondy a certain plec of high oundhad


went out about 150yds ahead of
Bde Hgrs & lay out in / open. Just
abt 11 am. They  got a message abt
17,000. French & British troops landed
behind / Turks _ & were waiting
for them to come thro. There were Turks
to be seen 1200 or 1500 yds away.
towds 971, but nothing to fire at
Just after / party got up there /
Germans Turks opened with 4 guns w
Shrapnel bursting low. There were
N. Zealanders & all sorts there. The
shrapnel caused a lot of casualties
& men began to get back to /
shelter of / hill. Howe as hit thro
/ Shin w. Shrapnel & / N.Z. man
beside him ws k. by / same shell.
Howe got back abt 50yds &
found a bit of trench.
M.G. fire had opened up by this
time. After dark Howe went down to
/ aid post just behind "Gertie"
Butler dressed his wound. A great
many wd were there. Things were bad



after dark. Turks got up close  &
made things willing. word began
to come in to Gerties Post. Gerty
ws on top. most o /  night, with
s/bs conflicting wd. Towds daylight
Howe, who ws laying on mud &
v. cold & hungry, knowing there ws
Turks up in / trench went back
there & got a pozzy in / trench just
before dawn. Before he had bn.
there long / Turks attacked. The
Turks seemed to be trying to
work their men forward in rushes
to get up close. The arty fire ws
severe. But all day / Ts didn't
get to within 200yds.
Between 2 & 3 pm Everything
slackened & got v. quiet. From
then on they were simply sitting in
/ trench.
On / left was coming
down / Chess board. The right
was hidden from them.
[It is possible tt this was
the time when Irvine & Mach. were



this Tuesday there was 
tons of amun & / fight ws v.
willing / whole time? From 9 till
2 they were shelled pretty constantly.
Howe thinks now tt. Abdul didn't
try to push / attack there.  On /
left he attacked much more
heavily. On / right front he seemed
to come up to abt 500yds.
The T.s came on in soad formation up
to abt 300 -500yds away - but
didnt have a chance ahead of tt. There
ls too little cover & / the fire too heavy,
That night H. went down to /
aid post as his leg ws stiff. The
s/bs picked him up & sent him
to / beach.  Early next morning
(Ap.28) be ws sent to the secang
Chun. She w several destroyers
& some cruisers went up / coast
to make demonstrations &
returned to Anzac 2 or 3 days
on May 1 (Sat) they were shifted



to Mashobra. She was packed w
wd - lying everywhere-no
blankets in many cases - no
tucker. They were sent straight
to Alexandria. Howe managed to 
get some tea & bread & butter for
himself & a badly wd man next 
IN Alex. they had a feed.
in / train from the Red X & ate
all way up from Alex to Cairo
Went into No 2 A.G.H at [Gezinch?]
for 3 wks & got back to / Peninsula
on June 6 or 7 to find 30rd Bde
on / right where they afterwards
The first time they went out
after tt was as covering & digging
party for Silt Spur.

Copy ^ env to here




Diagrams-see original


Sat there for a while & other

troops of odd units


Cd see men at X

of 12 Bn w heavy

shrap on them.


Then got into

trench at Z

in which there were 

Turks. They 

had to rush this

& Ts were shot &

bayoneted ( at 10 or 12 dead Ts in it)
[  (?)  ]

A gun at S

at once 

got onto them

they got into 

the C.T.s

they cd

see our


moving at V.

Cd see Turks at Von [?]

while they were

firing at them. others

came from A (971 direction).

Our men started to lose heavily from their rifle fire. They

started right to join our men at V. ( this ws abt 5pm) They

crossed the narrow pt o / gully, having suffered v. heavily ( more dead

men than alive). As they got to J they cd here a lot of Turks calling out

and coming at abt Z. They wanted to see who they were. One










Turkish offs came & stood on skyline to a pair of
glasses 150yds away. Howe rested his rife on a
bush & dropped him. Then the two ducked across /
gully where it we narrower looking for / men at
V. Abt 5 were together o / pty now. They, cdnt
find / men at V so they started back towds /
Nek. At / Nek at P they fell (before they knew it)
over 2 Auckld & 1 Canterbury m.g. within abt
10 yds radius - scratched in. Howe got beside
one. The sergt sd - "you are in a damned bad
place"  He asked  if he knew anything abt a gun.
He did. They were the By dusk there were abt 50
men at P & abt 60 digging in on
a straight line behind, mostly NZ. They
were doing nothing but / sergt went over
to them & told them to dig in. All / fire
ws coming from Z. 


Diagram- see original

Just after dark some one came up & took
/ men from K. word came tt they had
gone. At P the pty ws digging (abt 5 men
in a post from one lip to / other in a
Semicircle. They had a good pozzy, many
wd. & lots of amun. Att 8pm.
the Ts came from / direction marked.
They were easily beaten - He was heard


long before he came Allah Mohammed.
& ws let approach & easily driven back.
They sent a note back signed by ab  for
reinforcements - no one ws near.
They sd / guide wd bring them. A
man came to say "Hang on at
all costs. Reifts are on their
way" They never came.
Then Turks were found coming at
them from / rear. They were thought to be
our own  men till they started to yell.
They got right in amongst / pty & were
shot at close range. (none bayoneted)
Things got quiet. Thy had a discussion
& decided to clear back. They got abt
a dozen o / wd. & put them on
crossed rifles & then / rest picked up
[mos?] belts & / guns - all / guns got
back on / tripods, not knowing how
to dismantle them. Going back 3 bodies
of Ts. caught them up from / Nek. They
were beaten off by stopping & getting / m. gs. going.
The Ts started firing on these occasions
they got back then into an old Turk
trench at/  top of Rest Gully. The Ts came
up & started to dig in Abt 150 yds away



but didnt attack. We kept on firing burst
of mg. when it ws thought Ts wd attack.
Howe kept co / N.Z. Sergt all / time &  an
11 Bn S/B.   Abt am or before day light
an offs of staff came up & told them
to clear out as / fleet ws going to shell.
the trench broke into  Rest Gully. Thy eased /
wd out & then slid  out themselves.
Before they cleared / shells were into
/ place & got abt 4 0 5 men. They seemed
V. big. The bomb became very heavy on Walkers
(from 1 end of  tt trench  a track
went straight by / Nek & it ws on
this tt Col. Clarke ws k. abt 1/3 of way
from / Sphinx to / Nek . Howe picked up a
pack & found it ws his)  the trench 
When they for to Rest Gully they
went up / Zigzag trench again & got
amongt their friends.
Abt S stuck together. The NZ Sergt
struck a major he knew. The major took [reare?]
them him up. He explained where they
had bn. He ws taken to / Beach to explain
on a map - & it seemed to be to /  Nd
Fisherman's Hut


Opened on
Closed on
The Squares in this book are ½ Inch.
118. B.M.4s. E2807
33. 3304


1st Bn.
on (20 Sept. we had acefo
to relieve6 to retien 1Bn &
advicaties were with the foys of a
Att pam
S (as pow) wt ap
Mackay at Bdl H When a aedon
fm dioo came up (saying &
troogs on left were al ackin ru
o xt dayas hadordered
conform by taken certain
This ws a t seprisefeGrouade
glasgow. He set off for Dron bufleps
he fedent he spowed ackay whit

have to cancet 1selief Bdewd

we clearly i joo for Bdein
liedotI. Hd. nowed
roun oestacke
pr 2 Bno. 2400 Dwn D
2nd4t Drd word the nomot
suited for attck because they were
pt were in an & qu
Madkay asked t


f5n p1on on
Kelief postsoned So4

thought out
be oman
dsport & ad easily
forwd witout rrelief.
Mackay bot arty 15de
upto p BnHg] aft 1s
met all C0s 4/10 Bdi at t
Egge Mackay tohe what
wa hapening& anfolde 1orus
B.M. (as Ble tD)rawe
sdthere hd b an atterationin
lns were prepars
At do one of three different
the tthere ech
(one the same attack
an adack by one Br) ToenR hes
to dorirtld
Bn tmight not be reqired. Ia
attenation orders were gu by Mt
at00 Beliphone ranexa
a the had (depinit of der Hondy a
certain plec of high oundhad


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