Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/198/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
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again) whle this pity ws in Restfully Anstralions were passing & going towdo wire fully all sime. Some one gave Howe Dn Mote & Pelliy a box of ammin to carry. They splil it up put it in their Sandbags. she whole pla ws then moved up to reinforce on 1 lef. They went down Rest Gully & up Mou ask valley. As they went up valley there ws o heavy rifte fire going on along whole top 0I ridge t theis right (Macfaurins Hill). some of 11thmen ever drawn in there. Everett & Morgan were weither there ten but Morgan must have bu close. The men were going in sigl file & t going ws rough Dunol, Pettit & Howe were together & when DuM. F.P. lefe Howe they joined Morgan - So M must have been theref. The party bose round to t less whole times. As they gotng slope towds the Nek the firingpr heavy. Howe loat DM. &. Pettit &
picked ap another couple of men (My+ Pettit went riget & Hlef) Strap ws heavy. most o1 way up (valley after half way. The rife fire was very heavy but was nigh above - diggers wd be standing at bottom owalley arguing what the double cracko vulled was. The Shrapnel was coming from Sary Pair, direction. Howe & his 2 companions went across walkers top walit they found timselves looking over (other side) wsea directly on their left. Hhere was a very steep ther gully ahead + a ridge, ofthe fire which they were getting must have ben coming from t ridge. There were a few men by in down on PEdge, which Howe reached, firig across the gutty. N stayed here to gat. a breaker. Then Howe & his 2 companion left the party (prob. 12 Bn- at &) & worked to I right & the down into (Gully where it was very steep. You; cd shout across
1 Gully & some men on the far ridgs wanedto not (to stop on 1 fore stops but come on Iwd be abl 200 ydo across gully or less. H 2 men crossed(. fully ef. stayed w the 20 to 50 men theres + ken hopped over the top & 2an suddenly ento a Turkish yat I. while bey were waiting before doing this very heavy Shrapnel fire was putt downt onposite they had just left beautiful Fapner, low burit- so to to 0k troops ed come across it Dely took the trench as.I. Hare wereto in ct, some shop & bayowets spereowsafight. This was an absolutely straight lwith C.Orunnin of at lach end. As soon as they got inCit a m9 was turned ont it poin (rigt. They fom t our own troops had bn inth French before, because there were dead lying in & round it. There ws
no off to Howes Part. They side up the mind by a sortof general consint when they want forward pey were looking for hem ballations- looking for I feriy line ille had andia itw somewhere ahead y ot into theCTs out o way of the g. fir? Fsom kere they Edsee a long way foward over t slight slope of a till - ty were worling inland- edutsee sean -probly looking EN.E. Kiyed Sll I Krks beginning to tome over the liael ground over wh they tooked, alt sooyds away. The pty came back to posite it had started from in order to have a pow wow i sy decided to dig in where they were on Ireverse slopd, & wait for something to be done There ws no diping necy. Later a afer a pty of N.T troops (abt a sugle [Coy) under an officer came up it gully from the
joied. The party to Howelow. Sea the WE as what we happening. tures had got intoE at 2 by then. again they told 1W2 off tis s tow. him it ws no use takingE while they had on siltery under edge a coupte of wdmen came por 1r pont? (& joined tem so there were evidently troops on Thal a front Te NE off made them attack the (Dtruch again. The to didet residt but simply jan. Those who had be there before passed, I word to get into the C.T.s As the pty gob into 1 Ey the same mgpeno enacked prity wellall enE The N2? off ws onef first to be killed. Iowe weat straight over into the t a N.E. Corpnal A.N.E pti a young ty] The. Cit & Howt sluck there for a bit till taings guistened By this ti the ol dee more To coming back as before & also from half right. A looked tils areal abatd on come scall. So N. & st (stt t to back
towds alein of Austolis wh tey es. See on Ihill an their right rear. e decided to goin this line? The whole pty started but fot divided Howe &the NEGib stuck togesten Tre to were very close - by Inoise. [(it wd be abt epen) Howe & the trt gof near 1 head o Cully where it ws shallown. something made ther get down there. H. saw an offt Turk or fermen set right onto skyline & stand looking out thro his plasses. Howe took a pood an of dropped him falt 1207 away) Tey 10t across I fally. Tomeday made then feve ap idea of soming men atV. The N.E. Ept& Howe came in towds 1 not & there found a N.E. man on a mg. Tere were I guns there un a serg - here seemed to tbe no onc stag there when A stumbled on them. Htook over one of (guns. As he goe down he heard some one siny out Snow ys Howe? They were under fireat Ctan. Whn tings guiclinedH stante t another man, to crawl out towdo where
this voice ws couning from Ty found Fte Ferguson who had bn we them at £4Ae ws shot this bung & had to troked leg. They put him down behint wheretey were therew be at so y backs straplerd sicked up Ir w/ pty by now). They were loveng pretty heavily t sn o ms all fafter were diggily in There were 16 mgbetts up there or They dug in on a sort of horse thos shape as soon as is jot dlust. wak 44 Tad N.E. Leyl had by now On his. had taken back a messay for recfts Ad o 29 Howe (lslast were tunniy the showby this tims. Howe a S/13 went back along the waote track (down above) Cookmy For took, & found a party at Ahag dug in across the top of Walkers R. under a N.E. Sert Major or AMS. They sot some of this pty to comsback w
them to the Hore shoe Y w soue 606. they had seady camatties there all after Abt dark the ling ws down abl 24 when abdut attacked. He came across I cully over NcK. Mey let him came quity close Had be alo 8 pm. They knocked him back & went on difpey begining to feel confortable. A N.2 man came up o lotd, Icorporal. Hey. Corp that not behind us has gone (Before this) in after, thy Corpt had freed a written mess to say Hold on Rnnss are coming up to you Iwant addressed to anyoue, as far as H renembers. The sty in rear wo already there so they were not the recupts. The remfts never came. tiy had felt very safe in this posit; (but when told to the ling in reas had gone - (15., just after the Pattack) He& Gil went back to have a look. May found to the lin behind had sone, to ther were turks in (fully on each sick of tem, in rear of them
some of (men knew where 1 ih while (rd led to back to our own centigt se finew where we were, more or ress, in relation to rest - at anyrate how to getin louch et of the decided to move back & et in touch. They had the I cans & a lot of amnu. 20 to 30 badly admen wvere w then. They evacnated there all exc. 4 who were to bad tmort (Degason wdnt be moved.). Then the rest started back carrying I gun? amwn. the to came at them once, when tey had sons back from 200 6 3002do. St. ws or nasty there - they were fighting some time. They beat t tarks off vered left alone. Then they continued retirnal. They got back into a at 4 top of Reat Gully, Cooning back into t while there thy decided to Stay there.The Turks came ap & tried to dig in abs Boyds in poul. The parte kept ap very heavy fire on them all
It ws night, & it was replied to. a good deep ttark Ex. Ap 26.4 Just before day light. an offn of thi slaff came& told ten to leave socita. as 1 ships were joing to bomband The whole pty had not gor out when the bombe starter- They seemed to be about 6in shells we had 5 men hit by one of tem. They then got out & downy to I beach the sai was of they landed. Howe found. PA Jamies on of 11Bn on I beach L pe had just. brought Ls. Morgan down, but tiso flung (be ws disbtarged in aust. & io now a Capt. in 4t Bn Welsh Regt) Howe made some lea there sey w some water Wh tom Shaw the Cook was boiling, & went away & had a couple of hrs steep. Abt. 10 am. they started to look for 1 unit. 4 Vowles 12. Bn we met w all 200 men of 3Bde in Shrap Jully. 34y took this bunch up by 3rd Ble Agro. They were put into live there. They

again.)  While this pty ws in Rest Gully
Australians were passing & going
towds Wire Gully all / time.
Someone gave Howe, DuMole & Pettit
a box of ammn to carry.  They split
it up & put in in their sandbags.
The whole pln ws then moved up to
reinforce on / left.  They went down
Rest Gully & up Monash Valley.
As they went up / valley there
ws v heavy rifle fire going on along
/ whole top o / ridge to their right
(MacLaurins Hill).  Some of 11th men were
drawn in there.  Everett & Morgan
were neither there then but Morgan
must have bn close.  The men
were going in single file & / going
ws rough.  [DuMole, Pettit & Howe
were together & when Du M. & P left

Howe they joined Morgan - so M must have
been there].
The party bore round to /
left / whole time.  As they go up /
slope towds the Nek the firing got
heavy.  Howe lost D/M & Pettit &



picked up another couple of men
(D/M & Pettit went right & H. left).
Shrap ws heavy most o / way up
/ valley after halfway.  The rifle fire
was very heavy but but was high
above - diggers wd be standing at /
bottom o / valley arguing what the
double crack o / bullet was.  The
shrapnel was coming from Sari
Bair direction.
Howe & his 2 companions
went across Walkers Top until
they found themselves looking over
/ other side, w / sea directly on
their left.  There was a very steep
gully ahead & ^then a ridge; & the
fire which they were getting must
have bn coming from tt ridge.
There were a few men lying down
o / edge, which Howe reached, firing
across the gully.  H. stayed there to get
a breather.  The Howe & his 2 companions
left the party (prob. 12 Bn - at X) & worked
to / right & then down into / Gully where
it was very steep.  You cd shout across


/ Gully & some men on the far ridge
waved to them not to stop on / fore slope
but come on.  It wd be abt 200
yds across / gully , or less.  Hay H. & Z men
crossed / Gully & stayed w the 
20 to 50 men there; & then hopped
over the top & ran suddenly into
a Turkish trench at Z.
While they were waiting before
doing this, very heavy shrapnel
fire was put down on / position
they had just left - beautiful
shrapnel, low burst - so tt
no other troops cd come across
They took the trench at Z.
There were Ts in it, some shot & bayoneted.
There ws a fight.
This was an absolutely straight
trench with C.Ts running off at each end.  As
soon as they got into it a m.g. was
turned onto it from / right.  They found
tt our own troops had bn in tt
trench before, because there were
dead lying in & round it.  There ws


no offr w Howes Party.  They
made up their mind by a sort of
general consent.  When they went

forward they were looking for their
battalions - looking for / firing
line.  They had an idea it ws
somewhere ahead.
They got into the C.T.s out o /
way of the m.g. fire.  From there
they cd see a long way forward
over / slight slope of a hill - they
were looking inland - cdnt see /
sea - probly looking E.N.E.  They cd
see / Turks beginning to come over the
level ground over wh they looked,
abt 500 yds away.
The pty came back to / positn
it had started from in order to have
a pow wow.  They decided to dig in
where they were, on / reverse slope,
& wait for something to be done.
There ws no digging necy.
Later t after a pty of N.Z.
troops (abt a single Coy) under an
officer came up / gully from the


sea & joined.  The party w Howe told
the N.Z. offr what ws happening.  The
Turks had got into / trench at Z by then,
again & they told / NZ offr this & told
him it ws no use taking / trench.
While they had bn sitting under /
edge a couple of wd men came
from / rt front & joined them - so
there were evidently troops on / half
rt front.
The NZ. offr made them attack
the (Z) trench again.  The Ts didnt resist
but simply ran.  Those who had bn
there before passed / word to get into
the C.T.s  As the pty got into / trench the
same m.g. opened & knocked pretty
well all / men in / trench.  The N.Z.
offr ws one o / first to be killed.
Howe went straight over into the C.T. w a
N.Z. Corporal & a N.Z. pte - a youngster.  The
Cpl & Howe stuck there for a bit till things
quietened.  By this time they cd see more
Ts coming back as before & also from
half right.  It looked like a real attack on
some scale.  So H. & pty started to go back


towds a line of Australns wh they cd
see on / hill in their right rear.
They decided to join this line  The whole
pty started but got divided.  Howe
& the NZ Cpl stuck together.  The Ts were
very close - by / noise. (it wd be abt 4 pm)
Howe & the Cpl got near / head o / Gully where
it ws shallower.  Something made them get
down there.  H. saw an offr - Turk or German
get right onto / skyline & started looking out
thro his glasses.  Howe took a good aim
& dropped him. (abt 120 yds away).
They got across / Gully.  Something
made them give up / idea of joining /
men at V.  The N.Z. Cpl & Howe came in
towds / nek & there found a N.Z. man
on a m.g.  There were 3 guns there under and
a sergt - there seemed to be no one else
there when H. stumbled on them.  H. took over
one of / guns.  As he got down he heard
someone sing out "Snowy Howe!"  They
were under fire at / time.
When things quietened H. started
w another man to crawl towds where


this voice ws coming from  They found
Pte Ferguson who had bn w them at
Z.  He ws shot thro / lung & had
a broken leg.  They put him down behind
where they were.  (There wd be abt 50
stragglers picked up ^coming back & w / pty by now).
They were being pretty heavily w
sniping & all / aftn, & were
digging in.  There were 16 m.g. belts
up there.  They dug in on a sort of horse
shoe shape as soon as it got dusk.
Hand drawn diagram - see original document
The N.Z. Sergt
had by now bn hit &
had taken back a message
for reinfts.  The NZ Cpl &
Howe (L/Cpl) were running
the show by this time  Howe
& a S/B went back along the white
track (shown above) looking for tools,
& found a party at A. dug half
dug in across the top of Walkers R.
under a N.Z. Sergt Major or QMS.
They got some of this pty to come back w


them to the Horse Shoe trench, w some tools.
They had steady casualties there all /
Abt dark the line ws down
abt 2 ft when Abdul attacked.  He
came across / gully & then also over /
Nek.  They let him come quite close.
It wd be abt 8 p.m.  They knocked him
back & went on digging, beginning to
feel comfortable.  A N.Z man came up
& told / Corporal: "Hey, Corp. that mob
behind us has gone."  [Before this, in
/ aftn, the Corpl had recd a written message
to say: "Hold on, Reinfts are coming up
to you." It wasnt addressed to anyone,
as far as H. remembers.  The pty in
rear ws already there so there were not
the reinfts.  The reinfts never came.]
They had felt very safe in this
positn; but when told tt the line in rear
had gone - (i.e. just after the T. attack -)
H. & Cpl. went back to have a look.  They
found tt the line behind had gone, &
tt there were Turks in / Gully on each
side of them, in rear of them.


Some o / men knew where /
right white rd led to - back to our
own centre - & so knew where
we were, more or less, in relation
to rest - at any rate, how to
get in touch.
Cpl. & H. decided to move
back & get in touch.  They had the
3 guns & a lot of ammn.  20 to 30
badly wd men were w them.  They
evacuated these all exc. 4 who were
too bad to move (Ferguson wont be
moved.).  Then the rest started back
carrying ^all / guns & ammn.  The
Ts came at them once when they had
gone back from 200 to 300 yds. It
ws v nasty there - they were fighting
some time.  They beat / Turks off &
were left alone.  Then they continued /
retirement.  They got back into a
trench at / top of Rest Gully, looking back
into it.  While there - they decided to
stay there.  The Turks came up & tried to
dig in abt 150 yds in front.  The party
kept up very heavy fire on them all


night & it was replied to.  It ws
a good deep Turk trench.
Apr 26. Just before daylight an offr
of the staff came & told them to leave /
positn as / ships were going to bombard.
The whole pty had not got out when
the bombt started - they seemed to be
about 6 in shells - we had 5 men
hit by one of them.  They then got out
& down to / beach the same was of they
Howe found Pte Jamieson of
 11 Bn on / beach - he had just
brought Lt Morgan down, hit thro'
/ lung (he ws discharged in Aust.
& is now a Capt. in 4th Bn Welsh
Regt).  Howe made some tea there
w some water wh Tom Shaw the ^Sergt cook
was boiling, & went away & had
a couple of hrs sleep.  Abt 10 a.m.
they started to look for / unit.  Lt
Vowles 12 Bn ws met w abt 200
men of 3 Bde in Shrap. Gully.  They
took this bunch up by 3rd Bde Hqrs.
They were put into / line there.  They



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