Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/198/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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blown out & coug fire down 1 Cully. Then. Refert sajusted having I main trench at L but taltle posts duy forward at 2 to warn the main trinch ones Rafferly himself had been out into the second fully with its very steep slope & douga or creek at 1 bottom – Companis of Tarks co come up there at a time without being seem indeed at ws the preiter where tarks had bn during attack of May 19. p. The Engineers went out & took bearings & when thesite ofpost ws decided t Rafferty went out & broke three trees & tied somes white tape on another, showing the points off treck site. The Engunters next day too k sight of theas broken trees (wh were, as directed, on the ridge sunning along 1 crest). The charte were drawn up on their observations; & the next night Refferty, Closstown, Storey (sert of cagro now Puncers) Cuthbertson (Eagrs. 3d Fev Coy draughterian + 20hers) with tapes went out & measured the sete. The folls night. again a big covering pty undis Referty les sent out to near edge ofcliff, & the work ws begin on the support truch of taame. Post first - (C.) This niht Reperty took his C.O. Cnaystts) down to seewaterholl used by & tarks
Cote Smith had coe out in order to see for himselfas0s & cons of (argunng abt having (battle posts one. There were as a tmateer of fact small battle poats put out in 1screet like listening posti or centry toups they were pig out a little late night (they fily got out before dark). When 1 curk patrot fired it caught them soing out o Seryt Gellen was better. Aftis this xccrut wt burnt. t wa then seen to1 Tark (who had bn hear diging but not seen) ws found to have driven a trench - a short sap – in to E. Before then I turk had bu delayed as his duping by our bombing at Found. The turkish deanes truch as day lates to pin G+ E. (it ws like coming up & shooting over (Edge of a Sunkin (d.) At the foot of Tasmania Bst Ridge, where it flattered out towards the sea the tarks Auseloes tunnelled in from teir side & brope out in a trench wh, raw
atentangte 4 cout N. Setat. little shaped pit trench onts this Cafter had taken leaves tl treach) So as 2 to enfitedy (i Lcanes. The L. Horse were making their trench at AB at this came out to teTrks pot connteract them. 12 48
Mtonday p. 26 Rafferty as near Sakes in some trenches shaped like a big A. (where 1 guas had be). Sakes ws at X, Witham & Refferty ath 42 The French from Tto E hadbu vacated in Inight by soncone Sen. Bridges came round in morning walking w 3other offes. He saw I truches at TE were unoccupied. They rs. rotten 6- trenched anyway s he sd. Jn Brown's Dip a good many of au were waiting. Witham had gone then. There were men in te trench from Sty & feay thyfhessbgagrd. Atleast an hous after rrides lpt tere came vood from Maj. Seker to tywere to advince. Ross. as there also- Ross gave Refferty his direction. There we a Ave ahead of where Reperty was – those from Xto 5 & possibly pan Brown's Dp. The Turks on seing it move got outs it w shrapnel. There was a lot. kir Of waverny ruch forwd- rush back- rush forned. Then t line inport went on. I ws understood as berng a general advance - the word sumply ame. You
are going to advance Everyonr we prepared to do this, but o sete to know where without knowing where thy were going to On Takers order the second line advanced & minyled with the first Referty trying to fet Sections organised. They went across the Daisy Patch swinging lefs towds the Chessboard. The sound on Iright ws broken with little knolls et. on to lift it ws. Easier, My went casily 700 yards
Particulars from hr Howe 11 Bn(hn cpc) of fightiy of Houe. June 28/ 1915 A[I1 B ws. solding sile spour. donngt The line as on sapping for the tine AB Preverse slope of they were tennelling through to open the time ta. 4 A8ap from below with goid beny tind Bottons Kidge Theads to timneto f Stwes coentratly made a continuous E] There was an isolated. O.P. out ahead into wh 2 nea got before day light. The covering party of 11Bn used to be our all night on 1pont shope witout any cover, covering Idisjug pty. Att I men were lost each night. Iery were not allowed to dig. And or twgis a tark satrol came ap & shing boarts at them? Iice demonstrations on our purt occurred while 1 party was out The To used to sweap, I ridg wth their mags
This 60 went back had a pow wow a&cs apet of the Turkes treahe lyy out there arogtes party criy at 14.35 am. he order amau pregand to advanc. Any were ii (4 covering pty 36 men (1 Sptie of 12 men pack).A nson they went over I. All the weres to to ling resp 0s-1to at out in fonty& nc down, Te 1o were shalling Bridge before the s out pates te rest of Coy came up lined Iredge w teme? They were then at E.E overlooken togust on t crested. (ridge C Coy of 1Bn- came out winton cop lett (Aa) [om at cinraty went there) 2 loys 9 pn camt ong into the Pully an tex tank ( some of hem got to the bottom of sape below I turk t on the ext sur n to walk upo lear over the turk parped o lost atong it. He went back to an officer & tthe whofe party went & lay up

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