Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/198/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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the road towats 15 Central wh ws full of degonto D Allison went down Drew Lane next inJ. tpuke up a few prisoners. The country beyond ws pull of funs but I policy we not to os beyond the top-stopes of hill as this wd have meant been blown, out immediately. The flanks also were not up. Fom then on I men bast the time of their lives. The rds from Nauroy to Bellicourt. X] trenches dlon t Canal were beinn throught w troops, enquser working on bridps transport, all workin in day light. sax ws heavil two Bties were connected Sw I port by private tives & whenever any movement occuries outs thse blies were put them. X truch in 2A1.5. The little long time. Wwere held out for
tryng to hep t dwn on rt trying to fet the 1th Bn-Coy ino when 2 men of 10.Bn were cut off in1Sapo1 support Cnt nearest to this Xtrench. some ferms nipped across & pt them prisoners. Te Apdrs were put out his truck. A couple of Blies were put outo it frm & gully NE of Biel wd SW of Caution duponts. - I these with a G.S. Bty were turned on & blew 1 ferman out of the Itruck- he leabed out of it. Bn H8 we now in Hanods stores. Capt Perry (who fot M.C here ae O.C. font lie & Col. Deligan O.C. attackin troops. Perry ws wd gain over by a shell at Teancourt before reaching t hop off Aine, but RoD.
To. Hant Brayers we got 2 man a byM.g. who had carrced their guns vack right from Teancourt to there, fighting The next day fermo were Easy to capture betw. there F. Canal because the ferman Authority did not know where their own ling wt & had sotfedtem. My were coming in constantly The fermans had a constant transfortontEd t Cof Conal & our fins were constant outo them. Tiy must have lost heavily The firman planes were flying low - statey black planes ws no markings. The forman ws continusly shooting at the S.9 gun & bt neary, Cught Wilegan pin gound there. The Sde must have
got 50 guns this day I they were never all counted, & a tremeadors lot of tmoss. The Bryadier Of.rt. Bell of 74 Drn had tr in this line before + knew all difficulties anticipaled very heavy oppositing from this or t dejont. This at fipplened his Bde & poobl affected I idear of those or his flank. Mackay ws made very anxious & prob Bdied on the left was also. They nove of thim Expecte to get begond the Brown ling Machay told me to te ws move anxious aft this fight than any other this year.) 10. Bn only coution to S Coys averaging abt 857Ws. very optinustec. Te OBn bent i as S loy of 3Phs each & a speleton Agis.
5 Raion maps were built 6 authiy ( contours) & each dyfer we toto what he had to meet. a by man ws also raised + also a practice stuent abt 6 am on simclar ground 1 morning before From where 10 Bn pt to you co see the Canal, + water in it, & 1 people in 1 roads at Rellicout, wh were, crowded w traffic. Theewer soon rejistined + numbered & as soon, as a bleck occurred here 1 ferms were shelled. is fiht we noting like solcion as Lihons - He chief difficult as the heavy going owing t Iai overnight. 10 Bu lost, abt 8 ofrs. Fad & 24. Ty only wenti w 12a offro in 1 coys (3 Coys). (5wd 1h were from Coye). The heaviest camnothes were from mogs wh cauget them from Harrads
Gaterpot. a The Armistile? Start of nepoliations )] al Maj. Anderson Bde major Fnr Bde was orderly officer to few walkn at this time. He says. Ht after to You 19th Attack thereft remained a Small Crench full of wounded Turks out in pont of 30d Bn t. Ad Col. Owen had an interpetes sent up to ask these men to come in but thy ditnot. The next day (2 Maj 21) Owen on his own reponsibilit had a red & flas put up over our parapit. The Tarks at first shot it down. But as it continued. up there, a number of Red crucent (20r white) lags appeared. over I tark paripet the 15 may have thought we wantes to currander. Two men - doctors the appeared out of Turkish truch, (german offcers T). Walker was up there. He decided to so out & m them - & did so at once, Anderson gong with him. They met 1 tarks who were medical men - one spoke Treach very wed - so well O wakeror Anderson te were French - wh annoyed tim asked much walker gass then cyaritees o 3r gave watters anders on sencels in caclilin
12t Bn. Rasmanta Post and Leaves truch. After tarmania Post ws, buit it had a field of fire of abt 30yds moall in whoat field. It we a badly sited trinc bec. the T cd always get ap Jully (2) tram Post 3 anseen. Also the high wheat r scrut made the field offire very obscure. Raferty wanted to barn, the which of much Eartier, 50 as to clear (view, but they wd not allow him Finally, after taim. Post we built this ws aw ordered. Raperty ws told to khow out tow flares & burnt wheat, but this ws a a impossible idg. He therefore went out with Sert Weighill; & crawled to the NE dagh of crop & set fire to it then came back practically thro the fire. The Tarks opened up - but they got into an advanced peep hole post. & slis down feet foremost, Raperty going last, As Refferty stiddown a big man scramble our past him; this was weghill. He had noticed some turkin cricket ballbomb unexploded byin out or the edge of the fire (some were explading firs). He went nptout gogds to in heavy rift fire & came back io one of
543 these Combs – he wanted to s have a took at i It us at this time tt (after (fire) there ws first desosed a couple of small crunites ruinning in pon toe fully odge. a satore port dowed tire co D original Ann Foct. Fulty underpound Frine Oriscual Bront tine. A crest orginar support line Shen SEia

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