Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/198/1 - 1915 - 1918 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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i 2 70 on 1 shone + one runner. These were to focats anod line of treck across 23D Cabt) 293D very soon word came back from Perry At there were, fermans to Obarrage had ahead of tem on put down & apparently stopped more coming this; A things were not clear; but th uendouble 1 gap on the rt of 11 Pon ws.1 uuse of it. Haven heard from it Coy of 10 bn (Hercombe's tt there ws nothing doing there, N. took outf two et plus bodily mdoed tim right across the front to their lif - put thim into [gap (to go to J Hospital & hold tt, & get touch w. When therever they were" & then the
remaining ptus on 2t were to extend & fill I gap from wh these phus were taken. The 11th moved up a Coy in the End. Te firms must have ossed (by a sap) therd where of the were, (but wen were in gasbelinets & a bit dopey & disub sle them The H.Ars were then ordered to mop up. The fes realise toshow ws up & many sot away. The firms tos liking a certain No of prisoners of whom Cpl. Duncan DCMEBar?) WM& par ws one. There were a good many jerls. This party of fri pt in between remainder of 11Bn on way out & the pla wh ws coming u.. The incoming
atone spotted this pt of ferms. penedcs t he pty of fermans were nearly Ao hing 4 Oach thers own tines In (confussion Duncan &his st oan font veryl feman t to backt ou 6 -lines. Dancare foe wound w one o thers Tepl windne cat him st aght beacks to theo of Duncan totd pty te enadtructeed wth erm. W hdding n a arows spepe by strong post & sd ws full of ssr wep Everythey we had down upon this &if any feri of out of if tand were thaky. laters his there tsno 26 had more bonbl. Glose sapport bun moved
They were put into Pred lind, v ws acting as a forward origadier during this show- Nas given 121t & the 9t11 were told to spconform to what he did Terebef nt wel C.O. hand ed En to Shaw. The tanks had at tnd up till 5. They were 1he lite. N. suit then a De ruaners, 2to Libons to prominade & patrol Letons as Emen were short. One tank vent out. right to I little round Madam wood; he ws a good taute, went round it & came back - all these tanks were good. The two wh want up to Lehous Came back & were sent up again to prominad till daylight. The tank wh went to Madam Wood a he shot a
dis a number of Jerms 5pof good deal of good. The CO. thinks to this i best show to 10Bn ever did. The T.G. training Pnote the Merris show as I best done by a Bn in Bana. But this ws most. dificult There is a by. WBn graveyard, by Crepy. wood on (west side) of wh I great proportion are officers & N.C.O.J. killed mostl in I first days attack - not in Gattack. The 1t Wn went in over & lost very hevit top Mt 1Bn went. 116n sl b afes them & lost only one man wd. In the first advance when 100 Bentin to support 9+1 the Cd. moned aliead wit abb 650yds alead) w a emalll
pacas Lomp 4.A his back. o He had a red screeg to mcan follow on& agellow, one for hath toe cover. These he workes till e got them to ab 200yds behind the pont line2ooyds W.o crepy woodwhere the Br halted.12Bn did not get theis ordersth ( wshet The 9th & 1th bus got casnalt in I very beavy mf fire. There as not much artitlery tatdayCanadian word attacking away on 1 st & probly ermadedat know, what ws hapening. This first day1 barrage ws good (for this stage of fightion Mslyon got a oullet this his ti bat yoi up. (In. Ipais at Heurbair he ws ket in Iskull & a part of his skull ws lost I still is. Thees He had a telephone on 1 forman lin & wo half conscious when to buss of telephons cod recall him. He came back whrecaguisable as & we sent to inln incliwhen convaleccent bu + boarded for Aus walk warks in a weve train to tan
Foissy Duriy (morning 31al wvery in Fermane Cod. Nebigan went up to see tol Stacywent roun his live of they were still fighting staay had shch a trimendous lin to hold: tt N. without asking Bde put in two Coys to hold part of Stacey's time (1500 yds on (lept in Luc wood). Mrecaun had a p at Lac wood. A pla of 15t Bn ws in this too N Cndig in onthe wsided Gully opp. Foissy, Beacon abt Pm. There ws a Pof Wcage on 1 top there. A few prsovers were made tere. 9th 4 12t abtacker thio the 10t 1 W. Bdle. The IIben ws involved on it before, they knew wherethey
2 were that e the 3de w. not care of olympia Cod. My had had patrot into Cappy but had at got it& thest ws beat back. In 1 e09l Gen Bennett to bo No th he wanted him to see what he co do. Nsd he wd prepare an attack & cie what ibe done if loter Bn COS cd be got to act w him He got a coufee to night with Macpherson 12 En. James 9Bn Phillips UBn Col. West R.H.A. Tey decided to leave 9 +12 in live, get 11 Bn out & attack at midnight with 10 on left & Mon it. Tey wd stick to Ihigh ground & have an in definite objot out not get past. Dompiers
Abt 11.W i. ws ganny & Phillips had not got his Bn dear. J.O.C. rang up & sd it as too risky- beter cancel. So wsd hewd dod alone at dawn. By dawn phillips ws clear & be arranged to keep pace on 1st. A Bde of R.H.A. ws to move forward behievd. The time ws set for sfam.N. dicided on a halt line at Bois Com du Verger (Chalean wood) leavin cappy alone, taken, in Quarry By -77- am. they had Got Charanwood, & had patrols workin back thro cappy cleaning at up &1 et bent back thro 433ARC The 1.Bn were abt in 12 centt De half ws ordered there. The Cookers were ordered ap o o mover up a men fed.
bty of RHA out 1 tm Bo highest crest onsecond closso stiets the of Otympia tod Anothn bty i I back part of Aympia tod, & a tird in the gutt behind Foisey Beacon Ready to move. No one ws to move before 10. he men were on an essue o beer &a padweal. Bde as asked to concentrety 9Br in 1 by dugouts on1 hige stope on I river bank near Cappy Boies twendu deing breadfast. 1sdth were to exploit alturnately filling in Flanks 45 Vickers fid. toeMon 7 ver ignoring thy The petiots oved at 10. Tepatroto ereto toaheed, sed back a

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