Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/197/1 - April - May 1918 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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00000000000o0oooooooooooo ferms had a berry down on the Ponier track (th029) and there we no means of Commaniit The jerms were continast bombery & c attacking for the E & Riencourt direct. But no Clattacks came from 1 front. One your shells billed 6 men. 1t Bde in our own trench.
The Greese Free made beautiful hom want t keep citoren. Any way (think - think of Every way country tan be made attractive – shows Put your brains wnto it for Austrata. I Industrig Every man shd have Chanc to rese as in this Lar to Whatevr He can do be ant us al their trains, be foreother countiies bet addoso - we want to do so first. (2qi art Even dust carter shd be a mechanse + drive a mows.
t The Greesy 2 Te yai Te The Genlus offial The Cust we want to see The sceett t wai Restanstty The Countr & Because of itstriels 21 City has t fobury as cay The rown srngto fight bushsices wees d e we tot £ t The Feberse epelar h att. manums, ganeries Fojata lif The poputation. obbraa H hondontegant pers. The Anstations poputarit Most be numerous, bn & The drig & Navyb tacti The ReblicSerpice - tgomptey day. Pub-cervin going to be more important. Must be better pd hotte Rounot of officeincg ta ers a frdust tc cat so put fa na Societ sfg But Everyon pen fort stat. beeutiful Eap. Foudhfar Kithus & Mastriog H. Cowvers off Eduon. We shall beas to go hard to esuat the world five prizes in pup Ck Pil & States Eace i tis ts just have pure men to comes & hills you. ef t men were dull there too - deadly dull in 1 dreary spaed behind (lives What did they do. Te State gave fim cnvema concerts. The state organised potbed. The State gave ready rooig, steatures little country Well every atst ctrotown Ahd have. Chib - farmer concert - (Elee Suigers. Fusten townships travelling parties; Knesa has opera; cricker polo Ever Beause some pub- spirited in cant organise them that shout wean the cant be organised. Let the distrggt organing tem or State Farmer's houses sd be
3 do not Aholostar

Germs had a barrage
down on the Pioneer
track (thro 29) and there
ws no means of communicating.
The Germs were continually
bombing & c.attacking
from the E & Riencourt
directn.  But no c/attacks
came from / front.  One
of our shells killed 6 men of
^6th Bde. in our own trench.


made beautiful homes if 
want to keep children.
Anyway think - think of
every way country can
be made attractive - shows -
Put your brains into it for

City .

Every man shd have
chance to rise as in this
life to whatever he can do
We want to use all
mens their brains, before other countries
Let all do so - we want to
do so first!  (eg in Art)
Even Aust Carter shd be a
mechanic & drive a motor.


[*Art:  Must keep our own Art.
Our galleries.  What Melb & Syd
have done.  We had Aust Artists Cauda move
Our artists etc working for state.*]
The Greener Tree.
The young mans day
The new fight.
The Genius o / race
The Aust. we want to see.
The Scientific way.  Had to. Or games in war.
On the right times (Aust. in Gallipoli)
The Country. Best Austln Because of its trials
City [shorthand]
The Town esp Sydney Back to [[?]] has to [[?]].  Has
to fight bushfires.  We shall always have him
The home. (the house neat)
The Federal Capital
A model for them all.
Museaums, galleries.
The population: Money not objective life
Not here in France.
The Land on [[? ?]]

No classes
No peers.
The Australians popularity
in England.
The Army & Navy ^Must be numerous; to be numerous & [[?]] must beckon
The Public Service - the youngsters
Pub. Service going to be more
important.  Must be better pd.
Promotn of efficiency must be obtained.
as the [[?]
Commerce: The Country
factory. great factory cities
[[?]] good
The assistance of
Science.  Our grasses,
our trees (beautiful xxxx
H. Cowens office]
Cant go into
Social -
But everyone
for the State.
Gt change in
(thought Army is
(Hitchens)& industrial)
Educn. We shall have to go hard to equal
the World - & give prizes in pub. W
Cth Plt & States - Each its own interestg - City.
can do most. pure & clean cities
Must have pure men to represent us

comes & kills you.  The
[*Cf Bourke*] had to men were dull there
too - deadly dull in /
dreary space behind / lines.
What did they do?  The
State gave them cinema
concerts.  The State organised
football.  The State give reading
rooms & lectures
Well every club shd little country
Centre & town shd have Club - farmers
concert - glee Singers.  Furthest
townships, travelling parties;
Even Russia had opera ; cricket polo
Because some pub. spirited man
cant organise them that shdnt
mean they cant be organised.
Let the district organise them or /
Farmers houses shd be


T3 do not



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