Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/197/1 - April - May 1918 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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be seen getting away to ten guns. (It w. now quite light). M.s. fire also came from tho port from the Sunber RS. betw Laguict and Nortuct E Coy came right down to that sumken Rd, the 21 keeping Nof the Vaulxhaguies road all time. They had a few casualties. When they got to 1 sunken from Noreuil to Laqnicl were comp arattion they
safe. The ferms Ladbn seen running back over crest - also ito I villass Po had be theme abt t hr when they found to ferms were working up On their lpflant. Lewis fun teams were sent up I made a strory post up on 1 crest M Pankin Rd. The Coy Couidor, having this post estable wt going to make a portal attack on Laqnict. Straight
down the main Rd into Laquict from Novenil Vaulk The en were just abb to move of (Anderson tobring up rear) when the p men abead who had runinto i.9. fire directl down 1 road began to come back. They had seen I ferms enshing m. gs. fom the village & patting them up in positions wherethey fire clear
down 1 road. The fact of the road branching into a saved them - it us not dear straight. Several weret. some others wd & they came back by crawling along road under I bank, in mad. Te C.O. lt off i his Seryt major. In goin down Iroad they met an unarmust ferman Sauatoriu up rd as if to meet him. He ts lost in thought & only saw them then 20 yds away When he saw them he turned & rai - the C.O. Suptier his
000l0000o 00000 revolver at him but missed. The Seryt M. grabbed a rifle from Inearest man & aw after him firing & after I hird shot killed him. Tey were goin in segle file down 1road. Iill then no ferms had by seen in I village – possib the shots roused them. Pott didnt t Ivelloy to be occupied. The Seyy PM. rushed up to I man he had killed & took all papers from him. The ferms must have on Habberjaster as the attack coming i quiet from this direction?
2000000 00 000000 CCoy returned to Sunken NoenLagnict. Rd & dig in till further orders or till some further plan of attack were coolves. They weredeging in when A runner came to C. boy they were from Buttgn yo ath as knowto to fall back. (D Coy on1 et had had severe casuatties they had no cover & came 6 under heavy mg fire- had to fall back. 50 possife this is why C Coyalso
00000000000000 00 00 0 0 0 000 0 had t fell back. Ius now betw gamt Coam. Fortunately by this time a little fine & now ws falling. The men were sent off be 5 - scattered - mastly up sunken Rd wh we opento M.J. fire but 1 snow to Obscure (movement. The ferms shot at them but none were hit. [ilchrist at ap here in. Bunken Rel then standing up on 1 bank, wanting to know what retirement ws for - & very angry. The Adjt. of 23nd Bn, Evans, had bu k. abt this
000000000000000000000000000000 16 time by a suiper amg.- Otoy had sent a report + he ws going up to see them t a runner when he as shot by a suiper. Bn Hars was in the sunkendd to Laguies from Vaulxpnear Vaulx/V. Evans was well up in 22I or thereabts. Ax B Coys had evidentey On held up; & C Coy Commnds s (who reported back to by HA) ws told to support A& B by pushing straight towds Norenit. The orders
000000000000000000000000000000000 00 0 0 00 000 0 0 00 00 0 to Anderson (who as last to get back) were to lead across the Coy towas Noszuil. They didn't know how strongh was held or what ws E doing theres but to the had tohelp other toys in aback on it. Coy moved down forward slope looking towards Morcuil (in 15 Arr B, 18C). Tney were under m.S. fire from the NW Corner of Norcuel
00000000000000000000000 000 0000000000000000000000 18 & from I high ground in the 17 (N of Lagnict)s y way. They got touch with the Coy of 23Bn on their lef & laydown behind many small manureheaps scattered on the stope (near. cresot. here ferws began to get onto them w 42 & 778 (shrap & h.E. The O.C. Coy & 2other offis went forwd & made a reconnaissance tunning forward & them

be seen getting away 
w their guns. (It ws
now quite light). M.g.
fire also came from the
front from the Sunken Rd
betw Lagnict & Noreuil.
C Coy came right down
to that Sunken Rd, the rt
keeping N of the Vaulx Lagnict
road all I time. They had
a few casualties. When
they got to / Sunken Rd
from Noreuil to Lagnict
they were comparatively


safe. The Germs had bn
seen running back over
/ crest - also into / village.
Bn had bn there abt
1/2 hr when they found th /
Germs were working up
on their left flank. Lewis gun
teams were sent up &
made a strong post up
on / crest on^in / Sunken Rd.
The Coy Commdr, having
this post establd ws
going to make a frontal
attack on Lagnict straight


down the main Rd into
Lagnict from Noreuil &
The ^last men were just
abt to move off (Anderson
ws to bring up / rear) when
the xx men ahead who
had run into direct m.g.
fire directly down / road
began to come back. They
had seen / Germs rushing from the village &
putting them up in positions
where they cd fire clear


down / road. The fact of
the road branching into
a Y saved them - it ws not
dead straight. Several were k.
some others wd & they
came back by crawling along
/ road under / bank in 
/ mud. The C.O. led off w his
Sergt Major. In going down
/ road they met an unarmed
German sauntering up / rd
as if to meet them. He
ws lost in thought & only
saw them when 20 yds away.
When he saw then he turned
& ran - the C.O. emptied his


revolver at him but missed.
The Sergt M. grabbed a rifle
from / nearest man & ran
after him fuming & after / third
shot killed him. They were going
in single file down / road.
Till then no Germs had bn seen
in / village -possibly 
the shots roused them.
Probly they ^C.O. didnt know expect / village
to be occupied. The Sergt M.
rushed up to / man he had
killed & took all papers
from him. The Germs must
have bn flabbergasted at
the attack coming so quietly
& from this direction.


C Coy returned to /
Sunken Noveuil Lagnict Rd &
dug in till further orders or
till some further plan of 
attack were evolved.
They were digging in when
a runner came to OC. Coy
from Bn Hqrs th they were
to fall back. ^Afterwards it ws known that D Coy on /
rt had had severe casualties
-they had no cover & came
under heavy mg. fire - &
had to fall back so possibly
this is why C Coy also


had to fall back. It ws
now betw 9am & 10am.
Fortunately by this time a
little fine snow ws falling.
The men were sent off by
2s - scattered - mostly
up / sunken Rd wh ws
open to M.g. fire but / snow
to obscure / movement.
The Germs shot at them but
none were hit. Gilchrist
ws up here in / Sunken Rd then-
standing up on / bank,
wanting to know what /
retirement ws for - & very
angry. The Adjt. of 23rd Bn,
Evans, had bn k. abt this


time by a sniper or mg.
D Coy had sent a report &
he ws going up to see
them w a runner when
he ws shot by a sniper -
near ^Bn H Qrs was in 
the Sunken Rd to Lagnict
from Vaulx/ll near Vaulx/V.
Evans was well up in 22D
or thereabts.
A & B Coys had evidently
bn held up; & C Coy Commds
ws (who reported back to Bn
HQ) ws told to support
A & B by pushing straight
towds Noreuil. The orders


to Anderson (who ws
last to get back) were to
lead across the Coy
towds Noreuil. They
didnt know how strongly
Noreuil was held or what ws
doing there; but tt they
had to help / other Coys
in / attack on it. C.
Coy moved down /
forward slope well
looking towards Noreuil
(in 15 A or B, 16 C). They
were under m.g. fire
from the NW corner of Noreuil


& from / high ground in 17
(N of Laquiet), all they the
way. They got touch with /
the Coy of 23 Bn on their 
left & lay down behind
/ ^many small manure heaps
scattered on the slope (near /
-here / Germs began to
get onto them W 42
& 77s (shrap & L.E.)
the O.C. Coy & 2 other offrs
went forwd & made
a reconnaissance
running forward & then



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