Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/197/1 - April - May 1918 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of CE W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR1606/19717 Title: Notebook, April - May 1978 includes references to the 23rd Battalion, Noreuil and Bullecourt. AWMISS-SDRLCOGHSTH
a nE-- mowven enene the t toh n mnthe hrentn BORL 606 IIPM 197 AM38 DIARIES AND NOTES OF C. E. W. BEAN CONCERNING THE WAR OF 1914- 1918 THE use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every reader and writer who may use them. These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what was then in the writer's mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep; also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so —but it does not follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them. These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that those who passed on such stories usually thenselves believed them to be true. All second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind. 16 Sept, 1946. AUSTRALLAN WAR MEAICRIAL C. E. W. BEAN. Tt- Dtt
M enoe rom D. Inderson 23 Bn Nosenit. On night on whattack ws made 23Bn (wh or orders Cate in ig to move to after) moved from Favrenit to Vacelx V. Sajar Repnery 2l7s) & centre of villy (loys). Coy Comuds CCoy. gave them some idea of schenie wh nt V. hurried + Lazy. Peopledidnt ceem know much what at
wanted - preparetus incomplete. [Brazena afterfers away, 23 under Batemen Brazenor returnd in Tune. It ws understood to 2 Coys were to adact Cajuect &2 to attack Nosenil. The 2 Lagnict Coys were first to dear Bois de Vaulx wh as reported b into patrots to be hett They dront by Evening. know they were to move same night. After Br had trn in Ar
0000000000 0 Comedes were waters up & o called to Bn HO & go order of attack. hey left instrus before going away to by wt to be roused. Allws ready by time then came back. ferman wt Shellic Vaulx. Cavabry had gone to outaberts of adfe village & Bo is de on from Vantx 0Dloy were tol to altack Lagnict
100000000000000000000000000 000000 later &resandcroteed by Bnth Aeroplones had reportes to therewere ho snenn in Ivellage. Att ti they vere go no infor as there wsnt time. Ho Bwere to Attack Norcuil with 21 Bn on their Cep. (The Sth Dia 6s on Ri.) At 2.30 am they were to form in pord of Bde Vaulx, clear
0000eeecceyeeeeeoececcoe mool to it out Lagnict They formed in waves abt roogds in port of bood - how they succeeded in finting way is a mystey it ws drizgling I am v cold- a Cot otime ws lost in going up main street of Vaulk As they had to becak into single file in many part ow blogs blown ap lyin acrose 1 ^
000000000000000000 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 From the crucifix tig cut half right across open to 1poito) wood. Has drigzting very cold. Night had bn Sensely dark There we no barry. They went ford; as soon As I frontwave moved others folld witout any noise - no banage. When Iscouts got into 1 wood - the noise must have pighten there any enevy. Here ws no rifle shot & no casnatlies till I wood ws past.
00000000000000 After passing (wood being late – it ws growing now (erns, entap afew fleres and light - & asxip. from rt font were begining to play - Clon moved left across I let hand crestof valley and linet at once the Norcail-Morcdies Rd (a singly tine of Skermisbers) & Coy moved right (& disappeared cuto (dark
to live up similarly somewhere on 1 South side of valley leading from B. de Vault to Laguict C Coy extended neart to I crest (abt 5 100 contong on their left - et abt soyds Not Vaulx Equiet Sunken d. fi be They moved off, & my. fire began to come from this Sanken Rd on their et (As CCoy at closer 1 ferms co

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of CE W Bean,
Official Historian.

Diaries and Notebooks

Item number: 3DRL606/197/1

Title: Notebook, April - May 1918
includes references to the 23rd Battalion,
Noreuil and Bullecourt.



AWM38  3DRL 606 ITEM 197 [1]
THE use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer's mind. Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep;
also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so —but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered. Indeed, he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating only what
their author, at the time of writing, believed. Further, he cannot, of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.
16 Sept, 1946     C. E. W. BEAN.



From Lt B Anderson
23 Bn Noreuil .
On night on wh attack
ws made 23Bn (wh
got orders late in mg to
move tt aftn) moved
from Favreuil to
Vaulx /V. Sugar Refinery
(2 coys) & centre of village
(2 Coys) . Coy Commd of
C Coy. gave them some
idea of scheme wh ws
v. hurried & hazy.
People didnt seem to
know much what ws


wanted - preparatns
incomplete. [Brazenor
away ^(after Flers), 23 under Bateman
Brazenor returnd in June.]
It ws understood tt
2 Coys were to
attack Lagnict & 2
to attack Noreuil. The 2
Lagnict Coys were first
to clear Bois de Vaulx
wh as reported by
mtd patrols to be held
by enemy. They didnt
know they were to move
same night. After Bn
had turned in Coy



Commdrs were wakened
up & tw called to Bn HQ
& gn order of attack.
They left instrns before
going away tt Coy ws
to be roused. All ws
ready by time they
came back. German ws
shelling  Vaulx. Cavalry
had gone to outskirts of
village & had bn fired
on from ^Bois de Vaulx. Bn
C & D Coy were
told to attack Lagnict -


It ws ^later undstood by
Bn tt aeroplanes
C/⇢        had reported
D/⇢        tt there were 
no enemy
in / village. At / time
they were gn no infm
as there wsnt time.
A & B were to
attack Noreuil with
21 Bn on their left (The
5th Divn ws on Rt.)
At 2.30 am they
were to form in front
of B de Vaulx, clear


it out & move to
They formed in waves
abt 200 yds in front o /
wood - how they succeeded
in findng / way is a mystery
- it ws drizzling rain,
v. cold- a lot o / time
ws lost in going up /
main street of Vaulx
as they had to break
into single file in
many parts owing
to bldgs blown up lying
across / rd.



From the crucifix they
cut half right across
/ open to / front o /
wood. It ws drizzling &
very cold. Night had bn immsly dark
There ws no barrage.
They went forwd; as soon
as / front wave moved /
others folld without any
noise - no barrage.
When / scouts got
into / wood - the noise
must have frightened
any enemy ^there. There ws
no rifle shot & no casualties
till / wood ws past.


After passing / wood
being late – it ws growing
light - & as / Germs now put up a few flares and from /
rt front xxxxx were
beginning to play - C Coy
moved  half left across
to / left hand crest o /
valley and lined at once
the Noreuil-Morchies
Rd (a single line of
skirmishers) & D
Coy moved right (&
disappeared into / dark


to line up similarly
somewhere on / South
side o / valley leading
from B. de Vaulx to
C Coy extended nearly
to / crest (abt to 100 contour
on their left - rt abt 50yds
N of Vaulx Lagnict Sunken
rd.)  m.g fire be They
moved off, & m.g. fire
began to come from this
Sunken Rd on their rt
(as C Coy got closer / Germs cd

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