Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/196/1 - August 1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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cnma v04 ( Coy. ws thrownin & had to fight for its positer on a sneall copse on Dey wntin as them we still a gap under estuing le. orders of Capt Burke to Gattack (00 this copse. antras while going up to this posite of ferms. (surrendere to CParker's pla. They charged this post - wh ws abl e way to crest o1 bill. When they got to the 2mgs. In this truc they found to 1 germs there had k their own W.90 and before by hitting him on (backo (head & L cacker his speetl. Parker then went on + took up posite betw lef of 7On & 2/9 cby. Thy were tm right on 1Edp 0 little wood above mentod wh ws full of of stables etc. Cattack dront take place as 1order eviding not to satt but to stop a gap + prevent cattack. As by were ap y cd see 1 ferms de-busais on a road way abt $400500 ESaway. They wandered in by accident + otherwise during ght (so lost page, Toyer 0 py e o M t ofde bo moonion o 2
F H Hanson of Mornson's Ctoy ws also wd. 9t Colvin a also tod at this point so weak after asuathes to be pushed into [pont live also & enabled [Bn to ease right & consolitity. Bloy under Ricketson remained in reservts af the Erds near Vauvillers where 7Bn HG ws. F Morison ws notell wd. H Rooster Mornson tover from I Coy to b comm his brothers Coy on nyll of An9. Notn ws heard till heas reporte ae Bler. prisoner of var. (He ws a Fitzzoy Leagus footballs & Scots College Before or after mednight orders were recd for advance to be cont. A & 3 6 attack
in b to support tem btedaw pom tine to do this SrdB At 7.45 am. the poltimn. bombtbegan. While tB wereformed up waite it ws found to it hadben tmpossible t putt C+D out of the time as here ws noone to put in. Therefore they did not more to support until an hr aften Gero. The boundary had bn fixed; butthe fight ws much
4 helpby . Mullins CO.9Bn comny upI arrangug on 1spot for new boundaries easur to follow. He bdy on the map was a find live - but Mullins & Hastie agreed on the road being made bo. wh as clearer. It looked as if 9th were going to be late. But Hpstie just before yero y looke round & tere tos the 9th coming up too fog wI Col. at1 heed &1 pack animals at rear. They resched the T.O.T. in arty forate witout a
46 casnally jirst then A few wias before gero, aferman place came over att 300Ht of. It arcled over the & 91n Bno, Lfunners trying to drive it of with Lgurs at Shoulder. At I ame the advance commenced - the men advancieg at the quick in lives of skirmishers at abt 3yds interval& 25 5 30 yds distance between the two lies in Each wave & Joyds bebs baves. Tho' Wif fire Ws then very heavy here were proc. no casnallys
till hill crest ws reached. Deydan (they alteration amountd only 5 60 or 707ds in all). To tia right of Crepy wood As a smallerwood with a of deep ravine, filled t wales & a factory in it. This they called factor wood. Between Ibill cest this wood I casualties y from were, heavy &i subsqquent Capture of wood be outflanking it I aasuettes were beavy. Bok planks went round it by rushes. Then a L.J. from left flank ws brought to pear on 1 wood & 1 ferm
88 gfire finished Beyond this wood were a few o trenches & on reaching these Hastie & Ricketson Esteb a combined HArs in (wood tadi + corganised the Coys in tese trenches A measay we suit to tho Leavy casuattes resistance they has veachn this place + were bell up. They got contect -9 on left & 6 on right both sinmcterly held up. Reports pou Ba H.D. reported to 9Bn had gained their objic. A raaner Hastie & see to 9Bn
in Budiary re F. Sllmessage pocket in tarp wood still holding out - ost of Blut tis not held by 9 Bn. were held up &hadon objve & sent a sunver to 9 Bn Hlers where Col Mallius confirieed them &sd. Lis men were held up w of the objve. They of 1 way were only part; and Crepy wood & there were near FCopdwood Mgs. heref; mesthps wh held 9Bn had cufelede fire over SBn front also. By this time Hastirs bisyoes Coy had lost aCor letter i (hit in by on Gauy by shellfire) & Barber hit by shell in stomach at Isame tineas Corlette on 9ang) - D Maunsell K. near Factory wood by bullet
leaving him only I Volum: Ricketson had lost H Robinson Wd a bullet in w in for & at t ame tuge H taverver hity in ab do crest of gt rache before factory wood anot officer att I same place- leaving him its kir wood & Bechevaise bot of whom got c This us all fa this day except [bremendous Air activity by our planes which brought down as drove of Every Jermen place wh tried to interfere force The air as working splendidg to day- we lost 20r 3 but one of our men brought dowon germs witiin a few minater.
The two support Coys of SBn Cx were very tired + were not aalled on this day (Au 10) & not put in up there. The ling had brought up in those trenches abt 9-10 am. In after the live w taken on by creeping up a Lunkin Ro Abt 100 yds to old es Trench trenches. The hilltop we too flat to see the County beyond - atlold cut up grassy trenthes & shell Lotes - On tthes tod to lep ws cre wood a open county platein in pont ws the wood before hilous. You cosee


C. Coy. ws thrown in & had to fight for its positn in a small copse on / extreme  left.
D Coy went in as there ws still a gap - under
orders of Capt Burke to c/attack thro this copse,
xxxxxxx while going up to this positn 9 Germs.  Surrendered
to Lt Parker's pln. They charged this post - wh ws abt ½ way
to / crest o / hill. When they got to the 2 in this
trench they found tt / Germs there had k their own
N.C.O imd before by hitting him on / back o / head &
cracked his skull. Parker then went on & took up
positn betw left of 7 Bn & rt of C Coy. Thy were then
right on / edge o / little wood above mentnd wh ws full
of old stables etc. C/attack didnt take place as / order evidently
ws not to c/att.  but to stop a gap & prevent c/attack. As they were
going up they cd see /  Germs de-bussing on a roadway abt 400-500
yds away. They wandered in by accident & otherwise during / night (see last page)
some indirect m.g fire
from left. It had no
casualties in reaching /
old Germ. trench.
Left Coy wh ws  under
Lt. McMorrison found tt there
was a gap on / left of 7 Bn
& troops suppd to be on
their left. They made a
fine charge in there by
section rushes & got in
on left flank of 7 Bn.
One pln under Lt Volum
cd see right ahead of them
German reinfts arriving 
in motor lorries at no
great distance from / front
D Coy under ^Capt Bourke
("Paddy" Bourke) found tt 7 Bn ws
[*Lt Simpson (L.G offr) ws sent from Bn H Q to 
Morrisons Coy to replace casualties & ws hit
that same night.*]
[* Lt Maddox ws hit very early on Aug 9 near Harbonvillers
& had leg amputated  — he ws / man who started / daylight raids at Hazebrouck & got MC. Bar — several successful 

raids & no unsuccessful ones.*]


Lt Hanson of Morrison's
(C) Coy ws also wd.
2/Lt Colvin ws also wd
at this point.
so weak after casualties
& he pushed into / front
line also & enabled 7Bn
to ease right & consolidate.
B Coy under Ricketson
remained in reserve at
the X rds near Vauvillers
where 7Bn HQ ws.
Morrison ws mortally
wd. Lt "Rooster" Morrison
went over from D Coy to
commd his brothers Coy [shorthand]
on night of Aug 9. Nothing
ws heard till he ws reported
^within 3 days prisoner of war. (He ws a
Fitzroy League footballs
– & Scots College).
Before or after midnight
orders were recd for advance
to be cont. A & B to attack –


C & D (then in line) to
support them –^ C & D to withdraw
from line to do this –
3rd Bde / →
5 /              →
6 /              →
At 7.45 a.m. the prelim.
bombt began. While A & B
were formed up waiting
it ws found tt it had bn
impossible to pull C & D
out of the line as there
ws noone to put in.
Therefore they did not
move to support until
an hr after Zero.
The boundary had
bn fixed; but the fight ws much


helped by Col. Mullins
C.O. 9Bn coming up &
arranging on / spot
for new boundaries
easier to follow. The
bdy on the map was a
grid line – but Mullins &
Hastie agreed on the
road being made bdy
wh ws clearer.
It looked as if 9th
were going to be late. But
just before Zero Hastie they looked
round & there ws the 9Bn
coming up thro / fog w /
Col. at / head & /
pack animals at / rear.
They reached the J.O.T. in
arty formatn without a


Just then, A few mins before
zero, a German plane
came over abt 300ft
up. It circled over the
5th & 9th Bns, L.Gunners
trying to drive it off with
L.Guns at shoulder. At
8 am. the advance
commenced – the men
advancing at the quick
in lines of skirmishers
at abt 3 yds interval &
25 to 30 yds distance
between the two lines in
each wave & 70yds betw
Tho' m.g. fire ws
then very heavy there
were prac. no casualties


till hill crest ws reached.
(the Bde ^Boundary alteration amountd
only to 60 or 70 yds in all).
To the right of Crepy Wood
ws a smaller wood with a
deep ravine ^or pond, filled w water
& a factory in it. This
they called Factory Wood.
Between / hill crest &
this wood / casualties
from were ^fairly heavy
& / subsequent capture
o / wood by outflanking it
/ casualties were heavy.
Both flanks went round
it by rushes. Then a L.G.
from left flank ws brought to
bear on / wood & / Germ. 


m.g. fire finished.
Beyond this wood
were a few old trenches
& on reaching these
Hastie & Ricketson estab.
a combined H Qrs in / wood
& tadi  reorganised
the Coys in these trenches
A message ws sent
tt thro heavy casualties
& resistance they had
reached this place & were
held up. They got contact
w 9 on left & 6 on right
both similarly held up.
Reports from Bn H.Q.
reported tt 9Bn had gained
their objve. A runner
Hastie & R. cd see tt 9Bn 



see message in Bn diary re
pocket in "large" wood still
holding out — & rt of Blue
line not held by 9 Bn.
were held up & not on
objve & sent a runner
to 9 Bn HQrs where Col
Mullins confirmed them
& sd. his men were held
up W of the objve. They
were only part ^of / way  thro'
Crepy wood & there were there ^near E edge of wood; these mgs
wh held 9Bn had
enfilade fire over 5Bn
front also.

Diagram - see original document
By this time Hasties'
Coy had lost besides Lt Corlette
xxxx  (hit in leg on 9 Aug
by shellfire) & Lt Barber
(hit by shell in stomach at
/ same time as Corlette on
9 Aug) – Lt Maunsell K.
near Factory Wood by bullet 


— leaving him only Lt
Volum: Ricketson had
lost Lt Robinson wd
in forearm w a bullet
& at / same time Lt Tavener hit in abdomen
before reaching factory wood
another officer abt / same
place –  leaving him
Lts kir wood & Bechevaise
(both of whom got M.C.)
This ws all for
this day except / tremendous
air activity by our planes
which brought down or
drove off every German
plane wh tried to interfere
The air force ws working splendidly
tt day – we lost 2 or 3 but
one of our men brought down
3 germs within a few minutes. 


The two support Coys of
5Bn Cx were very tired &
were not called on this
day (Aug 10) & not put in
up there. The line had
brought up in those trenches
abt 9-10 am.
In aftn the line ws
taken on by creeping up
a Sunken Rd abt 100
yds to old es French
trenches. The hilltop ws
too flat to see the County
beyond –  all old cut up
grassy trenches & shell
holes - in front On tthes
tod to left ws Crepy
Wood & open county plateau
–  in front ws the Wood
before Lihons. You cd see 

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