Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/196/1 - August 1918 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
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Dh 1st after 6Bn hed crossed St Denis Wood & were in the Ravine ahead of it, pAT B loys 8Bn with a tenk (which worked l for pmoners out of vood-here ws am auti tout tun in to wood but to all Tamun ws here it neverfired a shot at te tenk. It we found quite clean. The tank ws sprayed wi. bullets but wd heave up each side alternatel + bloge into them - greatty pleny our men - keepsy outside of wood wh w very dense - I went back 7 little sockwarke ought bullet marks
everalmp also were taken t The support time w In the toague & Ndown on Eedse of St Martins wd. the man valley. Te OBn we on Edge crest o further slope. Until night there were still Germ between these two fermy onto bok live abeedof teem & I line in rear. The ferman even had a granaten werfor fering from the t gally back outs the tongue of high land. So far te Cy of 8Bn had been mopping up in Support. Now it ws order sap in order to link s0 up the rt of 6 Bn with At left of Argy11 & S.H.
to time C.O. of SBn Ccot chelad no idea where At LH. were, nor even Exactly where 6Bn were tho their gent objve ws known. Mitchell had an dea to ky were on their objoc - you co only tell by the noise of rgs E riflee (cap [Go) gave a general direction. Metchell ( Temple had fone up to see where his own tine was & see to it ws in tright posit whws mainly in o trends you co abt hove lived on top, digging in – co only link up & found to the 6Bn w not in touch. The only
comant wd be sound the gully N. ofthe fork & the feri ws still in pockets there. Mitchill's orders were to pash in in Suppt of OBn wherever and whenever he considered it advisable. so before the oder to link up on Iet arrived, he had ordered Rt Coy to betih gain connection with S Ba & the Scottis on right. This Coy was sent wundlythe gully into the farfork & first met germans in Herlevitt bood & t4 +5 woods beyond it. They had to clear each of this woods
(as they were getting fire from Lrt]. In one wood (o05) t From there two very depute & deep ofd French trind ran due E up the Eside of pall. The coy worked up these till they saw 6 Bme abt 31BO.5. & clsath cot same generaltone further I. They afterwoo connected up along the trenches on the top on the to side with the Setts. Co. I Temple walker Alvay & had take to Scottit o tere. These Scottich were Great people to wanderoer our times, & very willing fihters.
Fh fa thus had two Coys in pont line – one att gooyds over Bn boundary on N. just in I trenches in pont of Raleanwood; the other to abt 200 yds over bounder on the Toutern End of Bde. No Gattack There we gos a small advance on night of Auyra in conjucte w Scots to make exact tive of 1 objet. Bott on 24 & 25 Aug. thene As gas shelling in early mf. but on 25 Aug this was the Leaviest barrye COhat. Ever seen. It laster some
hours - ferman Ws probt unloading Every shell he had - & Every H.E-shell had gus in it. No Shrapnel all NE.& Cas. The germans at een of this shelling were trrowing forward Everytin into the ravine. The whole of 8Bn except what ws in line as there & Ba H.D. Every Pignaller Except one operator ws gassed. Two horses were passed bringing ap rations If I germen had attected on top of this it wd have been next to impossible to resest him. The total losses were 1offrs 249 00. for whole tour of wh more than
half were passed. Nighe 925/26 8Bn took over line from 6 On and on afternoon of 25 & A &at hight the ryat loy & Scots ado anad tt green line - a little opposite - one post only worried Aloy. The night folly. Au 26) 8Bn ws relieved by SK Dwn (38Bn) It hadbn undecided whether 56 or 30 shd relieve them
16 Lhous Br. DeCiained Auy7 at Hangest. &otn Stis March Bellittes Bertencourt 7/3. Ag 8 marched to Aubigny. 8/9 stayed at Aubynz in begs - a little odd information from passing ofrs. Had no Idea they were goin to attack. 7th at Gam moved from Aubyny - Be moved to Bayonvellers. - 20 oter orders. Near Bayonville C.O. Stopper Bn for lunch? Zode 5 Bde H.O. Co. Jot back in hurried orders to
(Conat pom nent sage One of thesr germs. educd at Oxford who hadn trying to be cp for g mats tot Lerge kelle of thy were rashe down from depets bebe ines e n apt an busies. Veey got out of their buases this ig& deplayed but were afonce recaled & brought gound & sut in apso 1austrains Most of them seemeg to felles in durg 1 night Cog This yuwhen takken 5d bie know our lines. authrs were there; when tol it ws 1 firt Awithe diiry be sd pupossible - They were melerca? ip farowgr X & 50

on / rt after 6 Bn had
crossed St Denis Wood &
were in the Ravine ahead
of it, x A & B Coys 8 Bn
with a tank (which worked
splendidly) got 50 prisoners
out o / wood.  There ws an
anti tank gun in tt wood
but tho all / ammn ws there
it never fired a shot at the
tank.  It ws found quite clean.
The tank ws sprayed w mg.
bullets but wd heave up
each side alternately &
blaze into them - greatly
pleasing our men - keeping an
f outside o / wood wh ws
very dense - & went back
pockmarked w / little
bright bullet marks. 


several also were
taken there.
The support line ws
on the tongue & N down
the main valley ^on E edge of St Martins wd.  The 6 Bn
ws on / edge crest o /
further slope.  Until night
there were still Germs
between these two firing
onto both / line ahead of
them & / line in rear.
The German even had a
granaten werfer firing
from the E gully back onto
the tongue of highland.
So far the rt Coy of
8 Bn had been mopping up
in support.  Now it ws ordered
sent up in order to link
up the rt of 6 Bn with
left of Argyll & S.H. at 


tt time C.O. of 8 Bn (Col
Mitchell) had no idea where
A & LH. were, nor even
exactly where 6 Bn were
tho' their genl objve ws 
known.  Mitchell had an
idea tt they were on their
objve - you cd only tell
by the noise of mgs &
rifles (esp L.Gs) gave a general
direction.  Mitchell (& Temple)
had gone up to see where
his own line was & see tt
it ws in / right positn
(wh ws mainly in old trenches
- you cd not have lived on /
top, digging in - cd only link up)
& found tt the 6 Bn ws
not in touch.  The only 


commn wd be round the
gully N. of the fork & the Germ
ws still in pockets there.
Mitchell's orders were to
push in in suppt of 6 Bn
wherever & whenever he
considered it advisable.
So before the order to link
up on / rt arrived, ordr
he had ordered Rt coy to
gain connection with between the
6th Bn & the Scotties on /
right.  this Coy was sent
round by the gully into the 
far fork & first
Diagram, see original document
met germans in Herliville
wood & in [[less?]] 4 & 5 woods
beyond it.  They had to
clear each of these woods


(as they were getting fire from
/ rt).  In one wood (No 5)
they got 45 Germans.
From there two very
definite & deep old French trenches
ran due E up the E side o /
gully.  The coy worked up
these till they saw 6 Bn.
abt 31 B 0.5. & cd see the 
Scots on / same general line
further S.  They afterwds
connected up along the
trenches on the top on the
E side with the Scots.
C.O. & Temple walked along &
had a talk w / Scottish offr
there.  These Scottish were
great people to wander over
our lines, & very willing


8th Bn then had two
coys in front line - one
abt 400 yds over Bn
boundary in N. just
in / trenches in front of
Plateau wood; the other to
abt 200 yds over boundary
on the Southern End o /
No C/attack.
There ws gog a small
advance on night of Aug 24
in conjunction w Scots to make
exact line of  / objvt.
Both on 24 & 25 Aug. there
ws gas shelling in early mg.
but on 25 Aug this was the
heaviest barrage CO had
ever seen. It lasted some


hours - German ws probly
unloading every shell he
had - & every H.E. shell
had gas in it. No shrapnel
all H.E & Gas.
The Germans at / end
of this shelling were throwing
everything into the ^forward ravine.
The whole of the 8 Bn except 
what ws in / lin ws there
& Bn H.Q. Every signaller
except one operator ws
gassed. Two horses
gassed bringing up rations.
If / German had attacked
on top of this it wd have
been next to impossible
to resist him. The total
losses were 7 offrs 249 or. for
whole tour of wh more than


half were gassed.
Night of 25/26 8 Bn
took over line from 6 Bn;
& on tt night and on afternoon of 26th Aug the eight coy 
& Scots advanced to /
green line - a little
opposite - one post only
worried A coy.
The night follg -
(Aug 26) 8 Bn ws relieved
by xxxx 5th Divn. (30 Bn).
[It had bn undecided whether
56 or 30 shd relieve them].


5th Bn - Lihous.
Detrained Aug 7 at Hangest. & other Stns
Billetted Bertencourt 7/8
Aug 8 mached to Aubigny
8/9 stayed at Aubigny
in bldgs - a little old information
from passing offrs. Had no
idea they were going to
9th at 9am moved
from Aubiqny - to moved
to Bayouvillers - no
other orders. Near Bayouvillers
C.O. stopped Bn for lunch;
rode to Bde H.Q. Co. got
back w hurried orders to


(cont from next page) One of these Germs, educd at
Oxford who had bn trying to be captd for 9 months
told Sergt Kelly tt they were marked down for depots
behind / lines & rushed in agst / Canadians
in busses. They got out of their busses this
mg & deployed but were at once recalled
& brought round & put in agst / Australians.
Most of them seem to filter in durg / night thro
own lines. This youngster man when taken sd he knew
/ Austrlns were there; when told it ws / first
Austrln divn he sd "Impossible - They were
up around Eritreia".
finish lunch. 7&8 w)
attack 5 supporting 7, 6
supporting 8.
5Bn moved well right
of Vauvillers & trying to get
trench w 7 Bn wh had got
their orders earlier & were
out of touch ahead.
In trying to get up in
touch to them 5 Bn had
some pretty heavy casualties
at the X rds just S. of
Vauvillers - from shell fire -
Uncertain if this ws direct
Pushed on w 2 line front
Coys to a positn abt 200.
300 yds in red of 7 objve.
The rt coy under Maj Hastie
met no direct oppositn but

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