Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/196/1 - August 1918 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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19 the firs had a batter in the quarry in 283. But at These were firing direct - but abt I time when the Hospitel DS taken they palled out with their ceans & Tot away - they Were 4.28. Those on hill were 7s. Abb 27 Centrat there was a tank burning. this ws a whippet - this ws the purtest ap tenk wh CO. SBn Sew. About 5 pm. One coy of t Bn (whe ws in close support near the tank in 27 central) moved out on its own inctiative &
2 began to continue] arvance towards the red line. This ws made by Section rushes Abuost from the Start. At I same time the loys of Bn in I from lie worke of comm up trenches ie wh te were. Campbedont left worked uphill to the S.E of the Quarry right apand or I gaws wh were at abt 29BO.&. just begond 1ro1 red, line they shot down the Junners from there. & the teams Te ferms managed to get one gan away but 8 Bn got t of them shooting
gunners & Tteams. The guns were still firing when themen got onts him to mos. & rifles. The line went foud right to red line & into the Arbre Coin de Bois, benn refused on I right to meet canadious abt Ecuitt Att check while our men were consolidaty ferius gattacher just at the Arbre Coudu Bois. This attack came over the open in lines – att $3000600 of them Onr gans got onto them & the welled away & ranback tho' trenches. Thes Detonly cattack.
Att Losan Jerus triet to Sneak men down I trech to his guns to get them away by hand. These men were seen close to 1 gus & were driven off. We then had to puta detached postoutly I guns. The rext mg the 5th & 61 Bn went two the 8Bn pout & 3rdBde to te 7n ports by day light ( 8 am.). Sn expected to see the 15th Bde onGreen live. Ofrs K. 2/1 parkin we wd early in the fight & wo bit be a shell Abt 15 Bde tine goig back & kelled
D Dyer MM Ds hit near Tank in 27 Coull. &K Kere. yuy on Iraid. & viat ao to on the Rebliit just as thy jot 5 it, near the juns. He ws suiped to Campbellus hear. Ploy) Couly offrleft. wheneser an off moved on to day he ws shot. Wd. F.L.A. Blackman (Coy Comndr. of 2 Coy wt hit in 4 plices Aloy by shell - curiy I finish of on tell Lytt. Blackman carried ext day out w, still away wd t Power (same Coy) wt hut at I same Stage. W Macfadyen (sawecoy) ws het at I sawe Stog. Mral K. Bley (Boarke wd during 5-6pm stage of fight. I wieks wd abt passing hospital
24 & Powell ws wd after passing 15 Bde- This was all 10frs of Coy Ex Campbell. Cy. Supporting I. B.L Capt Fox ws severely tod at the hospitel. & Dyer K. Witterden bd on the Bloz. net live & Edmonds wd abt helf way. 4 Carkin Keller Coy omid os were lost to day.
84 Bn Herlevitte EBnw in suppt to 6 B moston at of Rd. Hws not alld to for ahead of the 2d Sc of the factory. They were apsain of ferman barrage - (the time of it had been frequently notice which ws betw to ed & port line. It ws anticipated barrage might fall quictly cateh the supports mass there. At Zero PBnadod as directed in very shallow columns. The Jerman barray, tis comedown & we intense Inpassing throdh
Capt Johnston one o1 original nen of Bn ws K. &so ws H L.C. White, MH. whe ws another on genal macisious 1 day before. Abr 30 casualties were suffered be this barreye. I as a line of stells - abt 300 yds deep only The Doctor of PBn - Cept OShea (now D.S.O for this) with Sig Offr. & L.G. offr went up before fight to our otd port line where troops had to be with drawn fy Wer befove Zero to let our barrage fall behind it. They went there to as to be readg for the advance. The moment our line passed they were in positi
By 9 cm. Dloy of 8Bn ws fighting on left of OBn. Teyhad b doing so pretty well allt way ICoy began to get into fight when the bend of main road into 1 juelly tos reached. There ws a lot of oppositi & the 5 Bn Plank had a gap in it & ws terestem from St Martens Wood. (A tank gin ws in the Penkin Rd Just N of the main Rd before Enlim ulz. Every wood had a tauk gun in it; pretty well joing across the tongue haped platean betw the two
forks of fully DCoy had a very stiff time. The E bauk of the far gully is Ligher F commands it & Ibarrye Ws much faster than [troops tho tanks were still workin with them. The loy Comandt. A Findlay wsk. as thy came over! top Ol toague &nd attempted to cross road. This left to Joynt O Me Girn with this Coy. Platean Wood on t far stope was tolding up 5 Bn. & left of SBa. Megenn worked his pl apt old trench System on for side of g endfull & surreended this wood 70 pusoners there. & sot

the Germans had a battery 
in the quarry in 28B. 
But at These were firing 
direct - but abt / time 
when the Hospital ws taken 
they pulled out with their 
teams & got away - they 
were 4.2s. Those on / hill
were 77s.
Abt 27 central there 
was a tank burning - 
this ws a whippet - this 
ws the furthest up tank 
wh C.O. 8Bn saw.
About 5 p.m. one 
coy of 6 Bn (wh ∧ Bn ws in 
close support near the tank 
in 27 central) moved out 
on its own initiative &


began to continue / 
advance towards the red line. This ws 
made by section rushes 
almost from the start. 
At / same time the Coys of 
8 Bn in / front line worked 
up / ∧ old commn trenches in wh they 
were. Campbell on / 
left worked uphill to the 
S.E. of the quarry right 
up and on / guns wh were 
at ab 29 B 0.4 just 
beyond / rd & / red line.
They shot down the gunners 
from there & the teams. 
The Germans managed to 
get one gun away but 
8 Bn got 5 of them shooting


/ gunners & / teams. 
The guns were still firing 
when the our men got onto them 
w & rifles. The 
line went forward right to / 
red line & into the Arbre 
Coin du Bois, being 
refused on / right to meet 
/ Canadians abt 4 centl.
Abt dusk while our 
men were consolidating / 
Germans c/attacked just at 
the Arbre Coin du Bois. This 
attack came over the open 
in lines -abt 300 or 400 of them. 
Our guns got onto them & they 
melted away & ran back 
into trenches.
This ws / only c/attack.


Abt 10pm / Germs tried 
to sneak men down / trench 
to his guns to get them away 
by hand. These men were 
seen close to I guns & were 
driven off. We then had to 
put a detached post out by 
/ guns.
The next mg. the 5th & 6th 
Bn went thro the 8 Bn 
post, & 3rd Bde thro the 
7 Bn front, by plain daylight (8.30 
8 Bn expected to see the 
15th Bde on / green line.
Offrs K.. 2/Lt Larkin ws wd 
early in the fight & ws hit by 
a shell abt 15 Bde line going back. 
& killed.


Lt Dyer MM ws hit near /
tank in 27 centl. & k there - 
lying on / road.
Lt Vial ws k. on the Red line 
just as they got to it, near 
the guns. He ws sniped thro / 
head. (D Coy) Campbell ws 
/ only offr left. 
Whenever an offr moved on tt day he ws shot.
Wd. Lt L.A. Blackman. (Coy Comndr.) 
A Coy. of rt Coy ws hit in 4 places 
by shell - during / finish o / 
fight. Blackman carried on till 
next day but is still away wd. 
Lt Power (same Coy) ws hit 
at / same stage.
Lt Macfadyen (same Coy)
ws hit at / same stage. 
D Coy. Lt Veal k.
Lt Bourke wd during 5-6 pm
stage of fight.
Lt Wicks wd abt passing /


Lt Sorrell ws wd aftere passing
15 Bde.
This was all / offrs of
D Coy exc Campbell.
C Coy. Supporting D.
(O.C.) Capt Fox ws severely wd
at the hospital.
Lt Dyer k.
B. Coy. Lt Whitherden wd on the
red line
Lt Edmonds wd abt
half way.
Lt Larkin killed
2 Coy Commdrs were lost
tt day.


8th Bn Herleville.
8 Bn ws in sppt to 6 Bn
mostly on rt of Rd.
It ws not alld to form
ahead of the rd S. of the
factory. They were afraid
of German barrage - (the
line of it had been frequently
noticed - ) which ws betw tt rd
& front line. It ws anticipated
barrage might fall quickly
& catch the support massed
Germs At Zero 8 Bn advd
as directed in very shallow
columns. The German barrage
did come down & ws
intense. In passing thro it


Capt Johnston ws one o /
original men o / Bn ws
K. & so ws Lt L.C. White, MM,
who ws another original
commisioned / day before. Abt
30 casualties were suffered
in this barrage. It ws a line
of shells - abt 300 yds deep
The Doctor of 8 Bn - Capt
O'Shea (now D.S.O for this) with
Sig Offr. & L.G. Offr went up
before fight to our old front
line where troops had to be
withdrawn ¼ hr before zero
to let our barrage fall behind
it. They went there so as to
be ready for the advance.
The moment our line passed
they were in positn.


By 9 am. D Coy of
8 Bn ws fighting on left of
6 Bn. They had bn doing so
pretty well all / way.
D Coy began to get into /
fight when the bend o / main
road into / gully ws reached.
There ws a lot of oppositn
& the 6 Bn flank had a 
gap in it & ws threatened
from St Martins Wood. (A tank
gun ws in the Sunken Rd just
N of the Main Rd before entering
/ gully. Every wood had a 
tank gun in it, pretty well.
Diagram, see original
Going across the tongue
shaped plateau betw the two


forks of / gully D Coy had a
very stiff time. The E bank
of the far gully is higher &
commands it & / barrage
ws much faster than / troops
tho' / tanks were still
working with them. The Coy
Commndr. Lt Findlay ws k.
as they came over / top o /
tongue & attempted to cross /
road. This left Lts Joynt &
McGinn with this Coy.
Plateau Wood on tt far slope
was holding up 5 Bn. & left of
5 Bn. McGinn worked his
pln up / old trench system on
/ far side of / g 2nd gully,
& surrounded this wood.
& got 70 prisoners there.

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