Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/196/1 - August 1918 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
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markings etc on it. Undoabled if toBn ever gotaits. Lehous his thewhih Wetchell w still beyond it out in pontlive. Here were till germans in Lehous- and even when Metchell ts going out of line to night on relief (alte parties In searcheny all day D hs darted out down a C.T. abt 800 Zds ahead of the Halte scootedlipe frightene cats away to I flank. Co. had his pistot out but disht fire so surpried All troops had ws he.
10 to be worned to they night still meetfermans on way up to back from poutline - there were so many oto dugouts Ply St men were lost in fetteng hehous. Holding it cost 90. Fomabt om on the ferms were constantly creepay up to cattack by vomber & bombay Ds jony on till the dcteal relief we taking place to night. Capt Campbell who wo ad diring advance a teft got a DSO for Augg t Lowday ws hil this day also - on lett Dloy.
8Br Aug 9. Start near V/13. o only had orders to march - met 607 Atter getting thio V/IS. Had ao idea of what order bns wd be used- went tows Warfsce; on the main road Urich wult witchell & gave him a meap (gn tim by fen Heane) with objc marked on it thimt - they wod be required to Attack to mg. with 7By on left & 675 in support. The map had been
marked in devisinal agrs - one for sech En. Gen Heave, ws at Dun at time; he saw alreck & gave them to him. Ulrich galloper On & faol them to the Co. te way betw NBt Warperie the Br broke & marched in arty formati of phis across country to S of Bayonvillers tethr Stop once straight tho to S of Harboamere to forming up line in Sg.W. 10 W16 (8pn) hd not had a call for a confes
1 W Gent. Heave just before this while Bn advancin. He told them they wd have 14 tenks betw the 2 Bus each & a section of English guns. Fomin up posite ws behiend the Lanken Rd. 8n passed over this informatin on Starty The Bus were suppd to be in posite by 1 but it bs plop before starter Everytiig had to be done on move - a coufee t loy comandos had be held on the move - they waling besie C.[
221 In troops were abt hr restry at Dssembly positi. C.B. arranged with tanks – they t the objoe warkw. The tanks e a screen of scouts to tell them abt any opposite & the Bn in rear in shallow cotumns, in two times of Companys 4 Tauts Scouts ws supposed to The arty
meet te C.O. butnessse him at assembly positi. Teir Observer. However found him (on the road where Mardack & Dniet Mitchell - just before the. 15 Bdw ws thro 19B& C desgonally to the nt After passing thoo them SBa began to come under very byy range my. fire. Tere had be no trouble to there from guns firm direct. The tanks were keeping direct & all an well.
16. tiio) About on the road from Vanvillers (not V Rossine) they came under direct fire fom guns at Bois de Crepy & Mg. fire from Rosieres station. Two tanks were hit at once just before reaching His rd Nofrly. Jnfy broke iito small columns of Sections & continued I advance. Another tank wh crossed to deal wI mgs. -the scouts directed them to her rifler to the mg. near Rosieres Itn - ws hit near Prty abt help way to the german my post.
7 He shell barst inside & probly k all the crew. This taak burnt. Four tenks were left. safy rapitly broke up into trues of Skermishus on regular poutags. advancing by small ruches & io dividuals pashey ahead whereon thad cooer. T fire of the guus at Bois de Crepy never Stackems till the junners were Actually thot down. The enemy, on the ridge in 22 6rd were Colbny 7Ba ap. Capt Compbell of Dby Cleft covy worked roun the
german hospital I [ot his Coy round to the lef into 22C & Enfiladed test ferms & enabled 7Bn to get ahead. Campbell got a D.S.D. for this work. The fermans were veiy the old trenches in this part & had splendis coow - here ws titlle cover on I plai S.W of it - the trench Tystem seemed to be on &over the hill. The 8Bn reachw a line X28 centrel, ₤4 Acentral At the begining of attack

markings etc on it.
Undoubtedly if 10 Bn
ever got into Lihons this
wd be while Mitchell ws
still beyond it out in
front line. There were
still germans in Lihons -
and even when Mitchell
were going out of / line tt
night on relief (all the parties
had bn searching all day)
5 Germs darted out
down a C.T. abt 800
yds ahead of the "Halte"
& scooted like frightened
cats away to / flank. C.O.
had his pistol out but
didnt fire so surprised
ws he.. All troops had 


to be warned tt they
night still meet Germans
on / way up to & back
from / front line - there
were so many old
Only 30 men were lost
in getting Lihons . Holding
it cost 90. From abt
1 pm on the Germs were
constantly creeping up
to c/attack by bombing
& bombing ws going on
till the actual relief ws
taking place tt night.
Capt Campbell who ws
wd during / advance w left
Coy got a DSO for Aug 9.
Lt Lowday ws hot this day also - on left D Coy. 


8 Bn Aug 9.
Start near V/B.
C.O only had orders
to march - met 6 & 7
After getting thro V/B.
Had no idea of what
order Bns wd be used -
went towds Warfusee;
on the main road Ulrich
met Mitchell & gave him
a map (gn him by Gen Heane)
with objve marked on it
thimt told him tt
they wd be required to
attack tt mg. with 7 Bn
on left & 6 & 5 in support.
The map had been 


marked in divisional
hqrs - one for each Bn.
Gen Heane, ws at Divn
at / time; he saw
Ulrich & gave them to
him. Ulrich galloped
on & gave them to the C.Os.
½ way betw V/B &
Warfusee the Bn broke &
marched in arty formatn
of plns across country
to S of Bayonvillers.
- didnt stop once
straight tho to S of Harbonniere
to forming up line in S9.W. 10
(7) W16 (8 Bn). They C.O. had
just had a call for a confce 


w Genl Heane just before
this while Bn advancing.
He told them they wd have
14 tanks betw the 2 Bns
7 each; & a section of
English guns. Foming up
positn ws behind the Sunken
Rd. 8 Bn passed over
this in formatn on starting.
The Bns were suppd to
be in positn by 1 but it
ws 1.40 pm before started.
[Everything had to be done
on / move - a confce
w Coy Commdrs had to
be held on the move - they
walking beside C.O] 


8 Bn troops were abt ½
hr resting at assembly
positn. C.O. arranged
with tanks – they
the objve marked. The
tanks sd they required
a screen of scouts to
tell them abt any oppositn
& the Bn in rear in shallow
columns, in two times of
C     B     -   -
B     A    -    -
Tanks scouts
The arty ws supposed to 


meet the C.O. but missed
him at / assembly positn.
Their observer. However
found him (on the road
where Murdoch & I met
Mitchell - just before them.)
15 Bd w ws / thro
19B & C diagonally to the
Diagram - see original document
After passing thro them
8 Bn began to come under
very long range m.g. fire.
There had bn no trouble
to there from guns firing
direct. The tanks were
keeping directn & all
going well. 


About on the (first) road
^ Sth from Vauvillers (not V-Rosierse)
they came under direct
fire fom guns at Bois
de Crepy & m.g. fire from
Rosieres Station.
Two tanks were hit
at once just before reaching
this rd N of rly.
Infy broke into small
columns of sections &
continued / advance.
Another tank wh crossed
to deal w / -the
scouts directed them w their
rifles to the m.g. near
Rosieres Stn - ws hit
near / rly abt half
way to the German mg post. 


THe shell burst inside &
probly k all the crew.
This tank burnt.
Four tanks were left.
/ Infy rapidly broke up
into lines of skirmishes
on regular frontages.
advancing by small
rushes & individuals
pushing ahead wherever
they had cover. The
fire of the guns at Bois
de Crepy never slackend
till the gunners were
actually shot down.
The enemy on the
ridge in 22 b&d were
halting 7 Bn up.
Capt Campbell of D Coy
(left coy) worked round the 


german hospital & got
his Coy round to the
left into 22 C & Enfiladed
these Germs & enabled
7Bn to get ahead.
Campbell got a D.S.O. for
this work.
The Germans were using
the old trenches in this
part & had splendid
cover - there ws
little cover on / plain
S.W of it - the trench system
seemed to be on & over
the hill.
The 8 Bn reached
a line X 28 central, F4
A central
At the beginning of / attack 

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