Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/195/1 - August 1918 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
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the time Aft same Kroad the et took Cor heavy with two in 20 16men a nember of hospital Tot verenot orderlies - these 105 weh The in action. ahea throPl hit out bles to death I wit fast as they for Yose to he ws assoult Tis hit h rose teothers saw it first (as happens) got ap (Ta I same time at be seen before 60 ferms away this w gettin of their inss some V. strong It ws pasiti a 5 of the corner As Herad put wood little cametery erea a t wan were buriet memorial raisw Harris himself ws carried back by S.Bs. & burlied at Bayonvellers
2 It we now abt 4pm. The ganson (rd were still firmy & beyond range. 300040r away). The advance ws continued. had taken The et Coy wx the hospital in X21Cop & at 3.35pm reached troad bend at X28A 1.9St of the hospital & past the Krds. Tvey had little oppositin nothing like the left There ws only one large scale map per Coy. chons The Rosines Ed Ws leading the et Coy always further S. They were already woyds 5. of their
and an 60 8B had swerved Eight also. This meant faps & somty troops i left. The lett had also The whole heaver lost tinual ws a Co for of the sic p of drove still e 8gausc fermans shooten The lint Stro were a in abt positis fun oford of the E wooyds due Eof the hospital. Rd. Keny ws in pontof The 2t loy this. I had already asw all rifle funades the
only ground over wh the usual outflantion movements ao be made was very open -Gens were in trenches O. temfore ordered ap Dooy from att 20 the central - be co see at Coy in difficutties Apm D Coyjoined 5 Fowler comond. I 4 Tremnants & look over CaptOCownor hat FB. The rcomds of I 0 knockes early ba in actn before reaching hospital. By waig then rifte to grena 17 onto Old sunpits
Fowler sot all his rifh gunadurs together in a good posite Sof in a volley Coy enshed the junpits Caste under 3 et funudes almost as barrage). Mey took 3m pnsoners 20 he is The ferm. return along trunches foler tin we along same truches bombin 4 A 35 then had reache this way in ap (working first for time Xod a X 22131
This helped the Centre Cory. Te enemy in the ENE of this in ol pontoI centre coy, being abmost cut off; ran over top & the BBn That 50, & Capte 30 a number got away All Coys then pushe ferwd on this break occurring for tred line. By 5. the et flank was at X29 & a post ws estat A. 1.9 in an oto at X23 CS. 1. brench near a small treechump & two or three posts betw there & X17 C. 1.3. They were
24 now on fred line to I right For I first time we were now able to suipe at the batteries wh had bu firny on advance. The ferms were thick in a Copse in 23A mid in port of our posts (100 to 150yds away - in a trench remey Nr.S.) Probly they were trying to keep us off guns. The left Cogg ws still getting it from Jermsin & 98 10 where a lot of movement co be seen. The C.O. ordered the lef coy to make feriod to red line keeping a plu
always to cover their Ap flank. By abt 6 Bn. they reached a bin (& Estat. 2 posts) on the NE face of a small rise in X16B a little w of the road. This ws red the line. At 6.30 pm Jens C.alto the Centre abt the N of the X5d in 176 with abt 100 men out ws easily dearo with B L.Go At one time under cover cerms tind of my fire to get away the guns an N23) but the horses were shot down & guns were left. This ws before dark
29 23 ws trother be Coof nex t at t later for Br Before darke touch w obtained w8Bn. Ane Coy of S Bn tos called on to form a defensive flank as germs cd beseen moven all time in the ground N of the redline. This Coy of SBn ws sent soried to form a flank back towds Vanvellers. Theyr left got a little too farsored ws capts. & WMonison serms being in behw them. sut the 25 Bn came thro' abt 8.45. He tank of 25 Bn only got touch with the flank on the Sunken R'd. wh kept the IBn Coy in posito till nearly dawn it had t attack nex day.
p at 8.30 am Liice leav the men had only 1food they carried w them 41 Bations are still being officis arqued over because of the bron rations being catin that day). Abt 10 or 10.30 pm after dark the men pt a bot meal (on wheels almost to font line). At 5 am. one Coy ws taken from the et flank & placed on the Ceft to allow 5 Bn Cor to Wrh Mae The next by ws fine mest. to light d Bdepassed to take Che lun. 8 am at each man took Ok Aug 9th 48 his rations. 220do is 4 amun makes were sent behind their Coys ap (movn getting into the one male

Abt / same time the
rt Coy took the X roads
in 20 B with two heavy
TMs & 16 men a number of hospital
orderlies - these were not 

in action. They got well
hit thro / leg - but
bled to death. It ws
just as they rose for
/ assault tt he ws
hit - This pln rose
first - the others saw it
(as happens) & got up
at / same time (The
Germs cd be seen before
this getting away w
some of their
It ws a v. strong positn
[At / S. corner of this
little wood Herod put in
Cemetery, where abt
50 47 men were buried & a
memorial raised]
Harris himself ws carried back
by S.Bs. & buried at Bayonvillers.


It ws now abt 4 pm.
The guns on / rd were
still firing & beyond range.
(3000 yds away).
The advance ws continued.
The rt Coy took had taken the hospital
in X 21 C or D & at 3.35 pm
reached / road bend at
X 28 A 1.9 S.E of the
hospital & past the X rds.
They had little oppositn
- nothing like the left.
There ws. only one
large scale map per Coy.
The Rosieres Lihons Rd ws
leading the rt Coy always
further S. They were
already 700 yds S. of their


boundary, & 8 Bn
had swerved right
also. This meant gaps
& scanty troops on /
left. The left had also
lost heavily. The whole
aftn ws a continual
drone of & the 
8 guns were still
shooting. The Germans
were strong in a line
of old gun positns abt
400 yds due E of the
Rd Xing E of the hospital.
The rt Coy ws in front of
this. it had already used
all rifle grenades & the 


only ground over wh
the usual outflanking
movements cd be made
was very open - / Germs
were in trenches.
C.O. therefore ordered
up D Coy. from abt 20
central - he cd see the rt
Coy in difficulties - at
4 pm D Coy joined B.
Lt Fowler commd. D
& took over / remnants
of B. [The Capt O Connor Commandr of B had
bn knocked early in /
actn before reaching /
hospital.] By using
rifle grenades they got
into / old gunpits - 


Fowler got all his
rifle grenadiers together
in a good positn -
Got in a volley & /
Coy rushed the gunpits
under it (using rifle
grenades almost as 
barrage). They took
3 mgs & 20 prisoners
The Germ. retired along
trenches & we folld him
along / same trenches by
bombing. At 4.35 they
had reached in this way
(working up trenches for first
time) X rds in X 22 B1.4. 


This helped the centre
Coy. The enemy in the
old trenches ENE of this in
front o / centre coy, being
almost cut off, ran
over / top & the 7 Bn
shot 50, & captd 30 &
a number got away.
All Coys then pushed
forwd in this break occurring
for / red line. By 5.5
the rt flank was at X29
A.1.9 & a post ws estab
at X23 c.5.1 in an old
trench near a small tree clump.
& two or three posts betw
there & X17 c.1.3. They were 


now on / red line to
/ right.
For / first time we
were now able to snipe
at the batteries wh had
bn firing on / advance.
The Germs were thick in
a copse in 23A imd
in front of our posts (100 to
150 yds away - in a trench
running N & S.) Probly they were
trying to keep us off / guns.
The left Coy ws still getting it
from Germs in X 9 & 10 where
a lot of movement cd be
seen. The C.O. ordered the
left coy to make forwd to
/ red line keeping a pln 


Diagram. See original document
always to cover their
left flank. By abt 6
pm. they reached a line
(& estab. 2 posts) on the
NE face of a small
rise in X 16 B a little
W of the road. This ws
the red line.
At 6.30 pm Germs
c.attd the centre abt the
N of the X rd in 17 C with
abt 100 men but ws
easily dealt with by L.G.
At one time under cover
of m.g. fire / Germs tried
to get away the guns in
X 23 but the horses were
shot down & guns were
left. This ws before dark.


Lt H F Morison
x his brother ws k. later.
(prob: next day).
Diagram. See original document 

before dark touch ws
obtained w 8 Bn.
One Coy of 5 Bn
ws called on to form a defensive
flank as / Germs cd be seen
moving all / time in the
ground N. of the red line.
This Coy of 5 Bn ws sent
forwd to form a flank back
towds Vauvillers - Their
left got a little too far forwd
& Lt HC Morrison ws captdx. /
Germs being in behind them.
But the 25 Bn came thro'
abt 8.45. The Flank of
25 Bn only got touch with
the flank on the Sunken Rd
wh kept the 5 Bn Coy in

positn till nearly dawn
- it had to attack next


Since leaving at 8.30 am
the men had only / food
they carried w them.
(411 rations are still being officially
argued over because of
the iron rations being eaten
that day).
Abt 10 or 10.30 pm after
dark the men got a hot
meal (on wheels almost
to / front line) At 5 am. one
[* 10 Aug*] → coy ws taken from the rt flank &
placed on the left to allow 5 Bn Coy to
The next mg ws fine
w light mist.
3rd Bde passed thro
at 8 am. to take Blue line.
On Aug 9th each man took

in 220 rds & 48 hrs rations.
4 ammn mules were sent
up (moving behind their Coys
- one mule getting into the 



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Loretta CorbettLoretta Corbett
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