Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/195/1 - August 1918 - Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AWM3S Official History, 1974-18 War: Records of CE W Bean, Official Historian. Diaries and Notebooks Hem number: 3DR1606/79517 Title: Notebook, August 1978 includes references to the 2nd, 6th and Sth Battalions, Pozicres, Linons and Herleville. AWMISS-SDRLCOGH9SH
58 2X 35 33 2 5 3 000 honsHeli OBn CCoy Lshons 14 donot pRotostat 3i 232
Bnlozsere 7 HhonS. Herlin OBri C Coy Lehous 14 do not photvstat
Pacres. irattar At bfhg 9C Coyen Herod Ba Saw Gibratton ahead? It looked dangerous Patrots had gong out to willage across road. He sent waterhouse out thro [houses & round (back of house f right with te men Herod himself with 3 men you at it from the pont. Water house rushed it from 16ack. There were found 3mgs mounted - one 1ook as shewn (heae were. brought out) Waterhouse Herod ae & some muly e to 4. 3offes. 3ogers &one sent actuall were found inside Mey setr gan. of the 13 Whoue n on ie of Aug 9.7Bn lept. O174 (N of &. bict. by Fouilloy) at 8.30 am. They marche to main road & across country br a march route chosen by CO. toSoutskerts of Bayonvillers - reasl there abt 12.30 pm. Only 10 mins here time to park ppt & anship t Gs. from wagons. Then offagain Sof road in battle formation (in art fomatin - this part of cousty being shelled) S of Harbouncers & assembler for attack S of Harb. pickr up There the the tanks & drritley which
were to go forward them. 2 guns were told off to each allacking Bn. 7Bn had a section 78Bns 189 Anny Bde CBly of R.F.A. Orders for adict had b recd. onProad - order to go to Bde HA came verally E.O. -be told Ba to go & W26 Bde HErs ws nlar CO. Ken wd Guillancourt. insted to attach with 8 Br from green line (at had already on attacke by 15 Bde - it ws supposed to attack in place of 2 Bde at 11 am)
(end tank Bn 6 tanks our end ig so 1Sectoo &Secto ter allo the to Bn At 12.15 C.O. regoind Bn S of Bayonvellers. They had just reachis there; he went on to them to So Harb. Tey assembled in Sumken Rdsin W tank, arty. 5 of Haib. oy Comidrs were cale of Hero OThe Explaind together by to them what they had to do. Rly line ws 2o Bdy gridlin Low and S. o vanvellers ws left Bdy 7Bn ws to make food
from road Hawervelle S0 lowds Lhous as a Monlin Favre matter of fact 1 oed line ws just short of the hoad exploctation N0 at 7.50 they pushe Tanks. had each a line of A& B the port. acroas scouts 150 ds behind Tanks Scouts 150yds belien 2ling Coys formatin art Canks his of seations.
The two supporting Coys followed at 500 yds distance in arty formatio of plations Brtt. G. moved belw the two support Coys. Arty 500 y da in rear of Support Coys. So they moved from tr Sanken Rd. depuite they knew nothing of our own pont exc. that 5 Blewere supposed to be on gien line. nor anything of Enemys disposition ahead
as So they pasted out into blue. the Te gens cdnt Sec till ty topper a bit them of a rish in 18400 From there it ws perfectl flat till they Deacher the up slope quite close to the obie When they than this they came underarty Ie fire from 2 blies him direct from the objective from the very road. ferman plans were air & stayed 3o minutes. an
4 boub were droppw ty caused them a few Easualties Oz these be ing. planes Fedl went n6 end cn away driven away. no Cooperation Here fies planes 20 our with our 1 start gans. Fom Onwards seen of the 2 ws Nothing when Funs attacher Dentot sonts were them (as soon as Co. for key open I cans Saw Te found cdnot be be seen firing i ed e

Official History,
1914-18 War: Records of C E W Bean,
Official Historian.
Diaries and Notebooks
Item number: 3DRL606/195/1
Title: Notebook, August 1918
Includes references to the 2nd, 6th and 8th
Battalions, Pozieres, Lihons and Herleville.


7th BN

Lihons - Herleville
6 Bn C Coy Lihons
do not
Original     Diary No. 195
AWM38      3 DRL.606  ITEM 195 [1]
THE use of these diaries and notes is subject to conditions laid down in the terms
of gift to the Australian War Memorial. But, apart from those terms, I wish the
following circumstances and considerations to be brought to the notice of every
reader and writer who may use them.
These writings represent only what at the moment of making them I believed to be
true. The diaries were jotted down almost daily with the object of recording what
was then in the writer's mind.  Often he wrote them when very tired and half asleep;
also, not infrequently, what he believed to be true was not so - but it does not
follow that he always discovered this, or remembered to correct the mistakes when
discovered.  Indeed he could not always remember that he had written them.
These records should, therefore, be used with great caution, as relating what
their author, at the time of writing, believed.  Further, he cannot, of course, vouch
for the accuracy of statements made to him by others and here recorded. But he
did try to ensure such accuracy by consulting, as far as possible, those who had
seen or otherwise taken part in the events. The constant falsity of second-hand
evidence (on which a large proportion of war stories are founded) was impressed
upon him by the second or third day of the Gallipoli campaign, notwithstanding that
those who passed on such stories usually themselves believed them to be true. All
second-hand evidence herein should be read with this in mind.
16 Sept. 1946.    C. E. W. BEAN


2 Bn Pozieres
7th BN

Lihons - Herleville
6 Bn C Coy Lihons
do not


Pozieres. Gibraltar.
Abt light Herod OC. Coy 2nd
Bn saw Gibraltar ahead. It looked
dangerous. Patrols had gone
out thro / village & across /
road. He sent Lt Waterhouse out
thro / houses & round / back
o / house to / right with 10 men
pla Herod himself with 3
men ran at it from the front.
Waterhouse rushed it from / back.
There were found 3 mgs
mounted - one looking
as shown (these were
brought out).
Diagram. See original document.
3 offrs. 30 Germs
were found inside (later Lt. M.C.) & & one Sergt actually
holding the buttons of the gun. They surrendered.
18 pairs of Zeiss Binoculars were found there
4th Bn were digging by rd. The guns were later lost
in the Bn H.Q. in the "log-hut dugout"
7 Bn Lihons.
On mg of Aug 9. 7 Bn
left 0 17 A  (N of V.Bret. by
Fouilloy) at 8.30 am:
They marched to main
road & across country by
a march route chosen
by C.B. to S. outskirts
of Bayonvillers - reaching
there abt 12.30 pm.
Only 10 mins here - 
time to park Tpt & unship LGs.
from waggons. Then off again
S of road in battle formation
(in arty formation - this part
of country being shelled) S of
Harbonnieres & assembled
for attack S of Harb.
There they picked up
the tanks & artillery which 


were to go forward w them.
2 guns were told off to each
attacking Bn. 7 Bn had a section 
(7 & 8 Bns)
of C Bty 189 Army Bde
Orders for attack had bn
recd. on / road - order
to go to Bde HQ came verbally
to C.O. - he told Bn to go 
to W2C.
Bde H Qrs ws near
Guillancourt. C.O. there ws
misled to attack with 8
Bn from green line (wh
had already bn attacked by
15 Bde - it ws supposed to
attack in place of 2 Bde
at 11 am). 


6 tanks, (2nd Tank Bn)
1 sectn of our 2nd MG Coy
& 1 sectn arty were
allotted to Bn.
At 12.15  C.O. rejoined
Bn  S of Bayonvillers.
They had just reached
there; he went on w them
to S of Harb.
They assembled in /
Sunken Rds in W 17
S of Harb. Tank, arty
& Coy Commdrs were called
together by Col Herod CO & he explained
to them what they had to 
do. Rly line ws 76 Bdy.
grid line betw E & W  imd S. of
Vauvillers ws left Bdy.
7 Bn ws to make good 


road from Framerville
towds Lihons - S of
Moulin Favre - as a
matter of fact / red line
ws just short of the road.
No exploitation.
At 1.50 they pushed
Diagram. See original document.
A & B had each a line of
scouts across the front.
Tanks 150 yds behind
2 line Coys 150 yds behind
tanks in arty formation
of sections. 


The two supporting Coys
followed at 500 yds
distance in arty formation
of platoons.
Bn H.Q. moved
betw the two support Coys.
Arty 500 yds in
rear of support Coys.
So they moved from
the Sunken Rd.
They know nothing definite of
our own front exc. that
15 Bde were supposed to
be on green line;
nor anything of enemys
disposition ahead.


So they pushed out as into
the blue.
The Germs cdnt see
them till they topped a bit
of a rise in 18 A & C.
From there it ws perfectly
flat till they reached
the up slope quite
close to the objve.
When they cleared this
rise they came under arty
fire from 2 bties firing
direct from the objective
- from the very road.
6 German planes were
in / air & stayed 30 minutes. 


4 bombs were dropped
by them - they caused
a few casualties by these
& by m.g.
These planes went
away in / end - not
driven away.
There was no cooperation
with our planes, nor our
guns. From / start onwards

nothing ws seen of the 2
guns attached & when
7 scouts were sent out

for them (as soon as C.O.
saw / guns open) - they
cd not be found. The
8 guns cd be seen firing



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