Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/194/1 - August - September 1918 - Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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and 2243 o s pa up t t t t w t t or chrte ty googg po o ong woy t Mycanso t m omosis t t & tro yon o 8004 + 275 I 7 8 2 43 (wh ws the ferman Corduroy Rd) from Baird. In 1 Attr 1 Germans threw minenw. over towds Ferret Tr. - over thennow tranch & lowds (Sr Bn. In the After Baird went to Sugar trench (tho Factor) & found me Millan there & CoyHgr & some en of other plus. Noone in Legar F. Co say where X Coy ws. Baird brought the men from Sagar Manor fr trench t Tust before dark a ranver arrd to say that X Coy. ws also an monow E & Friangle French (wherethe bad got to from Hussar Baird found to Post 2Coy had also got there
a 07 t t o m guo 20 ho mo 70o 2) 1ar emr 76 I coy ws practically on the tougal going into the vally The trendes there had bu bady knocked out by our artillery. (This later because ferman barrage time wh accounts for the battered state in wh they were on Sept 29). Baird found Irest off loy there o came back to Mennow trench w rest of V Coy The 3plus were then fixer in mennow trench - reorganised, The Jermans shelled the trench next morning for an hour at dawn & it looked as if he were soig to gattack. In the first Eminutes men were tiil in the trench.
o t vry or nea of t eof t ag h tpor p p There were from 2 whizzban shells wh but the parados & blew back. No falling back occurred S of the Rd - where our flank was, but the British A of the Rd fell back towds dusk on the eve of Sept 18. The British fell back to Rifle trench wh is just W of the Lenkin Rd to Ronson vvery hour a patiol ws sent across to the Tommces during night & a Vickers gun of 151 Mf- Coy ws put tere to cover the sap Landw an offo - I think W. Heane) The ling us as fixed on God Bn Sector on morning of 21 Sept when the minor operation took place. 1t Bn reto. &Coy. VCoy
ies Coun 30 17 2 Bde. 24 2 b Tysin o3 pcs &1 71 m s p of n t i 78 went to Lugar Post (by 3 entry dugont). Also X Coy to Leyar Pot. 2 Coy did the attack on ig of Sept 21 for 3rd Bn. One Bn of 2nd Bde relieved 15t Bn & they also went forwd. Coy went forwd estebd 2 posts as outposts & a support post abt 600 yds ahead- in the flat in the valley on the rt of the Rd in 25 B & D. They remained there 9 am. Mc Donald ws ar change of them. He phoned to say the Tommees were falling back on left Baird sent this to Dn. Baird came up to the top of the dujout in Sugar Post & 2 Tommics came down 1Yx They sd they were veny back as Bit as attacking.
t ano M d d Sm as soon as this happined Baird made the loy stand to Our posts tee came in. It looked as tho the ferms must have attached on 1 lept. Legett took his pli up to minnow treach with two 9. The fermans were sweepin place w in go. The plu got across without casnalties. Bavrs went over to look at stuation & found to the 3 post of SBn had some back to minnow toench The truch ws lettered to rifs amon ete hGs & abt 30 tommies Te commed had fallen back Rifle French. This lefton left post flank 1000yds in the air t loy took up its riginal positin in treangle

across the Rd into the
Triangle Trench.
Lt. C.J McDonald ^M.C "X" Coy ws shot
thro the lung on tt road
there by a m.g. which
as playing down / road -
They cdnt get at McD.
for sometime. He died
later at the C.C.S from internal
haemorrhage & transfusion ws
tried but the loss of blood had
bn too great. (McD got his
M.C. at Strazeele on June 20
in an attack on a German trench wh ws held apt 5 c/attacks
when Higginbottom ws killed
Hawkshaw ws wd in the
thigh by a mg. on this road.
In Triangle Trench was 
found a fine big boiler of
hot coffee, cakes, unopened
parcels - the German 


(wh ws the German Corduroy
Rd) from Baird.
In / aftn / Germans
threw minenws. over towds
Ferret Tr. - over Minnow
trench & towds 1st Bn -
In the aftn Baird went
to Sugar trench (thro
Factory) & found McMillan
there & Coy HQrs & some
men of other plns.
Noone in Sugar Tr cd
say where X Coy ws. Baird
brought the men from Sugar
trench to Minnow Tr.
Just before dark a runner
arrd to say that X Coy.
ws also in Minnow T.
x Triangle Trench (where they
had got to from Hussar
Post) & Baird found tt
Z Coy had also got there.


Germs in whole valley
seemed to go for their
lines - / whole seemed
to give way (there 3
isolated men cd be seen
going up alone towds
where / guns were).
The resistance gave
way & Leggetts pln followed
as fast as it cd. They were
on the "Buffs" ground.
They finished on / left
o / road. When they got
almost to Trollope Tr. the
Buffs seemed to come over
/ hill from the NNW. Leggett
cd see he ws off his ground
He had a talk w a Tommy
offr & took his men

Z Coy ws practically on the
tongue going into the valley.
The trenches there had bn
badly knocked out by our
artillery. (This later became
/ German barrage line wh
accounts for the battered
state in wh they were on
Sept 29). Baird found
/ rest o / coy there &
came back to Minnow
trench w / rest of Y Coy.
The 3 plns were then fixed
in Minnow trench - reorganised.
The Germans shelled the
trench next morning for
an hour at dawn & it looked
as if he were going to c/attack.
In the first 2 minutes [shorthand]
men were hit in the trench.



Leggett met Lord & Baird in
Hargict- & Clark,
Leggett lay up on left of
Rd just to N. of Lord &
Leggetts pln went fowd
under / barrage, having to
wait for it al times, towds
Valley post - in the Sunken 
Rd leading up / valley towds
Carbine Trench; came out

of the Sunken Rd & came

under m.g.  fire from a 
m.g in the copse of a 
few smashed scrubs below
w of Sugar trench; & were
sniping at the germs wh
McMillan rushed ^from across
/ valley. As soon as those
guns ceased fire the

There were from 2 whizzbang
shells wh hit the parados
& blew back.
No falling back occurred
S of the Rd - where our flank
was, but the British
N of the Rd fell back towds
dusk on the evg of Sept 18.
The British fell back to
Rifle trench wh is just
W of the Sunken Rd to Ronsoy.
Every hour a patrol ws
sent across to the Tommies
during / night & a Vickers
gun of 1st M.G Coy ws put
there to cover the gap (and w
an offr - I think Lt. Heane)
The line ws as fixed on
3rd Bn Sector on morng
of 21 Sept when the minor
operation took place.
1st Bn reld Y Coy. Y Coy


Tommies ]
3rd Z         ]
lst              ]
2 Bde.       ]
men were exceedingly
pleased by seeing the kilts o /
Scottish troops coming down
over the ridge between our
men & Ronsoy. They apptly
came in to fill up / gaps &
hold. The line remained
in Rifle trench. 3rd Bn
ws reld tt night by a
Bn of 2nd Bde.

went to Sugar Post (by 3 entrnce
dugout). Also X Coy to Sugar
Post. Z Coy did the attack
on mg. of Sept 21 for 3rd
Bn. One Bn of 2nd Bde
relieved 1st Bn & they also
went forwd.
Z Coy went forwd &
estabd 2 posts as outposts
& a support post abt 600
yds ahead- in the flat
in the valley on the rt of
the Rd in 25 B & D. They
remained there 9 am. McDonald
ws in change of them. He phoned
to say the Tommies were
falling back on / left
Baird sent this to Bn. Baird
came up to the top of the dugout
in Sugar Post & 2 Tommies
came down / trench. They sd
they were going back as
Fritz ws attacking.


Trench & a Vickers gun
went over there. This left
things as they were in /
Baird told Bn the positn
& abt ¼ hr later the 18 pdrs
put down a good barrage -
The Tommies had made posts
in Zoo trench & Top trench.
The Germans charged them in
overcoats with packs &
Tommies cd be seen surrendering.
Some Tommies were
left out in shellholes &
had a hot time under our
barrage. The Germs were
moving down at / valley
head a good deal. Abt
2 hrs later (11 pm.) the
as soon as this happened Baird
made the coy stand to .Our
posts then came in. It looked
as tho the Germs must have
attached on / left. Leggett
took his pln up to minnow
trench with two L.Gs. The Germans
were sweeping / place w The pln got across
without casualties. Baird
went over to look at /
situation & found tt the 3
post of 3Bn had come back
to minnow trench - The trench
ws littered w rifles, ammun
etc L.Gs - & abt 30 Tommies.
The Tommies had fallen back
to Rifle Trench. This left our
left post flank 1000yds
in the air. Z Coy took up its
original positn in Triangle

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