Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/194/1 - August - September 1918 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
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The riht post of r2 Bn was was RCD 5.6. (S.F. of Garenne wood). The ferman did not c attack that on the left some of thes german poots were very Close. No one knew of te Existence of the bis gun before the attack. The Bag C. Coy startin out ws following a Coy of 151 Br. Thinking that it wo necy to keep closer to Barrag McDermid went thro tem before the arty halt line as reached. He had no check till he reached the jun 155 Bu claim that when the halt line ws reached they noticed a gap between McDermed & the 4th Bn. They sent a plu. to fill this
4 gap of they claim that this plu got the jun & 100 pnsoners The oficers of C. loy all may that they passed the gun. + had a look ab it & look some prisoners from there? They were on the first halt ane o scouts were out abat as soon as the bana moved 13B a plu sollowed it & camg on the gun & went from the gun to Aocy Wood (a small copoe on the opposite hillside where therd was a 77gun). When they came back, they came back to the top of thn w stope of the vally sust w. of the fun, & were still in port of any of 1 Bn the l During rest of 23 Aug.
42 nothing happened except rearg & consolitation & protective patrolli. One ferman post on left was within 100 yds of our line in old French trenches. Ou the et they were further back in Canard wood 1001 Auy 24 we quiet. On night ey 12 Pn relieved B(Ap)by & C. Coy. 3od Bn relieved left part of D Cg. D coy extended right to take up their correct pontage. At 9 am. 25 the Bn ws NOS on its profer obsie & boudaries BBdy. E ane the o S. edge of Squar 1 84. on giid. N. Bdy Eowan thio MT.BO.6.
42 The pont ws prace. No 5 two M7 central. on 25th Aug. informate as read of ferms. returng spoud only lyghth belt. Paliol ordered to exploit. Patrot on at moved this Canard wood & coming out at E abt midday ws beavil fired on por 2 at M8D38. The truch we across ivalling & commanded Ivalley up wh they were moving (wood most of is across bvaley on les germs were ouly 200 yds away, (& of wood on edge of platean ) & patrols coat make progress. all patrols drew very heavy firg - 5 t0s. mgs. arty -for an hour - a very
44 heavy Carry the heaviest lawd down in that was this sector. Probl they thought we weregain to attack). we put our arty outs that trinch across the valley & their Shooting w a good - right ont it. at 10 P.m. sameday A I coys moved feried & estebld a line Eof caward wood about at this ry line, which gir had abandoued in meanting any way they didn't wait for patrols. From there farther patrots struck heavy ring. fire th0 1 night 25/26. at 10 am. on 26 Sept patrob went foud supported platoons which sent them pushed forwd lig to
45 M9 C6.3 - 5 M9BS.8. tuch as gained with 11Bn in lef at M9BS.8. 4tB ws still somedestance in rear. This meant an advance in 24 his of 1800 yds. Patrols at once pushes thro Fontaine to MGD. 36 found ferms holding Predgs t o villag in some stringk. TheBdB ws ordered to consolidate f live it had reached. Supporting Coy moved up. Lene, handed over to ex Bs at mid night 26/27 The tanks w wh Bn wothed on 23d were first it had ever worked with Tank Commor ws
or ti ted. m 33 178 dofw 6 3 R.atD. 181 39. bod. DO.C. Kellner Support Coy- wd by shellon 2320 Ang13 In Rpm attack on 10p Dent bt E. Hawkshaw w Jachson, wear weat & same tims as Corma DH.D. Arnotd - on the flat before you attack - serewed ankle & wanted to so on. Dr W. D.L; Lamrock Hit just after Start Aa 23. Lt A.J.S. Croll on way over on Aug 23 D E.H. Jackson D.C.M. Sametime as Cormach. 2H C. L. wain right not Aug 23 in 2 pm. attack Yet G.P. Darlow. same time as Cormack wd (RaD) Lt F.T. Tarvis. wd in after attack resouned rom Drissin Str) 47 anxious to do what he cdgetting out of tank, producing his map. The tanks drew a lob of fire on themselves of ma infy int have belond way Officer wottis C 6 M. McL. Keshan (Tugitou w instructor of Sydney k. at Teroon 23rd, Bnws formed w. of Bogart & started at Zero. Tust then 2 shells got the whole of Keshans reatar - Exc. 2 men. tho Copt Cormack &. wd see opposite.
48 incasualties. Ser Abt 52 k 155 0 4offrs Capt. 5 suno: 5 wich r t 15 minenw 6 offs 22d. th 24. Ph 51 24 24. shows losses 392 of 23 Aug 1.25. 18. 26. 365 16 322 27 Te main casnatties were from 7am. when they reached toe Tenal objve to 3 pm. Uup to then the chief resuatties had been in taeph laid out by a shell.
49 He Big fun. As C. Coy of Bod Bn got over I stope towds 1 by gun & its wood (wh wson it Plank) Sermans co be seen runnn out o wood. The Coy passed the wood on its right, going into the vally. M.g. s had been iri from trenches on Bogart side of wood & they were abondoned by 1 Jerms. The wood tos giveng no opposite when C. Coy passed it. Cpl. Doughty went thio the wood as they were advancing. He had 300 4 men with him. They ceptured a ferman offr sa bo commde who fired one shot at him
a revolver & then toew w revolver away. Dought got him & 2 other offes. you ad see erms run away trying to chinb opp side of the valley them were shot of a lot to get up there trying ap it. The Coy followed thio the valley - but our shells were falling short in the valley & the folle stope. McDermied withdrew his cooydsor men a little (abt 20 mens less) & lay up for just to the lef of the wood wt wood on their right. They went on again & the tanks had some difficulty in getting

Diagram - see original


This was The right post of 12 Bn was R6D 5.6.
(S.E. of Garenne Wood).
The German did not c. attack
tho' on the left some of the
German posts were very

No one knew of the existence
of the big gun before the attack.
The 4th Bn as C. Coy starting 
out ws following a Coy of 1st
Bn. Thinking that it ws necy
to keep closer to / Barrage
McDermid went thro' them 
before the arty halt line ws
reached. He had no check
till he reached the gun.
1st Bn claim that
when the halt line ws reached
they noticed a gap between
McDermid & the 4th Bn.
They sent a pln. to fill this 


gap & they claim that this
pln got the gun & 100 prisoners.
The officers of C. Coy all say
that they passed the gun &
had a look at it & took some
prisoners from there. They
were on the first halt line
& scouts were out ahead; 
as soon as the barrage moved
a pln 3rd Bn followed it & came on
the gun & went from the gun
to Arcy Wood (a small copse
on the opposite hillside where
there was a 77 gun). When
they came back, they came
back to the top of the W slope
of the valley just W of the gun,
& were still in front of any
of 1st Bn there

During rest of 23 Aug. 


nothing happened except
reorgn. & consolitatn &
protective patrolling. One German
post on left was within 100
yds of our line in old French
trenches. On the rt they were
further back in Canard Wood
No 1.

On Aug 24 ws quiet.
On night 24/5  12 Bn
relieved B (left) Coy & C. Coy
3rd Bn relieved left part of
D Coy. D Coy extended right
to take up their correct
frontage.  At 9 a.m. 25 the
Bn ws N & S on its proper
objve & boundaries.
N.S.Bdy: E & W line thro' S. edge of Square M7,8 9,

on grid.
N. Bdy E & W line thro' M7.B0.6. 


The front ws prac. N & S.
thro M7 central.
On 25th Aug. informatn ws
recd of Germs. retiring - front

only lightly held. Patrols

ordered to exploit.
Patrol on rt moved thro
Canard Wood, & coming out at
E abt midday ws heavily
fired on from trenches at M8D3.8.
The trench ws across / valley 

& commanded / valley up

wh they were moving (wood 
is across ^most of / valley).
On left Germs were only
200 yds away, (N of Wood,
on edge of plateau) & patrols
cd nt make progress.
All patrols drew very
heavy fire - TMs.,
arty - for an hour - a very 


heavy barrage - the heaviest

that was laid down in 

this sector. (Probly they thought
we were going to attack).
We put our arty onto that
trench across the valley & their
shooting ws v. good - right
onto it.
At 10 p.m. same day A & 
D Coys moved forwd & establd
a line E of Canard Wood about
at this trench line, which Germs
had abandoned in / meantime 

- anyway they didn't wait
for / patrols. From there further
patrols struck heavy m.g.
fire thro / night 25/26.
At 10 a.m. on 26 ^Sept. Aug.
patrols went forwd supported
by platoons which sent them
& pushed forwd line to 


M9 C 6.3 - to M9 B 5.8.
Touch ws gained with 11Bn
on left at M 9B 5.8. 4th Bn
ws still some distance in rear.
This meant an advance
in 24 hrs of 1800 yds.
Patrols at once pushed
thro Fontaine to M9D.3.6
& found Germs holding / ridge
E of village in some strength.
The 3rd Bn ws ordered to
consolidate / line it had
reached. Supporting Coys
moved up. Line handed
over to 24 Bn at midnight
The tanks w wh Bn
worked on 23d were first it
had ever worked with.
Tank Commdr ws v.



or.  k. wd. m.
  33 178 1
dofw. 6 3R.atD.   
  39 181 1

Lt O.C. Kellner Support Coy- wd by
shell on 23rd. 

Lt E. Hawkshaw Aug 23 In 2pm attack
on top of crest

w Jackson & Darwin
were wd at / same time as Corma
Lt A.D. Arnold - on the flat before
2pm attack - screwed
ankle & wanted to go on.
Lt W.D.L: Lamrock
Hit just after start Aug 23.
Lt A.J.S. Croll. on way over on
Aug 23.
Lt E.H. Jackson D.C.M. Same time
as Cormack.
2/Lt C.L. Wainright MM
Aug 23 in 2 p.m. attack.
2/Lt G.P. Darlow. Same time as
Wd (R at D) Lt F.J. Jarvis. wd in aftn
attack (rejoined from Dressing Stn)

anxious to do what he
cd - getting out of tank,
producing his map. The
tanks drew a lot of fire
on themselves & may
have helped infy in tt
Casualties Officers


Lt M. McL. Keshan (Jujitsu
instructor of Sydney)
k. at Zero on 23rd. Bn ws
formed W. of Proyart & started at Zero.
Just then 2 shells got the whole of Keshans
platoon - exc. 2 men.  tho
Capt ^A.G. Cormack k.

Wd. see opposite: 


German casualties.
Abt 52 k.
Capt. 4 offrs 155 o.r.
Guns: 5 – 77s

            1     15 inch.


            6 minenw.    

    offrs or
Strength. 23rd: 24. 527
  24. 24. 518

(shows losses 

of 23 Aug)


25 17 392.


26. 18. 365.


27. 16. 322

The main casualties
were from 7a.m. when they
reached the final objve, to 3p.m.
Up to then the chief casualties
had been in the pln laid out
by a shell. 


The Big Gun.
As C. Coy of 3rd Bn got
over / slope towds / big gun
& its wood (wh ws on rt
flank) Germans cd be
seen running out o / 

wood. The Coy passed
the wood on its right, going
into the valley. M.g.s had been
firing from trenches on Proyart
side of wood & they
were abandoned by / Germs.
The wood ws giving no
oppositn when C. Coy passed
it. Cpl. Doughty went
thro the wood as they were
advancing. He had 3 or 4
men with him. They captured
a German offr, a bn. commdr,
who fired one shot at him 



w a revolver & then threw
/ revolver away. Doughty
got him & 2 other offrs.
You cd see / Germs running
away trying to climb / 
opp. side of the valley & 
a lot of them were shot

up there trying to get up
The Coy followed thro
the valley - but our shells
were falling short in the
valley & the follg slope.
McDermid withdrew his
men a little (abt 100 yds or
less) & lay up for 20 mins.
just to the left of the wood w /
wood on their right. They
went on again & the tanks
had some difficulty in getting 

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Loretta CorbettLoretta Corbett
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