Charles E W Bean, Diaries, AWM38 3DRL 606/191/1 - August 1918 - Part 3
There were saddlers
shops (army workshop)
medical stores, signalling
stores, armourers shops,
the Corps HQs w a beautiful
library & tremendous
quantities of papers-
a hospital in the church
& 20 wagon loads of arty
gear & officers kits. All
round the country w of
Hamerville there were
ammunition dumps-
we strafed all day w heavy
shell. 5.9, 8 in etc.
17 Bn stayed there 36
hours after taking the place.
Gen Currie [[shorthand]]
Air service,
Each corps has its own squadron
contact patrol.
There are 24 fresh squadrons 8 of which are
Camel scouts. These will go thru to
German aerodromes.
4 night bombing squadron
4 day bombing squadron
2 counter attack
rest low [[shorthand]] squadron to prevent its arty
getting away and to attack its infantry
Then on Aug 11. 19 Bn
pushed the line forwd
thro Rainecourt (a
well carried out light
17 Bn then withdrew to
the Bray Line (J.O. line)
& had 2 splendid days
of sunshine there, & a
bath in Bayonvillers
in a bath fixed up
by our own engrs.
The feeding all thro'
was excellent- on the aftn
of Aug 8 the men were
given a good hot stew, tea
& rum. The rations were issued exactly as if nothing.
had happened.
On evg. of Aug 9 as
soon as it ws dark eno. for
limbers to get forward the
hot stew was ready & the
men gn a good feed after
the hard days work.
In spite o/ shelling
they got it next day too.
(Q.Ms. name Davidson
did first rate work)
1st day.
Lt Maynard} v. slight during first
shell to shoulder
Lt Sullivan} advance
bullet in foot
2nd Day.
Capt Harnett. piece of shell thro shoulder
& calf
Lt Harries slightly wd by same shell
(2nd day) Both these last on jumping off
line in the light barrage.
Read missing.
New [shorthand]
at stated [[shorthand]]
6 [[shorthand]]
S of Ceresy
+4 {Guillancort
abt {S of Mericonet
+5 {Harbonieres
whole holding on 3rd day
Lt. Warner} both wd in the
Lt Miller } heavy shelling
The shift at Fauvillers (? 3rd corps)
had put many of their papers
on the train wh ws captured.
Others were clear sent back
by Bn- & there are
shll still many there.
They were in the chateau
& in houses used as offices.
The Germs had a couple of
tunnels in the orchard probly
in case of emergency.
Diagram- see original
This is much the best
show the 17 Bn has bn
in. The organisation of
the first attack (Aug 8) was
marvellous- secrecy, dumps,
moving up of everything
behind the attack.
The men are stale,
mentally not physically
tired. They had ∧ nearly 40 days
at V/B before this fight.
Hamel Patrols
After Hamel 18 & 20 Bns
reld 6 Bde & began to exploit.
They pushed out a certain way
(Brown got his VC for part of this).
they pushed out to a line
Diagram- see original
NE & SW thro P26 central
19 & 17 Bns took over- &
contained it & one night
hopped out & took the German
Str Pt called Buzzard in
27c. Next night 17 Bn
worked out S. of rd to 32 centl.
& took tt bit of trench (to P 32
centl.) Posts were put out the
same night betw there & Buzzard
(very hard to find where you were)
This meant enabled 7 Bde to
start pushing farther S (next
night 7 Bde went to monument
wood & from Rly Bdge at V/B.
The follg night Germans intended to
retake Buzzard (we got their orders); but
19 Bn same night had taken the
post from which they intended to
hop off- Germ. arty came down
at 4.20 but no infantry action. We
wondered what it was till we got the order
12.30p.m. saw men got into Bray Corbie linex . 1.15 Tommies going
ford N of Malard wood
shortly after we saw abt 23 [[shorthand]] running away on Chipilly spur x
2:10 16 Bn now in Morcourt Tommies having come up.
(abt 11.30 the left advanced battery came under v.
heavy shellfire from chipilly
xThere ws a fight here. Men signalled to tank
w smoke but tank ws stuck.
Germans meantime were bringing up
2.45 Chipilly being shelled heavily all time- going up in dust.
Smoke barrage on hill E of it & protective barrage.
Each little push brought down
a German barrage, genly
on the line they had left.
Also it turned up the
The German used to have his
m.g. firing over the crops
(the crops interfere w the bullets).
The German then later put
out a very strong line of
posts across 32B & 33A
& wired them in (no posts
in front). & from there to the
time o the attack he ws
very nervous.
No more posts were taken.
It was told to our people tt they
were only sparring for a good
winter line- almost a continuous
trench by the time they left.
Diagram- see original
prisoners to 10am 9.
Yest prisoners abt 5000
154 5700 5854}
wd 6375
21 500 521}
2nd Div: 29 guns Before 12.
23 TMs nearly 4000 prisoners
150 M guns guns 87
m.g. 150
TM. 23.
2: 8in.
7: 5.9. armed cars & engine.
Rly Gun aircraft bombed it
Carlir armed cars.
Warfusee (got thro) Put [shorthand?] (at Framerville/Harbonniers [[shorthand]])
[Another took Marcelcave]
Trees across Rd. got up to front line at Red Line.
Harbonnieres Valley many Germans. Then [[shorthand]] some to Framerville
All Germ. waggons ready to bo It. move. [[shorthand]]
All k. left there also 4 junior S.Os.
Shot some sham waggons at Vauvillers.
At Fancaucourt [[shorthand]] of rd meter.
Blew wheels off one car hit 3 [[shorthand]].
At Prozart found [[shorthand]] heavy [[?]]. Shot into houses
k. a lot.
Another sectn, went to Chuignolles - full of Germans.
Shot at them. At La Flaque a big dump. No wiring
old overgrown trenches but no system. saw many trenches going
away but no formed troops. [[shorthand]]
one line abt 1000 yds E of blue line.
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